Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 936 - The Venomous Snake, Tai Xiaojun

Chapter 936 - The Venomous Snake, Tai Xiaojun

The young man, who had been accompanying Hua Siniang all that while, suddenly slew the four bodyguards and departed right before the midnight chime rang. Meanwhile, Hua Siniang was busy giving chase to the three unknown figures who had looted her treasury!


Moving at great speed, Hua Siniang lived up to her name as a level 3 Law G.o.d expert. She managed to leave her warriors in the dust as she hunted down her targets alone. Meanwhile, the three figures intentionally kept their distance from her, neither too far nor too close, almost as if they were purposely doing this.

Once a Law Adept reached the Law G.o.d tier, they would possess a superhuman perception. Hua Siniang had started to sense that something was amiss here. These three individuals she kept chasing were evidently speed experts! They were completely capable of leaving her in their wake, yet they chose not to do so. There must be something strange afoot!

Speed type warriors were not frightening; what was frightening the name Hua Siniang had suddenly thought of.


It was the sole clan that had every member cultivating the Law of Speed! As if they had wings on their backs, they were capable of flying through the stars and the nine heavens, the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade! That group of lunatics was bold enough to make enemies with anyone! If this was really a scheme the Skywings had set up, then death would come for her even if she was a level 3 Law G.o.d.

After a pause, Hua Siniang suddenly came to a halt.


The instant Hua Siniang came to a halt, the three figures in front of her turned around and began closing in on her at incredible speeds! They were moving at a speed of more than a million per second!

Furthermore, there seven other figures das.h.i.+ng in from all directions, also moving at speeds above a million meters per second!

"Are you all from the Skywing Clan?!" Hua Siniang barked out in her rage; a measure of grief and indignation could be heard in her voice!

At this point, the truth could not be any clearer. Aside from the Skywing, no other clan out there could send over experts that reached one million meters per second of speed, and given the tacit coordination they demonstrated, no doubt that this was the legendary lightning wolfpack formation!

In the time it took for someone to blink an eye, Hua Siniang got surrounded by ten Superior Law Sages. led by Xia Guanghai, from every direction, even from the sky and underground. Hua Siniang had nowhere to hide!

"Suppress her!" Xia Gunaghai pointed at Hua Siniang and viciously ordered with a wag of his finger.


With the Skywing wolfpack striking all at once, they looked no different from a pack of demons without fear of death as they unleased their inner demons! There was no way for Hua Siniang to have a chance at retaliating or even explaining herself!

Hua Siniang had every intention of resisting, but a Law G.o.d who had fallen prey to the Skywing Clan"s wolfpack formation was no different from a lamb being led to the slaughter! These speed experts did not give her even the slightest chance to do anything! In order to accomplish this insane task, Xia Fei had the most powerful group of clansmen mobilized for this operation!

In the first second that Hua Siniang found herself under attack by the Skywing"s ten Superior Law Sages, the fastest wars.h.i.+p in the entire universe, The Gemini, suddenly landed. The wolfpack then proceeded to force the woman into its cargo hold before disappearing without a sound!

Lunatics would, of course, act with utmost lunacy—lunatics that would not cease in what they did until they achieved their goal!

Whenever the fiendish blade was unsheathed, it would always go straight for the jugular!

This entire operation was the definition of madness!

Under the command of the Skywing wolfpack"s lone wolf, Xia Fei, they had actually succeeded in kidnapping esteemed Law G.o.d Hua Siniang!


The Gemini, guest cabin.

What was originally a very cramped wars.h.i.+p had eleven experts from the Skywing Clan crowding inside. There was also Law G.o.d Hua Siniang, making the cabin even more cramped. Several Skywing Law Sages had no choice but to spread their arms out and hang from the ceiling.

The one piloting the wars.h.i.+p was the search specialist, Xia Geng. Upon learning that the young man accompanying Hua Siniang had killed his four colleagues and escaped, Xia Fei decisively sent Xia Geng to pilot The Gemini, while Oro informed the Guardians regarding the changes in the situation. The plan was to gain their trust, thereby laying the groundwork for his acceptance into their faction. As for Xia Fei, he went after the young man, who had suddenly made a run for it.


