Super Soldier

Chapter 62

Publishedat 16th of May 2019 07:28:09 PMChapter 62
Chapter 62 Slight Fascination, Slight Intoxication

"Brother Bing, you were too violent . . . " Xiaoxiao and Xiao Bing were having dinner in a restaurant . They had been to the police station for what just happened . Yezi had to call the police to bail them out .

Though Xiao Bing and Yezi had a reason for beating him, what Xiao Bing did to him could be defined as "brutal" . After all, he broke one of his arms . The police could have arrested him for intentional a.s.sault . But most importantly, he pushed a stick into the man"s a.s.s . . .

Xiao Bing was speaking while gobbling up his food . "I hate men like him most . What they do best is taking advantages of girls on a bus . It"s a pity that we wasted a lot of time on him . Now we only have time for two shops . "

"I"m not worried about that . You must not be this brutal anymore . You can just hand him to the police after beating him up . Here, things don"t function like the army . That is unless you are rich and powerful . "

Xiao Bing put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with his hand . "I know now . Enjoy your meal . I will have a smoke outside . "

Xiao Bing walked close to the door and put a cigarette in his mouth . Su Peiya"s voice and face appeared in his mind as smoke swirled in front of him .

Though he never loved her as a woman, his heart nearly broke when Su Peiya died . The pain he felt was no less than the loss of a lover . It was hard to find true love, but a friend like Su Peiya was even rarer .

"What are you thinking about?" Xiaoxiao appeared behind him .

"Your sister," Xiao Bing answered huskily . Had there not been any smoke, one could see the melancholy in his eyes .

"Do you know this, Xiaoxiao? I want to find out the truth and avenge your sister . It is what I desire most now . "

"That"s exactly what I want as well . . . But . . . " Su Xiaoxiao sighed . "I have been thinking about it recently . I have cursed you a million times in my mind . But that won"t bring my sister back . . . She is gone . We should move on and become better people for her . "

Xiao Bing cast her a surprised look . He could hardly believe that these words came out of Xiaoxiao"s lips . Persistently, she said word by word, "I don"t want you to live in guilt and anguish but I hope you can avenge her if an opportunity presents itself . We must know who did it . "

"I will find out the truth . You have my word!"

They went to two stores in the afternoon . They took a rough look at the layout of the stores, which were good but not enough to satisfy them . When it got dark outside, the two decided to shop for groceries and cook at home .

"I"ll cook for you tonight . Lamian is not the only thing I learned from your sister . I can also make fried dishes and stews . "

"I"ll know if it"s true after tasting it," Xiaoxiao replied indifferently .

"You don"t believe me . . . What would you like to eat? Name it and I"ll cook for you . "

They walked into the market while speaking . Xiaoxiao approached an old lady"s stall . The old lady put on a warm smile when she saw her . "Xiaoxiao, I haven"t seen you in a couple of days . Is he your boyfriend?"

Xiaoxiao blushed . "What are you saying? I"m too young for that kind of thing," she answered shyly .

The old woman sized Xiao Bing up and grinned . "I can tell that he"s quite a man . How old are you? If I remember correctly, you are a college student now . Few college girls can remain pure like you these days . G.o.d knows how crowded the hotels are on the weekends! It"s normal for you to have a boyfriend . "

Xiaoxiao"s heartbeat quickened . "Nonsense . Brother Bing, is there anything you want? I always come here to buy meat and vegetables . "

"Okay, let"s see . " Xiao Bing picked up some vegetables and paid for them . The old lady was still murmuring after they left . "He truly is a good lad . Seems like she has made the right judgment . "

Xiao Bing laughed after they had walked for some distance . "Did you hear that? She was complimenting me . "

Xiaoxiao scoffed . "Don"t you know how old she is? Her vision isn"t that clear . "

Xiao Bing was upset . "You don"t think I"m handsome?"

"Not really . . . But at least it"s better than some . . . "

" . . . "

The two of them then bought some meat and a fish . Xiao Bing carried them all . They walked out of the market and headed back home .

