Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 848 Reincarnation of Demon Star

Chapter 848 Reincarnation of Demon Star

Ding Hao took Nalan Chu with his left hand and Nalan Wuxia with his right hand. Then, they turned around and left.

After a few steps, Ding Hao seemed to have thought of something. He turned around and said, “By the way, if I want to walk out of the Ocean Forest as soon as possible, which direction should I head to?”

“Ah? Just go eastward.” The middle-aged man was stunned, not expecting Ding Hao would suddenly ask that. He subconsciously pointed to a very strange big tree by the lake in the distance and said, “The leaves of this kind of tree always point to the east. It’s easy to recognize the direction.”

Ding Hao smiled at him and said, “Thank you.”

The next moment, with a flash of flowing light, Ding Hao, Nalan Chu and Nalan Youxia disappeared from the lakeside.

As a breeze blew, the warriors and masters of the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe s.h.i.+vered.

The middle-aged man also s.h.i.+vered and still felt afraid and angry. At the critical moment just now, as an Absolute Superior in the Sage Realm, he was shocked by the young man’s eyes as if a child who had made a mistake saw his parents. He didn’t even dare to say a word.

“Was I actually intimidated by a junior?”

Suddenly, as a stream of light flashed in the sky, a one-armed figure appeared in front of them.

“It’s an honor to see you, Elder Leng Yun.” The warriors of the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe lowered their heads and bowed.

“Where is he?” Leng Yun asked anxiously.

The middle-aged man sighed and recounted what had happened in detail without hiding anything. In the end, he said, “Old chap, it seems that I should take your advice.”

Leng Yun was stunned and said emotionally, “Fortunately, nothing serious happened. Although I know that you did those for the sake of the tribe, you really need to stop being so impulsive. Fortunately, things were not irreconcilable this time. The background of that young man is mysterious, and he is definitely not an ordinary person. We can’t afford to offend him. Today, he took Ah Chu away, which is within my expectations. As a member of the Nalan family flows, she will leave here sooner or later. We are doing a favor for Ding Hao by letting Chu go. Maybe it will be a good opportunity in the future.”

The middle-aged man nodded, listening to the lecture humbly.

The middle-aged man was Qing Ye, who was also an elder of the tribe as Leng Yun. However, people were afraid of him because of his bad temper. Today, he had underestimated Ding Hao and was at a great disadvantage, so he finally began to reflect on himself.

“Well, you can go back. Tell the others to treat Ding Hao, Nalan Chu and Nalan Youxia with due respect if any warriors of the tribe see them in the future. Do not argue or fight with them. Those who disobey my order will be severely punished. Just leave!”

Leng Yun gave the order and returned with the warriors of the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe.

The wind whistled by their ears and the towering mountains beneath retreated rapidly.

Chu clutched Ding Hao’s sleeve tightly and looked at Ding Hao admiringly. She did not expect that the young man she had carried back from the wilderness would be so powerful as soon as he woke up after sleeping for three whole months. Even Elder Qing Ye, one of the strongest warriors in the tribe, was stunned by him.

Now, it seemed that she could finally fulfill her wish of walking out of the Ocean Forest to find her father.

Beside her, Nalan Youxia seemed to be uninterested in what had happened. After eating a few roast beast legs, he lay beside Ding Hao and fell asleep.

Ding Hao created a power s.h.i.+eld within five meters around them, wrapping Nalan Chu and her brother in it. They moved toward the east at lightning speed.

The terrain of the Ocean Forest was precipitous. The peaks that were tens of thousands of meters high were inserted into the clouds. They were magnificent, with lush ancient trees and foul air suffused. There were extremely ferocious and powerful ancient behemoths, some of which had even entered the Sage Realm and were dominating their territories as kings.

Some of the mountain peaks were so majestic that they even blotted out the sunlight, shadowing tens of thousands of meters of the ground. This place was damp, and poisonous miasma was drifting back and forth between the mountains and forests.

It was easier to get lost in such an environment.

What’s more, Ding Hao was so terrible with directions.

Ding Hao accidentally entered the territory of the giant beasts several times and was attacked crazily. In the end, he had to escape with Chu and her brother in embarra.s.sment.

The further they went, the more frightened Ding Hao was.

He saw countless extinct behemoths that only existed in legends on the Land of Infinity. They were all Surviving Species of the Untainted Land in ancient times. Besides, they were born the strongest primitive creatures in the world and had the magical power to control nature. Unlike members of the Demon Clan, their bodies were like mountains and were extremely terrifying.

In the end, Ding Hao even saw the descendants of the Qiongqi, Azure Dragon, Black Warrior and other Divine Big Dipper Beasts.

These ancient dominators appeared in the forests and mountains, each occupying an area of nearly ten thousand miles. They were in charge of numerous Surviving Species of the Untainted Land like supreme kings. Obviously. They had formed forces and territories of different sizes and there were wars between them just like in human society.

