Swallowed Star

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213
The crag appeared boundless .
Luo Feng was walking while looking at the records on it .
Even if one s.p.a.ce master only represents one universe era, it"s much more than 10,000 universe eras, he thought . Besides, lots of great beings here have lived for three universe eras . When the old s.p.a.ce master dies, it will take a long time for the next master to find the black keepsake .
He kept reading them . Lots of great beings had left the engraving pictures of their techniques here . Apparently, they had devoted a great deal of energy to it, and they were formed by their best efforts . Even though Luo Feng had already reached the universe master level on the engraving path—and most of the techniques here had been left by universe masters, while only a few had been left by universe supreme masters—he was still amazed .
Techniques could be created this way? There were techniques like these?
Luo Feng walked under the crag, admiring the engravings .
I, Feng Gu Ling, am the 20,293rd s.p.a.ce master! There are nine universe supreme masters here in total, including me . Just like them, I"ll venture in the incarnation like the previous ones . Adventuring in the incarnation is extremely dangerous . I took my chances in Flowing Countless Mountain and got a piece of armor that is extremely powerful and second only to supreme true treasures . It"s named Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor! I"ll leave the armor and some pinnacle true treasures I don"t need here for the juniors . As for the map of the three Lands of Extremis, I can contribute more to it! This black keepsake s.p.a.ce… Lots of great beings have contributed to bettering the map . Though dozens of them chose to destroy the map, most tried to improve it . I hope my posterity can continue improving the map .
I, Five Chaos Master, am the 20,294th s.p.a.ce master! I got the valuables left by senior Feng Gu Ling . I feel exceedingly blessed . I"ll better the map and leave behind some true treasures that I don"t need . I"ve created lots of techniques, and the most powerful one is Five Beast Great Extermination .
This was the end .

Luo Feng surged and flew into the sky above the mountain . He looked around .
"Five Chaos left a valuable here?" Luo Feng read carefully . "Up!"
Suddenly, a silver wing showed up on Luo Feng"s back . With his power trembling, driving the engravings on s.h.i.+ Wu Wing, a blurry, golden light permeated . Even though the surrounding s.p.a.ce was enormous, it was larger than the inspection area of Golden Country . He inspected the entire area with one thought .
"There are no valuables . " Luo Feng shook his head . "There"s only a map in the independent s.p.a.ce . Maybe Five Chaos Master took all the valuables . "
He moved his feet and reached the apex of the mountain in the distance . There was a black crystal pillar at the apex providing a dim light . Luo Feng knew that this crystal pillar carried the map of the three Lands of Extremis . It was a combination of nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters . Each s.p.a.ce master would improve the map based on what they knew .
"Even though Five Chaos left his will, it has been a long time since his true death, so he didn"t leave true treasures here . "
Luo Feng figured that Five Chaos Master had planned to leave most of the valuables here . But now? No way!
"This map is extremely valuable . "
Luo Feng walked to the black crystal pillar, defying the blowing wind . He sent out a trace of his G.o.dly power and penetrated the pillar . Three stereoscopic pictures showed up in his mind . They were Flowing Countless Mountain, Universe Boat, and Tilted Peak Sector!
"Such a detailed map!" Luo Feng grinned . "No wonder! It"s a map made by nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters . Unfortunately, dozens of s.p.a.ce masters chose to destroy the map . d.a.m.n it . Otherwise, the map would have been more detailed . "
Jie Fanzi was indeed amazing . However, the map of Universe Boat left by Jie Fanzi was much more basic than the map contained in the black crystal pillar . Even though nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters had improved the map, only one of them was a supreme master: Feng Gu Ling! This was why the map of the inner area was very thorough, yet the part of the center was blurry .

Jie Fanzi was indeed amazing . However, the map of Universe Boat left by Jie Fanzi was much more basic than the map contained in the black crystal pillar . Even though nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters had improved the map, only one of them was a supreme master: Feng Gu Ling! This was why the map of the inner area was very thorough, yet the part of the center was blurry .
"I"ll contribute my part of the map . "
Luo Feng immediately put it in, inserting the three Lands of Extremis into the pulling traces diagram . He stood at the apex of the mountain, holding the pulling traces diagram as he entered all the information on the map .
"Huh? This…"
Luo Feng"s eyes gleamed . He held his breath and became excited . His hands shook involuntarily .
"Hahaha…! Five Chaos, you"re too kind . You gave me the Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor, and you gave me the black keepsake . " Luo Feng grinned and grew even more excited . "I"ve been worried—worried about how to get the valuables left by Jie Fanzi . The valuables left by Jie Fanzi are in the green keepsake s.p.a.ce, which at the periphery of the core area of Universe Boat . It"s extremely dangerous . Even now, I can"t guarantee that I can survive there . However, you gave me the black keepsake . And I get a better map!"
