Supreme Lord

Chapter 24

Publishedat 8th of May 2020 02:19:29 PM
Chapter 24

Perhaps he was tired of all the fighting and killing, or maybe he was bewildered and confused after the Heavenly Dao stole everything from him, or he was really just bored .

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While digging up with his hoe, Gu Qingfeng thought that a farmer’s life was not so bad . Finding a Dao companion to spend your life with while taking care of the fields, and making a few children, was truly a carefree and good life .

Very shortly, he was done with his field and borrowed some Fire Pearl Gra.s.s seeds from w.a.n.g Dashan and planted them in an orderly way . At first, he seemed a little inexperienced but after w.a.n.g Dashan’s careful guidance, he gradually got the gist of it .

Needless to say, planting a spiritual field required a lot of care and you needed to be skilled in various methods, such as planting the seeds, irrigating, plowing as well as fertilization .

“Gu Qingfeng?”

Just when Gu Qingfeng was planting the seeds, he had heard someone calling out to him . Turning around, he saw that a tall girl dressed in a blue robe and with a ponytail had appeared at his side .

“Oh, isn’t this Ouyang . ”

When w.a.n.g Dashan saw Ouyang Ye, he hurriedly came to pay his respect, “Senior sister . ”

As a janitor, his status was far lower than Ouyang Ye, who was an inner sect disciple . After paying his respect, he returned to his spiritual field .

“Gu Qingfeng, w-what are you doing?” Seeing how Gu Qingfeng bent down and planted seeds, Ouyang Ye was greatly surprised, “Why are you growing a spiritual field?”

“I’m was bored and decided to plant something . ” Gu Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves and glanced at her, “Why are you here? Don’t tell me you want to grow a spiritual field too?”

“I came here to see you!”

Ever since the gossip started spreading around, Ouyang Ye had been ordered by her master to cultivate in seclusion, but even she hadn’t been idle and had been probing around for news about Gu Qingfeng . When she heard that he had come to Redleaf Valley today, she secretly left her residence and rushed here .

“See me for what?”

“Haven’t you heard the gossip that has been going around these past few days?”

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“What gossip?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head .

He stayed in the Spiritual Garden at the back of the sect ever since he arrived at Redcloud Sect and had never heard any gossip .

“Everyone’s saying that you’ve been expelled from your family because you failed your Foundation Establishment and you came to ask me for help…”

“Then just tell them the truth . ”

“That’s easy for you to say . Now the entire Redcloud Sect knows about this matter and I was even scolded by my master…”

“So what’s the problem, girl? Back when you told me to impersonate Young Master Bloodflame, didn’t you want to convince everyone that he is real?”

“I did, but…I didn’t expect things to go this far, sigh, just forget it, you wouldn’t understand even if I told you . What did Elder Huode do to you this whole time that you’ve been with him?”

“What could he even do to me?”

“Didn’t he ask you to test some formations for him?”

“He didn’t . ”


Ouyang Ye knew that Elder Huode had been studying formations and had often sought out disciples to experiment on them . In her mind, someone with a mutant body like Gu Qingfeng, which had a very strong physique was definitely an excellent test subject for Elder Huode’s experiments .

But why did he say he didn’t have to test any formations?

Has Elder Huode’s hobby changed?

“Hey, Gu Qingfeng, I advise you to hurry up and find a chance to leave this place . ”

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“There must be a reason why Elder Huode didn’t ask you to test any formation . Some time ago he was always complaining that the bodies of those disciples were too weak and couldn’t withstand his formations . Now that such a good test subject like you appeared, he won’t let you go!”

“I see . ” Seeing that she still wanted to persuade him, Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, indicating that he understood .

“How about I send you off now?” Ouyang Ye tried asking again .

“Girl, didn’t I tell you that you don’t need to worry about this? Just relax, I’m fine . ”

“d.a.m.n it, Elder Huode isn’t the only problem! Now the entire sect thinks you are Young Master Bloodflame and you’ve come here to beg for help . Some people will definitely come to make things difficult for you and humiliate you . This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have asked you to pretend to be Young Master Bloodflame, but now even if I say you are not him, n.o.body will believe it!”

The more Ouyang Ye thought about it, the more she regretted that she asked him to impersonate Young Master Bloodflame . Things wouldn’t have reached this stage if she didn’t ask him . Now she just wanted him to leave the sect, on one hand, because she didn’t wish for him to become Elder Huode’s test subject, and on the other hand, because she was worried that some people would come to make this difficult for him .

But what surprised her was that after she told him her worries, he still had that indifferent look on his face, as if he did not care about anything .

“You…why aren’t you leaving! I’m worried about you! Did Elder Huode promise you something? Did he say that he has a method that will allow you to cultivate again? Listen to me, he is lying! He only wants to test his formations on you, don’t believe him!”