"Xiaoxiao, if you are prepared to look for a partner, what will he be like?"

"I don"t know . Certainly not like you . "

" . . . " "Xiaoxiao, do you realize how harsh your words are?"

"No . I only treat you this way . . . "

" . . . "

Though Xiaoxiao seemed cold, she enjoyed their bickering very much .

"Are you angry? Why aren"t you walking anymore?"

"No . I just saw someone I know . " Xiao Bing pointed at a place not far away . Xiaoxiao followed his gaze and saw Zhang Gui and Yingzi on the street with their hands joined together . Yingzi put on light makeup today, instead of her usual heavy makeup . She looked a far cry from the wh.o.r.e she used to look like . Now she looked like a good wife to Zhang Gui .

"You know that woman?" Xiaoxiao asked .

"No . But I know that man . "

" . . . "

"That man is the husband of the new owner of the building next to our Noodle House . The woman beside him should a wh.o.r.e . Looks like he"s cheating on his wife again . "

"Wh.o.r.e?" Xiaoxiao sized up the affectionate couple and shook her head, "She doesn"t look like one to me . "

"Really? Why?"

Xiaoxiao made an a.n.a.lysis . "I don"t know much about . But as a woman, I can tell that her smile comes from the bottom of her heart . To be honest, that man looks neither handsome nor rich . Though he has a restaurant, I"m sure that she really loves him, and this man loves her . . . Could there be true love between a man and a wh.o.r.e?"

Xiao Bing could not help laughing after hearing her a.n.a.lysis . "You are making some sense . Why don"t you study psychology from now on?"

Xiaoxiao shook her head . "It is easy to get stressed out when studying psychology . I might go crazy if I have a weak mind . "

"You look like a little manic to me now, hahaha!"

Su Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him .

When they reached home, Xiao Bing began cooking in the kitchen with Xiaoxiao helping him . Suddenly, his phone rang as he was holding a big spoon . "It must be Yezi . Answer the call . I"ll take over," Xiaoxiao said .

"Okay . " Xiao Bing went to the living room after answering the call .

"Hey, Brother Bing . What are you doing?"

"Cooking . You want to come over?"

"Really? Are you sure that it"s not Xiaoxiao that is cooking for you?"

Xiao Bing grinned, "How can I impress her with my skills if I don"t show it to her?"

"Then I would love to have a taste . But I"m afraid Xiaoxiao won"t be happy about it . "

"She definitely wants you to be here," Xiao Bing said . "Though she looks cold, she has a warm heart . She"s a very kind person . "

"Well, have you felt the warmth of her heart?"

"Don"t think too much . Are you coming or not? I"ll make more if you are . "

"Haha, just kidding . I"d better not to come . . . because the food is already prepared here . I just want to know if you found any suitable location . "

"There are two that we can do with but we are not entirely satisfied . "

"We can"t make do when it comes to business . The expansion can wait a couple of days . But we must try our best to make it perfect . "

"I could have paid a visit to two other stores if I did not go to the police station . But we can continue tomorrow . "

"Alright . Tell me if you need help . "

Xiao Bing chuckled . His voice suddenly turned soft as he said, "Yezi . . . "


"Are you missing me . . . " Xiao Bing did not expect his heart to thump after saying this . He was looking forward to the answer . Many women had asked him the same question before, but he had always found it childish . He never thought that he would be this nervous and eager in front of a girl .

Before he could hear the answer, he heard a scream from the kitchen . Startled, he said in a hurry, "I"ll call you later . I"ll go and check on Xiaoxiao . "

He ended the call and rushed into the kitchen . He found Xiaoxiao standing there with her hands clasped . She was frowning and there were tears in her eyes . When he held her hands, he realized there was a blister on it . Looking at her watering eyes, he could not help blaming himself . "It"s all my fault . I shouldn"t have picked up that call . "

"It has nothing to do with you . I cook all the time . I wasn"t being careful enough . . . "

Xiao Bing lowered his head and began to suck on her wound . He even gently licked the blister . Watching him do all of these, Xiaoxiao suddenly felt like it didn"t hurt that much . She kept staring at him, not knowing that she was already drowning in his gentleness .

