Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 752: Demons are strong and G.o.ds are weak.

Chapter 752: Demons are strong and G.o.ds are weak.

“Don’t even bring it up. Xia Fei is much stronger than you were back then, killing without even blinking an eye and even killing his own comrades,” Old Black stared at the screen as he mused over what had happened just now.

The moment the Alpha Protocol began, it placed Xia Fei and two other humans in a h.e.l.lish battlefield! There was blood wherever they went!

Those two human warriors claimed that they had also been forced to partic.i.p.ate in the Alpha Protocol. They fought alongside Xia Fei and killed countless foes.

Alas, the fox ultimately revealed its tail, and Xia Fei realized that these two were not comrades facing the same situation as him at all. Rather, they were simulated by the system! They were waiting for the chance to kill him!

Xia Fei did not permit even the smallest grain of sand to hinder his eyesight. Thus, when he realized that they were suspicious, he immediately killed them without blinking. It was truly killing without the slightest hesitation!

When those two simulated warriors disappeared, the h.e.l.lish battlefield also disappeared! It turned out that the test was a.s.sessing Xia Fei’s judgment and his resolve to kill his!

Old White pouted, unhappy that his older brother had exposed his faults. While he was cold and aloof now, he had been the most cowardly of all in his youth; in fact, this was his only weak spot.

Old Black’s exotic beast was very kind. The moment he saw that the brothers were starting to quarrel, he changed the subject. “Master, this Alpha Protocol seems very strange. It seems to only be testing courage and judgment, but it’s not testing Xia Fei’s actual combat power. It’s more like this series of tests is meant to a.n.a.lyze Xia Fei’s character.”

Black and White were both startled. Blackie was right. It seemed like the a.s.sessment’s goal was not to see how strong Xia Fei was but how decisive he was, instead! How heaven-defying his resolve was!

The Black and White G.o.ds did not quite get this sort of weird test, nor had they ever heard of a test like this before.

As they were pondering this, a line of numbers appeared on the screen. According to the screen, this was Xia Fei’s Alpha Index, and as the a.s.sessment proceeded, this number would s.h.i.+ft and increase.

“Alpha Index? What sort of index is it?” Old Black stroked his chin and muttered.

Xia Fei was very sullen. It had been two weeks now, but the Ancient Battlefield of G.o.ds and Demons was still using various kinds of tricks to deceive him.

To him, partic.i.p.ating in this series of tests could not be considered a bad thing. After all, martial strength required actual combat to improve, and he was more than happy to hone himself through combat. The simulated enemies created by the Ancient Battlefield were little different from real warriors, so this should have been an excellent experience. Alas, this system had seemingly gone crazy and had started to test his resolve to kill rather than his fighting power, instead.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Fei folded his arms and waited for the next test to begin.

Oro sighed. “I told you not to take that weird Alpha Test, but you refused to listen. You have to realize that these four weeks are the only time you can use the Ancient Battlefield of G.o.ds and Demons. This advanced system gives you the chance to improve yourself, and in the past, many warriors have been able to increase their ranks by two or more in these four weeks of trials!

“Unfortunately, now, you’ve really done it. Half of this precious time is gone, and you haven’t improved yourself at all. It’s like you’ve shot yourself in the foot this time.”

Xia Fei felt somewhat embarra.s.sed, but he did not regret his choice. After all, when the test was over, he would have a spatial ring called Peak Rainbow with a volume of one million cubic meters, which would be enough to make up for his losses.

Besides, regret was pointless. Since he could change his decision, he could only patiently wait for the next round of tests.

After fifteen minutes without any sign of activity from the system, Xia Fei and Oro started to get weirded out. Was the Alpha Test over?


There was an eruption of divine light!

A white-haired G.o.d descended from the sky, exuding such brilliant light that it was impossible to see what he looked like. His body was a hundred meters tall, and his white hair, which danced in the wind, was also a hundred meters long.

Xia Fei and Oro were immediately struck dumb by this bizarre sight. His manifestation was even more stunning; the appearance of the old immortal could cause one’s imagination to run wild.

“Congratulations. You are the first warrior in history to pa.s.s the Alpha Test.” As the light gradually faded, a majestic voice rumbled through this battlefield.

Oro broke out in a sweat. “It’s over! This is the Gravity King, one of the people who established the Law Realm and set down its rules!”

Xia Fei asked in shock, “One of the people who made the Law Realm? Doesn’t that mean he’s incredibly powerful?”

“Of course, he’s powerful! He’s an apex king who has mastery of the Law of Gravity!” Oro said, his face pale.

At the same time, the Ancient Battlefield’s control room was also in chaos. Old Black screamed and immediately started to run!

“It’s over! The undying old coots have caught up!”

Just when he was about to activate his law force and run for his life, Old White grabbed him.

“This is a simulation by the Ancient Battlefield! What are you running for? If those undying old coots actually came, do you think we wouldn’t be able to sense them?”

Old Black became embarra.s.sed, clutching his chest and panting for breath as he asked, “A Simulation? That’s too real. Look at him! That majesty is exactly the same as the Gravity King’s.”

