Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 917: Furball"s Sixth Form!

Chapter 917: Furball"s Sixth Form!

This was a tough battle. These Dark lifeforms had the ability to divide their bodies, leaving Xia Fei with nowhere to attack. If this were a single and whole Dark lifeform, Xia Fei would already kill it one thousand time. The problem was that the enemy was constantly changing!


The Blood Crystal rushed over, and the five-headed Dark lifeform instantly broke up back up into countless little b.a.l.l.s. The Blood Crystal missed and flew straight through, unable to take the life of the Dark lifeform.

"This guy is too cunning! It"s drawing your attention so that you can"t help Little Goldie. Once Little Goldie loses, you"ll be surrounded!" said Radix urgently.

Xia Fei naturally understood the situation on the battlefield. Little Goldie was holding off the three mutated demon stingers alone. These fellows were smaller than Little Goldie, but they were abnormally coordinated and far more savage than the average demon chrysalis! Those red eyes made it seem like they had gone crazy!

Little Goldie showed no fear against the attacks of the demon stingers, and it had also made good use of the Ark energy Xia Fei had given it. It exploited its ma.s.sive body to make overwhelming attacks. Anything struck by Little Goldie"s planet-sized body would be sent flying off very far!

However, the three demon stingers were unwilling to concede. The hatred in their chests served as mental energy; they were clearly more durable than Little Goldie. Thus, they hovered around Little Goldie, charging up and attacking him whenever they had a chance.

As the saying went, "two fists find it hard to overcome four hands." Little Goldie had outstanding reversed genes and was a true king of demon chrysalises, but it was helpless against its more numerous foes, and Little Goldie gradually began to panic and fall into the enemies" tempo.

Xia Fei was aware that the most frightening thing for a warrior was to fall into the enemy tempo. The young Little Goldie still did not know this. After charging around, it soon became clear that it was getting tired. If this battle continued, the situation would soon become dire.

Xia Fei coldly laughed. In these few minutes, his brain had been thinking, and he now had the answer! The next step was to break out of this encirclement!

"Nineteen Realm Wind Wheels!"


Xia Fei thrust out his arms, and nineteen frightening spatial fissures appeared in the sea of stars. Each one was in the form of an arc and had a diameter of five kilometers!

This was one of the strongest Law of s.p.a.ce combat techniques Xia Fei knew, and it was part of the true inheritance of the Atlanteans. Every time it was used, it would consume an enormous amount of energy, but it was not as simple as just a particularly strong technique! It obliterated everything in its path!

The enemy he was dealing with was no ordinary warrior, but a Dark lifeform. Even the strongest law technique would be much weaker when encountering a Dark lifeform; even if Xia Fei unleashed his strongest attack, it was not guaranteed to wipe out the enemy completely. Why did he persist then?

The nineteen giant spatial fissures suddenly split apart, taking the form of a giant net that enclosed the numerous fragments of the Dark lifeform. Following which, the fissures began to push toward the center!

The Nineteen Realm Wind Wheels possessed astonis.h.i.+ng power and were a wide-AOE attack. The Dark lifeform naturally was unwilling to take the attack like this, so it hurriedly condensed back together, but this was exactly what Xia Fei wanted!

He wanted to squeeze his scattered foe into a fixed s.p.a.ce so that he could execute the second step of his plan: release the restless energy in his seventh brain region and use this energy to drive the Law of Primal Chaos! To create a superstorm guided by the Law of Primal Chaos!

Normal law powers may be unable to do anything to a Dark lifeform, but Xia Fei"s Law of Primal Chaos had never been ordinary! It was a power that could subvert everything, turning black to white, and the living to the dead!


In a flash, the Dark lifeform"s body began to congregate like bees returning to their hive, buzzing and humming as they were squeezed into a small s.p.a.ce.

Although they had not returned to their complete form yet, this density was enough for Xia Fei!

"Law of Primal Chaos!" Xia Fei shouted, his eyes erupting with killing intent!

The rainbow energy ball was just about to activate his powerful Law of Primal Chaos, fusing his two trump cards into a frenzied tsunami that was certain to annihilate everything in its path, when something completely unexpected happened!

There was a silver streak in s.p.a.ce, like a lightning bolt coming out of the blue! It struck the congregating Dark lifeform!

There was a white explosion of light, like ten thousand lightning bolts cras.h.i.+ng down in unison!

It was simply impossible to describe this stunning scene! The silver lightning bolt seemed capable of hacking a sun into 9,999 pieces!


The giant lightning bolt wrapped around the Dark lifeform! Using its innate ability, it instantly vaporized the monster!

Xia Fei was stunned and hurriedly turned his head, wanting to who had preempted his trump card to kill this Dark lifeform first!

It was simply astonis.h.i.+ng timing! Just when Xia Fei gathered up the Dark lifeform in one place, that silver lightning bolt cracked down! This was clearly intentional!


A frightening howl came from the distance, the sound wave almost throwing the stars into turmoil!

A silver ball of gigantic proportions charged out, and with those cunning little eyes, it could only be Furball!

"You actually advanced again!" shouted Xia Fei excitedly, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng.

Exotic beasts protected their masters. Naturally, Furball had not abandoned Xia Fei, nor would he ever!

After absorbing too much energy, Furball was finally on the brink of promotion. After completing his evolution in the distant sea of stars, he rushed back!

