Supreme Lord

Chapter 40

Publishedat 16th of May 2020 03:21:53 PM
Chapter 40

Redcloud Sect, Spiritual Garden .

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Huode was drinking alone in the garden . Looking at the sun in the sky, it was clear that it was already noon .

“That brat is still sleeping at this hour?”

He got up and wanted to call Gu Qingfeng, but after pondering a few moments he gave up on this idea . Since he had been acting like his grandson for these past few days, he might as well do it until the end, when Gu Qingfeng would promise to help him .

Ever since he learned that Jinde and Shuide were both scheming to take the position of Sect Master, Huode hadn’t enjoyed a single day of comfort . It was not like he did not try to train a few disciples during the past few years, but all of them ended up dead, with serious injuries, or simply disappeared . He also knew that Jinde and Shuide were behind this .

However, even if he knew, there was nothing he could to about it .

He was a boorish man with no shrewdness, supporters, or power of his own . Moreover, he had suffered some injuries in the Tribulation of Heavens and he still did not recover . He had no other choice but to sit and watch how many things happened without being able to do anything . If it weren’t for his many old friends in the Bluesun Domain, he probably would’ve been dead today .

Originally, he planned to fight Jinde and Shuide to the death if he could not find any other solutions . However, Gu Qingfeng suddenly appeared .

That gave him hope .

To be honest, if there was any other way, Huode would not have asked Gu Qingfeng for help because he knew better than anyone how much Gu Qingfeng had suffered in Redcloud Sect when he was young . They were already fortunate enough that he did not destroy their sect when he became famous back then .

Moreover, Gu Qingfeng had been judged by Heavenly Dao and had absolutely nothing right now . Huode already felt bad that he could not help him recover, but now he even added more troubles for him .

He really felt that he was burdening Gu Qingfeng, and he understood why he needed time to think about this .

“Sigh . ” Huode sighed and took a sip of wine directly for the jar .

“Why are you drinking by yourself in the middle of the day?”

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After hearing this voice, Huode knew that Gu Qingfeng had finally woken up . When he turned around and looked over, he saw a young man standing in the doorway . He stretched out and yawned as if he hadn’t fully woken up yet .

“Oh, Ancestor Gu, why did you wake up so early in the morning?” Huode said sarcastically and somewhat annoyed .

“What’s up? You’ve been acting like my grandson for only a few days and you’re already getting impatient?” Gu Qingfeng laughed, “You don’t need my help anymore?”

“Stop taking advantage of me, brat . I can’t pretend anymore, just tell me if you want to help me or not!” Huode got up and voiced out his anger while drinking more wine .

Gu Qingfeng smiled and didn’t speak . He brought a basin of cool water and started to wash himself .

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng was ignoring him, Huode’s anger immediately melted and hurriedly walked over to him with a smile on his face and began fanning him .

“Ancestor Gu, it’s my fault, would you allow me to pretend to be your grandson again?”

“Come one, Ancestor Gu . ”

Huode put on his thick-skin and started bootlicking Gu Qingfeng and begging for forgiveness .

Gu Qingfeng maintained his silence and continued to wash himself . After he finished, he got dressed and took a look at Huode, then sighed, “Let’s go . ”

Let’s go?

Go where?

Huode froze after hearing this ambiguous sentence .

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“Didn’t you want me to help you? Let’s find a place to discuss it . ”

“Y-you… brat…” Perhaps due to the sudden happiness that had descended upon him, Huode was a little overwhelmed and he began stuttering, “B-brat, do y-you promise?”

“How can I refuse when you’ve been pretending to be my grandson for these past few days?”

“B-brat! Y-you…I…” Huode was so excited that his eyes were flushed red .

“Why are you so excited over this?” Gu Qingfeng walked over and patted him on the shoulder, “Come on, why is an old man like you crying . Let’s go . ”

“D-don’t you want to think about it for a few more days? I will not force you…”

Inwardly, Huode wanted Gu Qingfeng to say yes, but at the same time, he wanted him to refuse .

He wanted him to say yes because he really had no other choice but to rely on Gu Qingfeng .

He wanted him to refuse because he knew that Gu Qingfeng had suffered a lot in Redcloud Sect when he was young . It would’ve been to unscrupulous to ask him for help .

Gu Qingfeng lightly said, “I don’t need to think about it . ”

He did not have to think more about it, because he didn’t think about it from the beginning .

When Huode asked for help, he had already agreed . He just teased Huode that he would think about it . In Gu Qingfeng’s heart, Huode was his lifesaver and if he was in trouble, Gu Qingfeng would never refuse him .

Huode cried with joy and rushed to the immortal cave to tell the news to the Sect Master . After hearing that Gu Qingfeng agreed to help them, Tude burst out in a laughter of joy and kowtowed again and apologized for his mistakes .

