Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1182: Killing Radix and Nirvana?!

Chapter 1182: Killing Radix and Nirvana?!

Three people stood in front of Xia Fei, their backs to him. They all exuded carefree and impressive auras!

Xia Fei frowned. He had not noticed any people here when first entering the Devil Shadow Dragon Tower. These three had seemingly come out of nowhere, but from the angles they were standing at and their postures, they were probably illusions.

“Only three people have walked out of Devil Shadow Dragon Tower in all its history. If you do it, you will be the fourth,” the voice continued excitedly. It sounded like it was very proud of those first three.

Xia Fei did not respond, instead looking around warily. These plains were vast, and while they seemed calm, he kept feeling that something was hiding in the gra.s.s. Even the lazy Furball had opened his eyes wide, showing a rare curiosity.

“You sound so excited. Do I get something good out of getting out of this dumb tower?” Xia Fei asked absentmindedly.

“Something good?” the voice chortled in disdain. “You should think about how to survive first!”

After saying that, the voice finally vanished, and at the same moment, a sudden gale swept over the plains!

So much dust was kicked up that it was difficult to open one’s eyes. In the middle of this dust storm rose a plaintive howl!

Although the Collapsed Expanse of Founders only opened once every thousand years, it didn’t last for long, only a month.

It was now the fourth week, and the Collapsed Expanse of Founders was about to close!

Gradually, signs of human life began to appear within the domain. According to the rules of the Collapsed Expanse of Founders, the first to come out would all be warriors who had not obtained anything and had only managed to keep their lives. There were also some people who had been completely neutralized by the system and been reduced to ordinary people without any sort of combat strength. Thus, none of those people were particularly happy, and they were mostly sighing.

However, there was no need for them to be downcast. They were very lucky compared to all the people who had died. At this moment, many other people were like Xia Fei, facing an unknown future and battling with their backs to a cliff.

Xia Fei ascended a narrow stairway with heavy steps. The ceiling was so low that he had to bend down at some points to get through. His face was very pale. It was clear that the week of battle had left him very tired.

Turning the corner, he arrived once again at a world created from spatial energy.

Again and again, Xia Fei had toed the line of life and death, consuming energy, fighting perilous battles, and killing countless enemies. The protracted fighting had left him rather numb.


Furball used this rare moment of peace to clamber up to Xia Fei’s shoulder and take a nap. He seemed even more fatigued than Xia Fei.

Furball had truly had a tough time. The guy was a slacker, but he had accompanied Xia Fei through all these trials and was now utterly exhausted. Xia Fei didn’t have any extra energy to share with Furball, as he only had fourteen units of spirit energy left!

Energy had always been one of Xia Fei’s very important trump cards. Back at the Spiritualist a.s.sociation and when he had gained the Origin of Heaven legacy, Xia Fei had obtained more than three thousand units of spirit energy!

Three thousand units! Even a heaven-defying master Spiritualist like Fuchen or Ulan had never owned such a vast fortune! No amount of money, crystals, or Soul Weapons could match up to that amount of spirit energy!

Xia Fei hadn’t been acting for no reason! That huge reserve of energy was his greatest trump card!

Seven days! To survive, he had used up enough energy to buy up half the universe!

It was hard to imagine. Just what had happened in those seven days!? And how had Xia Fei managed to make it out!?

Sighing, Xia Fei lit a cigarette, using this moment before the battle started to place Furball on his head and slowly transfer spirit energy to him.

Xia Fei couldn’t fight without energy, and Furball, as an energy-type Holy Beast, definitely couldn’t go without it. Xia Fei decided to share some of his remaining energy with Furball.

Furball soon began to open his eyes. He shook his little head, indicating that he could endure and Xia Fei should not waste his spirit energy. As Xia Fei’s Holy Beast, Furball was well aware of the predicament they were in.

“You brat!” Xia Fei smiled as he scolded Furball.

Furball was truly a strange creature. He was normally so crafty and lazy, but when things got serious, he was so kind and understanding!

“I really didn’t think that you would be able to last until the final level!” that voice spoke again, conveying its surprise.

Xia Fei pursed his lips. “Wasting so much energy, this deal was a huge loss. If I had known this beforehand, I would have destroyed this stupid tower!”

The voice laughed and said smugly, “You can’t say that. You’ve obtained far more than that measly amount of energy you paid out. Think back carefully. What level of energy control were you at when you entered Devil Shadow Dragon Tower, and what level are you at now?”

Xia Fei was startled, and then he took a deep drag of his cigarette.

“You truly have used a lot of energy on this journey, but as you’ve advanced through the battles and tests, your control over energy, particularly high-level spirit energy, has reached an unprecedented level!

“Energy is the foundation of everything, and energy control is the foundation of the foundation. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that no one can surpa.s.s you in terms of energy control. If your energy foundation was originally enough to build a tower, your foundation now can support a city!”

