Swallowed Star

Chapter 992

Chapter 992
Chapter 992: Arrival at the Royal Sea
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"He has the ocean with a diameter of ten-something light years…" Primal Chaos City Leader said . "Who in the universe can rival him in terms of G.o.dly power? The size of his G.o.dly body is outrageous . "

Luo Feng nodded . It was indeed outrageous .

There were quite a few special organisms in the universe, and lots of them had colossal bodies, yet even the largest special life forms had the height of several hundred million miles, and most of them were of the plant race and rock race . As for Nine Remoteness Ocean, it had a diameter of over ten light years!

Several hundred million miles, compared to over ten light years, was like the most powerful World Tree being compared to Nine Remoteness Ocean; it was a drop in the bucket!

"n.o.body has ever figured out why he has such an unbelievably enormous body . " Primal Chaos City Leader shook his head . "n.o.body else"s G.o.dly body can compare to his . I"ve also heard that Nine Remoteness Master doesn"t have any talent techniques . "

"Huh?" Luo Feng was dazed . No talent techniques?

"Nine Remoteness Master is no doubt a special life form in the universe," Primal Chaos City Leader said . "However, even if he"s annihilated, and another G.o.dly body is bred, he has never mastered any talent techniques . It"s a fair universe, after all . He was already bestowed, by the universe, an outrageously large G.o.dly body . As such, he must be strictly limited in other fields . "

Primal Chaos City Leader suddenly looked at Luo Feng and asked, "Why are you here to ask about Nine Remoteness Master? Can you tell me the reason now?"

"I want to breed my third body," answered Luo Feng . "A third body like the prince . "

"The prince?" Primal Chaos City Leader was dazed

"Yes," said Luo Feng . "The princes in Nine Remoteness World . "Based on what I know, those princes have something akin to Nine Remoteness Ocean, but they"re called Royal Seas!"

"But Nine Remoteness Master only has three children," Primal Chaos City Leader said .

"Three?" said Luo Feng .

"Yes . Three children . One of them is a universe overlord, and the other two are universe knights . However, they can be revived even if they"re killed . "

Luo Feng broke into laughter . "Teacher, based on what I have learned from Nine Remoteness World, Nine Remoteness Master actually has 108 children in total! And there are 108 Royal Seas in Nine Remoteness World! But those princes are not equally powerful . There are three universe knights, dozens of undying fighters and dozens of sector lords .

"108?" Primal Chaos City Leader was startled . "If there are 108 of them, their life level won"t be too high . You"ll have a high chance of success . "

Luo Feng nodded . He had thought the same thing . There were nine World Trees, whereas Nine Remoteness Master had 108 children . The greater the number, the lower the life level . After all, the more powerful the life forms were, the rarer they were . Some special life forms were the only one of their kind .

"You want to acquire the water of a Royal Sea?" Primal Chaos City Leader asked .

"All the 108 Royal Seas are located at the center of Nine Remoteness World, and no indigenous armies are guarding them," Luo Feng said .

"Wrong . " Primal Chaos City Leader shook his head . "Nine Remoteness Master will notice it, even without armies . "

Luo Feng was dazed, but he quickly realized Primal Chaos City Leader was right! Nine Remoteness Ocean part of Nine Remoteness Master himself, and the entire ocean was completely under his control . He would be aware of anything that happened there .

"I"ll only take a little water . I think it"s going to be okay . " Luo Feng was nervous .

"I wouldn"t be so sure," Primal Chaos City Leader said . "The water is part of his children"s G.o.dly bodies, after all . But even I can"t be sure what will happen . If Nine Remoteness Master finds out that you are taking the water, just tell him you"re my disciple . He owes me a huge favor, and some water will be fine . "

Luo Feng felt more grateful than ever for his teacher . Primal Chaos City Leader had, indeed, helped him a lot .