Seeing that his body was rather frail, Gu Qingfeng advised him to get up and rest, but Tude was adamant about kneeling down and apologizing . In a fit of anger, Gu Qingfeng directly knocked him out and Huode just sent Tude back .

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When Huode returned, the two started drinking and discussed how they should deal with the situation .

Originally, Gu Qingfeng thought it would be enough for Tude to make him his successor . Those who did not accept this would get beaten up and suppressed .

Gu Qingfeng was not a fan of violence, but after cultivating for 500 years, one thing he deeply understood was that suppression by force was the most effective and the fastest method for solving things . Everything faded in the face of absolute power .

However, this method was rejected by Huode .

“Ancestor! How can we do this? Although the Redcloud Sect is a small sect in your eyes, we’re still a sect that had managed to stand tall for 1,000 years . Selecting the Sect Master’s successor is a big deal for us because he will control the sect in the future . How can we be so negligent about this?”

Huode poured a cup of wine for Gu Qingfeng and said, “Moreover, you’re not even a disciple of our sect, and even if you were, senior brother Tude would not be able to select you as his successor . There are rules about this, and those brats would not accept you . ”

“Huode, are you r.e.t.a.r.ded? Everyone wants to steal the position of Sect Master but you still care about rules?”

“Ancestor, just listen to me . Let’s not even talk about whether senior brother Tude has the power to elect you as his successor, but even if you were forcibly elected, those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds Shuide and Jinde will definitely jump out and be against it, saying that we broke the rules . Other people will also side with them . ”

“At that time, if you use force to suppress them and drive Shuide and Jinde into a corner, those two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will definitely lead their disciples and revolt . Don’t forget that they control half of the sect . Once they start to revolt, many people will follow suit, and considering we broke the rules, even those who were originally neutral will join them . ”

“Moreover, as a sect that has stood tall for 1,000 years, we have many beneficial relationships with all the major sects and families around us . If we do what you proposed, it will destroy these relationships and cause them to side with Jinde and Shuide . ”

“Under such circ.u.mstances, what’s the point of taking back the Sect Master position if the 1,000 years old painstaking work of our sect will be destroyed?”

Huode made a lot of sense and Gu Qingfeng pondered carefully what he said . He probably had spent too much time in the Heavenly World that he forgot that mortal worlds cared about beneficial relationships too much .

An organization like the Redcloud Sect, which had been around for 1,000 years had deep roots and many branches around . Just like Huode said, all major sects in the Bluesun Domain had complex beneficial relationships and if something were to happen to one of them, it would be just like the domino effect .

“Then what do you propose?”

“Although those two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds have gathered a lot of supporters over the years, most of the Redcloud Sect knows that they are up to no good and that the sect will suffer in the future if those two end up in control . However, everyone is lacking a pillar! Or to be more precise, someone who is qualified enough to compete for becoming the Sect Master’s successor . ”

“And then?” Gu Qingfeng took a sip of wine and continued to listen .

“Just let them know that you are qualified enough to be the successor and when the time comes, I will also come in and fool them a little . Everything would be fine then . ”

“So you want me to reveal my power and show off? Moreover, I have to do it in a way that will convince the entire sect, while those two will not find anything suspicious about me?

Huode enthusiastically nodded,  “That’s right!”

“I’ve shown off a lot of times when I was young, but doing it so uprightly and still managing to convince everyone… this isn’t exactly easy . ”

“What are you talking about, this is a cinch for you . To put it bluntly, just act according to the rules so that no one can find anything wrong with you . Tomorrow, I will make you a janitor and the day after that you will partic.i.p.ate in the outer sect examination . ”

“After you become an outer sect disciple, you will become a prime disciple of the outer sect then move to the inner sect and do the same . With this method, everyone will have to accept you . ”

“This is too troublesome . ” Gu Qingfeng raised an eyebrow, somewhat irritated, “Even though I’m so old you still want me to go play with those brats?”

“Ancestor, there’s no other way . ” Huode got and poured another cup of wine for Gu Qingfeng, “Also, don’t underestimate those brats . They are very powerful nowadays . Didn’t you always ask how I was injured? I was afraid you will laugh at me so I didn’t tell you, but I won’t keep it a secret anymore . ”

“My dantian has been damaged by a demon in the Tribulation of Heavens, but my Golden Core has been injured by a direct disciple from the Redcloud Sect who just established his true body . ”

“Injured by a direct disciple from the Redcloud Sect who just established his true body?” Gu Qingfeng had a skeptical expression on his face as he sized up Huode .

”You’re joking, right? Even if your dantian was badly damaged, you still have 700-800 years worth of spiritual force stored in your Golden Core . How can a brat that had just established his true body hurt you? Huode, do you think I’m a three years old kid?”

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