Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1172: Ultimate Weapon, Sky Castle!

Chapter 1172: Ultimate Weapon, Sky Castle!

Taking a deep breath and sheathing his blade—Xia Fei had just finished these two actions when confused voices came from behind him.

Anzu Night asked in surprise, “Releasing a powerful aura is for the sake of unleas.h.i.+ng even greater combat power. Why did Xia Fei put away his weapon? Doesn’t he know that Shui Shengsheng has Chaos Water Swiftblade?!”

Tian Jing and Qiu Yang were also baffled. Qiu Yang had managed to keep his composure, but Tian Jing, after he had gotten over his surprise, made a sinister smile.

“There’s no need to keep watching. That guy can’t possibly survive. His strange plant and bizarre sword of white bone might’ve been able to let him trade one or two blows with Shui Shengsheng, but since he’s put away his weapon, he must be suicidal!” Tian Jing spoke in an unpleasantly scratchy voice, and Zesyr Night frowned at that. It was akin to chalk scratching against a blackboard, truly very grating to the ears.

“So you’re saying that you understand what Xia Fei’s trying to do?” Qiu Yang tilted his head and asked.

“You’re all top-cla.s.s members of the circle, but you couldn’t tell?” Tian Jing asked, the disgust apparent on his face.

“I really don’t. Brother Tian, please enlighten us so that our confusion can be dispelled,” Qiu Yang asked breezily. The Night siblings were already sick of Tian Jing, but Qiu Yang did not seem to care about how nasty the man was.

Tian Jing smugly spoke in his unpleasant-sounding voice, “That Xia Fei must be thinking that the plant on his right arm is stronger, so he’s decided to gamble everything on it. The white bone sword is a weapon, and so is that plant. Given his weak cultivation, it must be very difficult to control two weapons. That’s just how things are for people with low cultivation and lacking abilities. Trying to control two weapons at once might only make his actions even clumsier.

“Speaking of which, he’s quite smart. He knows that he’s not that powerful, so he’s decided to focus all his energy on using one weapon to fight against Shui Shengsheng.”

Sighing, Tian Jing added, “What a pity! Even without that strange piece of ice, Shui Shengsheng was already a top-tier warrior of the circle, and with that ice, his Soulmerge Art, and Chaos Water Swiftblade blade, which has been pa.s.sed down through generations by his Shui Clan, his opponent, that Xia Fei, probably won’t even be able to last a single exchange.”

Tian Jing’s argument sounded reasonable, and Anzu Night pondered on it. Zesyr Night clenched her fists, her face going pale; Qiu Yang shook his head and smiled.

“I basically think the same. It seems that your head has gotten a little better over the years. Not bad, not bad at all.”

Qiu Yang was not old, but his words were like that of an old man, as if he were Tian Jing’s senior. Everyone in the circle knew that Tian Jing was the strongest warrior, but n.o.body would deny that Qiu Yang had the sharpest tongue.

“Xia Fei definitely won’t die!” Zesyr Night gritted her teeth and yelled this.

Tian Jing and Qiu Yang were both startled and wondered what was wrong with Zesyr.

“Trust me; he’ll not only die but also die very gruesomely,” Tian Jing said , his eyes chilling.


On the battlefield, Xia Fei putting away White Dragon’s Screech had put Shui Shengsheng on his guard.

“You wish to die? Fine! I’ll grant you your wis.h.!.+” Shui Shengsheng said in disdain.


Xia Fei had put away his own weapon, but Shui Shengsheng pulled out a white dagger!

This was no ordinary dagger. Shui Shengsheng, Tian Jing, Feng Jianting, Anzu Night, Xiaoxiao, and Qiu Yang were called the Six Treasures of the Alpha Universe for a very important reason: Each of them held a top-cla.s.s soul weapon pa.s.sed down through generations in their respective clans!

The blade’s phantom flew ten kilometers, and Chaos Water Swiftblade rapidly drifted!

This knife was none other than the famous soul weapon of the Serene Jadewater Clan, Chaos Water Swiftblade!

Xia Fei did not know the dagger but could sense its somber energy. This was clearly no ordinary item.

Smiling, Xia Fei pulled away.

This was not because he was scared. So what if it was a top-grade soul weapon? Xia Fei was a Spiritualist! He could make soul weapons!

Moreover, in terms of equipment, if Xia Fei took out all the treasures in his spatial ring, he could make anyone blush in shame!


The attack happened one second later! Rather than charging straight at Shui Shengsheng, he disappeared on the horizon and left not even a shadow behind.

“He ran?”

“He actually ran?”

The spectating warriors went all agape. This certainly was not something they had antic.i.p.ated. Xia Fei had been exuding such a powerful killing aura and fiend energy that everyone thought he would fight to the death, but he ended up running off. What was up with that?

“Look! He’s over there! He’s run to the sky!” Anzu Night pointed at the sky in shock!

Xia Fei had appeared in the air, tens of thousands of meters above the ground. Peac.o.c.k Blue wildly flailed about on his right arm, while he kept his left hand hidden behind him.

Xia Fei had not run away at all; rather, he had executed a strategic maneuver so that he could attack from the sky!

Shui Shengsheng frowned rather impatiently, apparently not thinking anything of the fact that Xia Fei was going to attack from the air. In his view, this was simply pointless.

His hands trembled, and then Chaos Water Swiftblade disappeared. The earth began to shudder fiercely!


