Super Soldier

Chapter 001 A brave man will cross the river

SS Chapter 001 A brave man will cross the river


“Fellow brother soldier, protect my sister, protect my family members. These past six years being able to stay besides you, accompanying you going through fire and water. I have no regrets at all…..”

No regrets!

Thinking of Su Peiya remarks before her final moment, Xiao Bing quietly clenched his fist. Tears forming from his eyes. He secretly made a decision in his heart. Until he finds out who is the b.a.s.t.a.r.d traitor, he must protect Su Peiya’s family. He must get Su Peiya the justice that she deserved.

Xiao Bing although did not have any love relationship with Su Peiya, in his heart, Su Peiya was his only confidante!

Once the plane landed safely, Xiao Bing unfastened his seatbelt. His sight was on the funerary casket on his hands. While taking a deep breath, “So this is Jiangcheng city. Peiya, you have arrived home.”

With his mind preoccupied with sentimental feeling, he left the plane. Suddenly, he heard a high pitch break disc sound which could even break the eardrum. Looking up, he saw a fifty plus year old cleaner lying down beside a wheel, the elbow and face were stained with fresh red blood. Even the knees were sc.r.a.ped, leaving a b.l.o.o.d.y wound.

Besides the worker was a BMW X5. The exhaust pipe was still smoking, A young man with whole body full of famous brands came down from his car. Two guys with were following his back and keep calling him young master.

The young man looked at the old man struggling to stand up from the ground. He frowned and ask, “Does it hurt?”

“I’m fine…totally fine…”

Looking at the dirty old cleaner, he suddenly felt disgusted, “Next time, look where are you walking, do you even know what car is this? If you had dirtied or damaged my car, even selling yourself also won’t be enough to pay the repair fees!”

The old man was still struggling with the whole body pain. However, with a frighten expression he nodded, “I’m sorry……I’m sorry….”

A pair of slim legs appeared from the car. The one who came down was a twenty three, twenty four year old attractive female. Her body wrapping with tight cheongsam revealing her curve, or the exposed collarbone with fair skin, or her slender waist all the way down to her slim beauty legs, were so full of temptation. Besides her beauty from outside, she even emitted an excessive aura.

She then swept a glance at the old cleaner, with an impatient tone, “Xie Gucheng, just because of a street sweeper, you want to waste my dad’s time?”

Xiu Gucheng hurriedly said, “Ah, look at the silly me, just because of a smelly old brat, I nearly forgotten my business here. I’ll accompany you to the arrival lobby to pick uncle up.”

The beauty’s face eased a little. A forty plus bronze colour skin man behind her, quietly whispered ,”Miss, Master is going to land soon.”

“Ah..” The beauty nodded. “Let’s go!”

Xiao Bing frowned slightly, quickly blocked their path in front of them, Xie Gucheng quickly stopped his footsteps and nearly clashed into Xiao Bing. When he noticed Xiao Bing’s appearance with a worn out clothes which he wore from Africa, he showed an angry expression. “Are you blind?! Never heard before a good dog never block the road?”

Xiao Bing inspected the old man’s injury, feeling resentment, “Human life are not something to play with, did you not notice the old man’s injury was so serious that it is still bleeding heavily right now? If he returns home with such internal injuries, when anything happen to him, he is gonna find who then?”

Xie Gucheng asked, “He already said he was fine, what do you want somemore?”

Xiao Bing said,”I want you to bring the old man to hospital and then apologize. The old man is already so aged that he could even be your father. How can you insult him casually!”

Xie Gucheng sneered, “I knew it! Both you knew each other, you are just trying to scam money off me right?”

Xie Gucheng took out his wallet and pulled out a stack of cash. He then turned and threw the money to the old man’s face. The money fell all over his feet.

Xie Gucheng proudly said, “Money, I have a lot. These few thousands are more than enough for you to go see a doctor. Don’t say that I did not compensate you!”

The old cleaner squat down, slowly picked up the notes one by one. With red eyes forming tears, in front of Xie Gucheng, the old man gave him back the money, “This money…. I don’t want….I am no scammer…”

He was totally heartbroken.

Looking the old man’s dirty hands which was holding his cash, one hit, due to his aging body, the old cleaner was pushed away by the force causing him fell on the ground again. Xie Gucheng spat toward the elderly, with a disgusted face shouted, “d.a.m.n it. Get far away from me, you street sweeper! F*ck you, beast!”

Looking at the saliva on his body and cash all over his body yet again, the grandpa’s face turned green.

The extremely angered Xiao Bing could no longer endure. Xia Gucheng still acted recklessly, ”Those thousands are more than enough for you to spend. Don’t push your luck or you will get into trouble!”

The beauty glanced at her watch, was just about to voice out but suddenly she saw Xiao Bing gave a heavy blow to Xie Gucheng’s face. With a bang, Xie Gucheng immediately flew away. The scarlet blood sprayed out from his mouth. He even lost a few of his teeth, that was such a miserable state.

n.o.body expected Xiao Bing would dare to do such a thing. Not even giving any sign, which the two bodyguards couldn’t even react at all, Xiao Gucheng’s body already flew over. At the same time, his bodyguards charged towards Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing, with a hand clashed both their head together. He efficiently made them fainted on the spot.

