******************Lilian"s POV*****************

In the Royal Magic Tower, Lilian is currently speaking to a servant.

"Everything is being prepared, Your Majesty, the airship is being powered and being stocked with supplies"

"Good, we have to get him out here as soon as possible, i don"t feel it"s safe for him living in this place any longer"

"I just hope everything goes smoothly"

Lilian thought as she prepared everything needed for her son"s journey. Suddenly, a globe beside her started to glow a goldish color.

"Ah, it must be Merri"

Shooting a small bit of mana from her finger and aimed at the globe, it stopped glowing and is now transforming into a picture of a brown haired woman, not particularly pretty but you could tell her as a n.o.ble lady when you see her.

"Merri why did you call?"

"Ah im just here to tell you that i arranged all the paperwork and i already prepared him a personal living quarters"

"You don"t have to go that far..."

"Oh it"s fine, i really owed you big time so this is a perfect timing to pay you back"

Waving her hand the woman with brown hair dismissed my mothers complaints.

"I just hope he"ll have a wonderful time here"

*******************Jun"s POV*****************

"Well that"s done"

Looking at the 7 bandits dead on the pavement i said to System.


(Killed 7 Bandits gained 175 exp. (325/500)


(Processing... Done...)

(Dexterous(Innate): I can stack cups and make cards disappear what can you do? Increased Dexterity)

(Slight of Hand(Active): You"re wallets disappeared, too bad for you, good for me. Increased Dexterity)

(Mana Pool(Unusable): Host has zero affinity for mana.)


Memories downloaded.

"What"s with all thief like skills and aren"t there supposed to be more than this?"

(All the skills are from Orena, according to her memories magic is a combination of hand signs and chanting so naturally dexterity is needed)

"Oh yeah i forgot to plunder her, but where are the skills of this 7 idiots?"

I asked confused to as to why the bandits didn"t drop skills.

(They don"t have skills, have you forgotten already, skills are rare Host, not everybody has one, you just got lucky that your enemies do)

"Really, that"s a shame, sigh... System, scim through Orena"s memories, see if you can find any outside influences to this conspiracy, cause they wouldn"t be this bold if it weren"t so"

(Already on it... but, nothing)


(Yeah, they really just wanted you dead)

"No bigger conspiracy, no "im some son of the devil" cliche?"

(Nope, just wanted you dead)

"Oh, well, that"s convenient at least, but what about this guys?"

(Their part of some underground society working on all sorts of illegal activity and all that trope-y nonsense)

"Is their base close?"

(Hhmm, yeah why?)

"Free exp"

(You have point)

"So where is it located exactly?"

(Just take a right, straight...)

And after a few minutes of walking in the maze like alleyways, we finally arrived at an 3 story building guarded by 5 goons at the front.

"Sigh, even the badguys have a taller building than the royal palace, oh well"

Taking out the Intervention, by the way this has 7 round feed System not a 5 so i just have enough rounds to deal with them.

*Sl Gunshot

(Killed 1 Guard Bandit gained 25 exp. (350/500)


*Opens Bolt *Closes Bolt

Moved to another bandit and squeezed.


(Killed 1 Guard Bandit gained 25 exp. (375/500)

*Opens Bolt *Closes Bolt



(Killed 1 Guard Bandit gained 25 exp. (400/500)

*Opens Bolt *Closes Bolt


"Where is it comi-Caugh!"

(Killed 1 Guard Bandit gained 25 exp. (425/500)

*Opens Bolt *Closes Bolt

Last one.

"Please dont ki-!"

(Killed 1 Guard Bandit gained 25 exp. (450/500)

"Huuu, d.a.m.n that was exciting"

Five bullet casings spread beneath my feet and one round left, i decided to reaload both my Intervention and Luxus.

Putting back the Intervention back in the System, i equipped Luxus and walked over to the entrance of the building.

Arriving at the entrance door i asked the System to scan the building.

(27 life signs in 1st floor, 15 in the 2nd, 2 in the 3rd, a total of 44 tangos inside)





*Kicks down door

"Bullet Time"


Time slowed, men sitting playing cards slowly got up, the ones drinking slowly brandished their weapons while those currently l.u.s.ting on women in private rooms were caught off guard.

"Let the Ma.s.sacre begin shall we?"

I thought while i cracked a mad smile on my face but of course that was hidden behind my reaper mask.

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (475/500)

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (500/500)

(Congratulations! You leveled up!)


I didn"t have time to check the System prompts as i was busy slaughtering pigs. I killed with 1 bullet each to the head and soon bullet time was wearing off while i just killed my 17th enemy, so i reloaded.

Time came back to normal.

The bandits seeing their fellow bandits suddenly dropped dead stunned them for a second before they roared a question.

"Who are you?!"

"FBI Agent Mosley, you"re under arrest for illegal activity"

"arrest, this is not arrest no more, this is you just killing us and what is the FBI?!"

"What"s the difference?"

Not caring for what the bandits cared anymore, i continued to butcher.

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (400/1000)

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (425/1000)

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (450/1000)

"What"s going on?!"

Someone who seemed to be the bandit leader came out one of the four private rooms and saw that only two of his men is left alive.

"B-b-boss, save us!"

"Save u-Argh!"

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (475/1000)

"Hi, hiiiiii!"

Gritting his teeth the bandit leader asked the same question his men had asked a minute ago.

"Who are you?"

He said through clenched teeth and fists.

"Again, im Agent Mosley, you"re under arrest for illegal activity"

"Under... arrest?"

The bandit leader asked while shaking in fury as he looked at the dark blue humanoid monster with glowing red eyes.

"Do you know who we are?!"

"Umm, nope and don"t care"

Aiming at the last surviving bandit i squeezed the trigger.

"N-no don-!"

(Killed 1 Bandit gained 25 exp. (500/1000)


Unsheathing his sword the bandit leader rushed at the monster that killed all his men.

"Oh? You"re approaching me? Instead of running away, you"re coming right to me?"


"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like"

I said as i put Luxus back to it"s holster.

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