Super Soldier

Chapter 003     Settle a blood debt with blood!

Chapter 003     Settle a blood debt with blood!

Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai

Su Xiaoxiao did according to Xiao Bing’s instruction. A moment later, her mother’s face’s color was a lot better compared to before. Her heart finally started to calm down. She continuously compressed her mother’s chest as how Xiao bing had told her to.


Watching her mother’s condition gradually getting better, Xiao Bing also let out a long sigh of relief. Apparently, the little first aid knowledge which he learned from his friend was very helpful after all.


Xiao Bing took a look at the surroundings of the store. The windows had all been destroyed to bits. The floor was full of broken gla.s.s. The tables and chairs were also no longer usable. This clearly proved that Mother Su’s heart attack was not something random.


There were total of 3 employees in the store. One of them was the middle age woman who fed Mother Su the medicine. The other two were just young girls aged around 20 years old.


Xiao Bing looked at the oldest, the middle age woman and asked. “How do I call you?”


“My name is w.a.n.g Guizhi….”


“Aunt w.a.n.g, can you tell me what exactly happened here? How did aunty fall sick suddenly?”


Mentioning that, w.a.n.g Guizhi and the two young girls showed a face full of indignation. Xiao Bing learned from w.a.n.g Guizhi that this road was called Xuefu Road. Because it was near a few universities, the businesses on the street were always popular.


Two years ago, a youngster named Brother Duan Zhi suddenly became in charge of this street. Every month, each store on the street must pay protection fees before the deadline. However, this month Brother Duan Zhi broke the routine. Few days ago, one of his subordinate came and collected the fees. Only several days had pa.s.sed and yet, Brother Duan Zhi came again today. w.a.n.g Guizhi tried to reason with him and as a result, the noodle store had been smashed. Even she herself nearly died from heart attack.


Xiao Bing took a deep breath. Last time when in special corps, Peiya was willing to sacrifice her peaceful life, went through fire and water for her mother land and its people. When she retired from the special corps, her heart was still with her countrymen. Now she was gone and yet her family members were hurt by those who she protected desperately that she nearly lost her life.


n.o.body knew that in Xiao Bing’s heart, a killing desire started to grow.


At this moment, the ambulance finally arrived at the front of the store. The medical staff immediately brought a stretcher to bring Mother Su up to the ambulance. Xiao Bing silently went aboard the ambulance together with Su Xiaoxiao. The remaining 3 were left at the store to clean up all the mess.


After the scene just now, Su Xiaoxiao’s att.i.tude towards Xiao Bing was not as cold as in the beginning. But she still did not show a good expression. Coupled with the news of her sister’s death, she just sat dazed during the whole journey to the hospital. Once the ambulance stopped at the gate, everyone started to get off. Only when the medical staff beside Xiaoxiao called her to get off, she only started to react. “Ah…ah…okay.”


Xiao Bing offered his hand and gently said, “Come, I’ll help you get down.”


“No need.” Su Xiaoxiao stubbornly ignored Xiao Bing’s hand and jumped down by herself. Xiao bing whispered to her, “Regarding the news of your sister, I think it is better to temporarily keep this as a secret from your mum. From her condition right now, I am afraid that she might not be able to accept this blow.”


Su Xiaoxiao nodded. “I think so too. And just now in the noodle store…..thank you.”


Xiao Bing smiled. “There is no need to thank me. This is just a small matter. I learnt for a bit from my friend. You can also learn this simple emergency measure. I am sure it will be useful in some way.”


Su Xiaoxiao nodded her head and said, “If you leave right now and stop bothering us mother and daughter, I would be even more grateful to you.”


Xiao Bing had a bitter laugh. Mother Su who was on a stretcher was quickly carried to the emergency centre. Without any delay, Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao rushed in together into the centre too.


Entering the emergency centre, Xiao Bing went to the counter and pay the treatment cost and deposit. When he came back, operation had already begun. Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiao Bing with a complex gaze. “I was in a hurry when I left home. I will pay you back later.”


Xiao Bing shook his head and told her, “The money was not mine. It was your sister’s ATM card and her money is in here. Before she died, she specially asked me to bring it back to her family. Here, keep this card properly.”


In this card, the money included the wages during her services in special forces and the reward when she completed the task in Dragon corps. This was because the missions that were given were extremely difficult and so the remuneration was high. The money in the card was more than enough for an ordinary man to live for a lifetime.


Usually Su Peiya would send some money back home. However, due to her worry about her family’s safety, she did not dare to send to much to them. Before dying, she entrusted all her savings in the ATM card to Xiao Bing and had him deliver it to her family members.


Su Xiaoxiao immediately pushed back the card, with a cold expression she asked him. “A bank card is as worthy as my sister’s life? I am not interested in this money.”


Xiao Bing was a bit angry. “But this money belongs to your sister ah!”


“I just want her to be alive!” With such strong statement from Su Xiaoxiao, her eyes started to turn red again. Xiao Bing after noticing it, sighed and just kept the bank card on behalf of her sister.


Maybe because of the scene just now reminded Su Xiaoxiao of her sister’s death, so she ignored Xiao Bing. It was so obvious that she blamed her sister’s death on Xiao Bing.


Xiao Bing sat silently on the bench as Su Xiaoxiao nervously walked back and forth in front of the emergency room’s door. About an hour later, the door opened and the attending physician walked out while removing his mask. “Who is the patient’s family member?”


“I’m this patient’s daughter.”


Facing Su Xiaoxiao, the attending physician said, “Luckily she was quickly rushed here and coupled with the good first aid measures performed on her. She is out of the danger zone.”


Su Xiaoxiao had a long sigh of relief. Finally, a stone had been removed from her chest. With a grateful expression, she replied, “Thank you so much, doctor.”


