I’m gonna die, i’m gonna dieeeeeee!



It was all of a sudden but i was suddenly attacked by a herd of wild dogs in a outskirt of a village.
even if i intended to fight.
i already threw my sword and started to dash very fast.



to be precise it seems to be more of a monsters than wild dogs.
If we compare it to a normal dog the size is considerably much larger. When i looked in the eyes which is glaring insanely at me while showing their fangs while drooling, my legs began to tremble.



The wild dogs began to swarm.
When i took the subjugation request from the village in the adventurers guild, i thought that there is no way for me to lose to mere dogs.
I’m experiencing a life in a different world fantasy.
I am surrounded, I’m going to be killed and be eaten by these guys.
The moment my end came into my mind, I no longer have the will to fight.



From behind, i realized that i was bitten but i didn’t feel any pain.
Though head calmly grasps the situation. My heart is pounding as if it will explode.
I’m lucky that the fabric of pants is thick so the bite wasn’t deep.



however, the wild dog’s fang is still biting my flesh.
The dog took away the freedom of my foot and drag me away while still biting my ankle.
It threw me forward and i flew into the air then my body slowly rolled forward.
I fell down and felt the sensation of the ground while remain rolling forward.



In this place i realized that “I will die.”
You must have seen it somewhere in the movie. Before a person die everthing will go in a slow motion.
This is not a performance, this is an actual phenomenon.



my body slammed into the ground with a Bam!
While lying on my back. I carelessly thought that in the end, my life up to this point played like a reel.



So my expectation has been betrayed.
on my chest the heavy body of the crazy dog fell with a ‘thud’
though i didn’t felt any pain when i was bitten, it hurts when the heavy dog fell on my chest.
The crazy dog opened its mouth, it’s going to eat my head.
Inside its mouth there’s a lot of white sharp fangs.
this fellow’s teeth is decayed.



the last scene to see before dying is this dog’s decayed tooth.
I gave up and closed my eyes while thinking about the face of the person i love (but) that i left in my original world
I can’t endure to see the moment when I’m eaten.






I heard a sound collapsing with a thud, and the heaviness of the dog disappeared from my body.
Ah, I’m already dead?
it’s unpleasant that i didn’t feel any pain when i died.
As expected of the other fantasy world.
I don’t mind if a game over notice will be given.



The flesh of the body has been bitten off by the crowds of dogs and it’s not a joke that i write in agony.
Since that was not the case, thank you&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..



I felt a sensation of awful pain in my ankle while my eyes are closed.
Aaaaah, so there is a pain!
i unconsciously opened my eyes due to the pain running through my ankle.



Ahh, the sky is blue.
I’m lying on the back which isn’t dead yet and am still rolling over.
when i rose up slowly while worrying about my painful ankle. There was a sea of blood around me.
It’s a splatter.



「What’s this, my blood?」
No way, corpses of the crazy dogs that were cut mercilessly are all over the place
It’s the blood of these guys.
The dog that tried to eat me was struck by a knife on its head and it’s brain overflowed from its head.
a little distance away, i noticed the female who struck the large size long sword into the last dog.
With a [kyui-n], The scream of death of the dog echoed.







[Are you okay?]
「Ha, Well &h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; somehow」



A leather black jacket is lightly dress on the female with a black cheap jeans. It is a light dress for a soldier, but it will be easier to move. I understand that this fellow is strong just by looking at the hand wielding the long sword with a rustic design emitting dull brightness.
A scarlet hair brighter than the color of blood which reach the shoulder with a pony tail swaying in a high position. A large pattern with a forged body of the woman with thin built like a blade of drawn sword and was perfectly polished and refined.
The beautiful woman has deep features of a westerner. Her age is at least in mid-twenty.
It’s amazingly a beautiful Onee-san, normally i would have a rough breathing
Her face and body aren’t soiled by the dogs blood that was cut away.
but i say her appearance is scarier than the crazy dogs.



「Can you stand?」
「I’m okay&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..tsu」
c.r.a.p, the bitten ankle became painful.
i’m wearing the pants that i bought in town and the thick clothes rips to pieces and blood began to gush out
The wound is considerably deep, and the blood does not stop. just by looking at it makes me feel worse.



「I can do a light treatment , but」
「ahm.., I think I have no recovery potion」



I felt weaker, and said such thing.
The expression of the Onee-san became stiff.



