Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 414: Winterwarmth Pearl

Chapter 414: Winterwarmth Pearl

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Furball released attack after attack, one energy ball after another coming out of his mouth.

Hezar confidently took these attacks, using his special ability to take Furball’s attack into his body. He was an energy drain ability user, and Furball’s attacks, no matter how strange, were still in the energy category. As long as Hezar did not leave any big gaps, he would be able to easily escape this danger.

Xia Fei sinisterly smiled. He continued to circle around Hezar, apparently not caring that the attacks were ineffective.

Phantom was also very confused. It had to be understood that Xia Fei’s b.u.t.terfly Serpent and Celestial Moon were both out of commission for this fight. All he had left was October Flying Snow, and he did not have a chance to attack from up close. The moment he got close to Hezar, Hezar would attach onto Xia Fei like a magnet and suck him dry of energy.

On the surface, the battle seemed to be going very poorly for Xia Fei, so why was Xia Fei smiling?

Furball was firing an energy ball almost every second. Hezar only had time to absorb energy, and he had no time to deal with Xia Fei. The situation was extremely worrying.

Furball panted for breath. Each energy ball required a large amount of energy, and Furball’s energy reserve was slowly being spent. Although he had acc.u.mulated quite a lot of energy in his indolent days, even this was not enough to maintain this sort of ma.s.sive release of energy.

“Good job! Hold on a little longer!” Xia Fei exhorted Furball.

Furball firmly nodded. While this fellow was normally cunning and lazy, during a fight, he became extremely seriously, earnestly doing his job. He would not s.h.i.+rk his duty, nor would he give up.

In this aspect, he was rather similar to Xia Fei. When he did not have a job, Xia Fei was a cheerful person who enjoyed telling jokes to amuse everyone else, but that was only in his free time. During battle and when cultivating, Xia Fei was the craziest person around. He was extremely serious, stubborn, and savage, never letting his enemy go.

Several strange developments began to take place on Hezar’s body. As he had absorbed too much energy, the speed at which Hezar was draining energy grew slower and slower. His muscles were swollen like leather bags which had been filled with too much water. Even his complexion had changed, sweat rolling down his face as his expression grew graver and graver.

Phantom and Furball had both noticed these changes. Furball grew excited, and he could see victory in sight, so he picked up the pace of his attacks on Hezar.

An individual’s body had its limits. Hezar was like a deep well, and he could place the energy of others into this well, but this well was not bottomless. Once the well was full, the water would overflow, and this was Xia Fei’s scheme! He had been waiting for this moment the entire time!

Hezar had absorbed far too much energy today. First it was the Watergloom, second it was b.u.t.terfly Serpent and Celestial Moon, and third it was Furball’s frenzied barrage.

He felt like his stomach had become bloated, the excessive amounts of energy about to break out. He was on the verge of reaching his energy absorption limit!

On the other side, that little ball showed no signs of stopping its attack.

In order to survive, Hezar could only keep absorbing energy, but the more he absorbed, the heavier the burden on his body!

Besides Furball, he also had to worry about Xia Fei, who had been coldly spectating this entire battle. Hezar was very familiar with exotic beasts, and in his eyes, Xia Fei was the most cunning, most ruthless, and most patient exotic beast, constantly watching him and seeking the perfect moment to strike.

Hezar finally understood what was going on. Xia Fei allowing him to absorb the energy of the Watergloom had been a trap! He had predicted everything!

From the very start, Xia Fe had intended for him to absorb so much energy that he reached his limit!

Such meticulous calculations! Such ruthless methods!

This was like refusing to kill a person with a knife, instead forcing them to eat constantly until their stomach exploded!

This was the most painful torture!

Crucially, Hezar could not stop even if he wanted to. Furball and Xia Fei were coldly staring at him from close by. For a warrior to die in battle was now an extravagant hope. A warrior that died from eating to death? What the h.e.l.l was that called?!

Hezar grew more and more upset, his red eyes erupting with rage.

“You finally got it, but it’s already too late,” Xia Fei calmly said.


The time was right. Xia Fei suddenly accelerated, moving at more than thirty thousand meters per second!

As Xia Fei got close to Hezar, a powerful pull numbed Xia Fei’s legs.

Alas, Hezar was already approaching his limit, and this threat was not even able to slow down Xia Fei, let alone hold him fast!

October Flying Snow was slightly raised as Xia Fei brushed past Hezar’s body. When he stopped, he had a plump head in his hand, turned greenish purple from absorbing too much energy.

The eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with humiliation. A top-cla.s.s warrior had eaten himself to death! Hezar had undoubtedly died with many regrets.


Furball’s energy ball arrived, striking Hezar’s still-standing body.

A vast number of energy particles exploded into the sky!

The Watergloom’s, b.u.t.terfly Serpent’s, the Celestial Moon’s, Furball’s, and Hezar’s own energy! All of the energy he had drained returned in its original form!