Once they struck, the wars.h.i.+p rapidly departed. After all, in just a handful of minutes, the Dark lifeforms" army would arrive!

"Why is it you? Where"s Xia Fei?" Xia Guanghai discovered that they were missing one person and anxiously asked about his whereabouts.

Xia Geng"s expression went pale as he switched the wars.h.i.+p into auto-pilot, dropping his head and replying, "The young man accompanying Hua Siniang is extremely suspicious, so Xia Fei decided to investigate."

"This!" Xia Guanghai croaked. "How could you leave Xia Fei alone at the Night Banquet?!"

Aside from Oro, the Skywings had planned to mobilized fifteen Law Sages, with Xia Gunaghai leading a ten-man squad into baiting Hua Siniang and capturing her, Xia Yezi activating a spatial bomb, and Xia Dian in a sniper team of three covering their retreat.

Everything had gone down exactly as planned, and the execution was done with absolute resolution. However, it was the strategist Xia Fei who ended up tossing everything aside. There was no way Xia Guanghai could be at ease upon learning this! After all, the Dark lifeforms" army was swiftly making its way to the Night Banquet Inn! Everyone who remained was in extreme danger!

Xia Geng responded with a glum expression, "Xia Fei is the strategist and executor of this operation; how could I go against his order? Besides, you all know what Xia Fei"s personality is like. Is there anyone out there who can stop him from doing what he wants to do?"

"Well, quickly inform Xia Dian and his sniper team that Xia Fei has yet to retreat! Get them to delay the attack of the Dark lifeforms" army as best as they can!" Xia Guanghai stomped his foot in frustration and loudly gave the order.

With that, Xia Guanghai menacingly tore off the black cloth they had wrapped around Hua Siniang"s head.

"Start talking! Just who is that young man with you earlier?!" Xia Guanghai interrogated loudly.

Hua Siniang glared at Xia Guanghai and spoke in a sinister voice, "I recognize you. You"re from the Skywing Clan! You, Skywings, actually dared to lay your hands on yours truly? You"re all dead—"


Xia Guanghai slapped the Law G.o.d across her cheek as the last word left her lips, leaving a red imprint of his hand on Hua Siniang"s porcelain skin.

"Screw your "dead"!" Xia Guanghai was worrying about Xia Fei, so he immediately cursed in return.

"You dared to strike me?!" Hua Siniang stared at Xia Guanghai in shock. She had already forgotten when was the last time she had been struck by anyone. It had been a long time since Hua Siniang made a name for herself, after all, and Xia Guanghai was no different from a junior to her. Being slapped by a junior of the Skywing Clan, the affront she felt deep inside could not be described with mere words.

Hua Siniang had a Law G.o.d cultivation in the Law of Matter, so there was no way anyone could harm her at all, but the Skywing wolfpack had her shackled with the Broken Dragon Manacles, which were amazing tools that disabled law usage, making her no different from any ordinary folk no matter how great her cultivation was.


Before Hua Siniang could recover from her surprise, Xia Guanghai had sent a kick her way, flying right onto her fairly pretty face!

This was a vicious kick!

It turned the self-proclaimed beauty, Hua Siniang, into a crooked jujube! Her mouth of pearly whites became filled with blood!

"Strike you? If you dare to harm a fellow clansman, yours truly will even kill you!" Xia Guanghai spat, not at all showing her any modesty a gentleman would show the fairer s.e.x.

Not just Xia Guanghai; after hearing that Xia Fei had remained behind, not one from the Skywing wolfpack looked friendly, glaring at this woman with anger burning in their eyes.

It was only at this point that Hua Siniang understood the true meaning of the name "Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade": They were indeed a crazy bunch, and there was nothing in this universe that the Skywings dared not do.

With a mirthless laugh, Hua Siniang threw a fierce look back as she spoke portentously. "Tai Xiaojun is really formidable. That comrade of yours who remained behind is dead meat! Don"t think that you"ll be safe after taking away what belongs to me, Hua Siniang! I may die, but your comrade will entering the grave with me!"

Xia Guanghai was shocked, as the expression on his face changed greatly.

"What nonsense! Your treasury"s empty to begin with!"

