Super Soldier

Chapter 59

Publishedat 16th of May 2019 07:28:08 PMChapter 59
Chapter 59 I Don"t Have a Wife at All!

The next day, Xiao Bing was busy with the work in the noodle house, still feeling wronged . As the business in the noodle house got better, the need for an expansion became more and more urgent . After a long day in the noodle house, Xiao Bing and Yezi began to search for a suitable place downtown .

Xiao Bing had already marked off Zhu Liya"s shop from his list since he did not like to take advantage of others . But he still thought it would be better if it was near the university town . On one hand, the large stream of people ensured that there would be customers . On the other hand, it was not far from the present one, which made it convenient for old customers . Lastly, it was near his home .

Though his choices were limited, it would take quite some effort to find a perfect one . They walked from street to street while taking notice of the shops which were being sold .

"I don"t think we can find a suitable one tonight," sighed Yezi, "It will much easier if she can sell it to you . There will be no customer loss if we can build one based on the original structure . And I think the present location is the best . "

"I know that," said Xiao Bing with a bitter smile .

"It"s all because you care too much about her feelings . " Yezi rolled her eyes at Xiao Bing . She still looked cute when she was angry . "If you weren"t so protective of her, she would have given you the restaurant even if she was not willing to give herself to you as a reward for that 100 thousand . "

Smiling bitterly, Xiao Bing rubbed his nose . Yezi stood on her tiptoes and folded her hands on her back . Smiling, she stared at him, "Brother Xiao, you don"t have a crush on her, right?"

"Of course I don"t . " Xiao Bing was terrified and patted his chest while taking a vow, "I swear to G.o.d that I don"t have any affection for her . And I"m willing to be punished by G.o.d if I"m lying . "

But the l.u.s.t he had for her was real .

Yezi seemed to be amused . She deliberately snorted, "Who knows if you are lying? The sun would rise from the west if men"s words could be trusted . "

Seeing Yezi being this witty, Xiao Bing could not help reaching out his hands . However, when he was going to touch Yezi"s fingertips, Yezi suddenly screamed, "Help! This man just s.e.xually a.s.saulted me!"

Xiao Bing was startled and put back his hands . But then all he saw was Yezi jumping up and down, which made Xiao Bing"s heart pump fast .

Men always l.u.s.ted for women . No man could still remain unmoved when seeing a naked woman . But it was just physical desire . Their true love could only be shown to a specific woman . And Xiao Bing"s true love was Yezi .

It was a peculiar feeling which contained happiness, worry, sweetness, and bitterness . It could make a man as shy as a teenage boy .

A lot of people looked over here . Yezi burst into laughter when she stared at the startled Xiao Bing . He came to himself and found himself being glanced at by others . He wished that there was a hole in the ground so that he could hide in it .

Yezi stuck her tongue out and loudly said to the people who were watching, "I"m sorry . I was just kidding . . . "

The bystanders all walked away with gentle smiles on their faces, since it was just a joke between lovers . But almost every man took an extra glimpse at Yezi . Some even looked back when they were already far away .

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly, "Yezi, I don"t know what I should say to you . "

"Haha . Just a small price for being faithless . "

"I swear that you are the only woman I will ever love . " Xiao Bing"s eyes seemed sincere and dynamic . Only when a big boy was looking at a girl of whom he had long been dreaming of, would his eyes seem that way .

"I know . " Yezi smiled and held his hand, which pacified his heart .

Yezi said while smiling, "You a.s.shole . If you ever cheat on me and see other women behind my back . I will walk on the streets and shout that I"m your mistress . "

Seeing Xiao Bing becoming startled, Yezi laughed again .

While Xiao Bing was about to speak, he suddenly saw Zhang Gui coming this way with a seductively-dressed woman in his arms . Yezi followed his gaze and asked, "Brother Xiao, what are you looking at?"

"That guy . . . is the husband of the owner of the restaurant next to our noodle house . "

"Seriously?" Yezi sized him up and found him a short, ugly and smirking man . The woman with heavy makeup looked exactly like a wh.o.r.e . But Zhang Gui seemingly did not notice these two . He kept walking towards them while talking to the woman with a libertine smile on his face .

Yezi asked, "Is she Zhu Liya? She is even worse than what I thought . "

Indeed, anyone at first glance could find that this woman was completely beautified by make-up even if there was still some distance . She was wriggling while walking, which made people strengthen their belief that she was a wh.o.r.e .

"No . "


There was slight anger in his eyes . But he said in a casual tone, "She"s not the owner . But this man is her husband . "

"Really?" Yezi was shocked and infuriated . "His wife just saved him with 100 thousand and he still messes with his mistress?"

