Supreme Lord

Chapter 13

Publishedat 3rd of May 2020 11:24:47 AM
Chapter 13

Ever since the Current Ancient Era opened a hundred years ago, all living things had recovered and the spiritual energy became more abundant . This was the perfect time for cultivators, and they should’ve been diligently training .

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However, Gu Qingfeng was not capable of understanding why all the youngsters were just wasting time by deluding themselves with illusions such as marrying Sovereign Bloodheaven . This truly vexed him very much .

In the entire world, and especially in the musical field, the name Sovereign Bloodheaven had extraordinary importance, therefore, many musicians deeply venerated him . This was especially true for Grandmaster Wen Zhu, who had brought this veneration to the point of fanaticism, which caused him to spend all of his life studying the songs left behind by the Sovereign .

Perhaps because a few moments ago Ouyang Ye performed the song Laughing at the Mundane World, he felt very emotional and took the stage and preached a lot about Sovereign Bloodheaven’s songs . When he came to the song Drunken at the Blue Sea, he involuntarily let out a huge sigh, which puzzled crowd and asked him for the reason of this sigh .

“You don’t know this, but previously when I was in my garden, I came across a musical genius who not only brought out all the essence and profundities within the Drunken at the Blue Sea, but he also displayed the legendary concept which made me dream back throughout the ages . That experience was truly an eye-opener!”

A musical genius that brought out all the essence and profundities within the Drunken at the Blue Sea? And he even displayed its concept?

Everyone knew that the Sovereign’s songs were extremely odd and even bringing out the essence and profundities was a difficult task, much less the legendary concept!

Grandmaster Wen Zhu had spent all of his life studying his songs and was only capable of bringing out the profundities from just a dozen of songs, as for displaying the concept, he could only do it for the song The Wind Rises at the Azure Mountain .

But now he said that someone has displayed the concept within the Drunken at the Blue Sea?

Those who were familiar with the Sovereign’s songs knew that the profundities within Drunken at the Blue Sea were far more abstruse than the ones within The Wind Rises at the Azure Mountain .

“Grandmaster Wen Zhu, does such a genius exist?”

“Yes . ” Grandmaster Wen Zhu repeatedly shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, when I just recovered from the shock caused by the concept within Drunken at the Blue Sea and came back to my senses that genius had already disappeared . Otherwise, I would’ve asked him to come here and perform the song so all of you could realize for yourselves that level of this song . ”

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At this point, Grandmaster Wen Zhu sighed again and waved his hand, “Forget it, since we couldn’t obtain this blessing, let’s continue with the performances . ”

Sitting in the corner of the venue, Ouyang Ye opened her mouth slightly, as if she could not believe what she just heard . Indeed, her musical attainments are were not high, but due to her extreme worship of him, she had listened to a lot of his songs, including Drunken at the Blue Sea . However, no one has ever displayed the concept within that song .

“Such a genius exists? Even Grandmaster Wen Zhu and elder sister Su Hua were not able of displaying the concept within Drunken at the Blue Sea . ”

If these words came from someone else’s mouth, Ouyang Ye would definitely not have believed them, but since it was Grandmaster Wen Zhu that said it, she had no choice but to accept it .

“When has such a genius appeared? Grandmaster Wen Zhu said he ran into him inside his garden, why do I not know about him?”

Ouyang Ye shook her head, somewhat ignorantly, “Is he a foreign expert? Alas, I don’t know what kind of person the genius that Grandmaster Wen Zhu spoke of actually is, but it would’ve been amazing if I could hear him play Drunken at the Blue Sea . ”

“This song was created when the Sovereign was injured and lived in seclusion at the Blue Sea, and I’ve always wanted to experience its concept, but unfortunately, no one has been able to display it so far, not even elder sister Su Hua . Ah, why did he had to disappear before I could hear him play the song…”

Gu Qingfeng, who was listening, shook his head, after biting from a fruit, he laughed: “It’s just a trifling Drunken at the Blue Sea . I’ll play it for you some of these days so you could also experience the misery of Gu Tianlang when he was living in seclusion in the Blue Sea . ”


Ouyang Ye rolled her eyes as she looked at Gu Qingfeng, then said in a disdainful tone, “Stop it, don’t think you are amazing just because you’ve read a lot of music books and you know many songs . Everyone can memorize them, but playing them is a different thing . You need to practice your fingering styles, strings, and your spiritual arts for a lot of years . I’ve practiced Laughing at the Mundane World for no less than ten years!”

Gu Qingfeng leaned against his chair with his legs crossed, then said in a playful tone, “Girl, just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean the I can’t . When I was young, quite a lot of people also called me a musical genius . ”

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“Musical genius? Bah!” Ouyang Ye looked at him and laughed, “You might as well say that you are the genius that Grandmaster Wen Zhu mentioned . ”

Gu Qingfeng laughed, “As a matter of fact, I’ve seen this old man once in the garden . ”

“Oh, you did?”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged his shoulders and didn’t say anything as he continued to drink his wine .

