Chapter Ch216.1 - Final Round

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

The seventh elimination match arena.

trainee building, ceiling part.i.tion.

The youth’s breathing was chaotic. His slightly pale lips were pursed, and his forehead coated with sweat. Blood slowly seeped out of the bandage on his arm.

The long dress, wig, and red high-heeled shoes were only an inch away from his arm, very much within reach.

If he didn’t wear them, he could only remain trapped in the narrow ceiling compartment and let his wound get infected. He’d have a high fever and suffer a lonely elimination!

If he wore it, he’d fall from the sky in a battle robe! He’d be the real dark master of this building! He could suck out other people’s essence! Start a killing spree…

Wu Jin’s expression was blank, his eyes wide and round.

A few small cameras circled around Wu Jin, trying to capture the moment of Wu Jin’s final compromise––

Wu Jin suddenly moved his gaze away.

He looked at the ceiling, looked at the tracks, looked at the pulley, but refused to look at the women’s clothing.

In front of the camera, the mechanical arms that held up a full set of women’s clothing was very caring as it moved the clothing wherever Wu Jin looked.

Wu Jin acted as though nothing was happening and crawled around in the narrow s.p.a.ce.

The mechanical arms pushed the items towards Wu Jin again.

Wu Jin didn’t seem to see them as he began to try and pry open the ceiling tiles beneath his body, planning to forcibly attack the trainee who was locked in his room.

The mechanical arm reached out in front of Wu Jin’s nose.

Wu Jin closed his eyes. If he couldn’t see it, then he couldn’t see it. The youth continued to reach out and grope around in the dark…

In the Crosson Show studio.

Ying Xiangxiang’s expression was difficult to describe, and the scrolling comments burst out in a moment of huge joy, “Hahahaha #Refusing to accept this reality!”, “Even if my Little Witch goes blind, he’ll never see the female clothing!”, “You can force it over, but I’ll blind myself!”

From beside her, Blood Pigeon spoke thoughtfully, “This hint is so obvious. It’s impossible that Contestant Wu doesn’t realize that he needs to wear the special clothing to start the hunt.”

“……” Ying Xiangxiang: How can ‘not knowing’ and ‘not wanting to’ be the same thing!

In the confusion, Instructor Ying took over the microphone and gently answered the audience’s questions, “Why is Little Witch in women’s clothing every time? In the Versailles instance, he’d taken the initiative to trade cards with Contestant Vera, and in this idol talent show instance, it was Little Witch who removed the female lead’s mask on his own. As the saying goes, sometimes, in life, there must be…”

In the camera shot.

The mechanical arm who’d spent a long time waiting for the blind little guy Wu Jin finally couldn’t bear it anymore!

They watched as the mechanical arm with an arm strength of at least 300 kg suddenly raised up, dumping the entire set of clothing over Wu Jin’s head. Then, it pressed down on the poor, helpless Wu Jin and started to take off his clothes!

“Ahhhhh wuahhh––” Wu Jin’s training jacket was instantly stripped off by the mechanical arms, and the red dress was pulled over his head. Wu Jin struggled madly, but any resistance he showed was quickly suppressed by this piece of precision machinery. Wu Jin could only try his best to maintain his dignity, “I’ll put it on myself! I’ll put it on myself!”

The mechanical arm took half a step back to supervise.

In order to protect the player’s privacy, the cameras moved away. Wu Jin continued to bargain with the mechanical armk2013;k2013;

“What about not wearing the dress and just putting on the wig?”

“High heels?! How am I supposed to fight in high heels? Just cut my legs off, how about that? k2026; Why are you really chopping?! Wait a minute, don’t do that, why are there also stockings? This is impossible, it’s absolutely impossible ahhhk2013;k2013;”

There was a dull echo within the ceiling compartment as Wu Jin’s bargaining voice and the sound of getting beaten up broke out repeatedly.

After waiting for Contestant Wu to finally finish changing clothes.

The cameras turned back and moved in.

