Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1298: Fiend Array!

Chapter 1298: Fiend Array!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The appearance of the Aurora Clan had thrown off the tempo of the Dark Spiritualists’ offensive.

As numerous Aurora Horizons howled out, the exotic beast horde was temporarily suppressed. The Law Realm warriors used this chance to retreat into the Cosmic Gate.

“Charge! They want to retreat into their universe! It won’t be that easy! Exterminate them before they can retreat!” Shu Yuhe waved his arms and hollered.

The Aurora Clan had seemingly only come to buy a little time. Once the Law Realm withdrew into the Cosmic Gate, the Aurora Clan rushed out of their hiding places and retreated toward the Cosmic Gate as well.

They moved very quickly, but when Shu Yuhe got a clearer look, he found that each Aurora Clan warrior had a Skywing with them. While Xia Fei had brought the fastest of the Skywings with him, he had still left behind several hundred elites, who could travel faster than one million meters per second.


One Skywing to one Aurora warrior, they instantly vanished without a trace. It appeared that Xia Fei had planned all this out.

Shu Yuhe became livid, cursing Xia Fei for his cunning in bringing out the Aurora Clan and its long-distance attacks to fool him.

Nan Shazi said casually, “A pa.s.sage between universes are broad and long. Since they didn’t bring any wars.h.i.+ps with them, it’ll take them at least one or two days to return to their universe. Even if the Skywings are a clan specializing in speed, they have a million people there. How many speedsters could be among them?

“No need to hurry. Just lead the army inside and chase them all the way back to the Wild Glacier. That way, we’ll eliminate at least ninety percent of their power. We’ll use this time to set up the Cycle Array, and once you’re back, we’ll activate it. I want the Wild Glacier to be totally annihilated!”

As the saying went, old ginger was spicier than young ginger. Shu Yuhe had been enlightened by Nan Shazi’s words.

Though the Law Realm’s warriors had retreated into the Cosmic Gate, they did not have any wars.h.i.+ps. One million warriors on foot would need one or two days to retreat to their universe. This was the perfect chance to chase them while they were down!

“What about here?” Shu Yuhe asked.

Nan Shazi laughed, as did the twelve Devil Shadow Dragoons.

Nan Shazi replied, “You’re not needed here. Go.”

Shu Yuhe nodded. He then led the beasts and warriors into the Cosmic Gate.

Once the clamoring beast flood entered the Cosmic Gate, it became much quieter.

The leader of the Devil Shadow Dragoons, Yabu, looked at the sea of stars and said sternly, “Let’s get started. This place is too quiet today. It makes me uncomfortable.”


The millions of beasts and warriors rushed out like water breaking through a dam, surging into the Cosmic Gate.

In front of them, the Skywing warriors retreated with the old monsters of the Aurora Clan. Speed combined with long-distance attacks truly made for a very annoying combo.

The Skywing warriors hugged the Aurora warriors so that they would not need to worry about their retreating speed. With their free hands, they could release the supreme combat art of the Aurora Clan.

Aurora Horizon! Aurora Horizon! Aurora Horizon!

One move for everything!

This long-distance attack was just too powerful. Though all of them using the same technique seemed very monotonous, no one could deny that this one move was giving the Dark Spiritualists a huge amount of trouble.

It was not that the Dark Spiritualists did not have speed-type experts of their own, but in front of this unreasonable long-distance light attack, they could not pick up speed. After all, their speed certainly could not match light. The moment they tried to accelerate, an enormous barrage of Aurora Horizons would smash into them.

The Dark Spiritualists had made several tries, but they simply could not work up the speed. On the contrary, they were only getting farther and farther away.

“Charge charge charge!”

Shu Yuhe shouted three times, and a few flying beasts finally had no choice but to flap their wings.


Another barrage of Aurora Horizons smashed into them. Half of the flying beasts were lost, and the remainder put their tails behind their legs and ran back.

Shu Yuhe was about to go crazy from rage, and he madly howled!

At this moment, another peak Dark Spiritualist, Fanzhong, said, “This isn’t right! Even if the Aurora Clan has the support of the Skywings, who are faster than us, there are still those retreating warriors. One million people couldn’t just disappear into thin air, could they?!”

Shu Yuhe suddenly realized this oddity. Before, the Aurora Clan and Oro’s warriors had retreated into the Cosmic Gate, but there was currently no sign of them! Had they grown wings and flown off?

The Law Realm force had prepared themselves to retreat, but they had not prepared the wars.h.i.+ps for the retreat. This did not make sense, unless Xia Fei had overlooked this key part of his plan!

Who was Xia Fei? Was he the sort that would make such an amateurish mistake?!

This thought instantly made Shu Yuhe start sweating.

“Everyone, stop!”

With a great rumble, the beast flood and the Dark Spiritualists’ warriors stopped.

The inside of the Cosmic Gate fell silent.

Deathly silence!

There was nothing to be heard except the breathing of his men and the exotic beasts!

However, at this point, there was a new and sudden development!

Powerful energy enclosed the Dark Spiritualist army like a net!

“Oh, no! It’s an ambus.h.!.+” Shu Yuhe shouted.

“It’s a soul array, and we walked right into it!” Fanzhong said darkly.

As far as they could see, the Cosmic Gate had been covered by an enormous energy enclosure. If this was a soul array, it was far too terrifying! Xia Fei had managed to turn the entire Cosmic Gate into a soul array!

How many cores did that require? How many soul weapons? How much energy?!