“But we found out that there is something unusual in patient’s body.”


Su Xiaoxiao’s face changed for a little. She was about to ask about the detail when the doctor suddenly continued, “Don’t worry too much for now. During her hospitalization, I will do a detail examination on her.”


Su Xiaoxiao repeatedly expressed her grat.i.tude again and again. At that moment, Mother Su was pushed out from the operation room. While pa.s.sing by Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao, Mother Su looked at Xiao Bing. With a weak voice, she thanked him before being push into the ward to rest.


The nurse found Su Xiaoxiao and asked her, “This should be your boyfriend, right? Well, the patient needs a lot of rest for now. Tonight, one of you should remain here to accompany her, that would be sufficient.”


Su Xiaoxiao’s face reddened from the nurse’s remark. She was about to deny it and explain her relationship with Xiao Bing but he spoke before she could, “Then I will go back first. If there is anything, remember to call me.”


Su Xiaoxiao was now holding a name card and stared at Xiao Bing with a bitter expression. However, Xiao Bing just ignored that and walked towards the direction of the stairs. Looking at the back of Xiao Bing, a complicated gaze was revealed in her eyes.


A man with a white coat was climbing the stairs to upper levels and about to pa.s.s by Xiao Bing. The moment when they were at the moment of brushing off each other, Xiao Bing suddenly started to make his move. He immediately grabbed the foe’s neck as fast as lighting.


Xiao Bing’s action was fast, ruthless, accurate and sudden. Even a masterfully skilled army member might not be able to evade on time. But surprisingly, the foe succeeded in evading his attack. Too bad, Xiao Bing’s follow up action was even faster. A snap sound could be heard. A palm could be seen thrusted at the white coat man’s stomach. The white man’s back hit the wall hard, due to the thrusting force.


Xiao Bing grabbed the white coat man’s clothes and went downstairs. He then dragged the man into a toilet. After ensuring the toilet was empty at the moment, he quickly locked the door.


“Xiao Bei, how long have you been following me?”


Xiao Bei was just a fresh 20 year plus youngster. He rubbed his chest, forced a smile and said, “Captain, why did you still hit me when you know who I am? I already tried to hide myself with this attire and yet you are still able to recognise me? Well, if you can’t see this trick then you won’t be my captain.”


Xiao Bing frowned, “I have quit Dragon corps long ago.”


“Oh.” Xiao Bei’s face was a bit sad but soon returned to his usual bright smile. “O ya….. Brother Bing, I heard from the team that you want an a.s.sistant.”


“So, you are recommending yourself?”


Xiao Bei played with his hair and laughed. “I’ve arrived a few hours earlier than you. Then, I just camped at Peiya’s home downstairs. When I saw you both went to the hospital, of course I followed too.”


“Well, your Sister Peiya had died. There is a traitor in Dragon corps but his ident.i.ty is still unknown. But before her death, she did mention a clue, the traitor’s ident.i.ty could be found from Su Xiaoxiao’s body.”


“Su Xiaoxiao?” Xiao Bei was surprised at his statement. “Su Xiaoxiao was just an ordinary college student. Although she is pretty and the flower of the cla.s.s, she really isn’t unique or special in any way.”


Xiao Bing nodded with hazy eyes. “A few months ago, Dragon corps took a huge mission before the mission in Somalia. I knew it would not go smooth but never did I think that our every step was known by the enemy. Then, someone told Peiya that there was a traitor in the team. Thus, Peiya went to meet him but both were ambushed by the enemy. When I arrived it was too late to rescue Peiya. Just before the informant died, he told Peiya that the clue for the traitor’s ident.i.ty was at the side of Xiaoxiao. It was just that she did not even know about it herself.”


Xiao Bei then asked, “So you have come here then?”


“Yup. Besides finding the clue of the ident.i.ty, I will protect Xiaoxiao until I find out the traitor’s ident.i.ty. I know that I cannot always stay beside Xiaoxiao. Thus, I need your help with that. When I am not there and she encounters any problem, immediately notify me!”


“I understand…..” Xiao Bei’s eyes were a bit red but he still carried on with his bright smile. “last time it was because I worship you that I worked hard to join Dragon corps. Since then, I have always consider you as my real brother and Peiya as my sister. When you retired, I even wanted to follow you but you did not agree. And now, Sister Peiya is gone. As a friend, I am not going to sit around and do nothing. I must find a way to get revenge.”


“Good.” Xiao Bing patted Xiao Bei’s shoulder before continuing. “Now that you are here, it is much better. Even though you are young, you are indeed strong. With your feeling towards Peiya, I am more relieved. From now on, protect Su Xiaoxiao in the dark and prevent any harm from befalling her.”


“What about aunty then?”


Xiao Bing thought for a moment. “Aunty should not need any protection. After all, the foe’s target is Su Xiaoxiao. If they are to do anything to aunty, it would most probably be as a diversion. In short, protect Xiaoxiao properly whenever I am not besides her.”


“I know!” Xiao Bei bit his lip and nodded his head with great confidence.


Xiao Bing looked at Xiao Bei’s red eyes. “Xiao Bei, your Sister Peiya has pa.s.sed away. When she was alive, she would always think of you……. If you can’t hold it any longer, then just cry it all out.”


Xiao Bei bit his lip and shook his head.


“Then, I will go first.” Xiao Bing sighed. “This time, I would bother you then. We will take turns protect her. But don’t let Su Xiaoxiao notice you.”


Xiao Bing left the washroom. When he noticed the door was locked from inside again, he could hear a cry.


This child……rest a.s.sured. I won’t let you suffer for long. After all, a blood debt can only be paid back with blood.    

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