Swallowed Star

Chapter 1304

Published at 25th of March 2019 04:40:27 AMChapter 1304
On an individual plane surface of the virtual universe, within an elegant and quiet hall, there were four stone chairs on one side, and six stone chairs on the other .

The side with four stone chairs had Primal Chaos City Leader, Luo Feng, Darkness Master, and Peng Gong Master . While on the other side, the six representatives from Freedom Alliance were seated on the other six stone chairs . They were also the representatives from the six major factions .
"You cannot expect us, Freedom Alliance, to help you for nothing . " s.h.i.+ Hua Island Leader was the final representative from the six major factions to speak up . "You must first give us a portion of the information of the inheritance . After we have seen and confirmed that you are not messing around with us, we will promise to join your human camp and help you deal with the united forces camp . "  
"Dear all from Freedom Alliance, do not worry . " Primal Chaos City Leader nodded . "Now, I will be giving every one of you here a portion of information of the inheritance . "
"All right . "
"All right . "
From the Freedom Alliance, other than the six representatives who were seated inside the hall, over 400 universe masters waited outside . They could all hear the negotiation going on inside, and the moment they heard that they would be getting the information of the inheritance, everyone grew eager and excited .
"Now, let"s begin . " Primal Chaos City Leader laughed . "Everyone, please look and study this carefully . "
Thereafter, through the virtual universe system, a message was sent out to over 400 universe masters! It contained a large amount of information . The moment these 400-plus universe masters—who had been waiting eagerly while conversing with one another—received this message, everyone instantly quietened down to look through the information carefully . Even s.h.i.+ Hua Island Master was so filled with curiosity that he had to take a look for himself . Although he was a universe supreme master, he had achieved his breakthrough in a most aimless manner; he had no systematic experience to speak off .   
Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Leader, Darkness Master, and Peng Gong Master locked eyes with one another and nodded . They were very confident . Especially Luo Feng! Because this was information on the inheritance he had prepared meticulously . To make it much simpler, many important key points were omitted . Yet no matter what, even after the simplification—and some slight adjustments made by Luo Feng—what the universe masters would get to see would definitely shock them . Because this information on the inheritance was so subversive, it would make this group of universe masters from the Freedom Alliance yearn for the next part of the information even more . Luo Feng was not worried that they would not want to help the humans in this war .
"There is a lot of information," Luo Feng relayed via voice transmission . "Even if we are to go through the virtual universe to try to achieve the fastest rate of information transmission possible, and even if it was the speed of acceptance of a universe master, it would still take quite a while . "

"Then we just have to wait for a little while longer," Primal Chaos City Leader said with a smile . "We are inside Star Tower now . There is nothing the united forces camp can do to us… Just wait for a while . Nothing will go wrong . "
"When the Freedom Alliance joins forces with our camp, things will be so much easier for us . " Peng Gong grinned so widely that his eyes curved into smiles, too .
"Yes . " Darkness Master also nodded .
The humans were all waiting .

Time pa.s.sed .
A lofty, nine-story tower stood erected amidst the void s.p.a.ce . Surrounding it were 11 ma.s.sive palace true treasures of the united force camp and the six palace true treasures of Freedom Alliance .
A streak of light dashed across s.p.a.ce to arrive at the same place .
Suddenly, all eyes—be they of the human camp, which was earnestly waiting for the Freedom Alliance"s final reply, or the united forces camp—fell upon this streak of light . Mightily and speedily, this streak of light, which was traveling at a speed that far exceeded the speed of light, dashed into this void s.p.a.ce and quickly came to a halt . This was a bizarre true treasure that had eight legs and looked somewhat like the shape of an altar .
This bizarre true treasure was the remarkable Ancestral G.o.d Altar .
