"Urgh my head... f*ckin got me good that b*stard, at least i got em in the end, he should be dead... wait, so, is this the hospital?"

Lying on a large fancy bed, Jun sat up and scanned his surroundings, he realized he was in some fancy shmancy room with a comfy couch, large french windows, a table with sweets on it, a bookshelf... Basically things you find in some mansion in europe.

It was clearly early in the morning by looks of the light shining from the window.

"No, no..." in a state of denial while knowing in his heart no matter how strong the concussion he had, the hallucinations wouldn"t be this realistic, he knew what was going on but still shocked at the unexpected development. Sitting up from his comfy bed, Jun ran to the full-sized mirror near the drawer in the room, and confirmed his doubts.

A blond boy, no older than 6 with dazzling azure eyes, wearing silk pajamas, is what is reflected on the mirror.

"I"ve been isekai"d..." he muttered softly still realing from the shock of this supposedly unrealistic situation he found himself in. "I died..." he realized quickly.

"Ok, calm down first Jun, you wanted to be soldier so get a grip, gotta see the whole picture and to do that i need to learn about this world but how, this body didn"t give me it"s former memo-"

"Oh no" where his last thoughts as Jun blacked out again. For an unknown period of time to Jun, his new body unconscious on the floor, you can say he"s not having a good start to his second life. Then he woke up from his unwanted sleep again, but this time it was around noon now, again judging by light from the windows, and also someone put him back in his bed.

Looking at edge of the bed, a loli maid could be seen drowsing off, "She should be Sophie, my personal maid and around the same age as my new body" Jun thought to himself as he used the new found knowledge that suddenly appeared in his head whilst he was asleep. By the way Sophie is a brown haired, brown eyed little beauty.

"Now who am i?"

That is the current question, sifting through the memories Jun pieced together his new ident.i.ty.

Jun Valheim Kalek, 5 years of age, 1st Prince of Kalend, one of the Big 4, the others being called Rulivs, Frevus, and Tealsk. What"s more suprising is the similarities of the countries to to other countries of his former life.

Kalend is essentially German

Rulivs are Ruskies

Frevus are Frenchy bois

And Tealsk are the G.o.d d.a.m.n Tea lovers.

A parallel world, that seems to be the most likely answer to this nonsense?

But suddenly the loli maid started to wake up as he tried to think deeper but could only put it off for now.

"Mmm, wha...?"

"Good afternoon Sophie, did you sleep well?"

"Ah, your majesty is awake!"

"Yes, yes i am"

"Your majesty you should be a lot more careful, when i went out for a minute i found out you got up and collapsed on the floor!"

"Ah, ehehe, yeah i"ll be more careful next time"

"You just got healed from accident last night so you should be really resting right now, so no getting out of bed unless i say so!"

Yeah the accident is nothing more than the former hitting his head while tripping when he was running around. The former used to be incredibly clumsy at whatever he does. For example, when he was walking on a floor that"s flat, non-smooth, textured so to ensure you won"t slip, at a normal speed, guess what...

He Fri*ckin Slipped.

I"d be worried for the country who has this clumsy prince for a future leader, but not to worry, the Kalendian system of government is a "Matriarchal Monarchy, which means i don"t have any right"s to the throne even if i wanted to. But i could careless, cause like a good isekai protaginist that suddenly found themselves in a body of high position, i don"t wanna rule, cause that"s a lot of work boi. Plus i still have my dream of being a soldier, cause as you know soldiers fight in battles, sure some kings go into campaign with their army, but that"s not what i want, i want to be knee deep in the ground that turned to mud thanks to a river of blood of both foe and allies, i want to fight tooth and nail with the enemy, to be under fire, and be Baptised by blood.

I may be a little m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic, sure.

Psychopathic, yep!

A Madman that thirsts for Slaughter, d.a.m.n straight i am!

A s.a.d.i.s.t, you do not the depths of the abyss that is my mind...

But that does change my dream!

For I, Jun Valheim Kalek, and that"s to be the best soldier i could be!

And no ones gonna get in my way.

"Apple slices Your Majesty?"

"Oh, don"t mind if i do"

But not now, i still got a long way to go till i get there, just have to focus on growing up first.

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