After the shock of suddenly knowing that somebody close to you betrayed you, it then turns to anger. That"s what happened to me and i got to say, I"M p.i.s.sED OFF!

Sophie? Sophie?! My thought to be loyal friend and devoted maid just turned out to be a turncoat!

Suppresing the rage and frustration i felt in my heart i told the System.

"System, can you find the mastermind behind this?"

(All ready tried it, looks like Sophie was the one that hired him, so she"s the true subordinate, this guy"s just a p.a.w.n)

"Ok... but first, let"s deal with the muscle outside, we can"t waste such precious experience points go to waste"

(I second that notion)

"Then it"s agreed, let"s get suited up first just in case"

******************Mac"s POV*****************

Me name Mac, big bro name me Mac, big bro save Mac, now Mac help big bro, big bro say stay, so Mac stay, but big bro taking long, Mac don"t want to leave big bro.


"Mac open up, i got the kid, open up so we can get out of here!"

"Big bro!"

Mac get up to open door for big bro.


"Big br-"

But when Mac open door, big bro not there, only man with strange small man in blue clothing with blue lights where his eye"s should be.

"Who are you, wher-!"

But when Mac tried to ask where big bro was, there we"re already three holes in his chest.


Coughing out blood, Mac fell out of the carriage and to the cold floor, he tried to get back up and defiantly lifted his head.

But all that greeted him was the barrel of Luxus and a few words from the strange small blue man.

"Shhhhh... go to sleep"

And with that...


******************Jun"s POV******************

"That voice changer of yours came in handy System, so give me the exp"

Of course that strange small blue man is Jun in his newly made full dark blue military fatigues with a helmet and a pair of googles that System made for aesthetics sake to go with his reaper mask, it changes color according to emotion so it"s quite cool. Just think, your an enemy staring straight at my blue led lights for eyes and then it turns red, urghh, the thought makes me shiver in excitement.

(Killed 1 Muscle Head Goon gained 75 exp. (176/200)

"75 exp, he"s got to be more than that System..."

(No, he is only worth that much)

"Tsk, dammit almost, almost level 2"

(You can just kill Sophie then you"ll probably level up)

"Yeah, but not before i make her suffer, do you know where she is?"

(I put a signature in every person that you are close with, your parents, sister and your maid, or should i say former maid, Sophie)

"You"re highly efficient sometimes System"

(I know right)

"And your smug again"

(Can"t be proud for a second?!)

"Alright, tell me where she is"

(Hmm, still in the castle, and it looks like she"s actually going to your room, e.t.a 10 minutes)

"Let"s give her a surprise when she gets there, by the way my plunder"

(Processing... Done)

(Herculean Strength(Innate): Born with strength to carry ever heavier mountains. Increased Strength(Trainable)

Life force: +176

Memories too corrupted to be downloaded.

"System, what"s does Trainable mean?"

I said as i climbed the palace walls through the grappling hook that the cloaked man, which i later found out was named, Derz.

(It means, what it means, it can be increased through training, few skills have this property)

"And plus what"s up with the his life force and his memories"

(He had an lifespan of at least 200 years thanks to his incredible strength, too bad that doesn"t mean he has incredible defense"s)

I dropped down from the 20 foot tall wall of the palace and started running to my room.

"System, what"s her e.t.a?"

(8 minutes)

"That"s enough"

*****************Sophie"s POV****************

My name is Sophie, i am the maid of the 1st

Prince of Kalend, a dream job of any maid right, if it weren"t for the fact that Keland is a matriarchal monarchy and the fact that in the entire royal family tree, the kalek"s have never birthed a male, until he was born. He was seen as an omen by the n.o.bility or a cursed child destined to bring calamity and wanted nothing more than him gone. And for that i was ostracized, bullied and hara.s.sed, i hated it, i hated him, he was weak, clumsy and downright stupid, so when i was offered to be of help getting rid of him, i practically jumped at the chance to do so. And so i disabled the magic defenses for a set amount of time so as to not alert anyone.

"He should be gone by now right?"

Just the thought of not having to serve such an incompetent prince brings a smile to my face, as i neared his room to check someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

"What is i-"

When i turned to scold the person, i was stunned, it was the prince! But how?! He should be gone by now?! Before i could process the situation the prince said only one thing.


And punched me unconscious.


For an unknown period of time i was knocked out and when i came the sight that greeted me was the prince in some strange new outfit of red and black reading a book while sitting across from me and me, being bound to a chair.

"You"re Highness this is not funny"

"What"s not funny?"

The prince closed his book, got up and put it back in the bookshelf then turned back to me.

"If you mean betrayal is not funny, then i whole heartedly agree with you"

Saying so the prince grabbed a pair of gloves from the chair while i was stunned, how did the prince know and how did he get rid of Derz?!

"...W-what are you talking about your majesty"

"Lying is a natural thing so as to avoid punishment, but it"s useless here, my dear Sophie"

He said as he adjusted his gloves and stepped towards me. I was frightened by then so i struggled but it was futile, the prince the arrived in front of me.

"You"re Majesty im inn-!"

Before i can finish my words i was interrupted by a punch to the face.

"Enough talk, accept Judgement"

******************Jun"s POV******************

And so i tortured Sophie, i punched her in the face, jabbed in the liver, in the stomach, a knee to face, a kick to the face, broke her fingers any torture technique appliable to this situation really, she screamed and wailed in pain, calling for help and then asking me just to end it, it was a symphony to my ears, oh how i smiled at her with the most satisfied expression on my face and how she looked at me like the devil, oh how i relished it all. Anytime she pa.s.sed out i woke her up with a bucket of cold water to the face and so this continued for while until a System prompt ended it all.

(Two signatures inbound: tagged Lilian and tagged Christopher are approaching)

"Sigh, looks like the fun ends, your lucky Sophie, i guess the G.o.ds decided to spare you from your pitiful state..."

I pulled out Luxus and aimed at her head with one hand.

"Goodbye... Sophie"

*Bang (Silenced)

(Killed 1 Sophie gained 25 exp. (1/500)

(Congratulations! You leveled up!)

(Unlocked: Bolt-action Rifles)

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