Ancestral G.o.d Altar was a treasure that the primal universe had bestowed upon the Ancestral G.o.d School . It might not have been a supreme true treasure and was, thus, nonaggressive, but in terms of its defensive ability alone, it was not inferior to any other supreme true treasure . Being a power that the primal universe was biased toward, the Ancestral G.o.d School had certainly received a wide variety of preferential treatment .
"Primal Chaos City Leader, we have arrived . "
"We have arrived . "
"Milky Way, we have arrived . "
"We are a tad slower, but upon receiving the message you transmitted, we gathered and made our way here right away . Now, we have arrived .
One after another, news was being transmitted through the virtual universe .
"Haha! Dear all from Ancestral G.o.d School, no one is late at all! The war has yet to truly begin… We are inside Star Tower now . Dear all from Ancestral G.o.d School, some of you should come into Star Tower, too . This will be better for our combined force . "

"All right . "
"No problem . Some universe masters of our Ancestral G.o.d School shall make their way into Star Tower now . "
Looking up into the void s.p.a.ce, the Ancestral G.o.d Altar could be seen flying toward Star Tower without a moment"s pause .
In an instant, the two closed up the distance between them . A side door of Star Tower opened while a side door from Ancestral G.o.d Altar did likewise . Soon, a black s.h.i.+p was seen flying out of Ancestral G.o.d Altar and into Star Tower .
Inside the tower…
"Primal Chaos City Leader, Milky Way Horde Leader, Darkness Master, Peng Gong Master, Long Yan Master…"
The handful of great beings from Ancestral G.o.d School that had joined the human camp inside Star Tower all seemed to be very pa.s.sionate . So, naturally, the humans welcomed them with a pa.s.sion that matched theirs . Both sides seemed amicable, however…
"This Ancestral G.o.d School is quite the sly one . " Peng Gong Master was smiling, but, in his heart, he was transmitting messages to Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Leader, and a few others . "They have already gained the part of the information of the inheritance that we have given out . They promised to join our side quite some time ago . Previously, we sent out the news to both the Freedom Alliance and the Ancestral G.o.d School at the same time . Over 400 universe masters of the Freedom Alliance have arrived, but the Ancestral G.o.d School only sent a couple dozen universe masters . And furthermore, they arrived much later . Obviously, they are delaying time on purpose . "
"It"s normal for them to delay time on purpose!" Luo Feng replied . "The Ancestral G.o.d School might be previously ranked as the top group of power, but regardless of whether or not it is newly established like the Freedom Alliance and the united forces camp, we from the human camp are now much stronger than them . " Luo Feng sneered in his transmitted message . "This is why they have to be a step slower! If it were our human race we were talking about, it would have collapsed upon being attacked—with no time to put up any resistance… Of course, the Ancestral G.o.d School would rather give up and not take the risk . If we are able to block off the attacks at the beginning… they will stick to the original plan and join us . "
Primal Chaos City leader transmitted his message . "This is considered quite ideal . After all, they are on our side and certainly do not wish to be trampled upon—or even to be exterminated—when they are here . Getting them to transfer a portion of their universe masters into Star Tower… The Ancestral G.o.d School has agreed right away . This goes to show that they are still somewhat sincere about helping us . "
"Agreed? Humph! "Peng Gong Master was clearly displeased . "You should take a look at who they have sent over . Nine Remoteness Master, Falling Silkworm Master, Sky Beacon Master… Yes, all of them are, indeed, impressive . However, all of these are merely avatars! Those who have come into Star Tower are all avatars . "
There were only a handful of universe masters from the Ancestral G.o.d School who had avatars; the majority of them only had their original bodies .
"Entering Star Tower, their fates are in our hands and under our control," said Primal Chaos City Leader, maintaining a cool composure . "They are expressing their sincerity in allowing a group of universe masters to come over to Star Tower . This is already quite a considerate move . You still expect them to send over the universe masters without multiple bodies? Impossible! These avatars do have G.o.dly bodies with strong G.o.dly powers, after all, and they carry true treasures with them . If there is no need, there is no way the Ancestral G.o.d School would be willing to give up all these . "  
The Freedom Alliance and the Ancestral G.o.d School arrived in succession . The Ancestral G.o.d School joined the human camp right away, while over 400 universe masters from the Freedom Alliance were still occupied with the information of the inheritance .
