Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 693: Peac.o.c.k Blue’s Fourth Blade of Gra.s.s

Chapter 693: Peac.o.c.k Blue’s Fourth Blade of Gra.s.s

Xia Fei absorbed the energies of Great Law Emperor Quinn and then gave it to Peac.o.c.k Blue so that it could capture Immemorial Mystical Armament Phoenix Tail Stone.

Pure energy constantly rushed into Peac.o.c.k Blue, enclosing its body within an mysterious white l.u.s.ter. This was the result of excess energy. The blue blades of gra.s.s swelled, becoming thick and extremely tough. They were three divine arms, tightly grasping Phoenix Tail Stone in their hands and preventing it from returning to the universe.

“No one can oppose the laws of the universe! This is unchangeable and an eternal law! If you don’t allow Phoenix Tail Stone to return to primal chaos, you’re defying the very heavens themselves!” Oro roared in extreme shock. In the eyes of traditional Law Adepts like him, Law Power and the laws of the universe were all iron-clad rules. They had never thought about breaking the laws, let alone actually doing the deed. When it came to these various laws, they chose to grin and bear everything.

Alas, Xia Fei was no traditional Law Adept. He came from Earth, a rising civilization, and he had broken the rules and gone against the heavens to reach his current state time and again. If Xia Fei was someone who had inflexibly followed the rules, he would have gone his entire life without reaching the inscrutable Law Realm, never able to glimpse the vastness of the universe or its many secrets.

“All laws in this universe exist to be broken!” Xia Fei loudly said, a wry smile on his face. “I firmly believe that nothing in this universe is impossible! What’s key is if you’ve got the guts to try!”




Looking down on all the laws of the universe!

Xia Fei was just this sort of person who refused to follow the rules!

These simple words left Lionheart King Oro utterly stunned. Oro was strong, incredibly strong!

However, even the incredibly strong Oro had never tried to challenge the laws of the universe. Perhaps Xia Fei would fail, but this sort of mad and heedless courage to try left Oro deeply shaken!

Everyone wanted an Immemorial Mystical Armament, but no one had ever thought about challenging the rules and forcing it to stay behind. It was one thing not being bold enough to try something that oneself had never attempted before, but advising someone else not to try and defy the heavens, how lamentable was that!

Had all of a warrior’s pride, daring, and wild nature been eaten by dogs?


Seth dropped to his knees. In this desperate and violent battle, Law Emperor Seth had only been able to be a spectator, without even the smallest chance of intervening. This had deeply shaken his dignity.

Xia Fei had killed the peerless Quinn and was now starting a battle against the very laws of the universe. This was an indescribable mental blow to Seth. As he saw Xia Fei insanely attempting to take control over Phoenix Tail Stone, Seth felt a sincere admiration. In the s.p.a.ce of twenty minutes, Seth had witnessed the most unbelievable events of his life! His knees gave out and he collapsed to the floor.

Furball became extremely excited. This creature, just like Xia Fei, was only worried that the world was too peaceful. Like a bolt of lightning, he jumped down from the ceiling, apparently even happier than Xia Fei.


Furball let out a powerful roar in support of Xia Fei’s insane actions. Xia Fei’s attempts to hold down Phoenix Tail Stone no matter what allowed Furball to once more witness the Xia Fei that he knew so well. This was the master Furball admired. As a Holy Beast, he had a temper and arrogance that was bone-deep. Just like Xia Fei, he had never taken the rules seriously.

Xia Fei’s seventh brain region shuddered as if it was experiencing an earthquake. This was an aftereffect of absorbing too much energy. Xia Fei was not just randomly throwing the energy he had absorbed at Peac.o.c.k Blue. Rather, he was slowly and steadily transferring the energy through his arm, and as he released this energy, the pain he felt began to dissipate gradually.

To an ordinary person, even with Peac.o.c.k Blue serving as an conduit of transference, this much Origin Energy was still much. Fortunately, Xia Fei had a natural ability to control energy. Besides shunting some of the energy to Peac.o.c.k Blue, Xia Fei was also able to circulate the energy through his body, turning himself into a medium for storing and controlling energy.

Phoenix Tail Stone naturally was unwilling to remain. It was its destiny to return to the universe, written into its very genes. Now that Xia Fei was trying to keep it, Phoenix Tail Stone unleashed a desperate counterattack!

It was like a wild horse bucking wildly at its reins, pulling hard against them as it sough to gallop toward the sea of stars!

No, Phoenix Tail Stone was not just one wild horse but ten thousand or even one million, instead!


Xia Fei stomped down, planting his feet to the granite floor like two stone pillars!

If Phoenix Tail Stone was a wild horse, Xia Fei was a stubborn horse tamer! No matter how much it struggled or neighed, even if it died, he would not give up!

It was not just Xia Fei; Peac.o.c.k Blue also displayed the nature of the universe’s most tenacious plant!

Three blue blades of gra.s.s became like river-spanning chains, tightly wrapping around and seizing Phoenix Tail Stone!


The of Peac.o.c.k Blue strained like springs pulled out to the max, and a soft tearing sound could be heard.

After all, this was an Immemorial Mystical Armament, the intrinsic laws of the universe. It was very difficult for Xia Fei and Peac.o.c.k Blue to hold it down with just the two of them. The gra.s.s blades of Peac.o.c.k Blue were under too much pressure and could break apart at any moment, but they still continued to hold on stubbornly, not showing one sign of backing down.

The seconds ticked by, and Phoenix Tail Stone was still unable to break free of Xia Fei’s constrictions. It became extremely restless and its struggle grew stronger and stronger!

