Swallowed Star

Chapter 14 – True Yan Emperor

Volume 11 Chapter 14 – True Yan Emperor

The Heavenly bridge extended way beyond the horizon, with a white mist engulfing it, and the ocean below choppy with waves.

The moment Luo Feng entered the 9 universe bridge, within his mind Babata"s voice resounded, "Luo Feng, we just received a mail, it"s from the Virtual Universe Company."

"What does it say?" Luo Feng asked.

"It"s the points reward system." Babata said.


Luo Feng stood on the bridge, excited within. There were many incredibly valuable items within the Virtual Universe Company, like the level 5 spirit weapons and sorts were only worth about 10 points, even the life fruits one could exchange for. This level of wealthy exchange was enough to make others speechless. However, one had to have sufficient points to exchange for them. Even with a crazy amount of wealth, within the Virtual Universe Company, they only recognized the point system.

"Point system exchange, there are many ways to gain more points."

"Right now in Primal chaos city, you have one way to gain more points, that"s to pa.s.s the Heavenly bridge." Babata said, "There"s a total of 27 levels in the 9 universe bridge!"

"Pa.s.sing the 1st level, you"ll get 100 points."

"Pa.s.sing the 2nd, you"ll get 200."

"Pa.s.sing the 3rd, you"ll get 400 points."

"They compound as you go further, 800, 1600, 3200&h.e.l.lip;"

Luo Feng calculated quickly, if one were to pa.s.s over 10 levels, 20 levels, the points would be absurd.

However, simply pa.s.sing the 21st level, one would be able to become a universe country leader. This showed how hard obtaining the points truly was.

"Luo Feng, the mail even says that since you are a new person to primal chaos city, to the youth geniuses, the Virtual Universe Company has a special reward system. As long as one pa.s.ses the levels in their first 30 years of their initial stay, they will get 10 fold of their rewards, meaning&h.e.l.lip;"

"In these 30 years, if you pa.s.s the 1st level, your reward is 1,000 points, the 2nd level being 2,000&h.e.l.lip;and so on and so forth! This 10 times reward is only for 1st timers and new people to primal chaos city. In the future when you re-enter the city, there"ll be no such good thing."

Luo Feng nodded.

Originally the 1st couple of levels were 100 points and 200&h.e.l.lip;

Right now they were 1,000 and 2,000 instead.

This was a special reward for the youths, however as they were youths, many had simply just begun comprehension of the origin laws. As the watchman Bevin had said earlier, of the 1,000 geniuses that entered in this batch, close to 900 had tried and other than Bolan, no one had even pa.s.sed the 1st level!

Wis.h.i.+ng to get points?


"I"ll give it a shot." Luo Feng looked a the Heavenly bridge that extended forever. He finally squinted his eyes and became a beam of light flying forward.

Primal chaos city.

Luo Feng and that 12 were considered the later ones to go through the test. Others like Bolan and Jia Lai Xi, Ai Chen etc, many had already tested earlier on, and they swiftly understood more about primal chaos city already.

"If one wants to become an eternal member of primal chaos city, there should be several methods. However the most impressive would be pa.s.sing the 18th level on the Heavenly bridge! Anyone who pa.s.ses the 18th level on the bridge, that would be an invincible being even amongst the undying, and they"d earn the right to open their own sub sect within primal chaos city!" Jiang Mo exclaimed.

"52 sects, there are indeed many sub sects." Qian Shui nodded.

"To be able to open a sub sect is very impressive." Jiang Mo said, "Within their own sect, they have extremely high achievements. However to be able to enter these sub sects to listen to the strong warriors give lessons, one still has to at least pa.s.s the 3rd level."

These were the sacred training grounds of the entire humanity. There were 52 great sects, and within each there were many strong warriors with their sub sects. And to be able to gain the recognition of the city leader, to have the right to create one"s own sub sect and be a leader, one has to at least pa.s.s the 18th level!

These sub sect leaders purely gave lessons.

The disciples would go listen.

One had to pa.s.s the 3rd level to gain the right to go listen to the cla.s.ses. If one couldn"t even pa.s.s the 3rd level, he didn"t have the right to go listen at all.

"52 primal chaos tablets, with different levels of profoundness." Jiang Mo exclaimed, "Of the 52 bridges, some only have 21 levels, some have 24 and some have 27, while the highest being 32! These 52 primal chaos tablets, of which only the Huge Axe tablet heavenly bridge has 32 levels."

The levels of the bridge was a definite reflection of the profoundness of the primal chaos tablet.

That was because for all the bridges, pa.s.sing level 21 would mean that person could become a universe country leader.

