Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually-?!

Chapter Ch60.2 - Judgement Card

Chapter Ch60.2 - Judgement Card

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

The screen changed to Wu Jin’s perspective.

The image was constantly shaking as Wu Jin’s attention shifted continuously between three places. He went from Jingyi Entertainment’s Ming Yao, who’d been forced into a retreat, to the trumpet-holding angel sculpture, to the other side of the low wall.

The audience was in an uproar––if anyone had suspected that Wu Jin’s clearing of the scene had been meaningless earlier, they were already shouting ‘good’ loudly at this time. On the other side of the low wall, an exposed trainee was running away from a stray bullet.

Wu Jin was waiting for someone to blindly charge over just like this!

The eyes of the youth who’d taken over the bunker were dark, his shoulders undulating slightly from the earlier fight, but the hand holding the gun was steady. Inside the instance, the light that was slightly darker than it’d been earlier, escaped from the top of the angel sculpture and cast a thick shadow behind the low wall, just like a divider between heaven and h.e.l.l.

Half a step into heaven, and I am h.e.l.l––Wu Jin had always been lurking in the shadows of the bunker.

The dangerous muzzle of his gun locked onto the trajectory of his prey, predicting, adjusting, then predicting again––his thin protective clothing stuck to his waist, abdomen, shoulders, and back from his sweat.

The trigger of the rifle was pulled without warning!

The fl.u.s.tered prey hadn’t expected Wu Jin to be hiding behind the low wall, but the distance between the two was too short for retreat.

The silver life-saving capsule popped out.

“Contestant 300012, Wu Jin, Kills: 1.”

A card dropped as the life-saving capsule popped out. Almost everyone noticed the movement over there, and Wu Jin’s tensed muscles suddenly burst out with power as he stepped out of the shadows––

The holy, soaring light from the altar finally accepted Wu Jin. The outline of the youth was gently outlined in the beam of light, far away from the angel with the trumpet suspended in mid-air.

The Crosson Show’s director was stunned, “Camera, camera!”

Countless bullets suddenly aimed at Wu Jin. The youth picked up the card and had no intention of fighting, flipping back as he dodged and hid behind the bunker once again. His left foot hooked over the a.s.sault rifle belonging to the eliminated player, and he quickly removed the bullet magazine before throwing it into his backpack before getting into position for a concealed counter-attack––

The scrolling comments were boiling with activity once again.

“Little Witch, are you an angel?!! Ahhhh, you’re a little angel, right? You are, you are, you must be!”

“This is the dynamic target accuracy of seven rings? Little Witch, don’t lie to mama!!! Little Witch ahhhh––”

“The card is in his hands, and he also s.n.a.t.c.hed the bullets––but why did I feel so suffocated when watching it?! A straight man wants to express that the scene just now was a little too handsome––”

Blood Pigeon automatically filtered out the random scrolling comments and swept over the audience’s comment about the dynamic target accuracy of seven rings, “It’s been two and a half months. It has to be said that contestant Wu Jin has made great progress.” He tilted his head, “What does Instructor Ying say?”

Ying Xiangxiang smiled slightly, “The road ahead is very wild––it’s not obvious now, but I think that as long as you give him time, Little Witch will become a survival show contestant with very strong individual combat characteristics. You see, he’s currently using his own momentum to direct the camera.”

If Wu Jin was in the broadcast studio at this time, he would definitely notice this sentence.

Two months ago, after the lens performance course, the first thing that Wei Shi had taught him was how to use himself to direct the lens of the camera instead of being restricted by it.

Ying Xiangxiang encouraged, “I think that Little Witch can aim for the championship once again.”

Blood Pigeon smiled. This segment had taken over five minutes and was full of many brilliant scenes. He made a gesture to the director and once again turned the camera back to Jingyi Entertainment.

In the Crosson Show arena, the ‘Judgement’ card instance.

Behind the bunker, Wu Jin quickly looked at the card in his hand.

Two minor arcana cards. One was the ‘6 of Cups’ that he’d drawn himself, and the other was the ‘Ace of Swords’ that he’d just s.n.a.t.c.hed.

In a tarot card deck, there were four different suits of minor arcana––Cups symbolized gentleness and love, Swords were bravery and conflict, Wands represented energy and opportunity, and Pentacles were worldly matters and wealth.

The two cards were smooth, just like the teaching aids they’d been given two weeks ago. Wu Jin narrowed his eyes in thought, but he still couldn’t see how they could ‘exchange fate’ with their cards.

Instead of spending too much time speculating, he turned his hand and hid the cards inside the lining of his combat suit. Compared with trying to figure out the rules without sufficient clues, what hints might be contained in the witch-like chanting, and the mysteries of the treacherous Gothic altar, it was more important for him to first clear the first instance.

Wu Jin looked up from behind the bunker, and his figure suddenly stilled.

His vigorous exercise from just now had forced out a thin layer of sweat that had cooled slightly as it dried––he wasn’t sure if it was his own imagination, but it seemed that the temperature inside the instance was much lower than before, like it had suddenly gone from summer to autumn.

Even the originally brilliant light was darker than before, and the air was filled with the smell of damp and decay, seeming to express a certain state––


Wu Jin’s eyes changed sharply.

There was something wrong with the environment inside the instance.