Luo Feng was ecstatic . He could now understand why the great beings in Universe Ocean valued the map so much . It detailed all the routes in the three Lands of Extremis, and it detailed all the dangers in those areas . Its importance couldn"t be overestimated .
Before, he didn"t dare to go get the valuables left by Jie Fanzi . The map perfected by the 900 s.p.a.ce masters doc.u.mented most routes in the inner area, and it was much better than the one left by Jie Fanzi .
"The green keepsake leads to the deepest part of the inner area, and it"s at the periphery of the center," said Luo Feng . "The deeper it gets, the more dangerous it"ll be . Fortunately, the new map is very comprehensive, and there"s a safer route . "
Even with Star Tower and the silver wing, he might have been trapped in some areas, and he couldn"t ask Sitting Mountain Guest for everything . But now that he had a more detailed map, it would be much easier .
He indeed needed valuables, as he needed to repair the white wing, and it required extremely valuable material—even a pinnacle true treasure . Those perfect six pairs could be combined to form a terrific true treasure better than almost all other supreme true treasures .
"Got the map . I"ll now leave for the green keepsake s.p.a.ce . " Luo Feng nodded . "All I need is for Mosha body to sharpen his will here! There are sixteen black-striped stone pillars, and one of them is occupied by Blood Orchid Ancestor, so no great beings want to go there . There"s another stone where Bei Chi Star Master stays, and many universe masters gather there . As for me, I can certainly choose another black-striped stone pillar and practice by myself . Besides, I can"t use my domain to inspect the areas around black-striped stone pillars . "

He indeed needed valuables, as he needed to repair the white wing, and it required extremely valuable material—even a pinnacle true treasure . Those perfect six pairs could be combined to form a terrific true treasure better than almost all other supreme true treasures .
"Got the map . I"ll now leave for the green keepsake s.p.a.ce . " Luo Feng nodded . "All I need is for Mosha body to sharpen his will here! There are sixteen black-striped stone pillars, and one of them is occupied by Blood Orchid Ancestor, so no great beings want to go there . There"s another stone where Bei Chi Star Master stays, and many universe masters gather there . As for me, I can certainly choose another black-striped stone pillar and practice by myself . Besides, I can"t use my domain to inspect the areas around black-striped stone pillars . "
Luo Feng smiled and flew behind the smoothest crag like a streak of light .
The 20,293rd s.p.a.ce master was Feng Gu Ling . He was a universe supreme master and left Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor and other valuables . The 20,294th s.p.a.ce master was Five Chaos Master .
Luo Feng suddenly smiled, standing in front of the crag . He pointed his finger, and golden light pierced into the crag . He started to write . He infused his strong willpower into it, so that those who didn"t know the common human language would also understand it .
"I, Milky Way Horde Leader, am the 20,295th s.p.a.ce master! I killed the last s.p.a.ce master, Five Chaos Master, and took the Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor and the black keepsake . Unfortunately, I didn"t give him a chance to put some true treasures here . "
Luo Feng waved his fingers, and the light carved the words . Suddenly, it stopped .
"I"ll finish just half, for now," whispered Luo Feng . "I"ve only lived for just over ten eras . That"s nothing compared to one whole universe era . I"ll continue in the future . Hahaha! The s.p.a.ce master before Five Chaos Master, Feng Gu Ling, got Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor but never used it . Then the last s.p.a.ce master, Five Chaos, got it . Yet now, I have it . Interesting, interesting!" Luo Feng put down his fingers, looked at those characters and exclaimed, "I don"t know how far I can go! Will I end up leaving my last will here, along with my regrets, after three universe eras?"
And then he smiled . Other great beings might have been sad at this thought, but he had only practiced for just over ten eras . n.o.body could predict how much he would accomplish in the future .
"Let"s see whether I"ll disappear in Universe Ocean or create a holy land universe and live forever . "
Luo Feng flew off into the distance, and he reached the end of the s.p.a.ce immediately . He flew out of the independent s.p.a.ce . The towering black-striped stone pillar was right in front of him, piercing the mist .
"Bei Chi Star Master is around the second black-striped stone pillar, and there are lots of great beings," said Luo Feng . "It"s quiet around pillar Number 11 . There are no great beings around . "
"Let"s see whether I"ll disappear in Universe Ocean or create a holy land universe and live forever . "
Luo Feng flew off into the distance, and he reached the end of the s.p.a.ce immediately . He flew out of the independent s.p.a.ce . The towering black-striped stone pillar was right in front of him, piercing the mist .