Gu Qingfeng stood up, patted the dirt off from his hands, looked at the anxious Ouyang Ye, and said helplessly, “Girl, I know what you mean, but I have some business in Redcloud Sect, I will naturally leave after it is done, and even if you beg me to stay then, I won’t . ”

At first, he wanted to come to the Redcloud Sect just to talk with Huode, but after their chat, he found out that he had encountered a setback in his cultivation, which led to the stagnation of his cultivation base .

To repay his favor from the past, Gu Qingfeng had decided to stay and help him breakthrough . After he was done, he would not stay here any longer . As for his next destination, he did not know and didn’t want to think about it for the moment .

He grabbed a handful of seeds and started planting them in the spiritual field, while saying, “As for the gossip, you don’t have to worry about it . I’ve been around for a long time so I won’t be bothered by these meager things, not to mention, I’m not even the real Young Master Bloodflame so how the h.e.l.l would I be bothered by this?”

“You!” Just as Ouyang Ye was about to persuade again, a dignified voice suddenly came from behind her .

“Junior sister . ”

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“Huh?” Ouyang Ye turned around and saw a woman walking over .

She looked around thirty years old and wore a splendid dress, but she had a tinge of anger on her face as she scolded, “Before master left, she told me to make you’re cultivating in seclusion . What do you think she’ll do if she knew you sneaked out because I took my eyes off you for just one moment?”

“Senior sister, I…” Looking at her senior sister, Ouyang Ye was rather guilty .

“Greetings, senior sister Siru . ”

w.a.n.g Dashan walked over and bowed his head slightly as he paid his respects . He knew the woman in front of him was Tan Siru, an inner sect disciple .

Tan Siru didn’t pay any attention to w.a.n.g Dashan and looked at Gu Qingfeng who was standing next to Ouyang Ye and asked puzzled, “Senior sister, who is he?”

Before Ouyang Ye could respond, Tan Siru seemed to have realized something and suddenly her expression changed and shouted, “Is he that Young Master Bloodflame, Gu Qingfeng?”

‘This is bad!’ Ouyang Ye, knew what kind of person her senior sister was worried that she would say some offensive words, therefore she hurriedly walked away and said, “Senior sister, let’s go, I’ll go back to my seclusion . ”

“I’ll ask again, are you that Young Master Bloodflame, Gu Qingfeng?” Tan Siru was unfazed and just stared coldly at Gu Qingfeng .

“That’s right . ” After planting the remaining seeds, Gu Qingfeng casually sat down and took a sip from the wine that he took out of his storage bag, “What about it?”

“Since you’ve failed your Foundation Establishment, why did you come and beg my junior sister for help!” Tan Siru sternly reprimanded him, “Failure your Foundation Establishment means the end of your cultivation road, but even so, you are still trying to become my junior sister’s Dao companion! Let me tell you, that’s just wishful thinking!”

“I’ll also let you know that Elder Huode has no way to make you cultivate once again, so you’d stop thinking about that before it’s too late!”

Ouyang Ye knew that her senior sister would definitely say some offensive words, but she could not make her leave, no matter how hard she tried . Tan Siru just coldly glared at Gu Qingfeng and sneered .

“Hmph, even if you could really cultivate again in the future, you still wouldn’t be able to become my junior sister’s Dao companion . Don’t think that just because you can play a song from the Sovereign you can call yourself a musical genius! That’s truly laughable!”

“Hmph, If you are tactful, you’d better leave Redcloud Sect immediately, or else…”

Gu Qingfeng, who was nonchalantly drinking wine squinted his eyes and the corner of his mouth raised into a smirk, “Or else what?”

“Or else I’ll make you regret it!”

Gu Qingfeng faintly shook his head, lost his laughter, and said, “I see, I’ll have to see if you can . ”

“You still dare to run your mouth!”

Just when Tan Siru was about to act and teach him a lesson, Ouyang Ye shouted, “Senior sister, what are you doing! Just stop it already!”

“Junior sister, you’re protecting him even now?”

Ouyang Ye shouted angrily, ”Yes, I am! So what? This is my business, you’d better stay out of it!”


Tan Siru’s chest heaved up and down, then she sneered coldly, “Good! Keep protecting him and see what happens when our master returns!”

Having said that, she left angrily .

Looking at her senior sister departing figure, Ouyang Ye said apologetically, “Hey, Gu Qingfeng, that’s just how my senior sister is, don’t take it personally . ”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged his shoulders . It was just like he had said earlier, he wouldn’t be bothered by these meager things .

“Can you see it now? I’ve told you that people will come and make things difficult for you, so please leave! It’s all my fault, as long as you’re willing to leave the Redcloud Sect, I’ll make it up to you and do whatever you want me to, all right?”

Gu Qingfeng stood up and lazily stretched, “I’ll talk to Huode once he gets back . ”

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