Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 828 The Candidates

Chapter 828 The Candidates

Ding Hao was shocked.

This sentence shocked Ding Hao more than all the other words Ding Honglei had spoken before combined. It not only meant that there was another world beyond the Land of Infinity, but also that the world was the so-called immortal land. It could be imagined how incredible it would be if the immortal land existed.

Could people become immortal as long as they opened the gate to the immortal land?

If that was the case, countless people would make every effort to fight over it, even those superior G.o.d-level masters would be tempted. Therefore, they would perhaps fight against each other for it, and no wonder there was such an astonis.h.i.+ng battle at the Green Wood Cliff.

“The gate to the immortal land was discovered by accident. The circulating immortal aura inside alerted the G.o.d-level masters from all over the world. But it was so urgent that the masters did not have time to coordinate with each other. Therefore, a battle was inevitably broke out among them, and at least more than 10 G.o.d-level masters were involved. If it were not for the fact that the Green Wood Cliff was a holy land for martial arts in the Human Clan Divine Central Continent with tens of thousands of years of divine power, it would have been turned into ruins long ago,” Ding Honglei said with a sigh.

“What was the outcome?” Ding Hao was worried.

“Both the Demon Clan and the Human Clan lost one G.o.d-level master, and two G.o.d-level ancient beasts also died. This is a war which has lost the most G.o.d-level masters since the last Holy War.” Ding Honglei sighed and said, “However, the good news is that the quant.i.ties of G.o.d-level masters in the Demon Clan and the Human Clan are still the same after this war.”

Ding Hao heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Then how about the Central Region Supreme G.o.d of War? Legend has it that the outside world can no longer feel his divine mark between heaven and earth.”

“His divine Mark?” Ding Honglei smiled slightly and said, “If everyone can feel the divine mark of a G.o.d-level master, then those G.o.d-level masters have no dignity or status to speak of. There must be some reason for them to be supreme beings. Moreover, you should know that there are differences in those G.o.d-level masters. Masters like the Central Region Supreme G.o.d of War are in the top and it is almost impossible for them to die.”

Hearing this, Ding Hao nodded secretly.

“The reason why the divine mark of the Central Region Supreme G.o.d of War could no longer be felt in the outside world is that he has already entered the immortal land.” Ding Honglei said seriously, “In that battle, there were six G.o.d-level masters in total entering the immortal land.”

“Who are they?” Ding Hao asked curiously.

However, Ding Honglei kept him guessing and said, “You won’t know these people even if I tell you. You’ll know them in the future. Let’s get down to business first.”

It was so awkward.

Ding Hao was speechless.

“It turns out that what you just said is not the real business.”Ding Hao thought.

Of course, he couldn’t say his thoughts out loud but pretended to be listening carefully.

“After the six G.o.d-level masters stepped into the gate, the gate disappeared mysteriously, which made those G.o.d-level masters who hurried there later disappointed. They did not know what kind of world was on the other side of the gate. Neither did they know what happened to Central Region Supreme G.o.d of War and the others.” Ding Honglei closed her eyes and recalled for a moment, then said, “I also went to Green Wood Cliff at that time. When I got there, the gate was about to disappear, and there were sad cries as well as dark red blood coming from it. It was the blood of the G.o.d-level masters.”

“The blood of G.o.d-level masters?” Ding Hao was stunned. “Did the G.o.d-level masters who entered it have trouble?”

Ding Honglei nodded and said, “This is just a speculation. Of course, there may be other possibilities. Unfortunately, the gate disappeared at that time, so others could not figure out the truth. The opportunity to know about the immortal land was about to disappear, but it never occurred to me that someone else found another way to enter the immortal land.”

Ding Hao was stunned.

The news he heard today was getting crazier and crazier.

He listened carefully and didn’t interrupt Ding Honglei.

Ding Honglei continued, “This time, someone found the legendary Six Immortal Gates and the transmission formation to the immortal land in the Back Mountain of the Swordsmans.h.i.+p-seeking Sect.”

“The Six Immortal Gates?” Ding Hao thought.

Ding Hao suddenly thought of the six stone doors at the bottom of the Great Abyss in the Back Mountain.

The so-called Six Immortal Gates should refer to those six stone gates if his speculation was right.

The transmission formation to the immortal land should be the chessboard formation on the stone table in the mysterious cave of the abyss.

Ding Hao went down the Great Abyss before and found the aura of G.o.d-level masters in those two places. Those two places were no longer secrets for these supreme beings.

