As me and my 7 new recruits made our way home i took this chance to check my gains. I also changed my changed my clothes back to normal, I"m now wearing a t-shirt, a grey hoodie and jeans.

"System show me what i got"

(Processing... Done)

(Congratulations! You leveled up!)

(Congratulations! You leveled up!)

(Unlocked: Sub-machine gun"s u0026 Explosives)

(Unlocked: Gas operated rifles)

(Swift(Active): Fast to strike. Temporarily increase speed)

(Calculate(Active): Doing maths at light speed, thinking about quantum mechanics in my sleep. Increase calculation speed)

(Charming(Active): h.e.l.lo handsome. Plus charm effect)


"No innate skills huh, all just active one"s and i can"t make any of those weapons anytime soon without any materials"

I said as i played with a b.u.t.terfly in my right hand, Orena"s innate skill was quite handy.

"By the way System, how are we gonna bring them along to my trip?"

Pointing to the 7 kid"s that are now supposed to be my soldiers.

(With your Secret Weapon)

"My Secret Weapon i don"t, System, you wouldn"t be thinking of...using that?"

I asked in a lowered voice as i realized what the System told me to use.

(We have no other choice)

"...Yes, you"re right"

I said as i clenched my hands into fists with a determined.

"Ummm, sir, where are we going again?"

The boy named Hans said while being fearful of me, he also had blonde hair like me but more dull and his eye"s are a brown color, quite honestly he looked quite handsome even though he"s 6.

"You"re new home, your all my soldiers now so you have to follow everything i say, got that?"


Hans and the other 6 nodded. The other 6 didn"t have name"s like Hans, it was like they didn"t even bother naming cattle, f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.ds better off being exp.

I"ll decide name"s for them later, but i got too much in my plate right now.

"System how many points do i have?"

(500 pts)

"Get me 8 1911"s and 8 Mosins"

(Points deducted, items placed in inventory, 4 pts remaining, but why 8?)

"Cause i don"t want to use this guns all the time, their too OP, plus it reminds me of Tarkov"

As me and the System talked we suddenly realised we already arrived home. We walked to the main gate on palace walls and ordered.

"Alright everybody, just nod to my questions and do as i say, then we"ll get past this"

I said as i looked back at them.


They in return nodded.


The palace isn"t guarded physically but monitored by an automated system that will alert the entire city when something happens so n.o.body dared do anything, until my tried that is. So when i stepped infront of the gates it automatically opened for me and my 7 men.

We didn"t go through the front door of the palace, we sneaked in the back. Walking around back and going through the side entrance then went straight to the kitchen.

"What do you guys want to eat?"

It was already late so the kitchen staff aren"t here but the lights are still on.

"Uhhmm, i don"t know..."

The 7 were feeling nervous right now cause their new "boss" brought them to a large fancy house and is telling them what they want to eat.

Seeing no one giving any specific requests i just said.

"Fine, ham sandwiches it is"

And so i started making 8 ham sandwiches, the sandwiches were only made of bread, ham, lettuce, and mutz.

"Here, here, here..."

After handing them out one by one i immediately dug in to mine. The 7 hesitated but dug in too and when they did they acted like they tasted heaven. G.o.d, is it that good or is it that you haven"t eaten a sandwich... probably the latter.

As the 8 of us had our sandwich party, in the throne room shocking news just arrived causing the ruling cla.s.s to gather for an emergency meeting.


Lilian asked confused and asked again for confirmation.

"Orena"s dead?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Where"s the proof?"


Ikor, Orena"s servant hesitated a while before saying the truth.

"Shortly after she died, her body... disappeared"

"A disappearing corpse?"

Lilian asked coldly at the unbelievable story Ikor just told.

"I swear your majesty, i"m telling the truth i saw it with my own eyes!"

"...Fine, if you swear to the listening eye of truth, we will know if it"s true or not, do you have confidence?"

The n.o.bility then started to murmur among themselves once they heard of the eye, for the eye is only to be taken out when something big happens and of course the death of a n.o.ble of Orena"s caliber is qualified that.

"Yes, everything i say is true so. naturally i have confidence!"

Lilian nodded and did a raising motion with her hand, soon a hole appeared in front of Ikor and soon after the hole was formed, a pillar slowly raised from the hole, on top of it was a crystal eye.

Soon the pillar came into eye level with Ikor and Lilian gave instructions.

"Stare into the eye and repeat your statement"


Ikor gathered his courage and finally spoke.

"...Orena has died and shortly after death her body disappeared without a trace"

Staring into the eye, Ikor was nervous as he waited for an answer.


A deep voice that came from the eye said.

The n.o.bles were in an uproar!

Someone dared to kill n.o.bility!

Killing n.o.bility was considered taboo, no matter what crime they did, they wouldn"t be killed the worst punishment they could receive is being sent into exile to the Crownless Isles.

"This is outrageous, i declare we find this insolent fool!"

"I second that notion!"

"I also..."

The scene was chaos, as n.o.bles worried that there was some body killing n.o.bles so wanted him hunted down to feel safe again.


The chaos immediately stopped at Lilians order.

"Sigh, it"s definitely not safe here anymore, good thing Jun is leaving tomorrow"

Lilian thought to herself as she said.

"We fill find the murderer and bring him to justice, but first we have to calm down and think on how to do so"

"That b.i.t.c.h deserved it anyway"

Unaware of the chaos he did Jun just thought that the n.o.bility were just arguing with his parents again and continued eating his sandwich with the new recruits.

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