Swallowed Star

Chapter 60 – Cruel Elimination

Volume 10 Chapter 60 – Cruel Elimination

Death G.o.d Bolan, was the most unbelievable absolute genius of this genius battle between the 1,008 universe countries!

Even when compared to the earlier compet.i.tions from before, it had been a very long time since such a perverted existence like that had appeared.

"From the gathered data, this death G.o.d Bolan had once created over a hundred mirror images. That"s… that"s just unbelievable." Luo Feng looked at the distant white clothed youth carrying the blood red long blade on his back. He was very clear within that he wasn"t a match at all for this genius that had long been regarded as the undisputed number 1 this time.

According to the 10,000 thread levels.

The 3rd level was the 100 thread.

The 4th level was the 10,000 thread. That was already the highest level of the 10,000 thread technique. The legendary teleportation was after all just a myth.

And this Bolan"s revealed strength so far has indicated that he was obviously close to the 4th level. To be considered as such an anomaly in just the star level…looking at the previous number 1s of the ten earlier compet.i.tions, they all seemed to be stronger than Savage Rong Jun. However none had reached such a level before. Death G.o.d Bolan, he was invincible.

Even sector lords!

It was very hard to comprehend the s.p.a.ce origin laws. To be able to reach the 4th level of 10,000 threads, that only happened with 1 amongst the 10,000!

If it was 1 amongst 10,000 for even sector lords, one could imagine for a star level punk…just how scary that was. It was no wonder that even before the genius battles had yet to begin, many undying had already concluded that the number 1 undisputed winner of the compet.i.tion would be this white clothed youth.

"How did he train?"

"Just how did he train?" Luo Feng creased his eyebrows, "I rely on the Mosha clan to train, and I"ve only broken through to 1 thread, still very far from the 9 threads. After all the s.p.a.ce origin laws…that"s one of the 2 hardest laws to comprehend, next to time."

"Big brother." An elegant green haired beautiful girl with her long hair curled up, her face covered with green engravings said, "That"s death G.o.d Bolan? That"s the one teacher said…the only one we have no chance of defeating?"


Beside her was another youth with similar green hair and engravings on his face. He was nodding, while staring hard at the distant white clothed youth, "That"s him, a star level who"s reached such abnormal levels of comprehension with the s.p.a.ce origin laws! Even in the recent million years of genius compet.i.tions number 1s, there hasn"t been anyone like him before!"

"However, Qian Shui." The youth lowered his head to look at the lady beside him, "Even though we aren"t any match against death G.o.d Bolan, there"s still 2nd and 3rd place. We siblings must grab them."

"Qian Shui understands." The lady nodded.

This pair of siblings had terrifying reputations within this genius compet.i.tion. They were from the mysterious place Augustus planet.

Within the vast universe, there were a few planets that were very mysterious, or had huge reputations.

Like the Manka planet, Augustus planet, Mu Zu planet and so on.

These planets all had undisputable power that made people"s hearts tremble. They could very easily send out a group of undying’s! These planets, could completely name themselves a universe country"s core. Like the Manka planet was one of the two cores of the Barbarian universe country.

Within the center of the plaza, 100,000 geniuses couldn"t help but look at the white clothed youth, causing him to crease his eyebrows and enter a restaurant.


"That"s death G.o.d Bolan."

"I really don"t know how he trains. No matter how powerful the bloodline, he shouldn"t be that abnormal."

"I suspect he isn"t even human."

Discussions were rampant in the plaza among the gathered 100,000 geniuses in the plaza, along with the beings in restaurant number 1.

As time pa.s.sed, the leaders of the 1,008 universe countries of geniuses…the great undying’s, all arrived here at restaurant number 1. Be it in the 1st level or the 2nd level, they were all chatting casually.

"This youth called Bolan, although he is only a star level, his comprehension of the s.p.a.ce origin laws is that strong. Who knows, in a hundred eras…he might become a s.p.a.ce knight."

"s.p.a.ce knight? That"s too much."

