Super Soldier

Chapter 66

Publishedat 16th of May 2019 07:28:09 PMChapter 66
Chapter 66 First Step of Vengeance

While Xiao Bing was walking out of the building, a black object fell from above . He saw Zhu Liya"s corpse hit the ground . Red blood began to mix with black . Xiao Bing closed his eyes and took a deep breath . He could no longer hold back his anger . He apathetically murmured, "Xie Lun, the Peony Fairy . . . "

The phone in his pocket suddenly rang . Xiao Bing picked it up after seeing it was Lil Bei .

"Brother Bing . " To his surprise, Lil Bei sounded angry, "Xiaoxiao was drugged in the bar . They are trying to take her away . I secretly put a tracer and a bug on her body . Should I follow them or take her back now?"

"What!!!" Xiao Bing was almost about to explode, but in times like this, he should be more composed . He spoke in a stern voice, "Don"t do anything now . Listen to what they say and rescue her when they show any intention of harming her . "

"Got it . "

"Where are you right now and where are they driving to? Don"t miss them and keep reporting their location to me . "

"I know . "

Xiao Bing got in a taxi after Lil Bei told him his current location . They exchanged a few calls along the way .

Xiao Bing didn"t expect that this kind of thing would happen to her at a birthday party . "Could it be that the traitor in Dragon Gate did this? No . Lil would have told me if it was a master from Dragon Gate . "

After seeing what happened to Zhang Gui, Zhu Liya, and Yingzi, Xiao Bing first stabilized himself . The car stopped in front of a mansion . Xiao Bing paid the driver and got out of the car . He saw Lil Bei leaning on a black limousine with a headset on his head .

Lil stood up straight upon seeing Xiao Bing . Xiao Bing quickly approached him and asked, "Where is she?"

"In the mansion . " Lil took off the headset . "Brother Bing, they haven"t done anything to her yet . I"ve been listening to them . "

"Do you know who they are?"

"There are several st.u.r.dy guys . They called someone in the car and it seems like they take orders from someone called Master Xie . "

Xiao Bing"s eyes turned sharp . "Xie Gucheng?"

Xiao Bing had fought with Xie Gucheng on the first day he entered this city . He even broke his legs . It was not impossible that he would try to take vengeance . Besides, his father had already paid the Peony Fairy to kill Xiao Bing . Maybe Xie Lun had realized that he was about to die, so he decided to start with the people around Xiao Bing .

Xiao Bing took a deep breath . He decided to go in no matter what .

"Brother Bing, listen . . . "

Xiao Bing took over the headset and clearly heard Xie Lun"s voice coming through . Xie Lun sounded slightly angered . He shouted, "a.s.shole, didn"t I tell you not to do anything suspicious before Xiao Bing"s death is certain . You think the problems I have now are not enough?"

It really was the Xie Family!

Then Xiao Bing heard Xie Gucheng"s voice, which sounded overwhelmed with viciousness and hate . "Dad, didn"t you say that Xiao Bing would die today? So what is wrong with kidnapping the people around him? He broke my legs and publicly humiliated me . He must pay for it . I will not be satisfied with just his death, I also want his friends to wish they were dead . "

Xie Lun answered with fury, "Lil Cheng, your father is a businessman, not a rascal . We can pay others to do these kind of things . We won"t get caught even if they fail . How can I give you my legacy when you are still so impulsive?"

"Then . . . what should we do . She"s already here . "

Xie Lun sighed, "Well, since she"s here, I a.s.sume Xiao Bing is already dead . Do whatever you want, but remember . . . no one can leave alive . I"ll take care of what"s left of them . "

Xiao Bing took off the headset and gave it back to Lil Bei . His eyes gleamed with a horrifying light . He asked in a peaceful voice, "Lil Bei, how long has it been since you carried out a mission with me?"

With excitement in his voice, Lil Bei said, "Three years . "

"Yes, it has been three years . During the three years of building up Dragon Gate, you didn"t have a chance to carrying out a mission with me, but you have one today . It seems that we"ll be having a lot of fun soon . "

Lil Bei asked, "What should we do to them, Brother Bing? We serve the country and sometimes we need to do things by the law . The law will punish those who misbehave . . . "

Xiao Bing threw Lil Bei a glance . Lil Bei continued, "But we Dragon Teeth can make decisions depending on the situation, instead of the law . We are not restricted by the law . I don"t think we should leave them to the cops . "

Lil Bei prudently took a glimpse of Xiao Bing and asked, "Brother Bing, do you want them to die?"