Time went by .
"Why are they still not making any move?"
"Are we just going to wait here like that?"
"Don"t be so anxious . " An old voice was heard from amidst the other universe supreme masters . "Previously, when the Freedom Alliance had just made its decision, we made a move right away . The Freedom Alliance would not have had time to receive the information of inheritance from the human race yet . This time around, they will want to see the information first before deciding whether or not they will join the human camp . I suppose they must be studying that information now… We must not be rash . The moment we bring forward our attacks, we will be provoking the Freedom Alliance . I"m afraid that making them angry will push them toward the human race!"
"Why? Could it be that Old Beast G.o.d still harbors hope of the Freedom Alliance joining our side?"
"Such slim hope! But if we make a move now, the Freedom Alliance will definitely help the humans . Then we are destined to fail in this war . On the contrary, if we postpone the attack… there may be a chance of a favorable turn of events . Let"s wait and see . "
Although the united forces camp was studying the situation carefully, no matter what, they came to realize that if the Freedom Alliance and the human camp really combined forces, the chances of the united forces camp winning this war were extremely slim .  
The united forces camp was waiting . The humans were also waiting .
Amidst the void s.p.a.ce, there was dead silence .   
The united forces camp had 11 palace true treasures, the Freedom Alliance had six palace true treasures, the Ancestral G.o.d School had Ancestral G.o.d Altar, and the humans had Star Tower . The number of universe master gathered in this s.p.a.ce was as many as 1,000, and the number of universe supreme masters had exceeded ten . This was as good as saying that out of all the top-tier combat powers in the primal universe, 90 percent were now gathered in this very place!
Every one of them had the power to crush and destroy a part of s.p.a.ce and time with a flick of his finger! Every one of them could easily establish a strong and powerful race! And at that very moment, all of them were gathered in the same place . This war would surely affect the distribution of power within the primal universe for a period as long as hundreds of millions of eras .
"I"m done . "
"I"ve finished it . "
"I"m done looking through it, too . "
Six palace true treasures of the Freedom Alliance stayed close to one another, which brought about an upsurge of G.o.dly power . They were transmitting voice messages to one another via this upsurge—not through the virtual universe .
A voice, which sounded a bit cold, was transmitted . "Now, all the universe masters of my Freedom Alliance have seen the information of inheritance . Everyone, tell me how you feel… This information of inheritance . How do you feel about it?"
"It"s quite all right . "
"Not too bad . "
"It can be considered as slightly informative . "
"Very normal . "
"This is the information of inheritance from the pulse of Duan Dong River on how to become a universe supreme master? So brief and simple?"
"It is too brief . "
Various opinions were voiced . Over 400 universe masters were transmitting information to one another . The strange thing was, over 400 universe masters were transmitting voices to one another via their G.o.dly powers and exchanging information with one another—but none was communicating or exchanging information with s.h.i.+ Hua Island Leader .
"Everyone, make your decision," that cold voice continued . "To choose to join the human camp, or to choose to support me . "
"Lightwalker Master, do you even need to ask? Of course, I choose to support you!"
"I choose to support you too . "
"Haha! Everyone should already know the correct choice . Lightwalker Master, the role of alliance master of the Freedom Alliance should be yours to claim . Of course, you also have to fulfill your promise . "
"Lightwalker Master… if you fulfill your promise, of course, you will have all our support . "
"We will support you . "
Various voices spoke up, yet all these universe masters were of one mind; there was no exception to their decision to support Lightwalker Master .
