Sushi Harem

Chapter 1

This is a One-Shot by the same author of “Living As I Please” and “Frequenting Brothels”.

There’s only one chapter as it is not a series.

Now this is really weird, I mean it, be very careful while reading…

Men who is a virgin for 30 years would turn into a Mage is a popular joke on the internet.

Me, Sushio Aisuke also have not come across my special half, I protected my virginity for 30 years, but somehow I became able to use a special ability.

When one talks about abilities, there usually are recovery magic, offensive magic, or support magic like in an RPG, but I got none of that.

Today after sluggishly returned from work, I bought a slightly expensive pack of sushi from a supermarket after an interval of 10 days, I went into the soundproof audio room my parents made as a hobby when they were still alive and strictly locked the door, I trembled in excitement while unpacking the sushi, I picked up a fin meat.

(TN: Engawa = fin meat)

I said so, and smoke *poof* from my hand, a  neatly-looking black-haired beautiful woman appeared on the table.

「It’s already 10 days、Aisuke-san♪ I was chosen first again right?」

「Yeah、I decided to eat sushi starting from fin meat」
(TN: Again, Engawa = Fin meat)

「I’m happy……♥」

The beautiful girl smiled really joyfully.

Yup, my ability is to personify sushi.

But it’s good no matter how you look at it, I flipped the skirt of Engawa-chan, then played with her nether region, where without a panties, to make sure, and took out my superb article to pierce Engawa-chan.

「Ah! Aah♥」

「Uu……Engawa-chan’s p.u.s.s.y with a lot of folds、it feels really good like always!」

「Aa、Aa、I、I also、feel really good♥」

After a while of pistoning, I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside Engawa-chan.

「Aa……I came……that felt great……」

「Haa……haa……m、me too……♥ Then、I’ll go back、have a delicious meal okay?」

When Engawa-chan said so, the smoke rose again, on the table the piece of engawa sticky with my first squeeze lied there.

I took the engawa sticky with s.e.m.e.n in my hand, put it in a small dish of soy sauce then threw it in my mouth.

Though it’s my s.e.m.e.n, if I think that it was her love juice from earlier then the unpleasant feelings aren’t there.

The of s.e.m.e.n, and the deliciousness from fat, they were linked together by soy sauce and created a perfect harmony in my mouth.

With my d.i.c.k still fully erect, I personified sushi material in turn.

「Aaa! Ika-chan’s smooth and tight p.u.s.s.y、it feels great!」
(TN: Ika = squid)

「Aji-chan’s p.u.s.s.y、it’s freshly good!」
(TN: Aji = j.a.panese horse mackerel)

「Aaa! Anago-chan、your insides are slippery! So slimy it’s good!」
(TN: Anago = a kind of eel)

「Amazing! Salmon-chan、it’s great riding your fat p.u.s.s.y!」
(TN: Fishes stack up fat for winter, that’s what he meant since it’s Salmon-chan)

「Aaa! Chuutoro-chan’s celebrity p.u.s.s.y、I’ll get addicted to this!」
(TN: Chuutoro = middle-sized tuna)

「Feels like I’ll impregnate Ikura-chan with this tender p.u.s.s.y!」
(TN: Ikura = salted salmon roe)

I personified the sushi in succession, came inside them, then ate the s.e.m.e.n covered sushi.

Then, for the last one, I picked up my most favorite food in my hand.

After the smoke cleared up, a brown haired beauty in black dress appeared, she looks like a Queen.

「I’m also the last one today?」

「Yeah、Uni-chan、show me your p.u.s.s.y……」
(TN: Uni = sea urchin)

「Fufu……okay、I don’t need any foreplay so just thrust it into me okay~」

Saying so Uni-chan lifted her dress and poked her a.s.s out towards me, showing her dripping wet, syrupy p.u.s.s.y.

Without holding back, I thrust my d.i.c.k into her, then piston violently.

「Nn! Aaa! It、it feels good!」

「Uni-chan sticky p.u.s.s.y、it makes me feel like climbing to heavens!!」

「Nn! Nn! P、Please poke me more!」

After connecting with each other violently, both of us reached our limits.

「Uuu!! I’m c.u.mming inside Uni-chan’s luxurious p.u.s.s.y!!」

「Aaa!! M、Me too……c.u.mming~~~~~~!!」

I immersed in the afterglow of c.u.mming a ma.s.sive load, I pulled my d.i.c.k out of Uni-chan and she fixed her clothes.

「Well then、if I don’t taste good anymore then please excuse me okay?」
(TN: She’s talking about when she turns back into a piece of sushi)

「Of course」

Then the smoke appeared, she returned to be a sea urchin sushi roll so I covered it in soy sauce, then brought it to my mouth and enjoyed the delicious taste of the melting sea urchin and s.e.m.e.n.

This is my secret hobby.


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