"To become a s.p.a.ce knight, that"s still a long ways to go. Many undying’s have trained for trillions of years and still have been unable to become s.p.a.ce knights. He"s still far off."

"Hm, becoming a s.p.a.ce knight is not that easy to achieve."

"Hard, hard, hard."

"Even his physical body pa.s.sing through s.p.a.ce and teleporting is still far from it. Much less becoming a s.p.a.ce knight."

"That"s excessive flattery!"

"In our 1,008 universe countries, how long has it been since we"ve had a new knight. That youth may be an exceptional rare genius from many generations of compet.i.tions. However in terms of geniuses…if you had said he"d become like us as undying’s, I"d agree! However to become a s.p.a.ce knight, that"s simply too…"

s.p.a.ce knight, these two words had aroused the objections of a large group of the undying’s, as all of them were rejecting the idea.

"Haha, what are you discussing, it"s so noisy!"

A bright voice resounded throughout the entire restaurant number 1"s 1st and 2nd floors. Immediately all the undying"s turned to look. At the entrance, was a man dressed in a very simple green robe. He had a gently smile and his eyes contained a friendly gaze. His head was covered in purple scales.

Although his entire being was standing there, it almost seemed like he didn"t exist, almost as though he was in a different time and s.p.a.ce from the other undying"s.


All the undying’s on the 1st level immediately stood up, including that scale armored giant 13, they all bowed respectfully.

"Sir knight!" The hundred or so undying’s bowed.

"This time, for our Virtual Universe Company"s organized genius compet.i.tion, all your great universe countries have supported us. I represent the Virtual Universe Company and express our thanks." The green robed purple scaled man smiled.

"That"s what we ought to do."

The 1st and 2nd floor undying’s all resounded.

"Hm." The green robed purple scaled man smiled and nodded, "Continue your discussions, in a bit, I will gather all the youths." After which, he turned and left.

After he left.

The entire 1st floor of undying’s, including many constantly coming down from the 2nd floor, began their discussions.

"It"s actually Sir nine blades."

"I heard that Sir nine blades was recently at the Automaton territory, in one of their universe secret areas. I didn"t expect him to host this genius compet.i.tion."

"Speaking of which, about 100,000 eras before, when Sir nine blades was still at the star level, he took part in the genius battle too! Back then, he was the number one of that time during which he had shook the entire compet.i.tion. His reputation and show back then doesn"t seem any less than this youth Bolan."


"So what if one has good talent? Just the path to become an undying alone is a very b.u.mpy road, and large amounts of sector lords fall right at the final doorway. That Bolan, has to go through a lot on the b.u.mpy road to becoming undying, much less the 10,000 times or million times harder path of a s.p.a.ce knight."

The group of undying"s sighed.

These were all undying"s from the many universe countries with high amounts of power and authority, all of them were important and authoritative people directly under their country leaders. They could easily destroy a few planets or stars with a flip of their hand. However if they could become a knight of any path…that would be one with the ability to own a few starfields and create a universe country already.

A s.p.a.ce knight, with a wave of his hand could turn the flow of stars and change the s.p.a.ce altogether. A planet in front of them, was akin to a gla.s.s marble.

At evening.

Sipping drinks in one of the restaurants in the plaza, Luo Feng suddenly heard a voice invade his consciousness: "Partic.i.p.ants from the 1,008 universe countries, please gather at the center plaza." Unconsciously Luo Feng stood straight up. It wasn"t just him, all the geniuses in the restaurant stood up too.

1,008,000 geniuses, be it flying from the sky or from the skysc.r.a.pers all flew out, some even flying from the edges of the plaza all gathering in the center.

Over a million geniuses were gathered there!

At this time!

With 1,008,000 geniuses there forming a large square formation, stood in the center of the plaza. After which…they all awoke.

"What happened?" Luo Feng awoke.

"What"s going on?"

"Ah, why am I here, I was just within the house."

The entire square formation of over a million geniuses had woken suddenly, even that death G.o.d Bolan too had the same shocked expression.

At this time, above the square formation, 1,008 undying"s stood there. These undying"s naturally released their auras and pressure, with the pressure of over a 1,000 undying"s…these caused the over a million geniuses to immediately go silent, not one daring to even make a sound.

