It"s been an half hour since we left the capital.

Right after we left, i got the System to scan the ship for any trash that we might have missed, unfortunately, all was clean.

Right now we"re flying above some farmlands, i finally got some free time since i got to this world, so i asked the System something that"s been bothering me for a while.

"System why can"t i plunder physiques?"

(What do you mean, you"ve already been plundering them)

"No those are skills"

(...Oh, i forgot to tell you, ahem, then let me explain it simply, skills are physiques)

"What the f.u.c.k do you mean..."

(See, what they call physique is nothing but an innate skill)


Jun just got even more confused thanks to the System"s explanation.

(Sigh, innate skills are commonly known as physiques because of how they just randomly appear on anybody, for example that you killed? His skill was more generically known as"s physique)

"Why the h.e.l.l didn"t you tell me this sooner?!"

(I forgot)

"You"re supposed to be a System, how can you forget?!"

(Hey, im not perfect okay, sheesh)

"And why did you say i had the plundering physique, when it"s supposed to be a skill?"

(For a cooler effect)

"What the h.e.l.l does that mean, are you a chuuni?"

(If you could choose between Plundering Physique and Plundering Innate Skill, which would you choose?)

"...The first one"

(See, i was right to call it physique)

"Then why do people call it physique rather than skills?"

(Who"s gonna correct them, they don"t have something like me Host, they can"t just callout for a screen and check their status, they have to learn for themselves, for them an innate skill is a physique while active skills are just skills)

"Then why didn"t their G.o.d"s teach them?"

(G.o.ds? While G.o.ds do exist Host, what do they care about mortals?)

"...You have a point, but then what is affinity?"

(Affinity is just the level of authority you have over magic Host and it"s the G.o.ds who decide that who gets how much authority, you were born from a family blessed by a G.o.ddess to give birth to powerful female mages and yet you were born a male, so the G.o.ddess punished you by taking away all your authority over magic)

"That b.i.t.c.h of a do i get affinity then, if i can"t use even the most simple magic, that"s gonna be a ha.s.sle"

(I could operate on you to give you authority)

"Really, How?"

(Not right now, you"re still too weak)

"It"s gonna hurt like h.e.l.l right?"

(It will hurt like Jesus H. Christ coming over f*cking on you in the a.s.s sideways with his ma.s.sive s.c.h.l.o.n.g)

"Thats...Specific, im just gonna interpret that as, it will really really really hurt a lot"

Jun turned to the 7 and then said.

"Alright guys, i don"t know how long this trips gonna be, so let"s just make the best out of it, so how about we test out the simulations"


The 7 tilted their heads for their boss was saying weird stuff again.


(On it)

Just like last time the 7 suddenly looked lifeless and started drooling but quickly recovered.

(I added basic former world knowledge to their heads)

"Really, then lets try it out, Hans, what is a cellphone?"

Hans thought for a bit the said.

"It is a hand held device used for communication, entertainment and data sharing"

"Good, Hoch, what is a pizza?"

"A piece of bread topped with marinara sauce, cheese and a variety of toppings, with the forbidden one being pineapple"

"Okay, last question, but all of you have to answer, what is hentai?"


"Goood, now of to the simulations, go inside first"

And so they went inside the cabin, unaware of the dangers that lurk just waiting for them. (AN: I feel like nature doc.u.mentary narrator now)

*****************Liben"s POV*****************

Two hooded figures are currently conversing in dimly lit room.

"The Prince has left port"

"Is that confirmed?"


"Do we know where their going?"

"No Ma"am, we"re still trying to find out"

It seems their a man and a woman.

"...Keep investigating"

"Yes Ma"am"

The hooded man the left the room, leaving only the hooded female alone.

She stayed quiet for sometime then said to thin air.

"Delilah, can you find where The Prince is going?"

"Already have"

A voice from nowhere replied.

"My my, your really efficient, then take out that little thing"

"By thy will"

A shadow seemed to have moved and suddenly disappeared.

All was quiet again until the woman seemingly started talking to herself this time.

"That Lilian, that wh.o.r.e that gave birth to a bring nothing but shame to the family..."

She paused the continued.

"...My Dear Sister"

The woman laughed to herself.

"And that dear little nephew of mine...I"ll make sure to take good care of him, huhuhu"

The woman continued to laugh maniacally for a while before suddenly stopping.

"I"ll pay you back for everything you did and to our sisters, just you wait"

Then the woman herself disappeared from the room.

A new conspiracy is brewing for our protagonist to handle.

How will he handle it this time?

*******************Jun"s POV*****************

"System, activate simulations"

(Be specific)

"...Activate a training simulation"

(What kind of training?)

"You cheeky moth-, CQB training simulation please"

(Coming right up)

And so the 7 and Jun blacked out, but this time Jun was smart enough to order them to put mats on the floor.

The 7 and Jun then awakened at the virtual s.p.a.ce.

"Ugh, where are we sir?"

"A simulation private, you know what that is right?"

"Yes, it just suddenly popped in my head sir"

"Good, now we are here for CQB training, but first i have to share the basics to you, System"

(Got it)

Once again, the System transferred memories to the 7.

This time however they didn"t look brain dead, they just look like their being shocked by a taser .

"Are there side effects to doing this often?"

(Nope, it"s completely safe)

"And i don"t trust you"

(Sigh, the Host doesn"t believe me, it does make my heart ache)

"Shut it you degenerate!"

The 7 soon once again recovered.

"I feel dizzy..."

"Why does this happen a lot..."

Letting them have a breather, Jun waited patiently.

"All good now?"

"Yes sir"

The 7 weakly said.

"I don"t hear enthusiasm in your voice maggots!"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

They stood straight and saluted as they loudly replied.

"Good, now for the actual training"

Jun the got into a fighting stance and commanded.

"Show me what you got"

The 7 understood and also got into a stance.


They charged.

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