Chapter 62 Slight Fascination, Slight Intoxication

"Brother Bing, you were too violent . " Xiaoxiao and Xiao Bing were having dinner in a restaurant . They had been to the police station for what just happened . Yezi had to call the police to bail them out


Though Xiao Bing and Yezi had a reason for beating him, what Xiao Bing did to him could be defined as "brutal" . After all, he broke one of his arms . The police could have arrested him for intentional a.s.sault . But most importantly, he pushed a stick into the man"s a.s.s


Xiao Bing was speaking while gobbling up his food . "I hate men like him most . What they do best is taking advantages of girls on a bus . It"s a pity that we wasted a lot of time on him . Now we only have time for two shops . ".


"I"m not worried about that . You must not be this brutal anymore . You can just hand him to the police after beating him up . Here, things don"t function like the army . That is unless you are rich and powerful . ".


Xiao Bing put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with his hand . "I know now . Enjoy your meal . I will have a smoke outside . ".


Xiao Bing walked close to the door and put a cigarette in his mouth . Su Peiya"s voice and face appeared in his mind as smoke swirled in front of him


Though he never loved her as a woman, his heart nearly broke when Su Peiya died . The pain he felt was no less than the loss of a lover . It was hard to find true love, but a friend like Su Peiya was even rarer


"What are you thinking about?" Xiaoxiao appeared behind him


"Your sister," Xiao Bing answered huskily . Had there not been any smoke, one could see the melancholy in his eyes


"Do you know this, Xiaoxiao? I want to find out the truth and avenge your sister . It is what I desire most now . ".


"That"s exactly what I want as well . But . " Su Xiaoxiao sighed . "I have been thinking about it recently . I have cursed you a million times in my mind . But that won"t bring my sister back . She is gone . We should move on and become better people for her . ".


Xiao Bing cast her a surprised look . He could hardly believe that these words came out of Xiaoxiao"s lips . Persistently, she said word by word, "I don"t want you to live in guilt and anguish but I hope you can avenge her if an opportunity presents itself . We must know who did it . ".


"I will find out the truth . You have my word!".


They went to two stores in the afternoon . They took a rough look at the layout of the stores, which were good but not enough to satisfy them . When it got dark outside, the two decided to shop for groceries and cook at home


"I"ll cook for you tonight . Lamian is not the only thing I learned from your sister . I can also make fried dishes and stews . ".


"I"ll know if it"s true after tasting it," Xiaoxiao replied indifferently


"You don"t believe me . What would you like to eat? Name it and I"ll cook for you . ".


They walked into the market while speaking . Xiaoxiao approached an old lady"s stall . The old lady put on a warm smile when she saw her . "Xiaoxiao, I haven"t seen you in a couple of days . Is he your boyfriend?".


Xiaoxiao blushed . "What are you saying? I"m too young for that kind of thing," she answered shyly


The old woman sized Xiao Bing up and grinned . "I can tell that he"s quite a man . How old are you? If I remember correctly, you are a college student now . Few college girls can remain pure like you these days . G.o.d knows how crowded the hotels are on the weekends! It"s normal for you to have a boyfriend . ".


Xiaoxiao"s heartbeat quickened . "Nonsense . Brother Bing, is there anything you want? I always come here to buy meat and vegetables . ".


"Okay, let"s see . " Xiao Bing picked up some vegetables and paid for them . The old lady was still murmuring after they left . "He truly is a good lad . Seems like she has made the right judgment . ".


Xiao Bing laughed after they had walked for some distance . "Did you hear that? She was complimenting me . ".


Xiaoxiao scoffed . "Don"t you know how old she is? Her vision isn"t that clear . ".


Xiao Bing was upset . "You don"t think I"m handsome?".


"Not really . But at least it"s better than some . ".


" . ".


The two of them then bought some meat and a fish . Xiao Bing carried them all . They walked out of the market and headed back home


"Xiaoxiao, if you are prepared to look for a partner, what will he be like?".