This was when something shocking happened. The brothers saw Xia Fei walk forward with a smile and stabbed the Gravity King!

The Black and White G.o.ds glanced at each other, so shocked that they could not speak. As for the two parrots behind them, they felt gooseb.u.mps all over their bodies.

The two G.o.ds had astounding cultivation and were in the battlefield’s control room, so they knew that this was not the real Gravity King. As for Xia Fei, how had he been able to tell? It had to be understood that this G.o.d was extremely similar to the real deal; even Oro who was hiding in the ring had almost been scared senseless.


The hundred-meter-tall figure instantly broke apart, signaling the Ancient Battlefield system’s scheme failing again. Xia Fei callously wiped the Blood Crystal off on his thigh before putting it away in his ring.

Oro stared hard at Xia Fei for a while, and it took ages for him to come back to his senses. “How did you know that it’s a fake?”

“I didn’t know.”

“What?!” Oro almost jumped out of his rainbow ice coffin. He stared and asked, “You didn’t even know if it’s the real deal, but you still stabbed him?!”

Xia Fei shrugged. “It’s all been the system’s simulations from start to finish. I confess that it did a good job, and I was almost fooled a few times, but just think about it. Why would this Gravity King care about some minor and obscure character like me? There’s no reason for him to do so. Besides, even if he was the real deal, he wouldn’t die from a stab. He would lose some blood essence at most.”

Oro swallowed. “So you stabbed him simply to determine whether he’s real or not?”

Xia Fei tilted his head and asked, “Do you have a better method?”

Oro, the Black and White G.o.ds, and the parrots all practically exploded after hearing Xia Fei’s terrible explanation. It was a good thing that the figure had been a fake. If it were the real deal, everyone would be accompanying Xia Fei to the grave by then! Stabbing to determine authenticity? This was just too much!

Old White exhaled and helplessly said, “I think I know what this Alpha Index is now.”

“What?” Old Black blinked and asked.

“This is a warrior’s madness index!” Old White hollered. As he spoke, that number on the screen began to soar. It seemed that Xia Fei stabbing the Gravity King with barely a thought had been worth a lot of points.

The control room that the Black and White G.o.ds were in was not just able to see Xia Fei; other warriors were also displayed on the other screens. Old Black and Old White would occasionally take a look at the other partic.i.p.ants.

The two Divine Beasts naturally took on the duty of gathering information. The testing circ.u.mstances over the last two weeks were quickly brought to the two G.o.ds.

“Bad. The situation this time is very bad, “Old Black rapped the table and sternly said.

His younger brother, Old White, also sighed. “Yes, the strength of the warriors this time is too uneven. So far, the Demon Race has six warriors who have impressive performances, while the G.o.d Race doesn’t have a single comparable individual.”

It’s not like the Ancient Battlefield of G.o.ds and Demons is open to everyone. All the partic.i.p.ants have to sneak in, so the balance of strength is very important. Do you recall what it’s like the year we came in?” Old Black asked.

Nodding, Old White cracked a rare smile. “The G.o.d Race was quite strong with that batch of warriors, while the Demon Race was rather mediocre. We managed to kill quite a few demon warriors. Thinking back, those were happier times.”

The two peak races had always been at loggerheads, and everyone here was sneaking into the Ancient Battlefield and fighting in secret. If the two sides’ strength was even, with neither side confident about taking on the other, the warriors would very tactfully not provoke each other and would just mind their respective business. Only if they encountered someone who was weak and alone would the occasional killing happen.

However, things were different if one side was weaker. A treasure-hunting compet.i.tion would become a slaughter!

Old Black worriedly said, “Now, the situation is reversed. The Demon Race is too strong while the G.o.d Race is too weak. The moment the Demon Race finds out that our side is too weak, they’ll start getting murderous thoughts. After all, the Ancient Battlefield has nice things left by our predecessors, but there aren’t too many to go around. Eliminating the other side makes it easier for one to continue about their own business.

“Look here; the Demon Race has six level 9 Great Law Emperors, only one step away from Law Overlord! They’re from powerful martial clans like Waterwood, Edusa, and Kerry. Each clan has its own ultimate techniques, able to demonstrate shocking power.”

“Still, the G.o.d Race’s side is lacking in talent. Besides the two Skybirds with Great Law Emperor cultivation who are decent fighters, the rest of them can barely take a blow. Xia Fei’s human race is even worse off. The Skywings must’ve gone crazy. Xia Fei has only just reached the Law Emperor level, but he’s already being sent to the Ancient Battlefield. Don’t the Skywings know that each treasure hunt on this battlefield results in a bloodbath?”

While Old Black was normally a carefree person, when things got serious, he displayed the maturity of an older brother and calmly a.n.a.lyzed the situation.

The brothers had always been forced to flee the G.o.d Race, but the blood of the G.o.d Race still flowed through their veins. The grim situation that the G.o.d Race faced left them in a bad mood.

“There’s nothing to be done. We can’t go in there, and if we try to force our way in, we’ll draw the attention of those undying old coots,” Old White said after some thought. “We can only watch and see how the youths do on their own.”

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