「I have, but do you know how much potion is?」
「Well, errr&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..」
Where in the village where recovery potion is being sold?
The shop in the village where i sold my equipment that cam from another world.
I undertake the first work in the adventurer guild and i dont know the market price of the recovery potion because i just came here.



「The recovery potion is one silver coin in a cheap shop. A little while ago you received a subjugation request. How much was the request fee?」
「Well, errr&h.e.l.lip;, Five large copper coins」



One silver coin is the value of ten big copper coins.
I know well what this Onee-san is trying to say.
I know there is a recovery potion but I’ll immediately be in a deficit if use it
Even I who came from modern j.a.pan, knows the importance of money properly.
My injury hurts to the extent that you can’t walk, give me the potion if you have and i shout as loud as i can.
The situation where i get her to help a dying person like me without condition is low.



[you should have understood it, drink quickly]
She took out a blue colored bottle from the back pack and the Onee-san hands it over to me.



「Is it good?」
「don’t move your feet by the way i’ll be the one taking the subjugation reward. Additionally, selling the crazy dog meat and skin, then i won’t go into the red.」



While the onee-san is saying that she pulled out her knife and began to dismantle the corpse of the dogs.
I drank up the blue potion that i got.
It tastes a little bit bitter, the medicinal effects spread through my body.
Though the ripped pants didn’t return but most of the wounds were healed.



I was saved, the breath of relieved escaped from my mouth.
But since the abdomen of the dog is being torn one after another while looking at the onee-san taking out the internal organs, i can’t help but feel hopeless.



This is a cruel real fantasy.



I, who should be doing an ordinary high school life in j.a.pan. Suddenly teleported in a European-like village.
Strange unfamiliar things line up in the eaves of the village, apparently i wasn’t teleported in Europe, for i realized that i was teleported in a different world of fantasy.
The feeling of my chest became hot.
The chance to become a different world hero finally came, Jumped up to that chance and i triumphantly took the Monster Subjugation with pleasure.



The result of wielding a sword for the first time against monsters



I, who’s secretly an otaku high school student knows a lot about fantasy story.
This kind cla.s.sical reading of summons, transmigration and reincarnation, i am securely prepared. I love this different world summon thing.



i’ll make full use of the knowledge of reading light novels for my present condition.
If even the game world isn’t also an easy fantasy, this is a cla.s.sic realistic fantasy!



If this is the world of fantasy game, the dog type monster killed by the Onee-san should change to such item of “meat of crazy Dog” and “leather of crazy Dog” in a moment.
but, a sea of deep red blood is spread, before my eyes the internal organs are taken out and the skin of the dog which was peeled off is in a grotesque state.



In other word, i cannot expect: Such things as a comprehensible level system, Such things as convenient magic, Such things as convenience honor master’s player cheat
Rather, I’ll die in an instant if I’m careless.
It’s a harsh world.



Moreover when dying, It is absolutely insanely painful.
recalling the terrible pain of the wound that was bitten a little while ago by the crazy dog, it was unpleasant.
My stomach already became painful, i want to go home early.



「If you’re free can you collect fire woods?」
The Onee-san said to me who can’t even help her dismantle the animal.
to be honest, my mind was comfortable that i picked up firewood rather than watching the dismantling scene.



「Ah, no, seriously, just what should I do」
i murmur while holding my head and while my other hand is holding a tree branch.
For me a modern-age kid doesn’t have the power to live through this war-like age.



I was misled into thinking selfishly that i’m a hero that summoned into a different world.
Far from killing a monster, i am inexperienced and unknowledgeable into dismantling a monster corpse.



「to p.r.i.c.k, those grotesque internal organs. It’s impossible 」
For a fantasy novel such description is sad.
In a certainly maniac game, It also had animal’s dismantlement skill.
Ripping the intestines with just a knife.
Even i as an amateur can probably do it. Probably.
However being 『physically』able to dismantle it is different from『 I can do it feeling』



For me as a modern-age person, meat has already been processed and i just i have to line up in the supermarket.
If such survival skill is needed for an adventurer to survive. I may not be able to do it.



Do you know whether you know a feeling of such me?
When she lights the firewoods that i have picked up the Onee-san happily began to roast the internal organ of the dogs in a frying pan joyfully.