The young ‘girl’ with a delicate, androgynous face had cheeks that were puffed up with anger, and their hands were raised up to hide their face.

Long, wet hair fell to the waist.

The former ‘Karen’ wasn’t as tall as Wu Jin, and her previous ‘long’ dress had now become a short skirt. Further down was the edges of the red skirt that flounced up, and then––

8cm red stilettos and translucent white silk stockings, outlining the extreme attractive lines of a pair of long, straight legs.

The scrolling comments, Ying Xiangxiang, and Blood Pigeon: “……”

The scrolling comments: “Holy s.h.i.t!”

A survival show trainee’s explosive leg lines and tight muscles were inserted into white silk and high heels. Even Instructor Blood Pigeon, who was a straight-as-steel straight man, finally realized that there seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

The seventh elimination match arena.

With the addition of the ‘battle robe’ Wu Jin had finally fully integrated into Karen’s ident.i.ty.

This ‘robe’ was heavier than Wu Jin had expected. There was the dress, some concealed mechanisms at the waist, and the mechanical arm had even forced a metallic bio gel treatment onto Wu Jin’s fingertips. Even though he couldn’t see what the effect would be at present, he could still guess that there would be some special effect later on.

At first, Wu Jin was blocking his face with his hands, but then he abruptly realized something.

The one who was losing ‘face’ wasn’t him!

It wasn’t Little Witch’s dignity that was being lost!

The small, round face that had originally been overly angry finally calmed down a little at this time. Wu Jin leaned over to the lower ceiling part.i.tion and confirmed the location of his ‘prey’ for the last time.

Compared with his dignity, he was more eager to win.

The survival number on his wrist watch had stopped at 33 people. The later it dragged on to, the more likely it was that others would strike. A dull pain was still coming from the wound on his arm, and he had to start as soon as possible.

The corridors were silent.

There was only the occasional sound of footsteps from beneath the ceiling. Just before Wu Jin was about to end his period of lurking, his watch suddenly vibrated.

Survivors, 32.

Survivors, 30.

Someone was clearing the field!

Wu Jin abruptly realized; the last 30 or so people in the arena had an average level of B+. Anyone who could start up slaughter mode in this situation had to be at least S-level in strength! And, it could never be the other two A-level female ghosts.

Who was the one clearing the field? K’s opponent was the big boss, so he had no reason to start attacking at this time. Wei Yan seldom started his indiscriminate slaughter mode ahead of time. As for the big boss… wasn’t the big boss Crosson Show’s slacker king?

However, even before Wu Jin could spend too much time thinking about it, beneath the ceiling, the player who’d also received the information about the rapid decline in survivors was stunned and planned to go out the door. Wu Jin didn’t hesitate to open up the ceiling and jump out of the darkness. With only the knife he had at his waist, he sliced at the c-level trainee’s throat!

The blade flashed, as bright as snow as it cut through the night!

The trainee’s pupils contracted abruptly, and his first reaction was to block the blade. However, Wu Jin’s movements were faster, and his knee twisted suddenly in mid air, using the sharp heel to kick fiercely at his opponent’s knee. His knife then changed positions, switching from a slice to a chop.

The blade light was cold and sharp. One second before the blade reached his opponent’s throat, a huge life-saving capsule popped up!

Wu Jin stood still, then leaned over, bracing himself on his knees to breathe deeply and wait for his heart rate to calm down. There was now one less person in the arena: the survival number had dropped to 29.

This round of surprise attack succeeded because he’d relied on his aerial supremacy. Of course, it also had something to do with the C-level trainee.

Wu Jin had been a little lucky.

On the other side, before the life-saving capsule covered the trainee up completely, the trainee looked anxiously at the ‘Ghost Karen’ who appeared different, and then at the last moment before elimination, he bowed his head and looked down…

He looked subconsciously at Wu Jin’s legs.

Wu Jin didn’t notice. He was waiting for the new mask to fall down from the life-saving capsule.

However, the camera was giving Wu Jin a close-up from the perspective of the eliminated player.

