Supremacy Games

Chapter 224 - A Discussion About Felix And Landlord.

Chapter 224 - A Discussion About Felix And Landlord.

After hearing Meliodas and the spectators cheers, Dale and the rest knew that the video was taken from an SG game instead of an action film!

"Holy c.r.a.p! That was awesome!" Amazed, Dale had his eyes fixated on the video that was replaying the same 20-second scene again.

"Look at the views and at the comment section." Nathan pointed his finger enviously at the booming views, which had 500 million in barely half an hour since the video was posted.

Meanwhile, the comment section was exploding with people commenting on every millisecond, expressing their disbelief at such a daredevil stunt.

"20 seconds bit didn"t show much." Johnson shook his head and requested, "Give me the game"s link, I will watch it in my room."

"Can I also have the link?" Adam requested politely.

"Me too!" Olivia lifted her hand.

"How about this?" Instead of sending the link, Nathan enlarged the hologram until it was bigger than the dusty data show screen.

He then clicked on the link that was posted below the video and proposed with a smile, "Let"s watch it together. We have plenty of time today since the training is probably going to be canceled." He added, "Plus, it will be more fun."

Johnson gave it a quick thought before agreeing, "I am down."


"Don"t have much to do anymore."

"Hopefully, the game will be just as epic as that scene."

Soon, everyone was back in their seat while having their attention on the game"s replay that was on pause.

"Noah, you are not going to watch?" Kenny asked after seeing Noah heading to the cla.s.sroom"s door.

Without turning his head, Noah shook it slightly before exiting and closing the door behind him.

They give him a single glance before having their focus back on the screen.

However, they were suddenly reminded of the other suspect, who never bothered to stick for such events.

They all turned their heads and surprisingly, only wind breeze was blowing on Felix"s desk!

He was gone!

"Typical behavior."

"d.a.m.n, he is getting better at leaving early."

No one felt surprised by Felix"s depart without saying anything.

Heck, they would be startled if he actually decided to stick in and watch with them. They already guessed that he left unnoticed when they were discussing the video.

"Play it, play it. It"s their loss." Dale said.

Without further delay, Nathan pressed play and sat back in his seat.

The video started with an introduction to the game"s rules, objective, player number, rank, and such, giving the viewers a complete understanding of the game before starting.

After a minute or so, the game truly began with showing the players getting teleported and Meliodas interviewing them.

Nathan skipped the interview segment, jumping straight into the action, showing the players falling into the island.

Unfortunately for Felix, the video was a recorded version of what Meliodas was showing on the large screen for the spectators.

This meant, he was the primary focus since the beginning of the game!

This made Olivia and the rest watch in confusion, Landlord use poison bombs while having the ability to switch inducements just like Felix. Not to mention his superstrength and poison immunity.

if it wasn"t for Landlord displaying way too many inducements and different abilities than Felix"s throughout the game, doubts would have started to rise in their minds that Landlord was Felix in disguise!

Though, they were still weirded out by the uncanny resemblance between the two. Especially for Olivia, who spent her childhood "playing" with Felix.

She was the most familiar with Felix, thus she felt a sense of familiarity with the way Landlord acts and talks.

"It can"t be Felix." Olivia shook those thoughts away as no matter what her feelings were telling her, the sight of Landlord using three different abilities than Felix was a solid evidence that it was merely an uncanny coincidence.

After a while, the game reached its conclusion with Felix"s sitting on the green teleportation circle akin to a king with that Crown secured on his head.

Although the game was beyond epic, making Olivia and the rest to enjoy every last second of it, the resemblance between Felix and Landlord was still in their minds.

Before, Felix was only safe from getting mentioned in the same breath as Landlord was for three reasons.

First, the Maxwell elders and Noah, who had bracelets early on, weren"t interested in individual Supremacy Games news at all, as they were more focused on the business side of the UVR. Meanwhile, Noah"s mind was a total mystery, as no one knows what"s going in it.

Second, when Felix got viral in the Mariana empire, it happened one-month or so before he exposed his abilities in the national team battle.

Thus, by the time, those with AP bracelet could notice the similarity, the news about Felix"s 2nd game had already gone obsolete.

Third, Olivia and the rest didn"t possess AP bracelets, making them miss Felix"s first games and the viral sensation he caused in the empire.

However, now with their bracelets on, it was easier for virals" videos, photos, scandals, and such to flash by in their media feed. With this, nothing about Felix"s persona could ever go unnoticed anymore.

"Brother Nathan, mind giving me access to do a quick research on Landlord?" Adam asked politely.

"Go ahead." Nathan gestured with his hand.

After getting his permission, Adam started typing on an invisible hologram, making everything that he was typing in the search bar get displayed in the large hologram.

>Important information about Unpaid_Landlord"s existence.<

Immediately after pressing >enter

"Woah, he is really popular."

"d.a.m.n, isn"t he still a silver player?"

Ignoring the envious exclamations around him, Adam scrolled down for a while before clicking on a t.i.tle that says, >Anaylize and thoughts on Landlord"s bloodline.<

They were immediately transported to another website, where it appeared more like a forum for discussion.

There were articles posted, pictures, videos, but mostly questions asked such as >Does anyone knows the name of Landlord"s bloodline?< or >Does Landlord"s bloodline really belong to legendary rank?<

The forum was booming, as every question posted had thousands of answers no matter how silly and stupid they were.

Everyone was just expressing their point of view, not bothering if it was the truth or utter bulls.h.i.+t.

