Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1105 Borrowing the Power of Nature

Chapter 1105 Borrowing the Power of Nature

The golden eyes were floating in mid air, enveloped in a strong Spirit Energy. The Spirit Energy Xia Fei released kept flowing along the set path, almost like an ocean’s current, until it converged, like a vortex, submerging the golden eyes. Fuchen was carefully watching through the half window in the bedroom. The moment he saw the Spirit Energy gathering into a vortex, he finally could not resist the excitement he felt and tightly clenched his fist.

“Could Xia Fei not be fooling around doing it like this?” Fuchen’s exclusive soul servant, Wraith, asked inquisitively. Having followed Fuchen for many many years, even Wraith had decent knowledge of the Spiritualist path. Unfortunately, he was ultimately a soul, so he could never be an actual Spiritualist.

However, though he could not become a Spiritualist, Wraith still had quite some foresight, and what he had seen Xia Fei do was not something he had seen before.

“Not bad. Not bad at all. Those Spiritualists who have forged soul weapons before all relied on their strength to control basic soul vessels, mostly by using force, before flooding them with Spirit Energy, changing the soul vessels’ nature, but what Xia Fei’s doing is borrowing the power of nature, instead!” exclaimed Fuchen, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “The power of nature. We’re on a s.h.i.+p, though, inside his room even, not at some picturesque landscape with mountains and rivers; where’s this power of nature coming from?” asked Wraith, even more puzzled than before.

“While there isn’t any power of nature aboard this s.h.i.+p, Xia Fei managed to trans.m.u.te the environment and to create his own version of the power of nature!” Fuchen said loudly. “Look, the energy, which can guide Soul Power, is mimicking how an ocean wave moves, and this energy will accelerate as it through the veins of a soul vessel! He’s created an undercurrent of nature!”

What Xia Fei had done was not actually something hard to comprehend. No one could control the flows of nature, so how did these currents become waves, and how did these waves end up turning into tides?

It was actually because of external forces! Wind, sun, moon, and even temperature. Things that existed beyond the waves helped move the seas and oceans, turning one peaceful sea surface into a rough sea after another!

Xia Fei did not touch the Spirit Energy itself but did a little trick of rearranging his room, allowing his own Spiritual Energy to flow like nature’s ocean wave. There was no need for Xia Fei to feed a soul vessel with Spirit Energy, for Spirit Energy could now flow naturally into the soul vessel according to his arrangement of the room!

“What an ingenious idea!” Fuchen became animated. “He may not possess a high level, which is his only weakness when forging soul weapons, and has no way of doing it my way, forcibly flooding a soul vessel with Spirit Energy, but his own method is actually more efficient, since Xia Fei can now trans.m.u.te Spirit Energy to the power of nature! Like this, he won’t need to expend much mental energy as he makes a powerful energy wave, which no soul vessel can resist by the way, and as long as he focuses on reversing the soul vessel, he can even skip the process of infusing Spirit Energy to it!

“This is no different from how a paddy field can do without the troublesome and labor-intensive process of a farmer manually carrying water and irrigating it by placing a water wheel beside it. The farmer won’t need to perform manual labor and can irrigate the paddy field by making use of nature!”

Wraith froze momentarily as he mumbled, “So that’s how it is! Xia Fei sure is clever; because of his low level, he is unable to infuse much Spirit Energy, which can be deemed as his shortcoming, but with his method, his shortcoming has actually turned into his strength! Even if he has to spend days and nights forging a soul weapon, Xia Fei won’t tire out easily!

“This method is too formidable! Why hasn’t anyone thought of it before?”

Fuchen shook his head. “Anyone? Even if someone did think of it, they might be unable to do it, and that’s because they don’t have Xia Fei’s fine control of energy! Don’t just look at how Xia Fei has managed to skip the step of pouring Spirit Energy into a soul vessel, he’s actually making fine-tune adjustments to his environment at every second. Without superspeed, dexterity, and superb energy control, there’s no way anyone can do it!

“This is a talent uniquely Xia Fei’s. No one else can copy his method!”

Energy control had always been Xia Fei’s forte.

Even way back, Xia Fei had demonstrated incredible control of energy. This did not mean that he possessed powerful energy; rather, no matter how potent the energy, Xia Fei could perfectly control it once he got hold of it!

The energy would go as Xia Fei directed, like a docile little lamb! Another proof of that was currently happening right before his eyes! This surge of Spirit Energy, which no one besides Xia Fei could control, was being perfectly controlled by him!

Energy was the foundation of everything, and forging soul vessels required it even more!

The moment Xia Fei gained control of energy, successfully forging soul weapons would just be a matter of time!

For three consecutive days, Fuchen did not leave his spot outside Xia Fei’s window. Sometimes, he would even wake up in the middle of the night to check on Xia Fei’s progress. His glee would grow exponentially, but so would the look of worry in his eyes. It was almost as if something had been bothering him.

Wraith, who could understand what Fuchen was feeling, sighed. “The Spiritualist population has been on a steady decline, while the Orthodox Spiritualist populace has long since reached a point where there’s no one left to inherit the ways. These are all things that can’t be remedied. It doesn’t matter how melancholic you feel. Since Xia Fei has caught your eye, why not just take him in as your disciple.”

Fuchen heaved a long sigh, shaking his head slightly as he replied with a heavy heart, “Orthodox Spiritualists don’t have Seeds Of Life. Even someone as powerful as I am will die one day. I’ve already taken a casual look at my eventual demise and accepted my fate; what I can’t let go is my sect. I have this nagging feeling that letting the Orthodox Spiritualist line die out with me is letting down my master and ancestors. Xia Fei is really strong, but if I do take him in…”

Spiritualists placed an emphasis on talent, and while Fuchen had the desire to revitalize his sect, he had not found someone who possessed an Unrestrained Soul Spirit Mark.