「The meat can be eaten later , i’m able to dry the meat. the liver will be spoiled so i should eat the meat later. Umee」



I was suggested to eat the internal organ of the dog.
I felt hungry from the drifting smell and the sizzling sound of it.
I gave up all thought and decided to eat the food that was served while still steaming in a wooden plate.



「It’s delicious&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;」
「I know right? Eat more because there are plenty of it.」



Though liver looks a little bit bitter but that’s not the case at all.
rather it has a sweet taste on my tongue. It’s sweet, it’s delicious.



The texture is soft, it’s also has an oily crunchiness while eating it and it has a rich flavor of fat while going through my throat.
I also got to taste a little bit of the dried meat which she was going to sell.



We are around the firewood while eating together surrounded by the nature while having a chat, i became friends with this Onee-san



Her name is, Louise Carson.
A name Louise seems to be common in the Shirejie Region.
In j.a.pan Hanako would be a common name in mid-eras but using Hanako in medieval fantasy world is just out of place. (Note: Hanako is a common name during the post war era, Hanako is a j.a.panese urban legend about the spirit of a young World War II–era girl who haunts school bathrooms. She allegedly appears when one shouts her name. )



Louse is a warrior who specialized in long sword and also has a skill of horse-riding. By the way, her age is 24 years old.
I’m 17 years old that means she’s seven years older than me.



「There’s a&h.e.l.lip;..」
「What is it?」



My mouth unintentionally opened. Well, am i even suitable for her.
to tell the truth i don’t hold any interest to any woman right now.



By the way i still haven’t introduced myself.
My name is Sawatari Takeru. Second year in highschool.



「Er&h.e.l.lip;. High school student, is some kind of occupation?」
「errr&h.e.l.lip;. well, i wonder&h.e.l.lip;.」



in this different world, the word highshool student seems to be foreign in Shireijie Kingdom.
a.s.suming that, that means i’m unemployed. Unemplyed NEET.
I wish to become a heron with a magic sword but that’s unrealistic because it is necessary to find some occupations.



Louise, who saw me taking the request in the adventurer guild thought that it’s too dangerous and followed me.
Right now i was able to calm down but in this different world being in a hectic state is dangerous.



and now that hectic state turned into depressed state.
Louise, despite her unfriendly appearance is actually very kind person and ask weather or not the work was cut out for me as an adventurer.



「With your skill, you’ll die before gaining experience.」



It is just what Louise says.



「The way you wave your sword was slightly odd. I thought that you don’t know how to fight, so i helped you.」
「Ah- I see.」



My sword style is Hokushin itto-ryu.
Even though i said that, i haven’t done any kendo in Highschool.



I took advantage of my spare time when i’m bored and read books about swordsmanship and wielded a wooden sword.
Because i like Musashi Miyamoto, i read olympic book about swordsmanship/fencing and intended to become a great swordsman. (Note: Miyamoto Musashi was an expert j.a.panese swordsman and rōnin. Musashi, as he was often simply known, became renowned through stories of his excellent and unique double bladed swordsmanship and undefeated record in his 60 duels (next to “only” 33 of Itō Ittōsai). He was the founder of the Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū or Niten-ryū style of swordsmanship and in his final years auth.o.r.ed The Book of Five Rings (五輪の書 Go Rin no Sho?), a book on strategy, tactics, and philosophy that is still studied today.)
the so called chuuni syndrome, though i’m already in second year highschool i still have it, chuuni is strange, don’t you think? Yep, you may laugh. You’re laughing right now, right?



However, the reality isn’t laughable.
Such incompetence may become fatal in the battlefield.
Because smattering of knowledge may cause injury.



I am weak.
living in a developing civilization where there are ferocious monsters isn’t good.



Ah, it became somewhat dark again.
Anyway because the dog’s internal organs are delicious, i’ll eat until my belly is full.



I thanked Louise and helped her carry the meat and the skin in the village and prostrate myself so she’ll recommend me into a work that seems possible for me.



The first day of being into a different world.
I expect to be summon in a different world maybe become a hero.
A delusional beliefs will just give me a game over and die.
It faded away from the moment when I was about to be killed by a crazy dog.



But, I do not want to die, I’ll survive at any cost.
I resiliently wish for it.



The crazy dogs which were about to kill me were killed by Louise, has become delicious meat and has become a bread of life.
I must live in this cruel world, the weak are food to the strong. It’s survival of the fittest.


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