Primal Chaos City Leader looked at Luo Feng contently . If Luo Feng"s future third body was like Nine Remoteness Master"s, he could be revived shortly after he died! And the energies were limitless! Then Luo Feng would certainly become an incredible immortal warrior of the human race!

Luo Feng could resist the urge no longer . "I"ll go and get the water now . "

"Go," Primal Chaos City Leader said . He also looked forward to the result .


In Nine Remoteness World .

Mosha body"s eyes blazed . He flew up in the sky and raced towards the center of Nine Remoteness World . This world was so immense that Mosha body flew for over half a year until he finally reached his destination .

"The Royal Seas!"

Mosha body stood in the sky, looking out over the boundless ocean . It was a spectacular sight .

"I"ll examine the 108 Royal Seas first . "

Although he knew of the existence of the 108 Royal Seas, he didn"t have any details about them . The sizes of the oceans would make a huge difference to his future G.o.dly body, which was why Luo Feng needed to decide carefully . He spent another month flying around the seas for inspection .

56 of the 108 Royal Seas were red and were worthy of the name "b.l.o.o.d.y Seas"! All 56 b.l.o.o.d.y Seas were of the same size, with a diameter of around 50 million miles .

There were also 49 Royal Seas in which water tumbled inside . They looked like the other seas but had diameters of 600 million miles, and these were the so-called "Small Royal Seas" the indigenous creatures talked about .

There were also three Royal Seas with diameters ranging from 20 billion miles to 63 billion miles . These were the legendary "Large Royal Seas . "

"So many indigenous creatures come here for wors.h.i.+p," Mosha body said, looking down .

Around the 108 Royal Seas, especially around the Small Royal Seas and Large Royal Seas, many indigenous creatures groveled to show their veneration . As for the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, barely anyone was around them .

"Wors.h.i.+p . " Mosha body nodded .

A great number of indigenous creatures were born in Small Royal Seas and Large Royal seas . That meant these Royal Seas were like their parents! They would be taken away once they were born and spread to all the various cities of Nine Remoteness World . When they became adults and got powerful enough, they would return and wors.h.i.+p their mother seas!

There were even some sickly and dying indigenous creatures coming here and waiting for their doom . They were born here, and they died here .

Perhaps these indigenous creatures don"t know that the princes are the Royal Seas, and the Royal Seas are the princes, Mosha body thought to himself . But some of them were born in Royal Seas while others were born in Ancestral Seas . That means they"ll naturally revere their princes and their emperor .


Mosha body dove down and landed beside a b.l.o.o.d.y Sea . Small Royal Seas indicated undying princes . Large Royal Seas indicated universe knight-level princes . As for b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, they stood for sector lord-level princes!

Sector lord-level princes are weak, and their seas look like blood, he thought . Besides, their young can"t be born in the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas . Only after becoming undying will the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas sublimate into ordinary seas and have the ability to breed lives .

Luo Feng nodded .


Around the Small Royal Seas and Large Royal Seas, countless indigenous creatures were wors.h.i.+pping . There was almost n.o.body wors.h.i.+pping around b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, as n.o.body was born in b.l.o.o.d.y Seas .

"What are you doing here?" An indigenous creature landed .

Mosha body glanced at him and turned toward the extensive b.l.o.o.d.y Sea, where blood flowed rapidly inside . He said respectfully, "I just want to see the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea . I was born in a Large Royal Sea, but my Large Royal Sea was just like this b.l.o.o.d.y Sea a long time ago . "

The indigenous undying warrior stared at Mosha body . "Be careful . The rule is very clear . No fighting around the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, and no one should take the water . "

"Of course . I understand . " Mosha body nodded .

"Good . "

The undying indigenous warrior didn"t say anything further, as he surely didn"t imagine one of his own people would do anything forbidden .

Mosha body murmured after watching the undying indigenous warrior leave . "I didn"t even know there were such taboos . Perhaps I didn"t collect enough information . But that"s right . Royal Seas are the princes, and b.l.o.o.d.y Seas are sector lord-level princes, who are relatively weak and have fragile lives . Some powerful indigenous creatures might be able to hurt b.l.o.o.d.y Seas unintentionally, and some might even kill the sector-lord princes .