Grinning, Xiao Bing said, "She might be his mistress or a wh.o.r.e . Anyway, he"s just a piece of junk . Let"s go . We have nothing to do with their family affairs . Not even good officials can settle family troubles . "

Yezi took a glance and asked, "You"re mad at him?"

Xiao Bing shrugged and raised his eyebrows, "Anyone would be angry if he knows what"s going on . His wife works so hard only to meet his extravagant demands . She risked her life to save him and this is how he rewards her . "

Yezi asked, "You don"t want to give him a lesson?"

"I"ve already given him one . " Xiao Bing thought to himself . But he didn"t say it . He just gently smiled, "I"m not his father or father-in-law . Who am I to do that?"

While Xiao Bing was speaking, Zhang Gui seemed to have noticed him . He immediately grabbed the woman by her hand and started to run . The woman was startled and tripped over her feet . She had to run after Zhang Gui, staggering, while cursing him for his abruptness .

Yezi was surprised . She took a thoughtful glance of Xiao Bing, which made his heart jump . Then he made an innocent face .

"Haha . It seems that he has already been given a lesson . "

"d.a.m.n . Having a smart girlfriend is truly not a good thing . "

Before Xiao Bing could explain, Yezi grabbed his hand and smiled, "Let"s go . He is not worthy of our time . Let"s keep searching . Wait, we have been searching for quite a while . I want to eat ice cream . "

Smiling, Xiao Bing answered, "Okay . "

After they finished eating ice cream, Xiao Bing sent her home . When they arrived at the door, Yezi gave him an invitation, "Come on . You don"t want to sit for a while in my home?"

Xiao Bing took a look at his watch and shook his head, "I need to go back to see if Xiaoxiao needs my help . She"s far behind her study schedule . "

"Well, I was thinking of inviting you to pay a visit to my room . . . "

"d.a.m.n . . . " Xiao Bing felt his adrenalin pumping . He nearly said yes upon seeing the tenderness in her eyes . But it suddenly occurred to him that Yezi was not a frivolous girl . She must be playing a prank . "I can"t . Yezi, my love for you is pure . I will never harbor any dirty thoughts of you . You are like a holy angel and I . . . "

Yezi flushed and chuckled, "Alright, you should go back . Goodbye, you lecher . "

Xiao Bing found that it was extremely tempting upon seeing her soft, fair hands waving and the deliberate anger in her eyes . Xiao Bing waved his hands while smiling, "Bye . "

Xiao Bing got into the limousine after he watched her go into the living room . The driver looked back at him and said, "You really amaze me . As far as I know, this is the first time she"s in a relationship . "

Xiao Bing nodded his head, "It"s my first time too . "

But soon he noticed the doubt and disdain in the driver"s eyes . Xiao Bing got anxious, "It"s really my first time!"

"Flowery words come easily to you and you said she"s your first love?"

"f.u.c.k . Indeed, a lot of women wanted to hook up with me when I was serving the army and I"m not a virgin . But truly my first love is her . " Xiao Bing always made a clear boundary between a one-night stand and a relationship . If people want to have a good time and don"t want to be involved in a long relationship, they look for a one-night stand . But a relationship is n.o.ble and pure . It can"t be stained .

"Anyway, you should drive . "

Seeing Xiao Bing"s anger, the driver grinned and said, "Alright, Mr . Xiao, I believe you really are a first timer . "


"Of course! You are Ms . Ye"s boyfriend . What good will it do for me if I offend you?"

"d.a.m.n!" Xiao Bing scornfully put his middle finger up .

After the car arrived at the building, Xiao Bing got off the car . The driver craned out of the window and grinned, "Goodbye, Mr . Xiao . I"m going to see my first love as well . "

After that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the car away .

"d.a.m.n you!" Xiao Bing picked up a handful of sand and threw it at the driver"s direction and burst into laughter .

Xiao Bing walked upstairs and found that the light was on after he opened the door . As he expected, Xiaoxiao was still studying . Xiao Bing could not help but inwardly sigh with emotion, "She"s just like her sister . They"are both persistent, stubborn and excellent . "

"You came back . " Su Xiaoxiao picked up a book and there was a smile on her cold face . "Help me with these two problems . "

In a small hotel of Jinsha District, the ugly Zhang Gui was pounding the big a.s.s of the woman with heavy makeup . The woman underneath spoke while moaning, "Is that woman your wife or just another wh.o.r.e? Why . . . oh G.o.d . . . did you run as soon as you see her?"