"Being more profound doesn"t mean it"s better." Qian Shui shook her head, "To produce a universe country leader is extremely difficult. Even though these 52 tablets have different levels of profoundness, however out of trillions of geniuses hardly anyone ever reaches level 21. If one can"t even pa.s.s level 21, than the Huge Axe tablet"s later levels, what point is there?"

"Right." Jiang Mo nodded.

Within the 52 primal chaos tablets, the 9 universe tablet was considered one of the more profound tablets, ranking in the top 5.

Of course, before becoming a universe country leader, discussing which tablet was more profound had no meaning at all. Just like the 9 universe"s 9 pictures, especially the last 3 pictures, Luo Feng couldn"t feel  anything from them whatsoever. They were simply absurd, he couldn"t even feel a trace of their origin laws.

Primal chaos city, within a certain 9 level paG.o.da.

Primal chaos city was made up of most identical buildings and training quarters, however several special constructs&h.e.l.lip;represented special areas and status.

On the 7th level of the 9 level paG.o.da.

A lady dressed in a black cotton dress was sitting crossed legged. The bottom half of her body was a huge snake tail, the snake tail coiled around and allowed her to sit crossed legged. Her expression was unclear and hard to discern, only her eyes were bright and resplendent, almost like the stars, like an entire galaxy was within, extremely enticing.

"You"ve come." A hoa.r.s.e voice resounded from the snake tailed lady.


A tall and st.u.r.dy man, dressed in golden armor, with golden fur on his face, a strong looking ape man appeared within the paG.o.da, laughing loudly, "Wu Ni, you are also another sub sect leader within the 9 universe sect. No matter what you should open your doors and teach some lessons, give some pointers to the later generations."

The snake tailed lady said hoa.r.s.ely, "True Yan Emperor, right now within the 9 universe sect, amongst the many sub sect leaders, you are the strongest. With you teaching the cla.s.ses, I have no need to do it at all."

"Haha&h.e.l.lip;"The strong ape man laughed loudly, "We"ve both trained for a trillion years, burying our heads and simply training is already useless. Occasional inspiration may have some effect. From what I see, don"t keep locking yourself within this 9 universe paG.o.da, when we first built the 9 universe tower,  we said we were going to comprehend all 9 pictures. That tall and mighty black mist emperor, how has she become so low profile?"

Amongst the undying, they had different statuses.

Normal undyings could become generals and lead an army.

The strong however are named emperors, like True Yan emperor or Black mist emperor, they were considered absolute beings amongst the undying, opening their own sub sects and teaching the later generations.

9 universe paG.o.da, its reputation within the city itself was huge, because back then when the black mist emperor built the 9 universe tower she said she would enter whichever level with regards to which picture she was studying. Obviously right now she had begun studying the 9 universe tablet"s 7th picture, hence she stayed within the 7th level of the paG.o.da.

"Let"s go, from my Virtual Universe Company"s newest batch of geniuses, there are 12 that chose the 9 universe tablet, let"s see if there are any good seedlings. No matter what, I am still the Virtual Universe Company"s True Yan emperor!" The ape man laughed.

"You are from the Virtual Universe Company, I"m from the Huge Axe dojo, why should I go with you." The snake tailed lady muttered.

"You really aren"t giving me any face?" The ape man stared.

Even though these two had different levels of power, their relations.h.i.+p went deep. Both of them had opened their own subsect in primal chaos city, they both studied the 9 universe tablet together back then, discussing their own comprehension of the origin laws, and this had been going on for 18 eras, while becoming one of the legends within primal chaos city.

Their many discussions had led to the two breaking through the levels time and again.

"Let"s go." The snake tailed lady shot a glance at the ape man.

"Haha." The ape man laughed.

Virtual universe, Heavenly bridge.

Two people appeared in mid air above the island, the ape man and the snake tailed lady. The  willpower and energy pressure that naturally seeped out from the both of them alone made others feel as though they were facing an entire endless s.p.a.ce before them.

"True Yan Emperor, Black mist emperor." The watchman Bevin was extremely respectful.

"How are the results of the test in the 9 universe sect?" The ape man looked at the watchman, the watchman Bevin replied respectfully, "There"s a total of 12 for the 9 universe tablet this time, of which 11 have already ended their trial. Right now the last one is going on, and is probably the one with the most hope of these 12, he"s called Luo Feng."

"The one with the most hope?" The apeman"s golden fur ruffled a little.

"Hm, the 11 before have all failed, none have been able to pa.s.s the 1st level." The watchman Bevin said.