Adam and the rest kept clicking on articles and questions concerning Landlord"s bloodline, and the result was overwhelming, as everyone was expressing their confusion about the bloodline"s existence.

No one had a single clue, which beast it belonged to, and if there were any similar bloodlines to it.

By now, Olivia and the rest pretty much understood what Adam was aiming for.

"Do you think that maybe Landlord and Felix had awakened with the same bloodline?" Sarah laid out the question for all of them.

"That"s likely..." Before Adam could continue his answer, Jonhson interrupted, "Unlikely, it"s clear that Landlord"s bloodline allows him to use multiple inducements while Felix was limited to only five."

"May I ask how are you certain that Felix only has five inducements?" Unbothered by his interruption, Adam asked with his usual polite smile.

Johnson felt stomped at his question as he realized that he only had Felix"s word on the number.

He or anyone else had absolutely no way to find out by themselves if Felix was telling the truth or not unless he showed another inducement after the known five that he displayed in the camp.

"Stop implying that Felix is lying about his bloodline"s abilities." Kenny rested his chin under his hand as he defended Felix, "Landlord having a bloodline that can switch to tens of inducement is already an anomaly in everyone"s eyes. Don"t even mention Felix having it as well."

"If most legendary poison bloodlines can switch to tens of inducement instead of the known limited five, it should have been common news. This meant Felix won"t even need to hide it in the first place." Sarah supported.

"In addition, Felix won the bloodline in a lottery." Kenny asked, "Do you honestly think that a lottery company, who were believed to be scammers due to their stinginess in their rewards, to give Felix that overpowered bloodline, which clearly is too unique that no one even knows about it?"

"I think that its price should be in the billions if it was available in auctions." Olivia looked at Adam with a disapproving gaze and said, "I know that Felix isn"t treating you well, but that doesn"t mean you should create baseless trouble for him!"

Hearing them barraging him with hard cold facts, Adam was left speechless, as he only had some doubts that he wanted to be cleared.

Yet, he was seen by the Maxwells that he was lowkey targeting Felix and trying to create trouble for him.

After all, they weren"t r.e.t.a.r.ds to not understand from what they read in the forum that Landlord and his bloodline were currently wanted by most clans and high background organizations.

If even a slight connection was created between Felix and Landlord, the rumors would spread, and before long, Felix would be paid a visit by them.

"I didn"t mean to offend anyone with my inquires." Adam shook his extended hands and said, "I apologize if it appeared as such in your minds. I have only my utmost respect for the captain and I will never try to put him in harm"s way."

"You don"t have to apologize or explain yourself to them." Amelia stood behind Adam as she said with her eyes squinted at the Maxwells, "You should start showing some respect to Adam as he is the 2nd strongest bloodliner in the team."

"In this team 2nd strongest bloodliner doesn"t mean anything." Kenny shook his head as he stood up, "As long as we keep getting demolished by Felix solo, even when we combine our strengths and use our new synergies, being called 2nd strongest or 3rd is nothing but striking your tiny ego."

"I will respect him when he defeats Felix solo." Kenny smiled faintly while standing up, "By then, he is simply a subst.i.tute in the team just like you."

"Have a pleasant day." Kenny nodded his head politely before exiting the cla.s.sroom, leaving Amelia"s expression to turn unsightly.

"What he said." Johnson said as followed after Kenny"s footsteps.

"I am also leaving." Sarah said in annoyance, "This is not fun anymore."

"Wait for me!" Olivia chased after Sarah not wanting to remain alone in such an awkward atmosphere.

"Cough, my girl is waiting for me in the game." Dale coughed as he excused himself.

Before long, Nathan, Lexie, and Isabella gave off their excuses before exiting the cla.s.sroom, leaving only the four captains.

After a moment of silence, Lena stood up and said calmly to Amelia, "You need to reign in your pride a little. You are ruining our efforts by giving us all a bad image in the team."

"I agree with her." Walton scratched his beard in irritation at the thought of getting chided by his elders again for not making any progress in his relations.h.i.+p with the Maxwells and especially Felix.

At this point, Lena and Walton already lost the motivation to befriend Felix. He stopped their attempts many times and they had their own pride to kiss his a.s.s into accepting them.

Alas, it wasn"t up to them as their families" elders wanted to create a bond between their families and the Maxwells, who were currently experiencing a huge in their success due to Felix"s efforts.

Authorities were giving them priority in everything, the US Organization had lowered the pricing of the bracelets, potions, and substances for them.

Even their hotels, companies, restaurants were experiencing a flood of customs and clients each day.

As business-oriented families, it was always better to seek a friendly relations.h.i.+p with a family that was on the rise, as no one knows where the wind will blow.

"Let"s go pick up our camping gears." Walton suggested to Lena, who agreed with a head nod.


After hearing the door getting closed shut, Adam"s polite smile withdrew back as a frigid expression took over.

Amelia was unbeknownst to it as she was standing behind him.

"Please don"t defend me again sister Amelia." His expression was cold but his tone was as warm as the morning sunlight.

Before Amelie could reply, he stood up and turned around, displaying his usual charming smile, "I appreciate the effort, but I can take care of myself."

"I will see you later."

The moment he pa.s.sed by her, he narrowed his reddish eyes in irritation as he thought, "What an annoying b*tch. How can I get rid of her already?"

Alas, Amelia"s heated ears as she gazed at his back were more than enough to show that he wasn"t going to get rid of her anytime soon.

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