“But the problem is that even those powerful G.o.d-level masters aren’t able to open the Six Immortal Gates, which have already had a crack, so others can’t pa.s.s through it. The only hope lies in the transmission formation.” Speaking of this, Ding Honglei paused and said, “I think you should already know where these two places are, right?”

Ding Hao nodded.

Ding Honglei said, “Well, that’s good. I’ll continue. Now the Six Immortal Gates are useless, so the only hope is the transmission formation on the chessboard. However, dozens of G.o.d-level masters have studied it but failed to activate it. At that critical moment, news about the Sky-fleeing Stone Key suddenly came from all sides. It is a legendary divine object, and rumor has it that it can activate all formations and hide in the void. All the G.o.d-level masters believe that the Sky-fleeing Stone Key can open the chessboard, which is the only way.”

Ding Hao frowned and fished out the Sky-fleeing Stone Key from the storage s.p.a.ce.

“I strongly protest against you. You can’t abuse me like this. What do you mean by locking me in the dark s.p.a.ce? Do you know that I once fought against an army and killed numerous people alone?” As soon as the Sky-fleeing Stone Key showed up, it started to scream to show his disapproval of being locked in the storage s.p.a.ce by Ding Hao.

Ding Hao completely ignored it.

In the beginning, Ding Hao was curious about and in awe of it. However, he found that it was a foodie and boaster after getting closer to it. At last, he just ignored what he said.

“Can it open the chessboard formation?” Ding Hao frowned and asked, “But how can you be sure that the chessboard formation can send people to the immortal land?”

“Of course, there is a way to confirm it. Although those G.o.d-level masters can’t activate the formation, it’s not hard to figure out the information it contains.” Ding Honglei said proudly, and then she continued, “In fact, there is not only one Sky-fleeing Stone Key but dozens of it. Legend has it that it was originally a complete stone Divine Artifact which fell from the immortal land to the Land of Infinity and turned into fragments. The one in your hand is just one of them. In recent days, news of the Sky-fleeing Stone Key has spread all over the continent, and dozens of people have already got one.”

“Dozens?” Ding Hao was a little surprised.

It turned out that there was not only one Sky-fleeing Stone Key.

“Since the Sky-fleeing Stone Key is so precious, why did the supreme masters of the Demon Clan agree to give it to me?” Ding Hao immediately realized this critical problem.

Ding Honglei said with a smile, “It’s very simple. It’s just compromise and balance. Someone from the Demon Clan had already obtained a Sky-fleeing Key before. Therefore, to keep a balance in quant.i.ty, this key belongs to the Human Clan.”

Ding Hao understood a little.

“But even if this Sky-fleeing Stone Key belongs to the Human Clan, I’m not qualified to own it, right? You just said that there are at least over 30 G.o.d-level masters in the Human Clan. Don’t they want to get such a divine object to enter the immortal land?” Ding Hao was suspicious again.

“Huh huh huh, it seems that you have self-awareness.” Ding Honglei giggled and nodded. “Yes, only G.o.d-level masters are qualified to own the Sky-fleeing Stone Key, but the problem is…”

Speaking of this, a strange expression was on Ding Honglei’s face. She said, “The Sky-fleeing Stone Key, which can only be heard in legends for tens of millions of years, suddenly appeared at this time without warning. With all the previous events, don’t you think it is a little strange?”

“It is very strange,” Ding Hao told the truth.

From the battle of Green Wood Cliff to the emergence of the Six Immortal Gates, and from the chessboard transmission formation to the Sky-fleeing Stone Key, all these events seemed to be coincidences. However, if one considered them carefully, it seemed that there was an invisible big hand controlling them behind the scenes.

It was more like a trap.

It was a trap that even G.o.d-level masters were included in.

“It seems that you are not too stupid,” Ding Honglei teased Ding Hao with a smile. “Since you can see through it, so do the G.o.d-level masters in the two clans. Now that the continent is in chaos and disaster is coming, the G.o.d-level masters who dominated the fate of the two clans cannot easily get involved in it. We need some other people to help us to solve our puzzles, so all the people who have obtained the Sky-fleeing Stone Key these days are masters below the G.o.d level.”

“You mean…” Ding Hao became clear.

“We hope that someone can use the Sky-fleeing Stone Key to activate the chessboard transmission formation to enter the immortal land, and then they need to find out what kind of thing is there and find the G.o.d-level masters who entered it previously.” Ding Honglei said with a serious look, “So, everyone who has the Sky-fleeing Stone Key is the candidate carefully selected by the G.o.d-level masters from the two clans.”

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