Xia Fei didn’t argue, and began to mull it over. He originally had pretty good control over energy, so he knew very well how his energy control had improved. It was just that he had been fighting so much that he hadn’t paid it much attention. Now that this mysterious voice had mentioned it, Xia Fei finally realized it.

While Xia Fei’s level hadn’t increased and he had lost so much energy, he had actually made a breakthrough!

A warrior’s development was ultimately based on their foundation, just like how the depth of a foundation would determine how high one could erect a building. But there was something Xia Fei didn’t understand. His energy foundation hadn’t been bad, and now, Devil Shadow Dragon Tower had increased it to an absurd level. Was that on purpose? If it was deliberate, what was the goal?

As he s.h.i.+fted his finger back a few centimeters, Xia Fei’s eyes suddenly brightened. There was a white line connecting him to Furball. This was spirit energy!

As if he was performing a spell, the spirit energy suddenly thickened, and then it shrank. It was all under Xia Fei’s control, transforming as he wished. His control was many times greater than before! In the past, Xia Fei could only control the energy in his body, but now, this control had extended to his surroundings.

He smiled. This surprise discovery left him quite pleased, all of his depression being swept away.

His efforts had been rewarded. After seven days of h.e.l.lish combat, Xia Fei had obtained supreme control over spirit energy!

“This is the last level. You just need to win this battle to become the fourth person in history to pa.s.s through Devil Shadow Dragon Tower!

“But I also have some bad news to tell you. If you lose…”

With a mighty roar, a glossy black object suddenly flashed through the air, striking down a white goose!


The white goose, as long as a human was tall, dropped to the ground. There was a bell-like object on it. It was silver, a Soul Weapon!

“That was a sound-type Soul Weapon. You’ve been tricked,” a voice suddenly spoke.

This came so suddenly that someone was wary as Xia Fei should have been instantly on his guard. But Xia Fei was actually delighted!

Raising his head, Xia Fei became so excited that he began to tremble. He shouted, “Radix! Nirvana! You’re alive!”

A cross-shaped black blade was spinning in the air: the Fiend Blade Nirvana! A person stood atop the blade: Radix!


Nirvana landed, delivering Radix to Xia Fei’s side. One human, one soul, and one Fiend Blade gazed at each other, all of them rejoicing at this reunion.

“What sort of joke is this? I’m an immortal soul while Nirvana is a Fiend Blade. How could either of us die?” Radix replied casually.

Xia Fei said gleefully, “So long as you’re okay, it’s fine. Why did the two of you suddenly disappear!? I was so used to having the two of you next to me that having to rely only on White Dragon’s Screech all this time left me extremely uncomfortable!”

Radix replied nonchalantly, “White Skull, Jade Green, the Swiftwind Fan Leaf, the Twin Dragon Roar, the Dark Crystal Soul-Gathering PaG.o.da; aren’t all of those top-cla.s.s Weapons? All of them are plenty strong! You’ve got plenty of treasures in your spatial ring! How could you lack weapons to use? Take the White Skull, as an example. We went through so much effort to get that heaven-defying weapon, and how many times have you used it?”

A subtle light flashed in Xia Fei’s eyes, and he said softly, “Weapons are like a chef’s knife. Whether it’s sharp or not is one thing, and whether one is accustomed to using it is another. Among all my weapons, my favorite is still Nirvana.”

Xia Fei glanced over at the Fiend Blade Nirvana, which was less than four meters away. “Let’s not talk about this. Where have you been all this time? Why appear now…”

Without any warning… Xia Fei struck out at his old friend Radix!

The Law of Primal Chaos!

The power of reversal could truly scatter Radix’s soul to the winds!

The world must have gone crazy!

Xia Fei clearly had only fourteen units of spirit energy left, but he had unleashed such a frenzied attack! In this long-awaited reunion, Xia Fei had unleashed his most lethal move!

What had happened!?

How did the world end up like this!?


When Primal Chaos emerged, no one could contend against it!

At such a close distance, Radix had no hope of escaping!

As Xia Fei’s attack approached, suddenly an even more domineering energy pushed Radix and the Fiend Blade Nirvana aside, forcing Xia Fei’s howling fist to brush past them!

“Xia Fei! Is this how you treat your brother!? I went through so much effort to find Radix and Nirvana in the chaotic s.p.a.ce and bring them to you, but you try to kill him!?” that voice roared angrily.

“I want to kill you as well! What did you do!? Forcing Radix and Nirvana to betray me!” Xia Fei turned his head and replied savagely. Furball was dumbstruck and was clearly at a lost.

After a pause, that voice asked in confusion, “How did you see through it? This is really Radix and Nirvana, you know.”

Xia Fei snorted, speaking in a raspy voice that was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with killing intent, “Just now, Radix said that the Dark Crystal Soul-Gathering PaG.o.da was my weapon, but he clearly knows that it had never been a weapon for me at all! I merely use it as an an energy crystal!”

“That could work too!? Are you a human or a fiend!?” the voice cried out in disbelief. Not even in his dreams could he have imagined that such a small detail let Xia Fei see through the entire plan!!!

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