"Welcome to all partic.i.p.ants in our Virtual Universe Company"s pinnacle genius compet.i.tion." A gentle voice resounded within every ear.

Everyone turned over to look, and were completely shocked.

The originally empty s.p.a.ce in front suddenly had a green armored purple scaled man appear. He was all smiles…however standing in mid air, he seemed like an ancient G.o.d. The aura he naturally emitted made the over one million geniuses submit unconsciously.


Even though they could see him there with their eyes, all the geniuses felt as though this great being himself was almost like in a different s.p.a.ce altogether. That time and s.p.a.ce disorderly feeling made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

"1,008 universe countries, a thousand from each, a total of over a million geniuses." The green robed man stood in mid air, surveying the over a million geniuses below, his voice was gentle, "Our Virtual Universe Company is going to pick the 1,000 strongest from you all and absorb them into the core of our Virtual Universe Company."

"The million of you will contest for 1,000 slots."

"The rules are as below."

"Tomorrow, all of you will separately enter a training s.p.a.ce. Our Virtual Universe Company has prepared over a million training s.p.a.ces, one for each of you."

"There"s a total of 7 towers within the training s.p.a.ce! Every tower has 7 levels!"

"From the 1st tower you will begin your battle, after finis.h.i.+ng the 1st tower and all of its 7 levels, then you can enter the 2nd tower.  If you die at any point, you will be kicked out of the training s.p.a.ce!"

"According to your training s.p.a.ce results, we"ll calculate the points."

"The top rankers in points from rank 1- 100 will immediately be absorbed into the Virtual Universe Company"s core members, acquiring 100 slots."

"From rank 101 to rank 7300, these 7200 people will engage in arena duels and fight for the remaining 900 slots."

"As for those 7300 and behind…they"ll be eliminated!"

The green robed man"s words caused the over a million geniuses to be stunned.

There were a total of 1,008,000 people this time, meaning that just from this training s.p.a.ce, over a million were going to be eliminated!

Volume 10 Chapter 61 – Luo Feng"s Plan

That mysterious being that represented the Virtual Universe Company left straight after that simple announcement.

Even though Luo Feng and the others were still curious, they could only return to skysc.r.a.per 0825 to rest.

Daybreak of the next day.

"Everyone please get ready, we"ll begin the group teleportation soon, which will send all the partic.i.p.ants into their respective training s.p.a.ces." A clear voice resounded within the entire s.p.a.ce where the skysc.r.a.pers were. The geniuses within the 1,008 skysc.r.a.pers were up much earlier, awaiting the beginning of the elimination.

First the elimination and later the duels.

However in terms of brutality of the round, it was obvious that the training s.p.a.ce round made their hearts tremble.

"All the best."

"Work hard." Within the large hall of the skysc.r.a.per 0825, the geniuses from the Ganwu universe country wished each other, it was too brutal. This 1st wave of elimination alone eliminated over a million people. Of the 1000 geniuses in this hall, less than a count of 10 fingers worth of people may be left.

"Madman, good luck."

"Windmill, all the best."

Luo Feng and the green haired youth Windmill encouraged each other.



A formless peculiar energy descended on the s.p.a.ce, causing the 1,008,000 geniuses within to immediately be teleported. As for the undying"s still in that s.p.a.ce, along with the waiters and staff etc, they weren"t affected at all.

There was a large meteorite that was close to 100km in size, rectangular shaped, floating in mid s.p.a.ce.


Luo Feng appeared on the meteorite. As he looked around, there were distant little stars around him. And not too far from himself, ordinary planets without any life could be seen. He couldn"t help but exclaim, "The virtual universe created more than  million training s.p.a.ces, just this one alone is so realistic."

This meteorite which was floating in the universe had 7 towers!

Every tower, was high like a mountain, at least 10km tall and several km cubic meters in area. The 7 towers were spread out in different locations on this huge meteorite.

Luo Feng lowered his gaze to look at his wrist. On it was a screen, just like during the elimination back in the Ganwu universe country selection.