Time pa.s.sed . In the sky and land of Nine Remoteness World, the b.l.o.o.d.y mist always pervaded the air . In the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea, the blood tumbling, and on the edge of the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea stood Mosha body .

"I care of nothing else right now . I must have it . "

Mosha body looked around . There were no wors.h.i.+ppers near the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, and the closet ones were more than a billion miles away . As long as he was fast enough, n.o.body would notice him—with one exception . Nine Remoteness Master .

"It"ll be okay for me to just take some water . It"s a sea with a diameter of 50 million miles . It won"t mind a little water . "

Mosha body was actually kind of anxious . That terrifying Nine Remoteness Master might be infuriated .

"For my third body! For my future! I must do it . "

Mosha body performed his talent technique domain and showed up on the sea . He reached out his hands, took some water from the b.l.o.o.d.y water, and quickly put it in his world ring . The world ring was carried by the original earthling body, and it was the most solid world ring Luo Feng had . Of course, Nine Remoteness Master could destroy it with a wave of his hands .

The sea reeked of blood, and Mosha body could smell it when his finger touched the water . "This is not water at all," he realized . "This is blood . "


Mosha body returned back to his original position . Less than 0 . 1 seconds pa.s.sed after performing domain twice . He had already gotten the water of the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea .

"I"ve been traveling through Nine Remoteness World, and Nine Remoteness Master must already know about my technique domain . " Mosha body looked to the indigenous creatures wors.h.i.+pping in the distance . "They didn"t notice me . Good . Otherwise, I"ll be besieged if they see me do something forbidden . "

Just when Mosha body planned to leave .


An incredible and unbelievable force arrived, the Nine Remoteness World energies hundreds of millions of miles around Luo Feng concentrated and became a s.p.a.ce in front of Luo Feng . It then turned into the contours of a huge face . Ferocity filled the sky and land around him .

Everything turned red . In the b.l.o.o.d.y sky and land, the giant head glared at Mosha body .

Nine Remoteness Master had arrived!

