Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 962 - Level 7 Furball

Chapter 962 - Level 7 Furball


In the sea of stars, an astonis.h.i.+ng scene played out!

Xia Fei"s brand-new combat technique using the Law of Primal Chaos, the Dark Crescent Ruinblade, was matching against the divine arrow formed from level 8 Great Law G.o.d New Moon"s Three Great Laws. The collision was so intense that it created an explosion that could blot out the sun!

The tri-colored divine arrow consisted entirely of three different law forces! When the G.o.d Race"s Laws of s.p.a.ce and Matter were combined with the Demon Race"s Law of Light, the power of the explosion could make the universe blush in shame!

The Law of s.p.a.ce seized control of the surroundings first, then the Law of Matter distorted everything, and finally, the Law of Light dealt the killing blow!

It was a very vicious plan, and countless War G.o.ds had failed to withstand the attack of the Celestial Stamp Bodhi and New Moon"s Three Great Laws. After all, the t.i.tle of the Law Realm"s number-one dine archer had not come for free. There was no doubting New Moon"s strength!

Xia Fei was different, though. The law force he used did not originate from the Law Realm but something unique in the universe! The Law of Primal Chaos did not have many abilities; its only ability was to reverse the laws of others! No matter what kind of attack it was, it could reverse it!


The Dark Crescent Ruinblade created via the Law of Primal Chaos had managed to block the tri-colored divine arrow that New Moon was so proud of!

The ruinblade fiercely shuddered. This was clearly because of New Moon"s enormous power. The amount of power unleashed by a level 8 Great Law G.o.d was simply astronomical!

A mystical reaction was taking place!

Whether it was the Law of s.p.a.ce or the Law of Light, when the Law of Primal Chaos arrived, nothing could overcome it!

Although the process was rather challenging, the Law of Primal Chaos had managed to block this vicious attack!

That tri-colored divine arrow, which had proudly laughed at the universe, was being distorted and reversed! The ruinblade created by the Law of Primal Chaos was slicing it in half!

"Break for me!"

Xia Fei"s eyes exploded with chilling lights as he roared.

"Impossible! This can"t be happening!" In the distance, New Moon saw the divine arrow he had created by merging three laws break, and he shuddered with shock in his eyes. At this moment, his strong confidence and duty began to waver!

For the first time in history, New Moon felt helpless. It turned out that the ultimate technique he had refined for so many years could also be broken! In front of the Law of Primal Chaos, all laws were reversed!

This was the power of such law! It existed to shatter the laws and balance of the universe! It was the most unreasonable existence!

To be honest, this was all thanks to the fact that Xia Fei had broken into level 5 of the Law of Primal Chaos, allowing him to use far more energy than before. Otherwise, not even the Law of Primal Chaos would be able to overcome New Moon"s tri-colored divine arrow completely. After all, New Moon still had that vast advantage in rank. He was a level 8 Great Law G.o.d!

Of course, the boost that the rainbow energy ball in his seventh brain region had given to the Law of Primal Chaos also could not be ignored.


With the arrow broken, Xia Fei felt his confidence soar!

He had just proven that New Moon"s tri-colored divine arrow was not a lethal threat to him, and the two sides were once more evenly matched. It was now a compet.i.tion of who was fiercer and crazier! Who had the more intense will to fight!


Xia Fei moved quickly, as did the Dark Crescent Ruinblade!

After breaking through New Moon"s arrow, the ruinblade made from the Law of Primal Chaos headed straight for the man himself! Xia Fei circled around the perimeter, using the Law of Primal Chaos to conceal his body as he silently approached New Moon.

That dark crescent moon hurtled through s.p.a.ce with an unstoppable force, and next to it was Xia Fei, who had the gaze of a starving ghost.

New Moon began to panic. The destruction of the tri-colored divine arrow frustrated him to no end! If he must go to such great lengths just to deal with a puny Law Sage warrior, would he not lose all the dignity of a Great Law G.o.d?!

Raising the Celestial Stamp Bodhi, New Moon let loose three arrows in a row! They rapidly accelerated, ultimately lining up in a single pile.

If one arrow could not break through the Law of Primal Chaos"s power, New Moon planned to use three!

At the same time, New Moon"s eyes flashed with cunning. His left hand made a semi-circle, his arm leaving a trail of twinkling starlight in its wake, which concealed his body among the stars!

"The Beautiful Hidden Blade! So this guy wasn"t just a wielder of three laws! He"s a successor of one of the Eight Blades of G.o.d, the Beautiful Hidden Blade!" Radix cried in shock.

The Beautiful Hidden Blade was another blade that the G.o.d Race used to kill people. While it was not as sharp as the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade, it was still an existence that could not be underestimated!

New Moon"s actions just then had proven that he was not just a successor of the Beautiful Hidden Blade but one in the direct line of succession, too!

The key of the Beautiful Hidden Blade was in the word "hidden". What was important was how one hid themselves. On the surface, New Moon had waved his arm and left a trail of twinkling starlight, as if he had hidden himself in the starlight. However, Xia Fei knew that New Moon had left that dazzling cloud long ago, and there was no telling where he was now!

The unseen enemy was the most dangerous!

Hidden in the sea of stars, New Moon could appear before Xia Fei at any moment and deal him a lethal blow!