The scrolling comments exploded.

“66666! Legs to play with for a year!!”

“Son, don’t jump down from above, if you jump, you’ll get eaten.”

“It’s a pity that there aren’t any pictures…”

Behind the scenes of the Crosson Show, the little editor was also stunned, “That’s not right, shouldn’t red high heels be paired with black silk? Who gave Little Witch white silk stockings?”

A colleague soon replied, “At first, it was black silk stockings for Contestant Wu, but the program producer looked at the effect and changed it to white silk on the spot. Why? Because our program group can’t skirt the edges of propriety!”

In the camera shot.

As the life-saving capsule ejected the abandoned mask, Wu Jin limped over on the high-heeled shoes that he couldn’t get rid of and picked up the fallen prop. Based on his thoughts, as long as he grabbed another mask, he could get rid of the extremely problematic women’s clothing. However, when he pointed the wrist watch to the mask, he froze.

“Karen. The female lead in the dance drama . Number of absorbed trainees: 6.”

Wu Jin: “……” What about the ident.i.ty of the eliminated trainee? Why was it only showing Karen!

The narrative on his watch changed again.

“Karen. The female lead in the dance drama . Number of absorbed trainees: 7.”

There was a sudden burst of coolness on his right arm.

Wu Jin turned his head, stunned. The bio gel that covered his right arm was undergoing rapid changes under a tiny electric charge. Quick acting gene medicine penetrated deeply into the wound on his right arm, and the injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

––The female ghost sucked up the flesh and blood of trainees to nourish herself.

In the next moment, Wu Jin couldn’t help letting out a cold snort.

There was a tingling pain at his fingertips. The metal elements attached to his nails were released from the gel, growing fiercely as they lengthened out. 10 sharp blade-like tips extended from his fingers, firmly attached. They were similar to the first Karen’s b.l.o.o.d.y nails, but they were obviously stronger than before.

The gown that originally hadn’t fit well at the waist, chest, and neck now tightened into a soft, gel-like armor. There was a strong alkaline element flowing in the gel that could instantly dissolve the metal tip of a blade.

The narrative on his watch changed again.

“From the moment you replace Karen, there’s no going back.”

“You roam the world, feeding on innocent people. You become strong from killing, and you never repent your slaughter.”

“Welcome to your awakening, the girl in the red dancing shoes, Karen.”

“……” Wu Jin finally reacted and despaired like crazy: he had to remain transformed into a magical girl until the end of the game??

The number of survivors on his wrist watch was still dropping wildly, jumping from 29 to 25 in just a few minutes. It wasn’t a normal elimination speed, but Wu Jin had no time to be concerned about it. At this time, Wu Jin just wanted to press the King of Hearts into the ground and beat him up violently.

The youth finally regained his composure.

Countless trivial thoughts flashed through his mind.

He had to go and find the big boss first.

His watch vibrated again.

The survival number was 24. The 36 into 24 round was about to be forced to an end.

Soon after, the program group issued an urgent notice, “Please make your way to the auditorium for rehearsal, please make your way to the auditorium as soon as possible––”

It was at this moment that the bedroom door behind Wu Jin creaked open, revealing a slight gap.

Wu Jin turned back abruptly, only to see the bedroom door open further, and the mirror that was built into the wall was right in front of him!

He couldn’t see his reflection. There was only the blurry silhouette of the Queen, and the trainee who’d opened the door.

The fact that he couldn’t take off the red high heels gave him a sense of unbearable shame!

Wu Jin practically jumped up out of conditioned reflex. The Queen from had a natural advantage against Karen. The Queen had danced to death in red iron shoes, and it was also the curse that she’d pa.s.sed on to Karen.

In the mirror, half of the Queen’s body had started stretching out, and the dancing shoes began to grow burning hot. The trainee raised up a sharp blade and aimed it fiercely at Wu Jin––

Someone was trying to get easy pickings!

Wu Jin sucked in a breath of cold air and retreated quickly!

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