"s.h.i.t . She"s not . . . I don"t have a wife at all!!"

Chapter 59 I Don"t Have a Wife at All!

The next day, Xiao Bing was busy with the work in the noodle house, still feeling wronged . As the business in the noodle house got better, the need for an expansion became more and more urgent . After a long day in the noodle house, Xiao Bing and Yezi began to search for a suitable place downtown


Xiao Bing had already marked off Zhu Liya"s shop from his list since he did not like to take advantage of others . But he still thought it would be better if it was near the university town . On one hand, the large stream of people ensured that there would be customers . On the other hand, it was not far from the present one, which made it convenient for old customers . Lastly, it was near his home


Though his choices were limited, it would take quite some effort to find a perfect one . They walked from street to street while taking notice of the shops which were being sold


"I don"t think we can find a suitable one tonight," sighed Yezi, "It will much easier if she can sell it to you . There will be no customer loss if we can build one based on the original structure . And I think the present location is the best . ".


"I know that," said Xiao Bing with a bitter smile


"It"s all because you care too much about her feelings . " Yezi rolled her eyes at Xiao Bing . She still looked cute when she was angry . "If you weren"t so protective of her, she would have given you the restaurant even if she was not willing to give herself to you as a reward for that 100 thousand . ".


Smiling bitterly, Xiao Bing rubbed his nose . Yezi stood on her tiptoes and folded her hands on her back . Smiling, she stared at him, "Brother Xiao, you don"t have a crush on her, right?".


"Of course I don"t . " Xiao Bing was terrified and patted his chest while taking a vow, "I swear to G.o.d that I don"t have any affection for her . And I"m willing to be punished by G.o.d if I"m lying . ".


But the l.u.s.t he had for her was real


Yezi seemed to be amused . She deliberately snorted, "Who knows if you are lying? The sun would rise from the west if men"s words could be trusted . ".


Seeing Yezi being this witty, Xiao Bing could not help reaching out his hands . However, when he was going to touch Yezi"s fingertips, Yezi suddenly screamed, "Help! This man just s.e.xually a.s.saulted me!".


Xiao Bing was startled and put back his hands . But then all he saw was Yezi jumping up and down, which made Xiao Bing"s heart pump fast


Men always l.u.s.ted for women . No man could still remain unmoved when seeing a naked woman . But it was just physical desire . Their true love could only be shown to a specific woman . And Xiao Bing"s true love was Yezi


It was a peculiar feeling which contained happiness, worry, sweetness, and bitterness . It could make a man as shy as a teenage boy


A lot of people looked over here . Yezi burst into laughter when she stared at the startled Xiao Bing . He came to himself and found himself being glanced at by others . He wished that there was a hole in the ground so that he could hide in it


Yezi stuck her tongue out and loudly said to the people who were watching, "I"m sorry . I was just kidding . ".


The bystanders all walked away with gentle smiles on their faces, since it was just a joke between lovers . But almost every man took an extra glimpse at Yezi . Some even looked back when they were already far away


Xiao Bing smiled bitterly, "Yezi, I don"t know what I should say to you . ".


"Haha . Just a small price for being faithless . ".


"I swear that you are the only woman I will ever love . " Xiao Bing"s eyes seemed sincere and dynamic . Only when a big boy was looking at a girl of whom he had long been dreaming of, would his eyes seem that way


"I know . " Yezi smiled and held his hand, which pacified his heart


Yezi said while smiling, "You a.s.shole . If you ever cheat on me and see other women behind my back . I will walk on the streets and shout that I"m your mistress . ".


Seeing Xiao Bing becoming startled, Yezi laughed again


While Xiao Bing was about to speak, he suddenly saw Zhang Gui coming this way with a seductively-dressed woman in his arms . Yezi followed his gaze and asked, "Brother Xiao, what are you looking at?".


"That guy . is the husband of the owner of the restaurant next to our noodle house . ".


"Seriously?" Yezi sized him up and found him a short, ugly and smirking man . The woman with heavy makeup looked exactly like a wh.o.r.e . But Zhang Gui seemingly did not notice these two . He kept walking towards them while talking to the woman with a libertine smile on his face


Yezi asked, "Is she Zhu Liya? She is even worse than what I thought . ".


Indeed, anyone at first glance could find that this woman was completely beautified by make-up even if there was still some distance . She was wriggling while walking, which made people strengthen their belief that she was a wh.o.r.e


"No . ".




There was slight anger in his eyes . But he said in a casual tone, "She"s not the owner . But this man is her husband . ".


"Really?" Yezi was shocked and infuriated . "His wife just saved him with 100 thousand and he still messes with his mistress?".