Ouyang Ye originally wanted mock Gu Qingfeng’s ignorance for badmouthing the Sovereign that she loved so dearly, but she gave up after remembering that he failed his Foundation Establishment .

All of a sudden, an enthusiastic round of applause resounded in the venue and when she looked over, she saw that Yun Hong and Ye Hui simultaneously took the stage . Quite obviously, these two were also pretty famous and people had high hopes of them .

“Just seeing these two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds is enough to make me angry!” Ouyang Ye curled her lips and simply covered her ears with her hands .

Yun Hong and Ye Hui played together on the stage their attainments were pretty good . In Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, they were some of the best among the group of young musicians that had set foot on the stage . Especially Yun Hong, who was quite adept at using his fingering styles, strings, and spiritual arts . It was obvious that he worked really hard .

After they finished their song, the venue once again burst into applause .

Grandmaster Wen Zhu also spoke highly of them, praising them for their eye-catching duo performance .

After being praised by Grandmaster Wen Zhu, they felt as if they recovered the face that they had lost earlier in front of Gu Qingfeng, and they haughty bearings returned once again . This was especially the case for Yun Hong, who suddenly said, “Grandmaster Wen Zhu, this junior has a presumptuous request . ”

“Young Master Hong, there’s no need for formalities . ”

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Yun Hong acted humbly, but with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, “There is a Young Master Bloodflame in this venue who claims to be a dragon among men, proficient in all ten immortal arts, and he is a musical genius . I hope he can come on the stage to perform a song and let us broaden our horizons!”

Next to him, Ye Hui also said, “Yes, Grandmaster Wen Zhu, that Young Master Bloodflame is truly wild! Not only does he know all the songs in the world, but he also claims that there is no song he can’t play!”

A dragon among men, proficient in all ten immortal arts, and a musical genius?

“Is there really such a genius?” Grandmaster Wen Zhu seemed somewhat skeptical .

“Master, that Young Master Bloodflame is indeed very good, as to whether he is the dragon among men, I do not know, but he does know all the songs in the world . ” Qin Baili who was on his side stepped forward and said, “As for how high his musical attainments are, I am not aware . ”

Hearing Qin Baili’s statement, Grandmaster Wen Zhu was even more curious, ”Oh? I wonder where this Young Master Bloodflame is now?”

“Grandmaster Wen Zhu, he is Ouyang Ye’s Dao companion, and they’re sitting together . ”

Ye Hui deliberately pointed out that Young Master Bloodflame was Ouyang Ye’s Dao companion, seemingly still worried that Grandmaster Wen Zhu didn’t know the exact location, she and even reached over and pointed while laughing, “Junior sister Ouyang Ye didn’t you say that Young Master Bloodflame’s musical attainments were high and he was a genius? Why don’t you ask him to come up and play a song?”

Ouyang Ye did not expect Yun Hong and Ye Hui to display this shenanigan in front of Grandmaster Wen Zhu . They purposely mentioned Young Master Bloodflame and hyped him up, so his demise would be even more atrocious . They were simply forcing Gu Qingfeng to take the stage and humiliate himself .

d.a.m.n it, these two hateful b.a.s.t.a.r.ds guys want to thoroughly destroy my face! They are too shameless!

Ouyang Ye’s heart was burning with hate and she immediately stood up, “I told you that Young Master Bloodflame’s cultivation had encountered a setback and he was temporarily unable to use spiritual force . He’s can’t bring out the profundities within any song right now!”

“Hehe . ”

On stage, Yun Hong still smiled humbly, “Junior sister Ouyang, it doesn’t matter if he can’t use spiritual force . Since you claim he is a musical genius, we can’t lose this opportunity of seeing his exceptional fingering styles and strings, wouldn’t you agree? And who knows, maybe he will be able to bring out the profundities just with his bare hands, haha . ”

“You!” Ouyang Ye was powerless to retort, and she just gritted her teeth in anger .

Seeing her like this, Ye Hui covered her mouth and laughed triumphantly, ”What’s wrong, junior sister Ouyang? Why don’t you invite that Young Master Bloodflame of yours on stage? Didn’t you say he is a dragon of men and a musical genius? Don’t tell me they were all lies . ”

Just when Ouyang Ye didn’t know what to do, a melodious and surprised voice rang out in the venue .

“Big brother? Is that you, big brother?”

The owner of this voice was a little girl that seemed seven or eight years old, and many people recognized her as Grandmaster Wen Zhu’s granddaughter .

The little girl ran over to Ouyang Ye’s side and stared at the Young Master Bloodflame next to Ouyang Ye, then shouted in surprise, “Big brother, why are you here, Grandpa and I have been looking for you for a long time!”

Big brother?

Everyone was quite bewildered .

At this moment, Grandmaster Wen Zhu hurriedly rushed off the stage, and when he saw the rather depressed Gu Qingfeng that was sitting in the corner, he suddenly stopped and a look of excitement appeared on his old face, “Young Master Gu, so you were here . ”

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