Xia Fei"s eyes erupted with sharp light as he activated the Ocular Cognition of the Beast Spirit Codex!

He quickly scanned the sea of stars, seeking the most likely places that New Moon might be hiding.


Sans any warning, a pale white saber swept out. This was truly the Beautiful Hidden Blade! The edge of the blade was aimed at Xia Fei"s right rib, which was where his defense was the weakest, as he moved forward. New Moon had succeeded in seizing hold of this opening, which was neither too small nor too big!


As the saber approached, Peac.o.c.k Blue suddenly rushed out from under Xia Fei"s ribs, the eight giant blades of gra.s.s acting like an umbrella. Seven blades then resisted New Moon"s attack, while the other one moved to New Moon"s back to grab his legs.

Yes, Peac.o.c.k Blue had been heavily injured a few moments ago, but Peac.o.c.k Blue was the universe"s most tenacious weed! It had a fighting spirit that refused to give up! This short period of time was enough for it to recover its fighting power!

A beautiful attack and a wondrous defense!


As the saber clashed against Immemorial Mystical Armament Peac.o.c.k Blue, there was a boom like the ringing of a bell!

The ghostly strike of the Beautiful Hidden Blade had been blocked by Peac.o.c.k Blue!

"Crafty Approach!"

At the same time, Xia Fei"s feet lightly slid as he moved to New Moon"s back and raised his fiendish weapon Nirvana!


While Xia Fei and New Moon were evenly matched, far away, Furball was having a feast.

White beams of light were coming out from the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation like ribbons spanning the heavens. One end was attached to the formation, while the other was connected to Furball"s mouth.

*Whoosh whoos.h.!.+*

Furball rapidly absorbed this seemingly endless stream of energy. The minutes continued to go by, with the Holy beast seemingly intent on drinking the sea empty, his enormous stomach simply insatiable.

Moha and Suya were utterly dumbfounded!

They had never imagined that the egg-sized Furball would have such an enormous appet.i.te. The light of the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation was beginning to dim, but Furball was still not done absorbing it!

"Heavens! Is Holy beast Shatterstar going to consume the entire Celestial Beast Refinement Formation? There are 999,000 Origin Crystals!" Suya said in shock.

Moha clenched his fists, worry written all over his face. After all, the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation used energy as its foundation. Once the formation ran out of energy, Furball would be able to come out of his cage!


As Moha fretted, a scene, which had one between laughter and tears, took place. It seemed like Furball had eaten too much energy, such that his stomach could not hold anymore, and he accidentally spit some out.

"Ha! Look there! Holy beast Shatterstar can"t take anymore! How ridiculous! I really thought that he might destroy the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation, but it seems like his appet.i.te can only go so far!" Suya rubbed his belly as he pointed at Furball and laughed like a human.

Moha firmly nodded, scorn in his eyes as he softly said, "He wanted to destroy my Celestial Beast Refinement Formation single handedly? Keep dreaming! Eat! Let"s see who breaks first!"

As he spoke, the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation erupted with light!

Like the last ray of the sun as it set, this light erupted from Furball"s body, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with cold murderous intent!


As the light erupted, Furball disappeared, making it seem like he had never been there, and the formation now stood empty.

"It can"t be! This is the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation, yet he managed to escape?!" Suya blinked his eyes as he spoke.

Moha was clearly dumbfounded. He checked again and again, ultimately confirming that Furball was not there and that the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation was also fine. He really could not tell how Furball had managed to do it.

*Whoos.h.!.+* *Bang!*

As the man and beast were feeling confused, a shooting star broke through the barrier of the formation and made a giant crater on the ground! Furball had gone and come back!

Moha was furious. After all, this formation was his masterwork, the crowning achievement of the Dark lifeforms" strongest beast tamer. Now, this formation for refining beasts had become Furball"s plaything—something that could be left and entered as he pleased. This was completely disrespecting Moha and the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation! How could he accept this?!


Fierce roaring came from within the formation as a savage-faced ball jumped out of the crater! It coldly swept the area with a vicious glare!

Moha and Suya both gasped in awe, for in this brief trip, Furball had evolved!

His pure-white fur bristled like steel needles, each one threatening to pierce the firmament!

Furball now was not cute at all. He was like a hedgehog, a mad hedgehog!


Furball opened his mouth and fired a string of energy cannon b.a.l.l.s, each shot causing the formation to shudder, each shot carrying the majesty of the Holy beast Shatterstar!

A level 7 Holy beast Shatterstar could repeatedly fire these energy blasts!

The entire world shuddered in despair!

The Celestial Beast Refinement Formation was Furball"s cage, but it was also now Beast Tamer Moha"s cage!

Originally, Moha could have used his psychic storm to control Furball and prevent him from going berserk.

Alas, with the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation isolating Furball, Moha could no longer do so. He could only watch as Furball threw a tantrum inside the formation, could only watch as the formation grew weaker and weaker until it verged on collapse!

The frenzied Furball had started attacking and had not once stopped. When he got tired, he absorbed the energy of the formation to replenish himself, then he attacked again, and kept attacking!

After three minutes, the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation shattered!

Furball bellowed and charged out of the cage, baring his teeth as he rushed at Moha and Suya!

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