Xiao Bing walked in front of Xie Gucheng. He slightly bended down his body, staring at Xie Gucheng, “We do not want your money. If there is something wrong, I can dig my own money to help the old man. But what we want is an apology from you. Apologize to him now!”

Xie Gucheng struggled himself to stand up from the ground. With a few teeth missing and air leaking from his mouth, he vaguely said, “Are you f*cking dreamin, do you know who am I? I am the big young master of Xie family! My dad is the current head. You are dead!”

Xiao Bing sighed slightly, with a step, he crushed the knee of Xie Gucheng with his leather shoe. Xie Gucheng screamed like a pig. He immediately kneeled down, his knee had been wasted completely. He even almost fainted.

Xiao Bing’s foot then landed on his other knee and calmly stared at Xie Gucheng. The beauty from behind spoke with a slightly trembling voice, “Stop……do you know who he is?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said “He is from Jiangcheng’s Xie family. The head of the family is his dad.”

The beauty was stunned for a moment and recalled back Xie Gucheng had just mentioned that just now. She stared at the man who knew of Xie Gucheng’s family background and yet acted like he did not care about it at all. The pupil of the beauty shrink and asked, “Who are you exactly?”

“I am just an ordinary man from outside the town.”

The beauty was relieved and then nodded. With a superior tone, “Then do you know those ordinary men who opposed Xie family will have what kind of ending? Even if you have any status outside of this town, you should have heard this phrasebefore.”

Xiao Bing asked, “What phrase?”

“Someone strong will always be above the law!”

Xiao Bing nodded his head, but there was still no sign of him removing his right foot which currently stepped on Xie Gucheng’s knee. Xie Gucheng immediately screamed in pain and fainted. His foot now not only caused Xie Gucheng to faint but also destroyed the pride of the beauty.

Xiao Bing turned and looked at the glamorous look of the beauty. His eyes were clear and calm with no hint of aggressiveness. But this calm eyes were the element that make people felt his confidence.

“I think you have also heard this one phrase before.”

“Which phrase?”

“A brave man will cross the river!”

After finishing his line, Xiao Bing did not pay attention to the beauty any longer. He turned around and went to the old man. Xiao Bing picked up all the bill notes from the ground and put them into the old man’s hand. “Old man, let’s go. I will talk you to the hospital.”

Receiving the money, the old man started to drop some tears and shook his head. “No need… need…I am really fine..”

“Come on, lets go! I will bring you there for a complete check up and make sure everything is fine.” Without any further explanation, he supported the old man and prepared to leave.

The beauty suddenly asked, “What is your name?”

Xiao Bing’s body stopped momentarily. With a deep prideful voice he replied, “Xiao Bing!”

When Xiao Bing and the old man left far away, the copper color man behind the beauty sighed suddenly. “Miss, this man is so ruthless. With his two feet, Xie young master will most probably be staying on his bed for at least half a year.”

The beauty turned around, with a slight annoyance looked at the man and said, “Uncle Li, why didn’t you help out just now? Although he was toying with Xie family, after all Xie Gucheng was with us right now. Letting him injured is the same as leaving us no face.”

Uncle Li had a short laugh and shook his head. “Because I did not want to bring any trouble to Miss. This man is very strong……I am not his opponent.”

Hearing that, the beauty was shocked. Uncle Li had trained his martial art till master realm. The two bodyguards of Xie Gucheng can’t even be compared to him yet Uncle Li…..

Fearfully looking at distant Xiao Bing’s figure together with the old man, Uncle Li said, “His body reeks of blood smell…..He must have killed before, maybe even more than once. Miss, it is better if you stay away from him.”

The beauty did not except Uncle Li to give such a high evaluation on that man. Her eyes shown a very thoughtful gaze, at this moment, she recovered back from the expression and emitted back the aura of a woman with wisdom and ambition. She looked back at the fainted two bodyguards and Xie Gucheng. Her eyes flashed with a cunning expression. “Ask someone to send them to hospital. Let’s pick up dad and go home. I will explain this to Uncle Xie myself later…”

Uncle Li asked, “Miss meant?”

“If he was hunted till death by Xie family, then it has nothing to do with me at all. Well,  perhaps he is really as strong as what you said, as long as he is able to overcome this hurdle……there is no permanent friend, nor permanent enemy. I can just win him over to be used then, isn’t it?”

Uncle Li smiled. “Miss is so wise.”

The beauty smiled with her eyes shone brightly. Inside such eyes unexpectedly were hidden a strong ambition. If Xie Gucheng is a rich man’s son, then this beauty is truly a beautiful snake.

Xiao Bing after ensuring everything was all right, he left the old man in the hospital and took a car to the address told by Su Peiya before her death. Xiao Bing holding the casket, stood in front of Su Peiya’s house. His mood started to turn heavy yet again.

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