"Partic.i.p.ant: Luo Feng (Ganwu universe country)

Points: 0

Rank: None

Training s.p.a.ce location: Number 027 9378

There were a total of 7 towers in a training s.p.a.ce and each one of these towers had 7 levels.

The 1st training tower, every level alone had a maximum score of 10,000 points. If one completed all 7 levels, they could at most acquire 70,000 points.

The 2nd tower, every level"s maximum score was 100,000 points. Completing all 7 levels would gain one a maximum of 700,000 points.

The 4th tower, every level"s maximum score was 10 million. Completing all would give one 70 million points.

The 7th tower, every level"s maximum score was 100 trillion points. After completing all 7 levels, one would acquire 700 trillion points.

Note: The moment one dies, the training ends.

There were two ways to get past every level. One of them was to kill all the targets within that level, acquiring all the points possible and being transported immediately to the next. The second way was, instead of killing all targets, if one still survived without dying after ten days, he would be immediately transported to the next level and continue on.

When all of the partic.i.p.ants have died, the training ends. The final ranking will be determined then.

Below shows the ranking."

"Madness." Luo Feng looked at the screen, shaking his head, "When everyone dies, the training ends? What does this mean…does it mean that there is a possibility that no one can actually make it past the 7th tower!"

Obviously, the difficulty of the towers were extremely high.

The Virtual Universe Company had confidence in killing off everyone of the partic.i.p.ants!

"This is pretty similar to the elimination stage of the Ganwu universe country. However that time it was just within that one world, and it was just a part of the Ganwu universe country"s selection and ranking within that one world. And this time! It"s actually the pinnacle geniuses from the 1,008 universe countries all gathered. The strong are numerous as the clouds, and ranking below 7,300, one would immediately be eliminated." Luo Feng creased his eyebrows and pondered.


The 1st tower was meant to be easier, and it got gradually harder towards the end!

"This states that there are two ways to get past every level. One is to kill all the targets and the other is to survive for 10 days? Then he"ll be automatically transported." Luo Feng"s eyes gleamed, "Doesn"t this mean…in every level, I can stay for as long as 10 days?"

"Each training tower has 7 levels!"

"Then, just in one tower I can stay for as long as 70 days!"

Luo Feng couldn"t help but reveal an expression of excitement, "That"s great, this way the 5 towers will give me one year"s worth of time."

What did he lack the most currently? Time!

The golden horned beast just broke through to the universe level, it"s natural talents had just begun to flourish, comprehending the domain and studying the gold origin laws. And the Mosha clan body…had just been born last year October, its training till now hadn"t even reached a year. If he had one more year of time.

He would definitely be even stronger!


"This is it!" Luo Feng made the decision, "I won"t rush forward anxiously at the start. I"ll let the Mosha clan body in reality work and train hard, maximizing my growth as much as possible. The stronger I get! Then I"d definitely be able to go further in this training s.p.a.ce…till then…"


"Maybe my ranking will be extremely low at first. However there"s no rush, the more important thing is the final rank."

"I"ll shock everybody with a single brilliant move." Luo Feng laughed.


He became a beam of light and flew towards that 1st tower. That tower that was at least 10km tall with an engraving "1" on its entrance. This was the 1st tower. Luo Feng prepared his spirit weapons and armor etc, and entered.

The moment he entered.

The words on Luo Feng"s screen moved, "1st tower, 1st level: 10,000 ferocious beasts Hairy Blood Mammoths.

Killing one beast would get one point, while killing all would give 10,000 points and teleporting him straight to level 2.

If one didn"t kill them all and survives for 10 days, he"ll be transported immediately to level 2 as well.

Death will mean the end of training."

At the side of the screen, there was even a countdown timer. Obviously the moment the 10 days were up he would be transported.

"Just like what I thought." Luo Feng smiled, "Then let"s begin!"

In reality.

Solar system, mars.