A look of disbelief appeared on Hua Siniang"s face as she stammered, "W-What? The Treasury… is empty?! That"s impossible! It must be Tai Xiaojun! D*mn that treacherous cad!"


No one would have thought that when Xia Guanghai broke into the treasury of the Night Banquet and successfully lured Hua Siniang away, they had also snared the venomous snake Tai Xiaojun!

Several minutes prior, Tai Xiaojun did not chase after Hua Siniang but went in the opposite direction, instead, heading toward a faraway valley.

Quickly, he arrived at the edge before the valley. Looking back at the Night Banquet Inn towering into the clouds, Tai Xiaojun remarked in a sinister tone, "Siniang, it"s not that I, Tai Xiaojun, don"t wish to help you; it"s just that you"re too stupid, and you only have yourself to blame for that!"

Smiling, Tai Xiaojun leaped into the valley below, but he soon furrowed his brows.

All he saw was a small shuttle parked silently in the valley. He had no idea who was the culprit, but a significantly sized hole was made on the s.h.i.+p"s hull, enough to render the wars.h.i.+p unusable. The skill of the culprit was perfect, having caused damage to the s.h.i.+p right between its power a.s.sembly and its connection system.

This was when Tai Xiaojun heard footfalls getting closer to him from behind.

The expression on his face changed abruptly as he turned around, only to find Xia Fei coldly staring at him like an intimidating wolf that had found its prey.

"I"m sorry. I"m afraid that your wars.h.i.+p won"t be taking off any time soon," Xia Fei said with a smile.

Tai Xiaojun looked around the area before coming to a grand realization. "So it"s you who attempted to rob Hua Sininang"s treasury. The spatial bomb that had gone off was also your doing, right? Still, why are you here with me if you"re after the Dark Night Diary? You should be looking for Siniang."

Xia Fei was unconvinced. "If the item"s with Sininang, why would you be running off so quickly? Are you perhaps keeping some secrets on your person?"

There was a slight change on Tai Xiaojun"s face, but it soon returned to normal.

"Hmph! Though you guessed that the item"s with me, that will only matter if you can take it from me!"

At that very moment, the graceful facade Tai Xiaojun was showing fell off, and he revealed a ferocious expression. "Not knowing your doom despite the imminent catastrophe, you"ve already run out of time. Look over there!"

Lifting his hand, Tai Xiaojun pointed up into the midnight sky.


A grand explosion rang out, and a huge hole appeared in the starry night sky. Following which, a huge head poked out!


Tai Xiaojun laughed maniacally as he arrogantly declared, "The main attack of the Dark lifeforms has already begun! I can"t leave, but neither can you!"

Xia Fei was surprised. He had only followed his intuition and discovered that this seemingly inconspicuous young man was not that simple. He had never thought that the Dark Night Diary would actually be with this young man!

If Xia Fei knew that Tai Xiaojun had actually emptied out Hua Sinang"s treasury, he might be in for an even greater shock!

The moment the Dark lifeforms" army began their a.s.sault, they could not be easily stopped. Peculiar changes to the s.p.a.ce and sky kept occurring, and soon, there were twelve giant heads spilling out from several holes!

There were giant toads, ferocious lizards, and even an eyeless anaconda!

They were all sorts of creatures larger than planets!

This was when a bellow could be heard from the faraway night sky; it was a stern and terrifying roar!

A meteor came instantly streaking down from the sky as if it were a spear from h.e.l.l. It instantly pierced through the heads of one of the gigantic Dark lifeforms!

Insta-killed! An absolute insta-kill!

This was the power of the White Tiger Soul Meteor! Xia Dian of the sniper team had already been given the order, stalling for every possible second for the sake of Xia Fei, who had remained behind!

The sniper position was too far, so the Azure Dragon Soul Meteor was ineffective, and all they could rely on was the White Tiger Soul Meteor!

On the ground, both Xia Fei and Tai Xiaojun made their move at the same time!

Xia Fei took out his demonic blade, Nirvana, as well as Peac.o.c.k Blue, while Tai Xiaojun unexpectedly released a ball of mysterious water.

"That"s Immemorial Mystical Armament Water of Resentment! Don"t get hit by that water, or it will ruin your physical body!" Radix yelled in Xia Fei"s mind.

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