Thin beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. While Edgeless could adjust the temperature, Xia Fei’s body was entirely drenched in sweat at this time! To challenge the laws of the universe, Xia Fei was putting out 120% of his power!

His expression was savage, his eyes were spitting flames, and his appearance was that of a madman!

‘I won’t give up that easily!’ Xia Fei mentally roared.

“I said that it’s an intrinsic law of the universe, but you still wanted to challenge it. You’re truly stubborn,” Oro shook his head and sternly said. “Just give it up. Peac.o.c.k Blue is already at its limit. Look, its blades of gra.s.s are stretched taut. If Phoenix Tail Stone’s struggles become just a little stronger, it will completely break apart. I’m guessing things aren’t easy for you, either, right?”

Xia Fei did not answer Oro, for he and Peac.o.c.k Blue had already reached their limits! All that was supporting them was Peac.o.c.k Blue’s loyalty to Xia Fei and Xia Fei’s resolve to never give up!


The spectating Furball could no longer restrain himself. Exotic beasts were loyal to their master, and Furball sensed danger. He felt like he needed to do something for his master at a time like this.

Though Furball was cunning, lazy, and audacious, no one would ever doubt his loyalty to Xia Fei. Peac.o.c.k Blue was putting in so much effort to help Xia Fei, causing Furball to feel endangered. As this Immemorial Mystical Armament rapidly matured, it was seemingly threatening Furball’s position as Xia Fei’s number one helper. Someone as proud as him could not accept this.

Furball would bow to no one in this universe except Xia Fei. This was the pride of a Holy Beast—an arrogance that looked down upon the world!


Furball angrily roared and jumped in the air. Peac.o.c.k Blue was holding down Phoenix Tail Stone from the back, so Furball rammed into it from the front!

This tiny ball exploded with berserk power!

Furball bared his teeth, his eyes grim as he used all his strength to prevent Phoenix Tail Stone from escaping!

One human, one ball, and one gra.s.s united in their a.s.sault!

Xia Fei suddenly realized that Peac.o.c.k Blue seemed to have been invigorated by Furball’s entry and was now working even harder. It seemed like it was competing with Furball for the right to be Xia Fei’s number one weapon!

The greatest beneficiary of this contest was naturally Xia Fei. With these two powerful helpers a.s.sisting him, Phoenix Tail Stone gradually began to falter.

After all, Furball was a Holy Beast while Peac.o.c.k Blue was a mutated Immemorial Mystical Armament after absorbing the Nine Night Plum. With the insane and unruly Xia Fei, they formed a force that would give even the strongest warrior a headache.

Phoenix Tail Stone was slowly pushed back several meters. Excited, Xia Fei pa.s.sed even more energy to Peac.o.c.k Blue, the flood of Origin Energy making it even tougher. Given that it was already the universe’s most tenacious weed, it was born with the resolve to never give up. A mad man, a mad beast, and a mad gra.s.s worked together to exhaust Phoenix Tail Stone utterly.


After being pushed back several steps, Phoenix Tail Stone madly charged forward with even greater strength than before!


Furball collided into Phoenix Tail Stone and staggered, almost falling over!

Peac.o.c.k Blue’s blades of gra.s.s. .h.i.t maximum strain again!

‘What power!’ Xia Fei was stunned. He mentally wondered, ‘Where is this power coming from? It’s like Phoenix Tail Stone is suddenly bursting with energy again!’

Yellow flames scorched Peac.o.c.k Blue and Furball. Furball had the protection of Origin Energy and was not afraid, but Peac.o.c.k Blue was a plant and large part of the blades of bluegra.s.s was scorched.

As Phoenix Tail Stone vigorously pushed outward, the situation took a turn for the worse!

This already surpa.s.sed the power of an Immemorial Mystical Armament! Given that he, Furball, and Peac.o.c.k Blue were working together, there was no reason that they could not hold down a single Immemorial Mystical Armament!

“This might be the power of the law. You aren’t challenging Phoenix Tail Stone itself, but the balance and law of the universe, instead!” Oro loudly warned Xia Fei. In any case, Xia Fei was not listening to his advice, so Oro decided to just let Xia Fei continue messing around with Furball and Peac.o.c.k Blue.

Of course, this was only messing around to Oro. But Xia Fei and his helpers were very seriously challenging the laws of the universe.

Peac.o.c.k Blue’s blades of bluegra.s.s were already strained to the maximum extent. If Phoenix Tail Stone continued to struggle, it would eventually snap them!

Just when this thought occurred to Xia Fei, the worst case scenario happened!


One of Peac.o.c.k Blue’s three blades of gra.s.s really did snap!

‘It’s over!’ Xia Fei was shaken. Even a fool could understand that Peac.o.c.k Blue without a blade of gra.s.s would no longer have the power to restrain Phoenix Tail Stone from returning to the sea of stars!

In a flash, Furball went berserk and erupted with an unknown power!

The little ball bellowed, his body expanding! He doubled in size, his Origin Energy barrier s.h.i.+ning even more brightly. Like a dazzling morning star, a G.o.d descending to earth, he stopped Phoenix Tail Stone cold!

Following which, something even more incredible happened. Peac.o.c.k Blue’s body trembled, and the broken blade of gra.s.s began to regenerate rapidly, its hardy vitality restoring what had been lost. At the same time, a fourth blade of gra.s.s emerged from Xia Fei’s right arm!

“Four blades of gra.s.s! Peac.o.c.k Blue has actually advanced!” Oro’s eyes brightened as he shouted.

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