Super Soldier

Chapter 127

Publishedat 26th of July 2019 09:11:54 PMChapter 127
Chapter 127 Disclosure

Ye Bancheng didn"t dare to open his eyes . He didn"t want Yezi to see his angry, sad, disappointed and self-reproached eyes . His life was already like this . He was no different from being dead . He was now as good as dead physically or psychologically . Hence, he didn"t want to bring trouble to his daughter, his most beloved daughter .

"Haiz . " Ye Tianming sighed . "Father, it"s really sad to see you like this . Being your children, we will take good care of you . I"ll find Brother Bing later and check if he can ask Doctor Zhang for help . "

Yezi opened her mouth . She wanted to say that Brother Bing had already asked for help . Even if Zhang Yizhi came, there was nothing he could do about the current situation . However, she thought that although her father had closed his eyes, he might still be listening . Hence, she held back . As Ye Bancheng"s mental well-being was now extremely weak, it was better for him to have some expectations .

At this time, tears suddenly rolled down from the corner of Ye Bancheng"s eyes . Yezi and the rest rushed out . Her nose twitched as she held back her tears . She choked, "Father, don"t be sad . You will recover . You will be fine . As for Elder sister . . . she must have taken things too hard . She will realize her mistake and I will speak to her . Our family will still be as harmonious as the time when Mother was still around . Alright?"

At that moment, there was a burst of footsteps at the door . The bodyguard at the door said, "What are you doing? This is the ward of the chairman of Ye Family . No outsiders are allowed to enter . "

Someone said, "Sorry, I am the police . " The speaker was a woman . Her tone was rather clear and undoubtful .

"What about the police? What"s so great about the police? Have you ever heard of the Ye Family . . . "

"Get out of the way, get out of the way . " The bodyguards seemed to have been pushed aside and the door was then pushed open from the outside . Four policemen dressed in police uniforms came in . They were led by Jiang Wanting, the chief of the Jinsha District Criminal Police Brigade who once had dealings with Xiao Bing .

As Xiao Bing once made a scene at Heavenly Palace, Jiang Wanting once arrested Xiao Bing after the death of Zhu Liya . However, Xiao Bing was released after being questioned by the police . Although there was some unhappiness initially, it was soon resolved . She also admired Xiao Bing"s integrity .

Upon seeing a group of people breaking in, Yezi was in a foul mood . She said agitatedly, "Police officer, members of the Ye Family are all law-abiding citizens . This is a hospital ward . My father is resting there . I"m afraid it is not very good for you to break in . "

Jiang Wanting flashed out her police officer"s identification and said seriously, "Let me introduce myself . I am Jiang Wanting, chief of the Jinsha District Criminal Police Brigade . Is Ye Xinyi your sister?"

Yezi felt uneasy . She said, "Yes, yes, what"s the matter?"

Jiang Wanting said, "There has just been a murder case . A body was found in the garbage dump . It was identified to be Miss Ye Xinyi . She was strangled and dumped . We are now investigating and need to take your statements . "

"What?" She was extremely shocked as though a bomb had exploded in her head . Her legs felt weak and she nearly fell to the ground .

Ye Tianming grabbed Yezi . He stared sharply . He fulminated, "What? My sister is dead?"

"Yes . Please cooperate with the investigation . "

"How, how . . . " Yezi lay in Ye Tianming"s arms . She almost fainted .

Ye Tianming said, "Aunt Liu, please bring her to a seat and let her rest for a while I go with the police . Officer, my sister can"t be agitated . It"s not convenient for the time being . First, I"ll accompany you to take a statement . Is that okay?"

"Yes, you can come with us first . "

Before leaving, Ye Tianming turned around . He appeared sad and said to Liu Piaopiao, "Aunt Liu, please take good care of my father and sister . "

Liu Piaopiao nodded . Then, Ye Tianming then followed the police and went out .

"Haiz . " Liu Piaopiao sighed heavily . She helped Yezi lie on the bed and said softly, "Yezi, you must take good care of yourself . Now our family has become like this . If you collapse, your brother and I will not be able to take care of you . Then the whole family will be finished . "

"I know, I know . Aunt Liu . "

Liu Piaopiao sighed and said, "Although Bancheng has already become like this, I still regard myself as your relatives . I will take good care of you and Bancheng in the future . "

Aunt Liu sighed and said, "Aunt Liu, I"m sorry that I have treated you so badly in the past . "

"It"s nothing . Aunt Liu understands . "

"Thank you, Aunt Liu . I am very tired now . I want some peace and quiet . Please help to take good care of my father . "