He had been the perpetrator of that attack, getting ahead of Xia Fei to destroy the Dark lifeforms!

"Heavens! Furball is ma.s.sive now! He"s now an existence on par with Little Goldie!" said Radix excitedly.

The approaching Furball was now the size of a moon. In the past, Xia Fei had always complained about how Furball would never get any larger, but now that this guy had grown up, he experienced a crazy growth spurt!

He had left the size of a palm and had come back the size of a moon!

"No wonder Furball got away from us to evolve. This seems to be a very crucial evolution, granting him a crazy appearance!" Radix crowed.


At the crucial moment, Furball had broken into level 6, becoming a moon-sized Holy Beast!

The tables were instantly turned. Xia Fei stood in the center, his eyes cold and aloof, and at his side were two moons, one gold and one silver!

The three demon stingers stood on the other side, howling and not daring to attack.

The difference in strength between both sides was far too great! Putting aside Xia Fei, those demon stingers might not even be able to deal with Holy Beast Shatterstar and Little Goldie, the king of demon chrysalises!

It must be understood that Furball and Little Goldie were both the size of moon. One gold and one silver, they were like the mythical generals of the Shang Dynasty, Heng and Ha, their bodies exuding majesty!

"I don"t know what you are, but regardless, you will all die today!" Xia Fei waved his hand and declared.

"Awoooo!" "Hing~"

Furball and Little Goldie howled, their voices so frightening they distorted the fabric of s.p.a.ce!

One second later, Xia Fei, Furball, and Little Goldie charged out together like three swords! The tips of their blades were pointed straight at the three demon stingers!



Xia Fei flicked his wrist, taking back the Blood Crystal, the energy of the last demon stinger having been devoured. In the blink of an eye, Xia Fei"s party had slain the demon stingers as easily as chopping melons!

It was not because they had been weak but rather Xia Fei"s party had just been too strong! Furball and Little Goldie were both much larger than the demon stingers, and one bite from Furball was enough to take off half the head of a demon stinger!

With the now flight-capable Blood Crystal, Peac.o.c.k Blue that had integrated four Mystical Armaments, and the crazy Xia Fei, how could the three demon stingers possibly contend against such a powerful force?

Moreover, for Furball, breaking into level 6 had not just increased his body size but also made his attacks much more powerful!

Right now, the attacks Furball released were like lightning bolts, capable of striking from very long distances with essentially the same power as the Shatterstar Strike. This was how powerful Furball was right now!

"Have you seen lifeforms like this before?" Xia Fei pointed at the three demon stingers and asked.

Radix shook his head and softly said, "I don"t recall any datafiles bringing up this sort of thing before. In terms of aura, they"re very much like demon chrysalises, but they don"t look like demon chrysalises at all. These are probably mutants, or perhaps new demon chrysalises that the Demon Race have bred recently."

Xia Fei said nothing, reaching out a hand to pet Furball. Xia Fei was delighted by Furball"s evolution this time. After waiting for so long, he had finally arrived at the day where Furball was all grown up.

However, to his surprise, his hand hit nothing but empty s.p.a.ce. When he turned to look, his face instantly turned gloomy.

In the blink of an eye, Furball had once more returned to his original size of a little ball!


He jumped into Xia Fei"s chest, first using his furry body to nuzzle Xia Fei and then falling straight asleep! He looked absolutely adorable, but it seemed like the evolution and the battle had left him very tired.

Xia Fei was utterly speechless! Furball had finally grown big like he wanted, but it had only been for a few minutes! This guy had once more returned to his original form, no different from before his evolution!

"How did you manage to do it? How did you shrink again?!" Xia Fei grabbed Furball and angrily asked.

Radix spoke. "It"s all because of his dual nature. Holy Beasts have always been unfathomable beings. Isn"t Furball perfectly fine as he is? In battle, he can become a ma.s.sive creature, and once the battle is over, he becomes a little ball that you can take wherever you want while also saving energy. This kid has a very sharp mind."

Xia Fei shook his head. "I hope it"s as you say. It would be terrible if Furball couldn"t return to that form."

Turning around, Xia Fei used Ocular Cognition to peer into the distance.

"Those Dark lifeforms are still chasing that mysterious light. There must be something going on! Forget about this business for now. Let"s go after those Dark lifeforms and see what"s going on!" Xia Fei sternly said.


Xia Fei raised an eyebrow and then explosively accelerated! Traveling at one million meters per second, he went off in pursuit of the Dark lifeforms, Little Goldie bellowing as it followed!

The Edusa Clan"s demon chrysalis tamers were all gobsmacked. They were much slower than the demon stingers, so they had arrived just in time to see the three shriveled corpses and Xia Fei and Little Goldie traveling into the distance.

"Heavens! The three demon stingers are all dead?! How"s that possible!"

"It must be the work of that golden demon chrysalis over there, but what species is it? Why is it completely gold?"

As the demon chrysalis tamers discussed what had happened, they could not help but nastily grimace. The loss of the Ten Thousand Buddha Radiance was already bad enough, and now, Xia Fei had even killed its sons. The Edusa Clan had suffered a heavy blow this time!

However, the elder leading this team had an extremely excited look on his face as he stared at Little Goldie. As the leader of the demon chrysalis team, he was not sad at all about the death of the three demon stingers. Rather, he was even more concerned with Little Goldie!

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