"Bei Chi Star Master is around the second black-striped stone pillar, and there are lots of great beings," said Luo Feng . "It"s quiet around pillar Number 11 . There are no great beings around . "
Luo Feng flew toward pillar Number 11 . After a long time, he landed on a huge rock that was spinning around it . The rock looked like a continent, and the folds on it were like canyons and mountains .
Luo Feng stood in front of a canyon, and a rock appeared in his hand . It was his transformed Mosha body .
Luo Feng threw the rock into the canyon .
Mosha body can"t be identified by sight, thought Luo Feng, and domain type true treasures can"t find it . He can just sharpen the willpower here . n.o.body can find him . By the time my Mosha body disintegrates, my willpower will have reached the level of a universe supreme master .
Luo Feng was looking forward to it .
He flew away from the flying rock, leaving the black-striped stone pillar s.p.a.ce . From there, he flew to the deeper areas in Universe Boat .
The crag appeared boundless Luo Feng was walking while looking at the records on it Even if one s.p.a.ce master only represents one universe era, its much more than 10,000 universe eras, he thought . Besides, lots of great beings here have lived for three universe eras . When the old s.p.a.ce master dies, it will take a long time for the next master to find the black keepsake He kept reading them . Lots of great beings had left the engraving pictures of their techniques here . Apparently, they had devoted a great deal of energy to it, and they were formed by their best efforts . Even though Luo Feng had already reached the universe master level on the engraving path—and most of the techniques here had been left by universe masters, while only a few had been left by universe supreme masters—he was still amazed Techniques could be created this way? There were techniques like these?. Luo Feng walked under the crag, admiring the engravings I, Feng Gu Ling, am the 20,293rd s.p.a.ce master! There are nine universe supreme masters here in total, including me . Just like them, Ill venture in the incarnation like the previous ones . Adventuring in the incarnation is extremely dangerous . I took my chances in Flowing Countless Mountain and got a piece of armor that is extremely powerful and second only to supreme true treasures . Its named Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor! Ill leave the armor and some pinnacle true treasures I dont need here for the juniors . As for the map of the three Lands of Extremis, I can contribute more to it! This black keepsake s.p.a.ce… Lots of great beings have contributed to bettering the map . Though dozens of them chose to destroy the map, most tried to improve it . I hope my posterity can continue improving the map I, Five Chaos Master, am the 20,294th s.p.a.ce master! I got the valuables left by senior Feng Gu Ling . I feel exceedingly blessed . Ill better the map and leave behind some true treasures that I dont need . Ive created lots of techniques, and the most powerful one is Five Beast Great Extermination This was the end Valuables?. Luo Feng surged and flew into the sky above the mountain . He looked around Five Chaos left a valuable here? Luo Feng read carefully . Up!. Suddenly, a silver wing showed up on Luo Fengs back . With his power trembling, driving the engravings on s.h.i.+ Wu Wing, a blurry, golden light permeated . Even though the surrounding s.p.a.ce was enormous, it was larger than the inspection area of Golden Country . He inspected the entire area with one thought There are no valuables . Luo Feng shook his head . Theres only a map in the independent s.p.a.ce . Maybe Five Chaos Master took all the valuables . . He moved his feet and reached the apex of the mountain in the distance . There was a black crystal pillar at the apex providing a dim light . Luo Feng knew that this crystal pillar carried the map of the three Lands of Extremis . It was a combination of nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters . Each s.p.a.ce master would improve the map based on what they knew Even though Five Chaos left his will, it has been a long time since his true death, so he didnt leave true treasures here . . Luo Feng figured that Five Chaos Master had planned to leave most of the valuables here . But now? No way!. This map is extremely valuable . . Luo Feng walked to the black crystal pillar, defying the blowing wind . He sent out a trace of his G.o.dly power and penetrated the pillar . Three stereoscopic pictures showed up in his mind . They were Flowing Countless Mountain, Universe Boat, and Tilted Peak Sector!. Such a detailed map! Luo Feng grinned . No wonder! Its a map made by nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters . Unfortunately, dozens of s.p.a.ce masters chose to destroy the map . d.a.m.n it . Otherwise, the map would have been more detailed . . Jie Fanzi was indeed amazing . However, the map of Universe Boat left by Jie Fanzi was much more basic than the map contained in the black crystal pillar . Even though nearly 900 s.p.a.ce masters had improved the map, only one of them was a supreme master: Feng Gu Ling! This was why the map of the inner area was very thorough, yet the part of the center was blurry Ill contribute my part of the map . . Luo Feng immediately put it in, inserting the three Lands of Extremis into the pulling traces diagram . He stood at the apex of the mountain, holding the pulling traces diagram as he entered