In mid-air, the angel with the trumpet in their hand was cold and solemn, and hadn’t made any sound since the players came in through the door. The light source above its head was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just two minutes, their field of vision had turned dark. The air, that had originally merely been ‘cold’, suddenly became piercingly so, enough to penetrate into their flesh and bones, and the smell of decay became stronger and stronger.

The instance was cooling rapidly, and n.o.body would be able to hold on for more than 10 minutes in an environment where the temperature had dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius!

The major arcana Judgement card was described thus: “When angels blow their trumpets, the dead will be redeemed and reborn.”

But if the angel chose silence, and the trumpet didn’t ring––

There would be no rebirth, only death.

Wu Jin’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

At this time, the light was extremely dim. Wu Jin subconsciously clutched at his gun, and mist formed in front of him with his exhale There were gooseb.u.mps on his arms due to the sudden chill, and his body gradually turned stiff from the cold.

The other players hidden in the instance were obviously having the same experience. The sound of gunshots that had originally fallen into silence rang out again. Compared to the orderly sniping from a quarter of an hour ago, the speed of bullet consumption had clearly accelerated rapidly.

If there was no solution to this problem, then the only way to break out of the instance was to eliminate all the other players––

At precisely the moment before a scuffle broke out, twenty lights suddenly appeared in the central area of the dark instance!

The lights were long and large, stationary on the ground.

There was a moment of silence, and then the players all reacted. These weren’t lamps, but rather the ignored coffins that were now glowing and sending out light!

Wu Jin’s eyes suddenly brightened.

The image on the ‘Judgement’ card resonated in his mind, and all the elements of the painting were finally integrated together one by one.

“The angels blow their trumpets, and the dead rise up from their coffins. All evils are judged––the dead will eventually be reborn.”

Death, corresponded to the impartial attack caused by the rapid cooling of the instance;

The trumpet was salvation––when the trumpet rang again, and the impartial attack ended, the players would recover inside the coffins and ‘revive’;

And when the sound of the trumpet stopped, the temperature would drop again, the light would turn dark, and the previous cycle would repeat––until the trumpet sounded again.

In that case, there was only one safe place to avoid the impartial attack––

In the limited number of ‘coffins’ used to accommodate the ‘dead’.

Wu Jin ran swiftly in the bone-chilling cold, his line of sight locked on the nearest coffin from beginning to end.

In the instant when he neared his target, warm heat rushed over, and Wu Jin let out a breath of relief.

He’d made the right bet.

Wu Jin flipped and entered the coffin. The interior was about 28 degrees Celsius and thawed him out almost instantly. At the same time, there was a rustle of sound from 20 meters away to his right.

He was obviously not the only one who had taken the lead to occupy a place.

Wu Jin had no time to concern himself over it as he quickly lifted up the a.s.sault rifle and started shooting.

The youth’s eyes narrowed sharply in the dark.

If the camera had cut to him again at this time, Ying Xiangxiang would definitely think of Wu Jin’s performance during the ambush once again. One step ahead, meant being constantly ahead. His physical strength and shooting skills weren’t the best amongst the trainees, but he was an absolute opportunist.

With just three second of recovery advantage over the rest of the trainees, Wu Jin had already quickly spread out his firepower. n.o.body dared to approach the area around the two coffins that represented a safe zone.

Silver light flickered. A life-saving capsule had already popped out inside the instance.

After that came a second, then a third…

Wu Jin’s expression changed abruptly.

Six people were eliminated in the scuffle, but only one of them had been his kill. The rest had been sniped down by the owner of the coffin 20 meters away.

They had the same preemptive opportunity, and the two of them’s firepower covered a wide area right from the start. Wu Jin could basically conclude that the other party wasn’t on the same level as him.

The gun level of the other party was at least above Zoe’s, and it might even be Wei Yan––

At this time, the trumpet finally rang out.

Darkness receded like the tide, and the instance warmed up quickly, the temperature rising back up to within an acceptable range.

The contestants got up from their coffins one by one, subconsciously glancing at the sculpture floating in mid-air as light poured down from the dome––

The scene in the instance finally coincided perfectly with the ‘Judgement’ card.

The call of trumpets, redemption, rebirth.

At the same time, Wu Jin’s vision was blurred due to the sudden brightness. His intuition had already reacted even before he saw the opponent clearly––the biggest enemy in the instance wasn’t the cold, nor was it the indiscriminate attacks, but rather the dangerous element 20 meters away from him.

Wu Jin didn’t hesitate to shoot from memory in the direction of the sniper!

Twenty meters away, Wei Shi stilled slightly and turned around.

In his headset, Red, who was separated from him by seven or eight instances, was still chirping and complaining, “Brother Wei, can I snipe this person from Silver Thread Roll? This man called me the ‘Second Fool of Crosson’, and said that my brother was a big fool. I’ll just snipe him in secret; it definitely won’t be noticed by the camera––hey, Brother Wei, why aren’t you talking? Brother Wei, are you there? h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo?”

Wei Shi casually turned off the headset and raised his eyelids slightly.

He loaded a bullet into the chamber and aimed at the little rabbit kit across from him who thought he’d grown up and dared to enter a gun fight against him, metal parts making a crisp sound as they impacted.

Juurensha: Oh man, Little Witch, you shot at the wrong person!

xiin: time for a lesson~ also, i LOVE Red’s chattering.. hahaha

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