"Fine . Then we shall follow the second plan that we originally devised!" Lightwalker Master transmitted his decision . "We shall continue to submit requests to the humans to demand more detailed and more plentiful information on the inheritance… If they are willing to provide information that prevails over the information I provided you all with, then we can continue to join the human camp . If they provide something that is inferior to what I provided, then the human camp is not worthy of our support . "
On an individual plane surface of the virtual universe, within an elegant and quiet hall, there were four stone chairs on one side, and six stone chairs on the other . . The side with four stone chairs had Primal Chaos City Leader, Luo Feng, Darkness Master, and Peng Gong Master . While on the other side, the six representatives from Freedom Alliance were seated on the other six stone chairs . They were also the representatives from the six major factions You cannot expect us, Freedom Alliance, to help you for nothing . s.h.i.+ Hua Island Leader was the final representative from the six major factions to speak up . You must first give us a portion of the information of the inheritance . After we have seen and confirmed that you are not messing around with us, we will promise to join your human camp and help you deal with the united forces camp .   . Dear all from Freedom Alliance, do not worry . Primal Chaos City Leader nodded . Now, I will be giving every one of you here a portion of information of the inheritance . . All right . . All right . . From the Freedom Alliance, other than the six representatives who were seated inside the hall, over 400 universe masters waited outside . They could all hear the negotiation going on inside, and the moment they heard that they would be getting the information of the inheritance, everyone grew eager and excited Now, lets begin . Primal Chaos City Leader laughed . Everyone, please look and study this carefully . . Thereafter, through the virtual universe system, a message was sent out to over 400 universe masters! It contained a large amount of information . The moment these 400-plus universe masters—who had been waiting eagerly while conversing with one another—received this message, everyone instantly quietened down to look through the information carefully . Even s.h.i.+ Hua Island Master was so filled with curiosity that he had to take a look for himself . Although he was a universe supreme master, he had achieved his breakthrough in a most aimless manner; he had no systematic experience to speak off .   . Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Leader, Darkness Master, and Peng Gong Master locked eyes with one another and nodded . They were very confident . Especially Luo Feng! Because this was information on the inheritance he had prepared meticulously . To make it much simpler, many important key points were omitted . Yet no matter what, even after the simplification—and some slight adjustments made by Luo Feng—what the universe masters would get to see would definitely shock them . Because this information on the inheritance was so subversive, it would make this group of universe masters from the Freedom Alliance yearn for the next part of the information even more . Luo Feng was not worried that they would not want to help the humans in this war There is a lot of information, Luo Feng relayed via voice transmission . Even if we are to go through the virtual universe to try to achieve the fastest rate of information transmission possible, and even if it was the speed of acceptance of a universe master, it would still take quite a while . Then we just have to wait for a little while longer, Primal Chaos City Leader said with a smile . We are inside Star Tower now . There is nothing the united forces camp can do to us… Just wait for a while . Nothing will go wrong . . When the Freedom Alliance joins forces with our camp, things will be so much easier for us . Peng Gong grinned so widely that his eyes curved into smiles, too Yes . Darkness Master also nodded The humans were all waiting . . ****** . Time pa.s.sed A lofty, nine-story tower stood erected amidst the void s.p.a.ce . Surrounding it were 11 ma.s.sive palace true treasures of the united force camp and the six palace true treasures of Freedom Alliance Hu!. A streak of light dashed across s.p.a.ce to arrive at the same place Eh?. Suddenly, all eyes—be they of the human camp, which was earnestly waiting for the Freedom Alliances final reply, or the united forces camp—fell upon this streak of light . Mightily and speedily, this streak of light, which was traveling at a speed that far exceeded the speed of light, dashed into this void s.p.a.ce and quickly came to a halt . This was a bizarre true treasure that had eight legs and looked somewhat like the shape of an altar This bizarre true treasure was the remarkable Ancestral