all the information on the map Huh? This… . Luo Fengs eyes gleamed . He held his breath and became excited . His hands shook involuntarily Hahaha…! Five Chaos, youre too kind . You gave me the Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor, and you gave me the black keepsake . Luo Feng grinned and grew even more excited . Ive been worried—worried about how to get the valuables left by Jie Fanzi . The valuables left by Jie Fanzi are in the green keepsake s.p.a.ce, which at the periphery of the core area of Universe Boat . Its extremely dangerous . Even now, I cant guarantee that I can survive there . However, you gave me the black keepsake . And I get a better map!. Luo Feng was ecstatic . He could now understand why the great beings in Universe Ocean valued the map so much . It detailed all the routes in the three Lands of Extremis, and it detailed all the dangers in those areas . Its importance couldnt be overestimated Before, he didnt dare to go get the valuables left by Jie Fanzi . The map perfected by the 900 s.p.a.ce masters doc.u.mented most routes in the inner area, and it was much better than the one left by Jie Fanzi The green keepsake leads to the deepest part of the inner area, and its at the periphery of the center, said Luo Feng . The deeper it gets, the more dangerous itll be . Fortunately, the new map is very comprehensive, and theres a safer route . . Even with Star Tower and the silver wing, he might have been trapped in some areas, and he couldnt ask Sitting Mountain Guest for everything . But now that he had a more detailed map, it would be much easier He indeed needed valuables, as he needed to repair the white wing, and it required extremely valuable material—even a pinnacle true treasure . Those perfect six pairs could be combined to form a terrific true treasure better than almost all other supreme true treasures Got the map . Ill now leave for the green keepsake s.p.a.ce . Luo Feng nodded . All I need is for Mosha body to sharpen his will here! There are sixteen black-striped stone pillars, and one of them is occupied by Blood Orchid Ancestor, so no great beings want to go there . Theres another stone where Bei Chi Star Master stays, and many universe masters gather there . As for me, I can certainly choose another black-striped stone pillar and practice by myself . Besides, I cant use my domain to inspect the areas around black-striped stone pillars . . Luo Feng smiled and flew behind the smoothest crag like a streak of light The 20,293rd s.p.a.ce master was Feng Gu Ling . He was a universe supreme master and left Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor and other valuables . The 20,294th s.p.a.ce master was Five Chaos Master Haha…. Luo Feng suddenly smiled, standing in front of the crag . He pointed his finger, and golden light pierced into the crag . He started to write . He infused his strong willpower into it, so that those who didnt know the common human language would also understand it I, Milky Way Horde Leader, am the 20,295th s.p.a.ce master! I killed the last s.p.a.ce master, Five Chaos Master, and took the Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor and the black keepsake . Unfortunately, I didnt give him a chance to put some true treasures here . . Luo Feng waved his fingers, and the light carved the words . Suddenly, it stopped Ill finish just half, for now, whispered Luo Feng . Ive only lived for just over ten eras . Thats nothing compared to one whole universe era . Ill continue in the future . Hahaha! The s.p.a.ce master before Five Chaos Master, Feng Gu Ling, got Crazy Demon Extermination G.o.dly Armor but never used it . Then the last s.p.a.ce master, Five Chaos, got it . Yet now, I have it . Interesting, interesting! Luo Feng put down his fingers, looked at those characters and exclaimed, I dont know how far I can go! Will I end up leaving my last will here, along with my regrets, after three universe eras?. And then he smiled . Other great beings might have been sad at this thought, but he had only practiced for just over ten eras . n.o.body could predict how much he would accomplish in the future Lets see whether Ill disappear in Universe Ocean or create a holy land universe and live forever . . Luo Feng flew off into the distance, and he reached the end of the s.p.a.ce immediately . He flew out of the independent s.p.a.ce . The towering black-striped stone pillar was right in front of him, piercing the mist Bei Chi Star Master is around the second black-striped stone pillar, and there are lots of great beings, said Luo Feng . Its quiet around pillar Number 11 . There are no great beings around . . Luo Feng flew toward pillar Number 11 . After a long time, he landed on a huge rock that was spinning around it . The rock looked like a continent, and the folds on it were like canyons and mountains Luo Feng stood in front of a canyon, and a rock appeared in his hand . It was his transformed Mosha body Luo Feng threw the rock into the canyon Mosha body cant be identified by sight, thought Luo Feng, and domain type true treasures cant find it . He can just sharpen the willpower here . n.o.body can find him . By the time my Mosha body disintegrates, my willpower will have reached the level of a universe supreme master Luo Feng was looking forward to it He flew away from the flying rock, leaving the black-striped stone pillar s.p.a.ce . From there, he flew to the deeper areas in Universe Boat

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