Like an erupting volcano, a geyser of water rocketed into the sky. The water-type Immemorial Mystical Armament did not attack in the form of ice this time and, instead, used its true form.

It looked like a giant fountain from a distance, but it was so powerful and majestic that it shook the earth and nearly blotted out the sky!

Even more frightening was that this water-type mystical armament was mixed in with numerous lethal daggers. They were no longer than the length of a palm, and the blades were sharp and thick, like axes that could be used to cleave mountains.

Serene Jadewater was a top-cla.s.s faction of the Alpha Universe, and the clan soul weapon, Chaos Water Swiftblade, lived up to its name. Millions of knives had entered the water, and it was impossible to say how one could dodge them all, let alone distinguish between the real ones and the illusions.

“He’s finished! Done for! He has no idea how powerful Chaos Water Swiftblade is. Each of those blades is real!” Tian Jing got very excited, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng as he shouted. On the side, Zesyr Night turned even paler.

All of this took place in the span of a few seconds. As Tian Jing was smugly crowing, Xia Fei suddenly accelerated downward!

“Soul Eye, go!”

Xia Fei took his left hand out from behind his back and threw out a golden Soul Eye.


There was a resounding clap of thunder!

The Soul Eye started to change the moment it left his hand. Light disappeared as the world was plunged into darkness, and in this dark night, the golden eye tumbled and expanded!

In the blink of an eye, the eye was one kilometer in length! It was like a devil out of h.e.l.l, looking down upon the world as it floated in the sky!


With another boom, countless insignias appeared around the Soul Eye, flas.h.i.+ng golden and flowing like a great river! They created a dome that covered the surrounding ten kilometers!

Before anyone had time to see what sort of weird thing it was, the Soul Eye began to battle against Shui Shengsheng’s water-type mystical armament and his Chaos Water Swiftblade soul weapon.

Normally, while Soul Eyes were powerful, it was not so powerful that it could fight against a top-cla.s.s soul weapon and an Immemorial Mystical Armament!

The Thousand Fathom Ice, the Ring Ice, the Green Jade Spring, the Black Sh.e.l.l Spring, and the Water of Resentment, and the Whitesnap Aqua! These six Immemorial Mystical Armaments fused together turned into the water-type mystical armament, Terror Genesis!

Moreover, unlike Xia Fei’s plant-type mystical armament, Cloud Sea, Terror Genesis was an offensive mystical armament, a powerful existence that could seep in through every defense!

Alas, Xia Fei had already seen through everything!

He had used his superspeed to soar into the sky and then unleashed a thunderous attack! He poured unimaginable power into that golden Soul Eye!

With the Soul Eye’s innate expanding trait, it became like a falling meteor! It was so vast that the ten-kilometer-diameter soul array became Xia Fei’s weapon! It howled down from the sky!

If Fuchen could be here to see this, he might regret ever teaching Xia Fei how to make Soul Eyes. Who in the universe used Soul Eyes like this?! Soul Eyes were arrays, moving arrays, and the vast majority of Spiritualists used them in a support fas.h.i.+on.

However, Xia Fei used soul arrays to smash people! A soul array cras.h.i.+ng down from the heavens—just how was his mind constructed that he could think of such an idea?!

It was a monstrous way of thinking, a monstrous personality, and an extremely barbaric way of fighting!

This was Xia Fei!


There was another explosion! The Immemorial Mystical Armament clashed with the descending Soul Eye! White shockwaves emerged, and the sea of clouds parted as if a nuclear bomb had exploded, exposing the black night sky!

Xia Fei used the golden Soul Eye to block Immemorial Mystical Armament Terror Genesis!

Blocking was not the only effect that Xia Fei sought. At this moment, his Immemorial Mystical Armament, Peac.o.c.k Blue, had started to go crazy!

A verdant green bundle began to grow crazily. Like a giant arm, it grew to a length of ten kilometers, thick and powerful!

Xia Fei swung around his right arm and smashed it down, right onto that giant Soul Eye!


The world fell into chaos!

The golden Soul Eye was like a s.h.i.+eld, while Peac.o.c.k Blue was like a fist; the overlapping of these two powers created a mountain-toppling momentum!

Terror Genesis was already barely holding on, and with the addition of Peac.o.c.k Blue, it could no longer hold and began to give ground.

It was like one warrior moved to jump and attack their foe, only to be hammered in the skull right as they extended their leg!

Shui Shengsheng’s Chaos Water Swiftblade began to blindly attack Peac.o.c.k Blue. Chaos Water Swiftblade’s advantage was in its immense numbers. As all its blades attacked together, the weapon tore apart Peac.o.c.k Blue’s structure, filling the air with green debris.

Alas, while Chaos Water Swiftblade was powerful, it could not beat Peac.o.c.k Blue’s tenacity!

It was the most tenacious weed in the universe, possessing astounding vitality!

It constantly grew and constantly exerted pressure, that blue-green weed in the sky crazily growing, becoming an impossibly huge tree!

Peac.o.c.k Blue and the golden Soul Eye had come together to seize the advantage!

It was a stunning sight to behold!

White and green clashed, with gold and silver intertwining. The battlefield in the sky encompa.s.sed ten-some kilometers, appearing like a castle in the sky!


This sky castle rapidly descended, causing the sky above Shui Shengsheng to turn pitch-black!

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