With Ding Hao’s strength, however, most of the time, he obediently pa.s.sed through the territories of these divine beasts.

Fortunately, the cultivation method of the Mind Essential could help Ding Hao hide and change his aura easily.

Sometimes, they would pa.s.s by some tribes of the Human Clan.

These tribes were almost the same as the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe. Powerful warriors had high status in the tribe, and almost all the experts focused on physical cultivation. Their physical strength was amazingly powerful. Ding Hao had even met a cultivator with the physical cultivation of the strongest Martial Sage.

However, in terms of Qi cultivation, the warriors of these tribes lagged behind others.

It seemed that physical cultivation was more popular in this world.

Ding Hao did not try to make contact with those tribes, because many of them were extremely vigilant against outsiders in this dangerous and horrible forest, and it was difficult to join their lives. Ding Hao just observed everything in secret and constantly perfected his understanding of this world.

Several times when Ding Hao got lost in the forest, he saw several tribes invaded by the ferocious beasts. As the fierce battles broke out, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed like a river. Countless ordinary people became the food of the giant beasts.

The Human Clan was at a huge disadvantage in such an environment.

Once a tribe was breached, a clan would go extinct.

Ding Hao had secretly saved the lives of some people of the tribes in the Human Clan several times, but it was obviously just an utterly inadequate method in dealing with a severe situation. People encountered such things all the time in the Ocean Forest.

The strange giant tree that Qing Ye had mentioned was common in the forest. The tip of its leaves was indeed pointing straight to the east. With this little trick, Ding Hao stumbled all the way forward and didn’t get lost.

They had numerous undergone dangerous experiences during their journey of more than two months. They were almost swallowed by the wild behemoths several times. Fortunately, they finally arrived at the periphery of the Ocean Forest.

The mountains were not so steep, and the trees gradually became spa.r.s.e.

When they walked out of the last forest, Ding Hao, Nalan Chu and her brother stood on a low peak and looked into the distance. Finally, they saw the vast gra.s.sland in the distance. They could see everything in the flat terrain, which made them relieved.

“We finally walked out of the Ocean Forest!” Ding Hao could not help shouting excitedly.

Did it mean that they could see the towns of the Human Clan on the plains?

If Ding Hao wanted to know about the world, he had to get into the society of the Human Clan completely. He believed that the towns in the plain area were much more open than the remote and conservative forest tribes, and it was easier to sneak in to learn more about this world.

If the Central Region Supreme G.o.d of War and other experts in the Divine Realm were in this world, they would definitely shock all forces with their strength. Such outstanding and dazzling figures would be recognized wherever he went. They would definitely not be unknown.

Ding Hao believed that he could find them as long as he found some clues.

After a short rest on the last peak, Ding Hao summoned his magical weapon, the motorcycle Black Lightning, carrying Nalan Chu and Nalan Youxia. They flew out of the forest and headed into the depths of the gra.s.sland, 10 meters above the ground at lightning speed.

There were finally signs of human activity. A large white city of the Human Clan appeared in the distance.

When Ding Hao saw it, he started to perk up.

In the blink of an eye, they came to the city they saw. It was a busy street full of pedestrians coming and going around. Many of them seemed to be members of caravans or rogue cultivators. They waited in long lines in front of the city gate to be checked to enter the city one by one.

Ding Hao, together with Chu and Nalan Youxia queued in order.

Ding Hao could hear the discussions of the crowd around him.

“What’s going on recently? Why is the inspection at the city gate of the Northern Region City so strict?”

“Don’t you know that? In the past half a year, strange things have happened everywhere on the continent. The burning stars fell from the sky. A fortune-teller said that it was the reincarnation of a demon star and that it was going to get the world into trouble. G.o.d’s Palace has issued a strict order to search for the reincarnated demon stars everywhere. Not only the Northern Region City but also the other major sects, cities and towns dare not neglect it.”

“So the stars that descended from the sky were the reincarnation of demon stars?”

“In that case, it’s really a coincidence. Half a year ago, I once saw the strange phenomenon of the falling stars in the Mysterious Region. The huge fireball, which was as giant as a mountain, fell from the sky with a terrifying force. It hit the gate of the Divine Sword Sect and almost destroyed it. The sect leader of the Divine Sword Sect was enraged and explored it with the masters of the sect. Unexpectedly, inside the fireball was a figure who easily broke through the blockade of the masters of the Divine Sword Sect and disappeared.”

“Oh! The Divine Sword Sect is the largest sect within thousands of miles which has several G.o.d-level masters. It is hard to believe that it couldn’t stop that demon star.”

“So that means that figure is the reincarnation of the Demon Star?”

“It must be a demon star.”

“The demon star has just reincarnated. Why is it so powerful?”

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