"Yes . " Liu Piaopiao sighed as she looked back at Ye Bancheng . She saw Ye Bancheng"s eyes were still closed and he was motionless . She walked to the table and looked back at Yezi . When she noticed that Yezi wasn"t looking at her, she quietly took out a pack of medicine from her pocket and poured the medicine powder into the cup . She then poured water into the same cup, shook it and brought it over to Yezi quietly . She said softly, "Xiaoxi, drink some water . "

"Aunt Liu, just take good care of my father . Don"t worry about me . "

"I know that you are upset and angry . Although Xinyi did this to your father, I am also very sad over her death . . . but you also need to take good care of your body . At this time, your father would be sadder than you, won"t he . . . "

Yezi had to stay strong for her parents and family . Furthermore, how did Sister die? Ye Tianming flashed through her mind but was soon excluded . To her, Brother was a kind person, who treasured relationship .

Yezi still remembered the time when she was doing her homework in her room . She suddenly mentioned that she wanted to eat candied haws . It was just a mindless remark . However, Brother secretly ran out of the house, went to a distant shop and bought a lot of candied haws back . As their parents wouldn"t let her eat sweets, Brother was scolded for his actions .

She still remembered that Brother would stay by Mother every day when Mother was seriously ill . At that time, Sister was strong enough to go to the company every day, but Brother was dispirited . No matter how Father criticized him, he refused to leave . On one occasion, she saw Brother hiding in the room and crying silently .

How could such a person kill his own sister?

When Brother was eighteen years old, he made a wish . He only told Yezi his wish . He hoped everyone in the family could live happily together forever and never to be separated .

Yezi took over the cup and drank the water . Liu Piaopiao stared at Yezi and sat down beside her . She said softly, "You have been very tired . Have a good rest . I"ll take care of your father . "

"Yes . . . I"m a little sleepy . . . "

Yezi lay on the bed . Shortly after, she closed her eyes and started snoring .

Liu Piaopiao covered Yezi with a blanket and sighed . She walked towards the bedside of Ye Bancheng . Ye Bancheng opened his eyes and glared at Liu Piaopiao . Liu Piaopiao said reproachfully, "Don"t worry, there is no conflict between Tianming and Xiaoxi . I won"t harm her . I just put some sleeping pills in her water . She must be soundly asleep now . "

Liu Piaopiao sat down beside Ye Bancheng and held his hand gently . Ye Bancheng was unable to break free, so he had to let her hold his hands . Ye Bancheng was using his eyes to tell Liu Piaopiao that he hated her .

Liu Piaopiao lowered her head and suddenly burst into tears . She said, "I"m sorry, Bancheng . . . I know you are really good to me and treat me sincerely, but I have cheated on you . I don"t want to do this! I am in love with Tianming . . . "

"I met Tianming first . I fell in love with him after only one night . After that, he has been very kind to me . Until one day, he wants me to do one thing for him, that is, to make you fall in love with me and then take me home . "

"I was actually very reluctant . Which man is willing to push his woman to another man? Furthermore, the other man is his father . At that time, I knew that he was using me . From the first day he saw me, he had planned to make use of me, but I couldn"t help it . "

"After interacting with you, I initially wanted to take advantage of you so as to help Tianming . But gradually, I can feel your sincerity . You treat me extremely well . How can I not feel . . . I feel so guilty and scared . I don"t know what Tianming is going to make me do to you . Luckily, he didn"t ask me to do anything . He wants me to be a good wife and treat you seriously . "

"At that time, I even thought about giving up the man who didn"t love me at all and devoting all my feelings to our relationship . It"s actually quite good to live a simple life . "

"There was a time when he asked me to cooperate with him at the temple . He said he wanted to cause a relapse of your heart issues . He said you had killed your wife, so you would be terrified when you suddenly see something similar to a ghost . I declined, but I really couldn"t reject him . What"s more, I was afraid he would tell you our relationship . . . so I was forced to . . . "

"I"m sorry . . . Bancheng, I"m really sorry . . . I"ve reached this stage gradually . I dare not say that I am forced and dare not to shirk my responsibility . The only thing I can do is to apologise . . . "

Ye Bancheng felt somewhat relieved . He suddenly struggled to lift his other hand . His hand was trembling . He gently stroked Liu Piaopiao"s face as tears welled up in his eyes .

Liu Piaopiao cried and said, "I"m sorry . . . "

At this time, Liu Piaopiao heard Yezi"s voice from behind . Yezi said, "Liu Piaopiao, how could you and Brother do such a thing!"

Liu Piaopiao was frightened and stood up hurriedly . Although Yezi seemed very lethargic, she was trying to climb down from the bed . She looked at Liu Piaopiao angrily .

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