Grinning, Xiao Bing said, "She might be his mistress or a wh.o.r.e . Anyway, he"s just a piece of junk . Let"s go . We have nothing to do with their family affairs . Not even good officials can settle family troubles . ".


Yezi took a glance and asked, "You"re mad at him?".


Xiao Bing shrugged and raised his eyebrows, "Anyone would be angry if he knows what"s going on . His wife works so hard only to meet his extravagant demands . She risked her life to save him and this is how he rewards her . ".


Yezi asked, "You don"t want to give him a lesson?".


"I"ve already given him one . " Xiao Bing thought to himself . But he didn"t say it . He just gently smiled, "I"m not his father or father-in-law . Who am I to do that?".


While Xiao Bing was speaking, Zhang Gui seemed to have noticed him . He immediately grabbed the woman by her hand and started to run . The woman was startled and tripped over her feet . She had to run after Zhang Gui, staggering, while cursing him for his abruptness


Yezi was surprised . She took a thoughtful glance of Xiao Bing, which made his heart jump . Then he made an innocent face


"Haha . It seems that he has already been given a lesson . ".


"d.a.m.n . Having a smart girlfriend is truly not a good thing . ".


Before Xiao Bing could explain, Yezi grabbed his hand and smiled, "Let"s go . He is not worthy of our time . Let"s keep searching . Wait, we have been searching for quite a while . I want to eat ice cream . ".


Smiling, Xiao Bing answered, "Okay . ".


After they finished eating ice cream, Xiao Bing sent her home . When they arrived at the door, Yezi gave him an invitation, "Come on . You don"t want to sit for a while in my home?".


Xiao Bing took a look at his watch and shook his head, "I need to go back to see if Xiaoxiao needs my help . She"s far behind her study schedule . ".


"Well, I was thinking of inviting you to pay a visit to my room . ".


"d.a.m.n . " Xiao Bing felt his adrenalin pumping . He nearly said yes upon seeing the tenderness in her eyes . But it suddenly occurred to him that Yezi was not a frivolous girl . She must be playing a prank . "I can"t . Yezi, my love for you is pure . I will never harbor any dirty thoughts of you . You are like a holy angel and I . ".


Yezi flushed and chuckled, "Alright, you should go back . Goodbye, you lecher . ".


Xiao Bing found that it was extremely tempting upon seeing her soft, fair hands waving and the deliberate anger in her eyes . Xiao Bing waved his hands while smiling, "Bye . ".


Xiao Bing got into the limousine after he watched her go into the living room . The driver looked back at him and said, "You really amaze me . As far as I know, this is the first time she"s in a relationship . ".


Xiao Bing nodded his head, "It"s my first time too . ".


But soon he noticed the doubt and disdain in the driver"s eyes . Xiao Bing got anxious, "It"s really my first time!".


"Flowery words come easily to you and you said she"s your first love?".


"f.u.c.k . Indeed, a lot of women wanted to hook up with me when I was serving the army and I"m not a virgin . But truly my first love is her . " Xiao Bing always made a clear boundary between a one-night stand and a relationship . If people want to have a good time and don"t want to be involved in a long relationship, they look for a one-night stand . But a relationship is n.o.ble and pure . It can"t be stained


"Anyway, you should drive . ".


Seeing Xiao Bing"s anger, the driver grinned and said, "Alright, Mr . Xiao, I believe you really are a first timer . ".




"Of course! You are Ms . Ye"s boyfriend . What good will it do for me if I offend you?".


"d.a.m.n!" Xiao Bing scornfully put his middle finger up


After the car arrived at the building, Xiao Bing got off the car . The driver craned out of the window and grinned, "Goodbye, Mr . Xiao . I"m going to see my first love as well . ".


After that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the car away


"d.a.m.n you!" Xiao Bing picked up a handful of sand and threw it at the driver"s direction and burst into laughter


Xiao Bing walked upstairs and found that the light was on after he opened the door . As he expected, Xiaoxiao was still studying . Xiao Bing could not help but inwardly sigh with emotion, "She"s just like her sister . They"are both persistent, stubborn and excellent . ".


"You came back . " Su Xiaoxiao picked up a book and there was a smile on her cold face . "Help me with these two problems . ".


In a small hotel of Jinsha District, the ugly Zhang Gui was pounding the big a.s.s of the woman with heavy makeup . The woman underneath spoke while moaning, "Is that woman your wife or just another wh.o.r.e? Why . oh G.o.d . did you run as soon as you see her?".


"s.h.i.t . She"s not . I don"t have a wife at all!!".

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