Super Soldier System

Chapter 1: Designing..."

After lunch, i decided to familiarise myself with my surroundings, i walked the halls, checked everyroom, strolled the yard and looked at every nook and cranny. By the time i was done the sun was almost setting, so i asked for an early dinner and told the servants i"ll be sleeping early today.


I closed the door behind me and went straight to bed.

"System, how does the procedure work?"

(To awaken your hidden physique, i will just have to stimulate it)

"That"s it?"


"No special items, herbs or blood?"

(I am a cultured system, i have no need for such unrefined methods Host)

"So, again confirming, there are no side effects?"

(Only pins and needles)

"You better not be lying to me"

(Im not)

"Ok... go ahead and start"

(Awakening Procedure... Booting...)


Immediately as i heared the systems last words my body went numb, then tingling and finally the pins and needles set in.

"System, how long is this procedure gonna take again?"

(Oh not long, just five hours)

"Mother F-"

Five Hours Later (Insert Spongebob Template)

(Almost done)


(Charging up burst)

"W-what burst?"

(The final step of the procedure is to hit you with a poweful stimulus burst, charging done)

"You Son of a B-"



Gritting my teeth in pain, i tried my best not to scream in the top of my lungs, to which i successfully did so, but it still hurt like h.e.l.l.

(Procedure Done... Procedure Successful... Congratulations Host you have aquired an unique physique, The Plundering Physique)

Sitting up from bed and stretching my sore body i asked.


(Yes, it"s quite fitting for it"s function)

"Well don"t keep me hanging, what is it?"

(It is to take the skills of something you killed and use it as your own)

In a sudden flash of inspiration, i realised the possibility.

"A Slimes magic resistance?"


"Trollish regeneration?"


"That"s OP as f*ck"

(You bet it is Host)

Lying down and blankly staring at my ceiling for a while, i asked the system.

"Is there a new mission now System?"

(Actually yes)

"Oh, what is it?"

Intrigued, i sat up again and asked the System.


"Gunsmithing? I know a little, what kind of gun"

(You"re favorite the Glock-17, it has a simple design but is reliable)



The System replied with his signature catchphrase.

"Can"t you just make them for me?"

(Yes, but that function has the requirement that you have had to successfully created a single working version of that said gun, for example you made a Glock-17, i can now make Glock-17"s all by self)

"How about bullets?"

(Bullets are included, as well any other accessories you need)


(If you can make them)


Tsking in annoyance to this System of mine, but then suddenly thought of a problem.

"Hold up System, how am i supposed to make the gun when i dont have a bench?"

(Virtually of course)

"You think of everything"

(I am great aren"t i?)

"Stop feeling smug b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what time is it?"

(1:00 AM)

"Hmm, i"ve only got a few hours till dawn, someone always checks on me in the morning" I thought as i contemplated on how to do this for i only have a few more hours till daybreak and then said to System.

"Is there like time dilation while i make the gun?"



(So as to curb any over reliance on me)

"Oh by the way, is this VR function of yours versatile?"

(Yes, it also has a wide variety of combat simulations in any climate, weather or environment and from the basics of gun handling to the more advanced combat techniques)

"Like jungle warfare and house breaching?"

(It"s there)

"You"re really convenient sometimes, but don"t be smug about it"

(Of course Host)

"Alright, start the simulation or whatever"

(Yes, Generating... Confirmed... Entering...)

Immediately after that i blacked out and when i woke up again i was standing in a white room, completely empty of thing"s with only me standing at the center of the room.

"...So this is the VR s.p.a.ce?"

(Yes Host)

"Well, let"s get started shall we?"

(Hold your horses Host, you should read this first)


A book suddenly poofed into existence near my feet, i picked up the magically appearing book from the ground and read the t.i.tle.

"Gunsmithing for Dumdums: Pistol Edition... you kiddin me right?"

(I recommend you read it)

"...Sigh, alright"

I flipped the book open and read the first page.

"Chapter 1: Designing..."

2 Hours later.

"Im done..."

(Good, let us begin then, do you remember all of it?)

"...Actually, yes, yes i do"

(As esxpected of the Plundering Physique, not only skills but it also plunders knowledge)

"This physique is quite awes-"


While i was talking, the System once again magicked something out of thin air, but this time it was a work bench filled what seems to be gun parts.

(Let us begin Host)

"Ah, right, the guns"

I walked up to the bench but then found a problem.

"System, where are the tools?"

(We are in virtual environment, all you need to do is think of what you want to do to the material)

I picked up a solid cylinder of steel wanting try out the System"s instruction but then a video screen suddenly popped up.

"There"s even a tutorial?"

(Yes, it is for convenience)

2 Hours later (again)

After cramming all the information on how to make the my favorite Glock-17 with all of its 33 parts crammed into my head, i can finally start trying and making the G.o.dd.a.m.n thing.

"Can we start now?"

(Up to you)

"Ok, lets start with the bigger parts, i think we should start with the barrel then..."

1 Hour later.

"And... done"

I said as i praised my own creation, not to brag or anything but it"s quite masterpiece of a gun.

(Confirmed creation of a working model, factory function unlocked, you may now produce the Glock-17)

"Haha, i did it, i got my trusty Glock in another world!"

(Do you wish to Customize?)

"h.e.l.l yeah i do!"

(What do you wish to add?)

"Hmm, a silencer is definitely needed, luminescent sights and a concealable holster for the gun and extra ammo"

(Is that all?)

"Yes... by the way the System can i make something else other than a glock?"



(But you have to level up first)

"I knew it, so how do i level up?"

(Naturally by killing things)

"Killing eh, that"s gonna be hard when i can"t even leave the palace, oh well, im still young so ive gotta enjoy life right now... System what time is it?"

(It is 6:00 AM Host)

"Holy sh*t i spent 5 hours here, turn off the simulation"


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