Me and the 7 finally reached the gates of palace walls and immediately see a huge a.s.s carriage just sitting there.

And inside was my mother.


"Oh Jun, you"re finally here, get in, we have to go to the port"

"The port, are we gonna use an airship?"

"Yes, we"re using an airship"


I immediately got inside the carriage and so did the 7, i was excited now, of course i knew about airships, they were a symbol of Kelands superior magic engineering, the pride of the nation and there were only 9 of them! (AN: The Prince is supposed to be for his 10th birthday party as a gift, so he wasn"t informed there was 10 in actuality)

"Fufufu, look who"s excited, we only have to wait for Vivi now"

Vivi was Vivian"s pet name.

"I"m Here!"

And speak of the devil, her she is.

"What took you long Vivi?"

Ma asked with a smile.

"I was getting goodbye present for brother, speaking of which, here!"

Vivian then handed me a wrapped box.

"What"s in it?"

"A scarf, i heard that the place your going will be snowing right now, so i knitted it as fast as possible!"

"Aww, thanks sis"

Patting her head while i say so.

"Alright get on, we"re going to miss the airship, coachman, to the port please"

"Right away, Your Majesty, hiya!"

The carriage started to move as the 12 unicorns started moving, yes, unicorns, this is the royal carriage what else do you expect?

The gates to the palace then opened.

And what lay beyond the gate was 4 column of soldiers, 2 flanking us at each side, looks like their our security detail.

The carriage then continued unhindered with this specific road being closed for today, looking outside the one-sided mirror of the carriage, the road also had barricades with people crowding on the other side.

"Look the royal carriage is leaving the palace!"

"Ah, The Queen and Princess Vivian must be inside, King Christopher is already at the port!"

"All Hail The Queen, All Hail Princess Vivian!"

"Long Live Keland!"

Most of the voices are of women while the men stay at the back, only able to see thanks to their height advantage, but their cheering is drowned out by the women.

"Hmm, the disparity between women and men are really showing, but hey, that"s their problem not mine"

The World is filled with Unfairness, that"s something i learned from my personal experiences and from watching anime, no matter what, it will exist in some form or another, be it targeted to men or women, the young or the old, it will exist and nothing can change that, for a long time that is.

A nation may be born from the wants of freedom and fairness to all and they can manage that for a while before succ.u.mbing to the test of time, the government that used to be a freedom loving one will eventually be replaced by power hungry men in power.

True equality does not exist, for as long we stay human.

It"s a Vicious Cycle.

I"m just lucky to be isekaid as a prince.

And so i just closed my eyes and waited for us to arrive at the port.

******************Fritz POV*******************

Fritz is a reporter, currently he"s on standby with his magic broadcasting device ready to report on it. That"s when a fellow reporter he knew, Loch came to his side.

"Hey Fritz, who do you think will be riding on The Prince?"

"Ah, i don"t know man, we could have guessed from the name if it weren"t named The Prince, it"s not very fitting for the little Princess and certainly not for the Queen or King"

"Ha, maybe we actually have a prince!"

"And you know that"s impossible Loch, the royalty are blessed by the G.o.ddess, but you know, that"s gonna be big news if it did!"

"Hahaha, we can dream can"t we?"

Loch also just laughed at his own joke.

"The Carriage is approaching!"

Fritz and Loch both then turned their attention to the road leading up to the dock, there they saw the iconic carriage being pulled by 12 unicorns.

"Turn on your device"

"You too"

Both men then turned on their devices and aimed it at the carriage, the device itself looked like an orb being propped up by a tripod.

The orb buzzed and glowed before stabilizing.

Then all across Keland and even the other 3 big nations, light screens appeared with 720p resolution.

"There has been development, the royal carriage of Keland"s royal family, is approaching the port!"

Everybody from lowliest slave to royalty were focusing their attention to this event.

This was the maiden voyage of The Prince, dubbed to be the best airship Keland had to offer, it took 5 years to make and had just been sitting around a year after it"s built, who would want to miss this?

As the carriage got close and parked infront of a red carpet leading up to The Prince, no one missed a single detail of it.

Then the carriage door opened...

First, to come out was Lilian.

"The Queen is first to come out the carriage!"

The people were now even more focused to next pa.s.senger, which was obviously the little Princess Vivian.

And so Vivian stepped out.

"The Entire Royal Family is now gathered at the port!"

The people focused on the Queen and the Princess, they started guessing who would ride The Prince.

But what Fritz said refocused their attention to the carriage.

"Wait there are more pa.s.sengers!"

Hans and the other 6 then stepped out one by one.

"Who are those kids?"

The audience then changed their guessing games target to the 7 boys.

But were once again drawn to the carriage.

"There still one last pa.s.senger!"

As he said so, a boy the same age as the other 7 came into view of the device.

The same Blonde hair as their King, the dazzling Azure eye"s of their Queen while both having their perfect features packed into his little handsome face.


That day...

Time seemed to stop.

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