"I don"t know . Certainly not like you . ".


" . " "Xiaoxiao, do you realize how harsh your words are?".


"No . I only treat you this way . ".


" . ".


Though Xiaoxiao seemed cold, she enjoyed their bickering very much


"Are you angry? Why aren"t you walking anymore?".


"No . I just saw someone I know . " Xiao Bing pointed at a place not far away . Xiaoxiao followed his gaze and saw Zhang Gui and Yingzi on the street with their hands joined together . Yingzi put on light makeup today, instead of her usual heavy makeup . She looked a far cry from the wh.o.r.e she used to look like . Now she looked like a good wife to Zhang Gui


"You know that woman?" Xiaoxiao asked


"No . But I know that man . ".


" . ".


"That man is the husband of the new owner of the building next to our Noodle House . The woman beside him should a wh.o.r.e . Looks like he"s cheating on his wife again . ".


"Wh.o.r.e?" Xiaoxiao sized up the affectionate couple and shook her head, "She doesn"t look like one to me . ".


"Really? Why?".


Xiaoxiao made an a.n.a.lysis . "I don"t know much about . But as a woman, I can tell that her smile comes from the bottom of her heart . To be honest, that man looks neither handsome nor rich . Though he has a restaurant, I"m sure that she really loves him, and this man loves her . Could there be true love between a man and a wh.o.r.e?".


Xiao Bing could not help laughing after hearing her a.n.a.lysis . "You are making some sense . Why don"t you study psychology from now on?".


Xiaoxiao shook her head . "It is easy to get stressed out when studying psychology . I might go crazy if I have a weak mind . ".


"You look like a little manic to me now, hahaha!".


Su Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him


When they reached home, Xiao Bing began cooking in the kitchen with Xiaoxiao helping him . Suddenly, his phone rang as he was holding a big spoon . "It must be Yezi . Answer the call . I"ll take over," Xiaoxiao said


"Okay . " Xiao Bing went to the living room after answering the call


"Hey, Brother Bing . What are you doing?".


"Cooking . You want to come over?".


"Really? Are you sure that it"s not Xiaoxiao that is cooking for you?".


Xiao Bing grinned, "How can I impress her with my skills if I don"t show it to her?".


"Then I would love to have a taste . But I"m afraid Xiaoxiao won"t be happy about it . ".


"She definitely wants you to be here," Xiao Bing said . "Though she looks cold, she has a warm heart . She"s a very kind person . ".


"Well, have you felt the warmth of her heart?".


"Don"t think too much . Are you coming or not? I"ll make more if you are . ".


"Haha, just kidding . I"d better not to come . because the food is already prepared here . I just want to know if you found any suitable location . ".


"There are two that we can do with but we are not entirely satisfied . ".


"We can"t make do when it comes to business . The expansion can wait a couple of days . But we must try our best to make it perfect . ".


"I could have paid a visit to two other stores if I did not go to the police station . But we can continue tomorrow . ".


"Alright . Tell me if you need help . ".


Xiao Bing chuckled . His voice suddenly turned soft as he said, "Yezi . ".




"Are you missing me . " Xiao Bing did not expect his heart to thump after saying this . He was looking forward to the answer . Many women had asked him the same question before, but he had always found it childish . He never thought that he would be this nervous and eager in front of a girl


Before he could hear the answer, he heard a scream from the kitchen . Startled, he said in a hurry, "I"ll call you later . I"ll go and check on Xiaoxiao . ".


He ended the call and rushed into the kitchen . He found Xiaoxiao standing there with her hands clasped . She was frowning and there were tears in her eyes . When he held her hands, he realized there was a blister on it . Looking at her watering eyes, he could not help blaming himself . "It"s all my fault . I shouldn"t have picked up that call . ".


"It has nothing to do with you . I cook all the time . I wasn"t being careful enough . ".


Xiao Bing lowered his head and began to suck on her wound . He even gently licked the blister . Watching him do all of these, Xiaoxiao suddenly felt like it didn"t hurt that much . She kept staring at him, not knowing that she was already drowning in his gentleness

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