That was until he met Xia Fei.

The young man had no master but had still managed to activate his Soul Mark. He was also br.i.m.m.i.n.g with talent and had plenty of traits Fuchen looked fondly to, which was why he had this idea of taking in Xia Fei as a disciple.

Alas, Fuchen found Xia Fei’s personality to be very unfathomable. He was too crafty! He was an obstinate person who refused to ever be at a disadvantage or to take a loss. Anyone who stabbed Xia Fei in the back would find him stomping on their ancestral graves even if it meant mutual destruction on both sides. He was simply too ruthless!

Wraith commented, “For the sake of survival, many warriors will adopt a ruthless persona, but only a handful can demonstrate Xia Fei’s depth of ruthlessness. I suppose that you’re worried about others having no way of surviving if Xia Fei officially treads the Orthodox Spiritualist path. Honestly, Xia Fei is quite good at killing, especially those people he dislikes and his enemies.”

Hearing Wraith’s words, Fuchen could not help but roll his eyes. Wraith was truly someone who would say what should not be said, specifically picking on Fuchen’s worries. Fuchen actually had two disciples, Basalt and Lingxing. How could a significant figure like him be out traveling on his own? He had no disciples accompanying him, which showed just how dissatisfied he had been with those disciples of his. As for his fellow Orthodox Spiritualists out there, Fuchen had his qualms on how they behaved.

There were not many Spiritualists, and even fewer were Orthodox Spiritualists. Every Spiritualist in the universe had been spoiled rotten till all sorts of att.i.tudes, like only being after profit or only caring about themselves, cropped up. The number of vices they had acquired was simply too many to count.

Fuchen was a very sentimental sort. When he met Xia Fei, he had traveled a long distance just to help a descendant of an old acquaintance. Though he had requested the specialties of that family, what kind of figure was Fuchen? Did someone of his caliber have to make a trip to that remote planet in some backward galaxy just so he could enjoy some local specialties?

At the end of the day, he was just being sentimental! Fuchen even wanted to find ways of protecting the partial descendants of a dead friend, and this point became even more obvious the longer he spent time getting along with Xia Fei. For the sake of Xia Fei, he had willingly used that tri-colored Soul Eye, which he had been saving for so many years without a second thought, and this was despite the fact that the two had only been acquainted a handful or so of days.

After some rumination, Fuchen said, “Given Xia Fei’s personality, he’ll definitely end up fighting with Basalt and Lingxing when they meet! Though my two disciples have good cultivation, they’re far from being Xia Fei’s match be it their brains or talent, so they’ll only end up getting killed by him.”

Wraith smiled. “That’s of course. It’ll be fine as long as they don’t provoke Xia Fei, but the moment they do, they’ll surely be doomed to death. Unfortunately, given the personality of those two, if you accept Xia Fei, Basalt and Lingxing will definitely act despicable toward him.

“Even before, I’ve always thought that Basalt and Lingxing are too insidious and ruthless, but after meeting Xia Fei, I have to admit that he’s the most vicious out of them three! Still, I have to speak fairly on this; Xia Fei is devious against others, but he’s a lot more loyal and righteous to those people he cares about compared to your two disciples.”

Fuchen sighed again. He glanced at his exclusive soul and said in a low voice, “How rare. We’ve b.u.t.ted heads for so many years before, and yet for the first time, I’ve actually heard you say some heartfelt words.” Wraith pouted disapprovingly. “You’re nearing the end of your life in any case; I’ll be free once you’re dead, so there’s no need for me to keep being your enemy.”

Fuchen remained silent for a while before saying, “Then speak; I won’t blame you.”


Wraith continued. “I shall be honest then. I think that it’s fine if Basalt and Ling Xing die. At most, the universe will just be losing two scourges. You only told Xia Fei that the Orthodox Spiritualists are the strongest type of Spiritualist, but you didn’t tell him that Orthodox Spiritualists’ reputation is in the gutter. That doesn’t matter, though. It’ll just be a matter of time before he finds out.

“Not only will Xia Fei find out, Basalt, Lingxing, and that senior brother of yours will learn of your connection to him. While you didn’t take in Xia Fei as a disciple, it’s not as if you didn’t impart anything to him. How else would he be able to forge Soul Eyes inside that room if not for that? Just from this point alone, Lingxing and the others are sure not to let him off, and knowing Xia Fei’s personality, how do you think he’ll react?”

The color on Fuchen’s face drained as he exclaimed, “Are you telling me I’ve already caused grief to Xia Fei?!”

Wraith did not answer and merely nodded.

Thinking on this, Fuchen said, “If I really take in Xia Fei as a disciple, given his personality, the Orthodox Spiritualist line will be finished! My disciples, my senior’s disciple—they’ll all die at Xia Fei’s hands!”

Wraith shrugged helplessly. “Well, I can’t help you there. You’ll have to make the decision yourself.”

Fuchen was utterly stupefied.

Fuchen felt that Xia Fei had high chances of revitalizing the Orthodox Spiritualist line, but taking in the young man would spell out doom to his entire sect!

Be it his disciples or his senior brother, despite how they had turned into, Fuchen had never once picked a fight with them. Xia Fei, meanwhile…

Speaking of which, it really could not be helped. It had been quite some time since Xia Fei stumbled into any trouble. He was, in fact, having a rare few days of peace. Alas, trouble was about to find its way to him again, for before he even joined the Orthodox Spiritualist line, he had already made a bunch of enemies for no apparent reason!

That was when something unexpected happened!

The superspeed wars.h.i.+p’s, Diamond Star’s, engine came to a complete stall…

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