Chapter 992 Arrival at the Royal SeaTranslator Nyoi Bo Studio Editor Nyoi Bo Studio He has the ocean with a diameter of ten something light years Primal Chaos City Leader said . Who in the universe can rival him in terms of G.o.dly power The size of his G.o.dly body is outrageous . Luo Feng nodded . It was indeed outrageous . There were quite a few special organisms in the universe, and lots of them had colossal bodies, yet even the largest special life forms had the height of several hundred million miles, and most of them were of the plant race and rock race . As for Nine Remoteness Ocean, it had a diameter of over ten light years Several hundred million miles, compared to over ten light years, was like the most powerful World Tree being compared to Nine Remoteness Ocean it was a drop in the bucket n.o.body has ever figured out why he has such an unbelievably enormous body . Primal Chaos City Leader shook his head . n.o.body else s G.o.dly body can compare to his . I ve also heard that Nine Remoteness Master doesn t have any talent techniques . Huh Luo Feng was dazed . No talent techniques Nine Remoteness Master is no doubt a special life form in the universe, Primal Chaos City Leader said . However, even if he s annihilated, and another G.o.dly body is bred, he has never mastered any talent techniques . It s a fair universe, after all . He was already bestowed, by the universe, an outrageously large G.o.dly body . As such, he must be strictly limited in other fields . Primal Chaos City Leader suddenly looked at Luo Feng and asked, Why are you here to ask about Nine Remoteness Master Can you tell me the reason now I want to breed my third body, answered Luo Feng . A third body like the prince . The prince Primal Chaos City Leader was dazed Yes, said Luo Feng . The princes in Nine Remoteness World . Based on what I know, those princes have something akin to Nine Remoteness Ocean, but they re called Royal Seas But Nine Remoteness Master only has three children, Primal Chaos City Leader said . Three said Luo Feng . Yes . Three children . One of them is a universe overlord, and the other two are universe knights . However, they can be revived even if they re killed . Luo Feng broke into laughter . Teacher, based on what I have learned from Nine Remoteness World, Nine Remoteness Master actually has 108 children in total And there are 108 Royal Seas in Nine Remoteness World But those princes are not equally powerful . There are three universe knights, dozens of undying fighters and dozens of sector lords . 108 Primal Chaos City Leader was startled . If there are 108 of them, their life level won t be too high . You ll have a high chance of success . Luo Feng nodded . He had thought the same thing . There were nine World Trees, whereas Nine Remoteness Master had 108 children . The greater the number, the lower the life level . After all, the more powerful the life forms were, the rarer they were . Some special life forms were the only one of their kind . You want to acquire the water of a Royal Sea Primal Chaos City Leader asked . All the 108 Royal Seas are located at the center of Nine Remoteness World, and no indigenous armies are guarding them, Luo Feng said . Wrong . Primal Chaos City Leader shook his head . Nine Remoteness Master will notice it, even without armies . Luo Feng was dazed, but he quickly realized Primal Chaos City Leader was right Nine Remoteness Ocean part of Nine Remoteness Master himself, and the entire ocean was completely under his control . He would be aware of anything that happened there . I ll only take a little water . I think it s going to be okay . Luo Feng was nervous . I wouldn t be so sure, Primal Chaos City Leader said . The water is part of his children s G.o.dly bodies, after all . But even I can t be sure what will happen . If Nine Remoteness Master finds out that you are taking the water, just tell him you re my disciple . He owes me a huge favor, and some water will be fine . Luo Feng felt more grateful than ever for his teacher . Primal Chaos City Leader had, indeed, helped him a lot . Primal Chaos City Leader looked at Luo Feng contently . If Luo Feng s future third body was like Nine Remoteness Master s, he could be revived shortly after he died And the energies were limitless Then Luo Feng would certainly become an incredible immortal warrior of the human race Luo Feng could resist the urge no longer . I ll go and get the water now . Go, Primal Chaos City Leader said . He also looked forward to the result . In Nine Remoteness World . Mosha body s eyes blazed . He flew up in the sky and raced towards the center of Nine Remoteness World . This world was so immense that Mosha body flew for over half a year until he finally reached his destination . The Royal Seas Mosha body stood in the sky, looking out over the boundless ocean . It was a spectacular sight . I ll examine the 108 Royal Seas first . Although he knew of the existence of the 108 Royal Seas, he didn t have any details about them . The sizes of the oceans would make a huge difference to his future G.o.dly body, which was why Luo Feng needed to decide carefully . He spent another month flying around the seas for inspection . 56 of the 108 Royal Seas were red and were worthy of the name b.l.o.o.d.y Seas All 56 b.l.o.o.d.y Seas were of the same size, with a diameter of around 50 million miles . There were also 49 Royal Seas in which water tumbled inside . They looked like the other seas but had diameters of 600 million miles, and these were the so called Small Royal Seas the indigenous creatures talked about . There were also three Royal Seas with diameters ranging from 20 billion miles to 63 billion miles . These were the legendary Large Royal Seas . So many indigenous creatures come here for wors.h.i.