Furball excitedly absorbed the energy particles! All of this was refined energy! Hezar’s ability had filtered this energy, leaving only the highest quality. Not only did this restore what Furball had lost, there was so much that Furball could even use it to grow!

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and indifferently said, “Did you not think about who yours truly is? Did you think it’s that easy to eat my things? After eating it, you must return it with interest.”

On the sh.o.r.e of the red river, Xia Fei quietly smoked his cigarette. Meanwhile, Furball comfortably basked in the sun atop a large rock, his belly swollen.

The pitiful Hezar had been a lifelong enemy of exotic beasts, constantly hunting them to take their energy, but in the end, he had simply been preparing a feast for Furball.

“Look, Furball’s fur has gotten even glossier. He should be able to advance a few more ranks because of this,” Phantom smiled and said.

Xia Fei replied, “Hezar absorbed the energy of many exotic beasts over his life. This energy is constructed differently from the energy in ores or humans, making it ideal for Furball to absorb. He’s truly benefited a lot this time. Through my connection with him, I’ve learned that his grade has increased by at least twenty percent. This is even more effective than eating several hundred pieces of Purple Hearts of Spirit.”

Phantom said, “Hezar’s ability was truly formidable. When I was watching you attack with your knife, I noticed that your legs were already beginning to grow unsteady. If not for your calculations, it would have been very difficult to beat him.”

Xia Fei said, “He seems to have an invisible energy around him that weakened me. That’s the first time I’ve encountered such a difficult opponent. Even Clean Knife, that spatial ability user, wasn’t as tough. The insectoid warriors can’t be underestimated.”

Phantom noted. “No matter how formidable Hezar was, in the end, he fell for your trap and ate himself to death. If the insectoids learned how this hero of theirs died, they would probably hate you to their bones. After all, it’s not very honorable to win through trickery.”

Xia Fei casually shrugged his shoulders. “Who made it a rule that warriors couldn’t use tricks? Besides, I didn’t really use any tricks here, just made some good calculations. Every lifeform or object has its limit. He was the one who decided to absorb all that energy. How could he blame me for eating himself to death?”

As he spoke, he picked up Celestial Moon and b.u.t.terfly Serpent from the ground and put them away.

Though Hezar’s body had been converted to energy and eaten by Furball, his strange weapon and spatial ring were left behind.

There did not seem to be anything special about that black rope, just that the thick stench of blood on it made one very uncomfortable. Even Phantom did not know what it was either. After some thought, Xia Fei decided to put it in his spatial ring so that he could study it later, but the spatial ring was a pleasant surprise for Xia Fei.

“The eye of a Snow Mountain Lizard!

“The tooth of a Blaze Trihorn Snake!

“My G.o.d! Even the venom of an Ironback Centipede! Xia Fei, you came away with quite a lot this time!”

Hezar was different from others. He did not carry many treasures or useful items on him. Even his spatial ring was pitifully small, only 0.5 cubic meters.

However, this 0.5 cubic meters of volume was packed to the brim with his spoils of war. All of them were various precious items obtained from top-cla.s.s exotic beasts. These exotic beasts could only be serendipitously ran into, not sought. There was no telling how many exotic beasts Hezar had to have killed to gather all these things.

These items were naturally priceless. More importantly, they could be used as medicine, refined into incredibly effective drugs that would be very difficult to find elsewhere to be saved for future consumption.

“With these things, we can produce a huge batch of medicine, stuff that’s not even available on the market!” Phantom excitedly said. He had always liked concocting medicine.

Xia Fei nodded. While challenging warriors was risky, the rewards were just as insane.

Furball had obtained an enormous amount of refined energy, while he had obtained precious medicinal ingredient. They had each gotten what they needed, so they at least had not wasted their time.

Putting away the ring, Xia Fei took out a delicate knife. “Let’s go and see if that Watergloom has the legendary Winterwarmth Pearl.”

Though the corpse was shriveled up, it was still very large. Xia Fei found the Watergloom’s head and then dragged it out of the river waters and onto the sh.o.r.e.

Phantom indicated where Xia Fei should cut and begin his search.

“Look here. The Watergloom’s skin isn’t as glossy here, and the muscles are also rapidly receding. It’s as if it had suddenly become several decades older. If you had been caught by Hezar’s special ability, you would have ended up in the same way,” Phantom said, fear in his voice.

Xia Fei said nothing. There was no counting the number of abilities in the universe. He would encounter plenty of vicious abilities like Hezar’s in the future. If a warrior wanted to stand tall in the universe, they needed to get stronger constantly. That was all he could do.

Xia Fei’s hands moved proficiently, and in just a few minutes, he had extracted a pearl the size of a billiard ball from the Watergloom’s head.

“I was right, eh? Such a large Watergloom had to have formed a Winterwarmth Pearl in its head,” Phantom proudly said.

Xia Fei nodded. Taking out a handkerchief, he cleaned the pearl and carefully examined it under the sunlight.

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