A golden horned beast at least 10m long let out an excited cry. "Roar…" after which images of the golden horned beast appeared about, continuing to study the Absolute s.p.a.ce. As a being favoured by s.p.a.ce itself, the Mosha clan clone was studying a s.p.a.ce technique with total enjoyment, that feeling was wonderful.

Virtual universe, within that plaza stood the 1,008 undying"s, casually spread out.

The training s.p.a.ce elimination wasn"t broadcast publicly in the entire universe. The only thing broadcasted were the rankings. And only the final duels would be broadcasted publicly! However…the undying"s from the many universe countries had special privileges, they could watch the stream of every partic.i.p.ant.

"This Bolan, indeed he"s vicious, the moment he started, he has been ranked number 1."


"So fast, this Bolan"s score is rising at such a shocking speed. It far exceeds the number 2 ranker."

"13, your Ganwu universe country"s Rong Jun is not bad too, right now he"s ranked 12."

The 1,008 undying"s could easily watch the rank table and the situation of each partic.i.p.ant. Right now they represented each universe country. And so, naturally they"d wish for their own geniuses to be more outstanding, that way they"d gain more respect. To these eternal beings, face and respect was extremely important.

"Still ok." The scaled armor giant nodded slightly, sitting in an enormous chair, watching the screen.

"Rong Jun." He directly opened the stream of Rong Jun"s situation.

All that could be seen was the wild barefooted youth, with peculiar movement, extremely quick, wielding a battle blade and slas.h.i.+ng at the winged, three eyed hairy lion like creatures, ferocious beast Chimera.

The scale armored giant couldn"t help but reveal a smile on his face.

"Hm?" His eyebrows creased, his anger showing, "This Luo Feng…"

He actually didn"t notice that the rankings had Luo Feng"s name. From his expectations, this Luo Feng should at least be able to make it to the top 10,000, following which he opened his own name list of the Ganwu universe country and saw Luo Feng"s name… "Luo Feng (Ganwu universe country), rank: 1,006,891." This made the giant"s eyes rage, his anger revealing itself.

"What"s this idiot doing?" The scale armored giant opened Luo Feng"s stream, looking at it he creased his eyebrows, "He"s not even working hard, this punk, he"s using the training s.p.a.ce to train?"


However the golden horned beast and the Mosha clan clone were both engaged in training. Even if Luo Feng"s earth body didn"t train and just constantly absorbed the comprehension from those 2 bodies, using it in battle, he would constantly grow even more.

1st tower 1st level, 2nd level…

In each level, he stayed for a full 10 days. He waited till the last moment to go kill all the targets. Obviously amongst the over 1 million geniuses, it wasn"t just Luo Feng doing this. Many others had used the same strategy during the easier earlier levels to squeeze out more time to strengthen themselves.

Hence this resulted in Luo Feng not being the last.

However he was still almost the last, amongst the bottom 1000 or 2000.

60 days later.


Luo Feng reached the 7th level of the 1st tower.

"The 6th level before, what was in it was actually the s.p.a.ce beast Cang." Luo Feng couldn"t help but exclaim as he thought about the previous level, simultaneously he looked at the screen on his wrist.

1st tower 7th level, Bug clan Mother Nest

Killing the mother nest would give 10,000 points, immediately transporting to the 2nd tower"s 1st level.

Bug clan Mother nest in reality, even the weakest mother nest was still comparable to a sector lord, sometimes even comparable to many undying"s. This training s.p.a.ce"s mother nest was lowered in power to fit the partic.i.p.ants level.

Suggestion: Kill the mother nest as early as possible. The later it gets, the mother nest will produce more and more bug clans, and stronger ones at that!"


The 7th level s.p.a.ce immediately transformed into a vast desert. Within the center of the desert there was a patch of green and there lay a huge round ball, with a diameter of about 60m. The round ball had dents in it, simultaneously emitting…some poison. Even its body itself was covered in poisonous liquid.

"Bug clan mother nest?" Luo Feng stared, "Earth, earth… Shenlong Jia…"

Luo Feng thought of the three great dangers of earth. In Shenlong Jia there was a terrifying mysterious ball there, even Babata had forbidden him from touching that thing.

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