+p, Mosha body said, looking down . Around the 108 Royal Seas, especially around the Small Royal Seas and Large Royal Seas, many indigenous creatures groveled to show their veneration . As for the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, barely anyone was around them . Wors.h.i.+p . Mosha body nodded . A great number of indigenous creatures were born in Small Royal Seas and Large Royal seas . That meant these Royal Seas were like their parents They would be taken away once they were born and spread to all the various cities of Nine Remoteness World . When they became adults and got powerful enough, they would return and wors.h.i.+p their mother seas There were even some sickly and dying indigenous creatures coming here and waiting for their doom . They were born here, and they died here . Perhaps these indigenous creatures don t know that the princes are the Royal Seas, and the Royal Seas are the princes, Mosha body thought to himself . But some of them were born in Royal Seas while others were born in Ancestral Seas . That means they ll naturally revere their princes and their emperor . Sou Mosha body dove down and landed beside a b.l.o.o.d.y Sea . Small Royal Seas indicated undying princes . Large Royal Seas indicated universe knight level princes . As for b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, they stood for sector lord level princes Sector lord level princes are weak, and their seas look like blood, he thought . Besides, their young can t be born in the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas . Only after becoming undying will the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas sublimate into ordinary seas and have the ability to breed lives . Luo Feng nodded . Around the Small Royal Seas and Large Royal Seas, countless indigenous creatures were wors.h.i.+pping . There was almost n.o.body wors.h.i.+pping around b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, as n.o.body was born in b.l.o.o.d.y Seas . What are you doing here An indigenous creature landed . Mosha body glanced at him and turned toward the extensive b.l.o.o.d.y Sea, where blood flowed rapidly inside . He said respectfully, I just want to see the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea . I was born in a Large Royal Sea, but my Large Royal Sea was just like this b.l.o.o.d.y Sea a long time ago . The indigenous undying warrior stared at Mosha body . Be careful . The rule is very clear . No fighting around the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, and no one should take the water . Of course . I understand . Mosha body nodded . Good . The undying indigenous warrior didn t say anything further, as he surely didn t imagine one of his own people would do anything forbidden . Mosha body murmured after watching the undying indigenous warrior leave . I didn t even know there were such taboos . Perhaps I didn t collect enough information . But that s right . Royal Seas are the princes, and b.l.o.o.d.y Seas are sector lord level princes, who are relatively weak and have fragile lives . Some powerful indigenous creatures might be able to hurt b.l.o.o.d.y Seas unintentionally, and some might even kill the sector lord princes . Time pa.s.sed . In the sky and land of Nine Remoteness World, the b.l.o.o.d.y mist always pervaded the air . In the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea, the blood tumbling, and on the edge of the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea stood Mosha body . I care of nothing else right now . I must have it . Mosha body looked around . There were no wors.h.i.+ppers near the b.l.o.o.d.y Seas, and the closet ones were more than a billion miles away . As long as he was fast enough, n.o.body would notice him with one exception . Nine Remoteness Master . It ll be okay for me to just take some water . It s a sea with a diameter of 50 million miles . It won t mind a little water . Mosha body was actually kind of anxious . That terrifying Nine Remoteness Master might be infuriated . For my third body For my future I must do it . Mosha body performed his talent technique domain and showed up on the sea . He reached out his hands, took some water from the b.l.o.o.d.y water, and quickly put it in his world ring . The world ring was carried by the original earthling body, and it was the most solid world ring Luo Feng had . Of course, Nine Remoteness Master could destroy it with a wave of his hands . The sea reeked of blood, and Mosha body could smell it when his finger touched the water . This is not water at all, he realized . This is blood . Sou Mosha body returned back to his original position . Less than 0 . 1 seconds pa.s.sed after performing domain twice . He had already gotten the water of the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea . I ve been traveling through Nine Remoteness World, and Nine Remoteness Master must already know about my technique domain . Mosha body looked to the indigenous creatures wors.h.i.+pping in the distance . They didn t notice me . Good . Otherwise, I ll be besieged if they see me do something forbidden . Just when Mosha body planned to leave . Hong An incredible and unbelievable force arrived, the Nine Remoteness World energies hundreds of millions of miles around Luo Feng concentrated and became a s.p.a.ce in front of Luo Feng . It then turned into the contours of a huge face . Ferocity filled the sky and land around him . Everything turned red . In the b.l.o.o.d.y sky and land, the giant head glared at Mosha body . Nine Remoteness Master had arrived

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