Looking apathetic, Xiao Bing answered, "We must make them suffer before they die . "

Lil Bei shivered upon seeing that familiar look in the eyes of Xiao Bing, because it meant that Xiao Bing would do something bad .

Lil Bei and Xiao Bing easily sneaked into the mansion . Lil Bei killed the watchdogs while Xiao Bing entered the second floor . He stopped in front of a door .

Xiaoxiao was tied up on a bed and Xie Gucheng was sitting in his wheelchair with two ugly, st.u.r.dy men standing behind him . The two st.u.r.dy men were ogling Xiaoxiao .

After Xiaoxiao woke up, she first felt frightened and then relieved after she realized that her clothes were still intact . Astonished and angered, Xiaoxiao said to Xie Gucheng, "Who . . . who are you . Let me go immediately otherwise I"ll call the police . "

"Call the police?" Xie Gucheng laughed out loud, "Do you think I"ll give you the chance?"

His eyes still gleamed with hate and greed . Even though he had seen many pretty girls, he still couldn"t resist cute girls like Xiaoxiao, but he couldn"t move his two legs and he couldn"t be independent from the wheelchair for two months . He could only give her to his men now .

Xie Gucheng looked back at the two st.u.r.dy men and put on a disgusting smile, "She"s all yours tonight . Don"t make her too tired . "

"Yes, master . We promise that we"ll make her comfortable . . . "

Xie Gucheng rotated his wheelchair and left the room, but he felt something hit him on the head the moment he closed the door . He immediately pa.s.sed out .

Xiao Bing broke in after Xie Gucheng fainted . He found Xiaoxiao screaming for help while the two st.u.r.dy men just got their legs on the bed . He dashed toward them and knocked the two on the ground with his fists .

"Brother Bing!" Xiaoxiao couldn"t help crying upon seeing her savior .

Xiao Bing untied her and put her in his arms . "It"s okay now . I"m here . They won"t do you any harm . . . " said Xiao Bing in a gentle voice while patting her smooth back .

Xiaoxiao gradually stopped crying and slipped out of Xiao Bing"s arms . She felt embarra.s.sed upon seeing Xiao Bing"s clothes becoming wet, "Brother Bing, I . . . "

"Don"t say anything . I"ll take you out of here, along with that man called Xie Gucheng . . . "

Xiaoxiao"s face was overwhelmed with hatred . "Should we call the police to arrest him?"

Xiao Bing put up a bitter smile, "They"re deeply rooted in Jiang City, so they must have friends in the political area . The police probably won"t do anything to him . "

"What should we do then . . . ?" Su Xiaoxiao wouldn"t let him go that easily . "So there is nothing we can do to him?"

"Don"t worry . I have an idea . "

Xiao Bing picked up the rope and left the room with Xiaoxiao . He tied Xie Gucheng up and gagged him with a rag . Carrying Xia Gucheng on his shoulder, Xiao Bing secretly left the main building with Xiaoxiao . Xiaoxiao felt relieved and confused, "Brother Bing, why are we taking him with us?"

"To teach him a lesson, obviously," said Xiao Bing with a smile on his face, "Come, I"ll drive you . "

Xiao Bing got in the black limousine with Xiaoxiao and threw Xie Gucheng in the back seat . While sitting in the pa.s.senger, Xiaoxiao asked him out of curiosity, "Brother Bing, I didn"t know you had a car . "

"I borrowed it from a friend . "

"I see . " Xiaoxiao didn"t think much on it since she knew that Xiao Bing was capable of many things . Xiao Bing drove north . As for Lil Bei, Xiao Bing had asked him to give the Xie Family a big surprise .

Xiao Bing drove downtown and even though it was already late, this place was still bustling . Xiao Bing stopped at the most crowded place and opened the rear door . Xie Gucheng had already woken up and was staring at Xiao Bing with frightened eyes . He was unable to talk because of the gag .

Xiao Bing took out a knife and cut Xie Gucheng"s clothes into pieces in a very amount of short time . Soon the only thing left on his body was his boxers . Su Xiaoxiao screamed and turned around with her eyes closed .

Xiao Bing ripped the boxers off of Xie Gucheng"s body and smilingly looked at him . Xie Gucheng was embarra.s.sed and angered, but fear took over . He shed tears, but was unable to utter a single word .

"Remember, your family owes me a lot . I have come to collect . I only asked for the interest today . "

Then Xiao Bing kicked the naked Xie Gucheng out of the car . Many people on the street saw Xie Gucheng screaming while lying on the ground naked . Some went away, but more gathered around . Xiao Bing saw many people taking pictures of him when he peeped through the window of the car .