Only a ghost could know!


This was no ordinary soul array. At the start, it was only its scale that was shocking but also its apparently immense combat power, which soon began to be exhibited.

After several seconds, some of the more sharp-eyed people realized that the soul array was changing!

It was like a tornado, only a few gusts of wind at first but an unstoppable force at the end!

It was as though an enormous conspiracy had been brewing.

As the storm energy revolved faster and faster, some of the lower-ranking exotic beasts were blown away!

This storm was only getting started and was still far from reaching its fiercest phase!


Xia Fei’s unconventional soul array had abandoned the traditional functions of soul arrays. Capture, slaughter? It had none of those. All it had was momentum!

All the cores existed to push the soul array’s momentum to greater and greater heights!

The Dark Spiritualists soon found themselves in immense pain!

There was no end to this vast soul array, and the energy storm kept getting stronger and stronger!

It was akin to someone getting caught up in a storm, which had come from the destruction of a planet! There was simply no escaping this one!

“Let’s retreat!”

“We can’t retreat! Behind us is the starting point of the soul array, so the more we fall back, the stronger it will get! We have to use this opportunity while the soul array hasn’t completely powered up yet to break through the front!”

“That’s right! This soul array is too scary! I’ve never seen such a huge soul array before! We can’t stay for long here!”

The leaders of the Dark Spiritualists, Fanzhong, and Shu Yuhe, discussed among themselves for a bit; upon which, they determined to break out from the front as quickly as possible.

A soul array based purely on momentum had no stopping point. All the cores were like bellows, pumping and pumping until a hurricane had formed!

The energy hurricane would spin faster and faster until it could tear everything apart! Perhaps the Cosmic Gate would even break under the pressure and explode!

In the former situation, the Dark Spiritualists would be killed, and in the latter, they would be cast into void, never to emerge again!

A frightening scheme! A frightening soul array! Xia Fei’s move was just too vicious!

“Charge! Straight ahead!”

After understanding their situation, the Dark Spiritualists began to run for their lives, not caring about one another. They needed to get out of this endless soul array and survive first!

The Cosmic Gate, the Law Realm side.

Little Goldie was very busy, opening up dark s.p.a.ce again and again to bring the Law Realm warriors here.

“I’ve put you through a lot, my comrades! Leave the rest to me,” Xia Fei smiled as he spoke to each returning warrior.

Upon seeing Xia Fei and the Skywing wolves behind him, the warriors immediately forgot about the horrifying beast flood and the powerful a.s.sault of the Dark Spiritualists.

This was because Xia Fei was here! The Skywings were here!

In these past few years, the Skywings and Xia Fei had never disappointed them, and the same would be true for this time!


There was a boom in the blackness of s.p.a.ce, and a humongous wars.h.i.+p warped into the region!

A t.i.tan! The largest supercapital in the history of the universe!

One after another!

Each t.i.tan was the size of a planet!

Hundreds of t.i.tans lined up in a row, presenting a grandiose sight!

In these two years, the Mech Race had been working at full strength!

Not even Xia Fei was sure how many t.i.tans they had made.

In brief, these enormous objects blotted out the stars! A dense ma.s.s, and their numbers were still climbing!

Xia Fei loved trump cards!

The t.i.tans were the Law Realm’s trump cards!

If it was really no good, this supreme fleet could blast apart the Cosmic Gate!

No need for seals at all!

Compared to the superfleet of t.i.tans, they were pitifully weak!

In these two years, the Mech Race had made a supreme power for Xia Fei, one that could destroy the Cosmic Gate!

“Report! The Dark Spiritualists and their beast horde have been engulfed by the soul array. They’re running in our direction!”

“Report! The soul array’s pressure is rising! The Dark Spiritualists continue to sufferdevastating losses!”

“Report! The soul array is still getting stronger! It’s already formed into a destructive power! The beast horde has been almost completely wiped out!”

Scouting warriors were constantly reporting the situation at the Cosmic Gate.

The Law Realm warriors were elated! Such a vicious array! Without wasting a single soldier, it had wiped out the Dark Spiritualists and their millions of beasts in the Cosmic Gate!

Oro’s eyes flew open. Though he was someone skilled in arrays and was the one who had introduced them to Xia Fei, he could not help but be amazed by the vicious array Xia Fei had created!

“Xia Fei, what sort of fiendish array is this?! How could it have so much offensive power?” Oro asked in shock. Everyone else looked at him as they waited for his answer.

Smiling, Xia Fei replied, “A fiendish array? Good name! I happen to lack a name for this kind of array, so I’ll borrow yours. I’ll call this Fiend Array.

“This Fiend Array you’re looking at is a super soul array with one million cores!”


Everyone was stunned!

Xia Fei unbelievably had a soul array with one million cores!

This truly was a Fiend Array! There was nothing more fiendish than it!

Waving his hand, Xia Fei said sternly, “I’ll leave this place to you guys; I need to go and deal with those so-called Dragoons!”


Little Goldie opened up a pa.s.sage to dark s.p.a.ce. The Skywing wolves, the Aurora elders, and Xia Fei were returning to the front line to battle with the Devil Shadow Dragoons!

“I’ll leave this place to you guys. I’m guessing that a few of the higher-rank ones will be able to get out. I’m sure that you know what to do with them.” Xia Fei turned to the Law Realm warriors and said this.

“Do you need to ask?! Of course, we’ll charge in there and rip them to shreds!”


The Law Realm warriors let out frenzied howls!

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