G.o.d Altar Ancestral G.o.d Altar was a treasure that the primal universe had bestowed upon the Ancestral G.o.d School . It might not have been a supreme true treasure and was, thus, nonaggressive, but in terms of its defensive ability alone, it was not inferior to any other supreme true treasure . Being a power that the primal universe was biased toward, the Ancestral G.o.d School had certainly received a wide variety of preferential treatment Primal Chaos City Leader, we have arrived . . We have arrived . . Milky Way, we have arrived . . We are a tad slower, but upon receiving the message you transmitted, we gathered and made our way here right away . Now, we have arrived One after another, news was being transmitted through the virtual universe Haha! Dear all from Ancestral G.o.d School, no one is late at all! The war has yet to truly begin… We are inside Star Tower now . Dear all from Ancestral G.o.d School, some of you should come into Star Tower, too . This will be better for our combined force . . . . All right . . No problem . Some universe masters of our Ancestral G.o.d School shall make their way into Star Tower now . . Looking up into the void s.p.a.ce, the Ancestral G.o.d Altar could be seen flying toward Star Tower without a moments pause In an instant, the two closed up the distance between them . A side door of Star Tower opened while a side door from Ancestral G.o.d Altar did likewise . Soon, a black s.h.i.+p was seen flying out of Ancestral G.o.d Altar and into Star Tower Inside the tower… . Primal Chaos City Leader, Milky Way Horde Leader, Darkness Master, Peng Gong Master, Long Yan Master… . The handful of great beings from Ancestral G.o.d School that had joined the human camp inside Star Tower all seemed to be very pa.s.sionate . So, naturally, the humans welcomed them with a pa.s.sion that matched theirs . Both sides seemed amicable, however…. This Ancestral G.o.d School is quite the sly one . Peng Gong Master was smiling, but, in his heart, he was transmitting messages to Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Leader, and a few others . They have already gained the part of the information of the inheritance that we have given out . They promised to join our side quite some time ago . Previously, we sent out the news to both the Freedom Alliance and the Ancestral G.o.d School at the same time . Over 400 universe masters of the Freedom Alliance have arrived, but the Ancestral G.o.d School only sent a couple dozen universe masters . And furthermore, they arrived much later . Obviously, they are delaying time on purpose . . Its normal for them to delay time on purpose! Luo Feng replied . The Ancestral G.o.d School might be previously ranked as the top group of power, but regardless of whether or not it is newly established like the Freedom Alliance and the united forces camp, we from the human camp are now much stronger than them . Luo Feng sneered in his transmitted message . This is why they have to be a step slower! If it were our human race we were talking about, it would have collapsed upon being attacked—with no time to put up any resistance… Of course, the Ancestral G.o.d School would rather give up and not take the risk . If we are able to block off the attacks at the beginning… they will stick to the original plan and join us . . Primal Chaos City leader transmitted his message . This is considered quite ideal . After all, they are on our side and certainly do not wish to be trampled upon—or even to be exterminated—when they are here . Getting them to transfer a portion of their universe masters into Star Tower… The Ancestral G.o.d School has agreed right away . This goes to show that they are still somewhat sincere about helping us . . Agreed? Humph! Peng Gong Master was clearly displeased . You should take a look at who they have sent over . Nine Remoteness Master, Falling Silkworm Master, Sky Beacon Master… Yes, all of them are, indeed, impressive . However, all of these are merely avatars! Those who have come into Star Tower are all avatars . . There were only a handful of universe masters from the Ancestral G.o.d School who had avatars; the majority of them only had their original bodies Entering Star Tower, their fates are in our hands and under our control, said Primal Chaos City Leader, maintaining a cool composure . They are expressing their sincerity in allowing a group of universe masters to come over to Star Tower . This is already quite a considerate move . You still expect them to send over the universe masters without multiple bodies? Impossible! These avatars do have G.o.dly bodies with strong G.o.dly powers, after all, and they carry true treasures with them . If there is no need, there is no way the Ancestral G.o.d School would be willing to give up all these .    . ******. The Freedom Alliance and the Ancestral G.o.d School arrived in succession . The Ancestral G.o.d School joined the human camp right away, while over 400 universe masters from the Freedom Alliance were still occupied with the information of the inheritance Time went by Why are they still not making any move?. Are we just going to wait here like that?. Dont be so anxious . An old voice was heard from amidst the other universe supreme masters . Previously, when the Freedom Alliance had just made its decision, we made a move right away . The Freedom Alliance would not have had time to receive the information of inheritance from the human race yet . This time around, they will want to see the information first before deciding whether or not they will join the human camp . I suppose they must be studying that information now… We must not be rash . The moment we bring forward our attacks, we will be provoking the Freedom Alliance . Im afraid that making them angry will push them toward the human race!. Why? Could it be that Old Beast G.o.d still harbors hope of the Freedom Alliance joining our side? . Such slim hope! But if we make a move now, the Freedom Alliance will definitely help the humans . Then we are destined to fail in this war . On the contrary, if we postpone the attack… there may be a chance of a favorable turn of events . Lets wait and see . . Although the united forces camp was studying the situation carefully, no matter what, they came to realize that if the Freedom Alliance and the human camp really combined forces, the chances of the united forces camp winning this war were extremely slim .   . ****** . The united forces camp was waiting . The humans were also waiting Amidst the void s.p.a.ce, there was dead silence .   . The united forces camp had 11 palace true treasures, the Freedom Alliance had six palace true treasures, the Ancestral G.o.d School had Ancestral G.o.d Altar, and the humans had Star Tower . The number of universe master gathered in this s.p.a.ce was as many as 1,000, and the number of universe supreme masters had exceeded ten . This was as good as saying that out of all the top-tier combat powers in the primal universe, 90 percent were now gathered in this very place! . Every one of them had the power to crush and destroy a part of s.p.a.ce and time with a flick of his finger! Every one of them could easily establish a strong and powerful race! And at that very moment, all of them were gathered in the same place . This war would surely affect the distribution of power within the primal universe for a period as long as hundreds of millions of eras Im done . . Ive finished it . . Im done looking through it, too . . Six palace true treasures of the Freedom Alliance stayed close to one another, which brought about an upsurge of G.o.dly power . They were transmitting voice messages to one another via this upsurge—not through the virtual universe A voice, which sounded a bit cold, was transmitted . Now, all the universe masters of my Freedom Alliance have seen the information of inheritance . Everyone, tell me how you feel… This information of inheritance . How do you feel about it? . Its quite all right . . Not too bad . . It can be considered as slightly informative . . Very normal . . This is the information of inheritance from the pulse of Duan Dong River on how to become a universe supreme master? So brief and simple?. It is too brief . . Various opinions were voiced . Over 400 universe masters were transmitting information to one another . The strange thing was, over 400 universe masters were transmitting voices to one another via their G.o.dly powers and exchanging information with one another—but none was communicating or exchanging information with s.h.i.+ Hua Island Leader Everyone, make your decision, that cold voice continued . To choose to join the human camp, or to choose to support me . . Lightwalker Master, do you even need to ask? Of course, I choose to support you!. I choose to support you too . . Haha! Everyone should already know the correct choice . Lightwalker Master, the role of alliance master of the Freedom Alliance should be yours to claim . Of course, you also have to fulfill your promise . . Lightwalker Master… if you fulfill your promise, of course, you will have all our support . . We will support you . . Various voices spoke up, yet all these universe masters were of one mind; there was no exception to their decision to support Lightwalker Master Fine . Then we shall follow the second plan that we originally devised! Lightwalker Master transmitted his decision . We shall continue to submit requests to the humans to demand more detailed and more plentiful information on the inheritance… If they are willing to provide information that prevails over the information I provided you all with, then we can continue to join the human camp . If they provide something that is inferior to what I provided, then the human camp is not worthy of our support . .

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