There was an indifferent smile on Xiao Bing face . For the Xie family, death would never be the scariest thing that could happen to them and it was just the beginning .

Chapter 66 First Step of Vengeance

While Xiao Bing was walking out of the building, a black object fell from above . He saw Zhu Liya"s corpse hit the ground . Red blood began to mix with black . Xiao Bing closed his eyes and took a deep breath . He could no longer hold back his anger . He apathetically murmured, "Xie Lun, the Peony Fairy . ".


The phone in his pocket suddenly rang . Xiao Bing picked it up after seeing it was Lil Bei


"Brother Bing . " To his surprise, Lil Bei sounded angry, "Xiaoxiao was drugged in the bar . They are trying to take her away . I secretly put a tracer and a bug on her body . Should I follow them or take her back now?".


"What!!!" Xiao Bing was almost about to explode, but in times like this, he should be more composed . He spoke in a stern voice, "Don"t do anything now . Listen to what they say and rescue her when they show any intention of harming her . ".


"Got it . ".


"Where are you right now and where are they driving to? Don"t miss them and keep reporting their location to me . ".


"I know . ".


Xiao Bing got in a taxi after Lil Bei told him his current location . They exchanged a few calls along the way


Xiao Bing didn"t expect that this kind of thing would happen to her at a birthday party . "Could it be that the traitor in Dragon Gate did this? No . Lil would have told me if it was a master from Dragon Gate . ".


After seeing what happened to Zhang Gui, Zhu Liya, and Yingzi, Xiao Bing first stabilized himself . The car stopped in front of a mansion . Xiao Bing paid the driver and got out of the car . He saw Lil Bei leaning on a black limousine with a headset on his head


Lil stood up straight upon seeing Xiao Bing . Xiao Bing quickly approached him and asked, "Where is she?".


"In the mansion . " Lil took off the headset . "Brother Bing, they haven"t done anything to her yet . I"ve been listening to them . ".


"Do you know who they are?".


"There are several st.u.r.dy guys . They called someone in the car and it seems like they take orders from someone called Master Xie . ".


Xiao Bing"s eyes turned sharp . "Xie Gucheng?".


Xiao Bing had fought with Xie Gucheng on the first day he entered this city . He even broke his legs . It was not impossible that he would try to take vengeance . Besides, his father had already paid the Peony Fairy to kill Xiao Bing . Maybe Xie Lun had realized that he was about to die, so he decided to start with the people around Xiao Bing


Xiao Bing took a deep breath . He decided to go in no matter what


"Brother Bing, listen . ".


Xiao Bing took over the headset and clearly heard Xie Lun"s voice coming through . Xie Lun sounded slightly angered . He shouted, "a.s.shole, didn"t I tell you not to do anything suspicious before Xiao Bing"s death is certain . You think the problems I have now are not enough?".


It really was the Xie Family!.


Then Xiao Bing heard Xie Gucheng"s voice, which sounded overwhelmed with viciousness and hate . "Dad, didn"t you say that Xiao Bing would die today? So what is wrong with kidnapping the people around him? He broke my legs and publicly humiliated me . He must pay for it . I will not be satisfied with just his death, I also want his friends to wish they were dead . ".


Xie Lun answered with fury, "Lil Cheng, your father is a businessman, not a rascal . We can pay others to do these kind of things . We won"t get caught even if they fail . How can I give you my legacy when you are still so impulsive?".


"Then . what should we do . She"s already here . ".


Xie Lun sighed, "Well, since she"s here, I a.s.sume Xiao Bing is already dead . Do whatever you want, but remember . no one can leave alive . I"ll take care of what"s left of them . ".


Xiao Bing took off the headset and gave it back to Lil Bei . His eyes gleamed with a horrifying light . He asked in a peaceful voice, "Lil Bei, how long has it been since you carried out a mission with me?".


With excitement in his voice, Lil Bei said, "Three years . ".


"Yes, it has been three years . During the three years of building up Dragon Gate, you didn"t have a chance to carrying out a mission with me, but you have one today . It seems that we"ll be having a lot of fun soon . ".


Lil Bei asked, "What should we do to them, Brother Bing? We serve the country and sometimes we need to do things by the law . The law will punish those who misbehave . ".


Xiao Bing threw Lil Bei a glance . Lil Bei continued, "But we Dragon Teeth can make decisions depending on the situation, instead of the law . We are not restricted by the law . I don"t think we should leave them to the cops . ".


Lil Bei prudently took a glimpse of Xiao Bing and asked, "Brother Bing, do you want them to die?".


Looking apathetic, Xiao Bing answered, "We must make them suffer before they die . ".


Lil Bei shivered upon seeing that familiar look in the eyes of Xiao Bing, because it meant that Xiao Bing would do something bad


Lil Bei and Xiao Bing easily sneaked into the mansion . Lil Bei killed the watchdogs while Xiao Bing entered the second floor . He stopped in front of a door


Xiaoxiao was tied up on a bed and Xie Gucheng was sitting in his wheelchair with two ugly, st.u.r.dy men standing behind him . The two st.u.r.dy men were ogling Xiaoxiao


After Xiaoxiao woke up, she first felt frightened and then relieved after she realized that her clothes were still intact . Astonished and angered, Xiaoxiao said to Xie Gucheng, "Who . who are you . Let me go immediately otherwise I"ll call the police . ".


"Call the police?" Xie Gucheng laughed out loud, "Do you think I"ll give you the chance?".


His eyes still gleamed with hate and greed . Even though he had seen many pretty girls, he still couldn"t resist cute girls like Xiaoxiao, but he couldn"t move his two legs and he couldn"t be independent from the wheelchair for two months . He could only give her to his men now


Xie Gucheng looked back at the two st.u.r.dy men and put on a disgusting smile, "She"s all yours tonight . Don"t make her too tired . ".


"Yes, master . We promise that we"ll make her comfortable . ".


Xie Gucheng rotated his wheelchair and left the room, but he felt something hit him on the head the moment he closed the door . He immediately pa.s.sed out


Xiao Bing broke in after Xie Gucheng fainted . He found Xiaoxiao screaming for help while the two st.u.r.dy men just got their legs on the bed . He dashed toward them and knocked the two on the ground with his fists


"Brother Bing!" Xiaoxiao couldn"t help crying upon seeing her savior


Xiao Bing untied her and put her in his arms . "It"s okay now . I"m here . They won"t do you any harm . " said Xiao Bing in a gentle voice while patting her smooth back


Xiaoxiao gradually stopped crying and slipped out of Xiao Bing"s arms . She felt embarra.s.sed upon seeing Xiao Bing"s clothes becoming wet, "Brother Bing, I . ".


"Don"t say anything . I"ll take you out of here, along with that man called Xie Gucheng . ".


Xiaoxiao"s face was overwhelmed with hatred . "Should we call the police to arrest him?".


Xiao Bing put up a bitter smile, "They"re deeply rooted in Jiang City, so they must have friends in the political area . The police probably won"t do anything to him . ".


"What should we do then . ?" Su Xiaoxiao wouldn"t let him go that easily . "So there is nothing we can do to him?".


"Don"t worry . I have an idea . ".


Xiao Bing picked up the rope and left the room with Xiaoxiao . He tied Xie Gucheng up and gagged him with a rag . Carrying Xia Gucheng on his shoulder, Xiao Bing secretly left the main building with Xiaoxiao . Xiaoxiao felt relieved and confused, "Brother Bing, why are we taking him with us?".


"To teach him a lesson, obviously," said Xiao Bing with a smile on his face, "Come, I"ll drive you . ".


Xiao Bing got in the black limousine with Xiaoxiao and threw Xie Gucheng in the back seat . While sitting in the pa.s.senger, Xiaoxiao asked him out of curiosity, "Brother Bing, I didn"t know you had a car . ".


"I borrowed it from a friend . ".


"I see . " Xiaoxiao didn"t think much on it since she knew that Xiao Bing was capable of many things . Xiao Bing drove north . As for Lil Bei, Xiao Bing had asked him to give the Xie Family a big surprise


Xiao Bing drove downtown and even though it was already late, this place was still bustling . Xiao Bing stopped at the most crowded place and opened the rear door . Xie Gucheng had already woken up and was staring at Xiao Bing with frightened eyes . He was unable to talk because of the gag


Xiao Bing took out a knife and cut Xie Gucheng"s clothes into pieces in a very amount of short time . Soon the only thing left on his body was his boxers . Su Xiaoxiao screamed and turned around with her eyes closed


Xiao Bing ripped the boxers off of Xie Gucheng"s body and smilingly looked at him . Xie Gucheng was embarra.s.sed and angered, but fear took over . He shed tears, but was unable to utter a single word


"Remember, your family owes me a lot . I have come to collect . I only asked for the interest today . ".


Then Xiao Bing kicked the naked Xie Gucheng out of the car . Many people on the street saw Xie Gucheng screaming while lying on the ground naked . Some went away, but more gathered around . Xiao Bing saw many people taking pictures of him when he peeped through the window of the car


There was an indifferent smile on Xiao Bing face . For the Xie family, death would never be the scariest thing that could happen to them and it was just the beginning

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