"Failure is not the matter." The apeman smiled, "Some are defeated immediately, some struggle for awhile before losing, and some almost won. This also represents their differences in strength. Send me the footage of the previous 11, in awhile, also send me the footage of Luo Feng"s battle."

"Yes." The watchman Bevin immediately picked out the 11 videos.

As the watchman, Bevin usually had many matters to attend to, things like the footage of the people attempting the heavenly bridge and others.

Hu! Hu! Hu!

11 scenes appeared before the ape man True Yan emperor, he watched with interest as the battles simultaneously played.

"Hm." True Yan Emperor rubbed his chin and stroked his golden beard, his mouth twitching.

At the time, Luo Feng had reached the end of the 1st level of the 9 universe bridge.

"Choose your opponent, you can choose a fighter, spirit reader controller, spirit reader hypnotist, pick anyone, if you win against your opponent, you"ll pa.s.s the 1st level." Ahead of Luo Feng was a huge cloud mist, from it the voice boomed.

According to the information Luo Feng had acquired.

He had to defeat his opponent before the mist would dissipate and he would be able to enter the 2nd level.

"I choose&h.e.l.lip;controller!" Luo Feng exclaimed.


From the mist flew out a black liquid. This black liquid began to condense and gather in mid air, forming a mysterious human silhouette with a black mask. This mysterious man stood on a dark cloud shuttle, carrying a dark golden long rod the Nan Shen Armament, behind the black mask his cold eyes stared at Luo Feng, and he shouted, "Let the battle begin!"

Volume 11 Chapter 15 – The 1st Level

"Defeat him, and you"ll be able to proceed to the 2nd level." That cloud mist resounded.

"How is he so similar to me, using the dark cloud shuttle and the Nan Shen Armament?" Luo Feng squinted. With a thought, 6 square shaped Absolute Void s.h.i.+elds along with the blood shadow blade"s Golden shadow blade, simultaneously a dark golden long rod behind him immediately shot out a total of 54 beams of light.

Every 9 beams swiftly combined and formed very real golden blades that were 1/3 of a meter long!

The Nan Shen Armament 2nd level&h.e.l.lip;Sky piercing formation. The main form was to create one true blade, however Luo Feng immediately produced 6 of them. One of the reasons was because he had broken through from the star level 9 to the universe level 1, and more importantly, over his 3 years travel through the universe, his strength had increased shockingly.

"Kill!" The mysterious man roared, the dark cloud shuttle rushed over and he swiftly formed 3 real golden blades behind him too.

The two of them were both controllers!

Both rushed towards each other swiftly, one controlling 6 golden blades while the other 3.

"Over these 3 years, I haven"t relaxed at all. Compared to the genius battle, I"m much stronger than before! I will let you test my powers!" Luo Feng"s eyes gleamed with endless fighting spirit. 6 golden blades immediately seemed extremely well organized, working about each other and immediately piercing forward!

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

In mid air, the 6 blades engaged in a frenzied battle against the mysterious person"s 3 blades.

"What"s going on?" Luo Feng was shocked within.

Before coming to primal chaos city, he was already able to unleash 6 blades&h.e.l.lip;controlling these 6 blades had become comfortable and best for himself as he was used to it. Even after studying the primal chaos tablet for 7 days, with huge improvements, he still chose to use only 6 blades as this was his most optimum attack formation.

"He actually blocked it, I don"t believe this!" Luo Feng"s eyes were cold.

6 golden blades, almost like 6 excellent soldiers working together, attacking and pulling back together, very perfect, attacking time and again&h.e.l.lip;trying time and again to break through the 3 golden blades to kill the enemy.


Fail! Fail! Fail!

Failure over and over. That mysterious person"s 3 blades were controlled in a very special way, almost as though the 3 weren"t separate at all, but was one perfect body! The 3 blades gave off a feeling&h.e.l.lip;of endless waves rus.h.i.+ng towards the enemy! Like an enormous mountain that reached the skies, immovable!

"How is this possible?" Luo Feng was shocked within, "I"m using 6 blades, he only has 3, how can I not have any advantage?"


He tried time and again with different methods to control the 6 blades with perfect precision, however the opponent stayed floating in mid air, easily blocking with the 3 blades.

"Stupid, you don"t even know something so simple." The mysterious man"s eyes through the black mask had a sense of ridicule, "And you think you can pa.s.s the 1st level, go and die!"


The 3 blades the masked man was controlling suddenly changed formation. They suddenly drew closer to each other, giving off a 3 become 1 feeling, like a huge blade that was insatiable and powerful. Luo Feng was shocked within as he controlled his 6 blades to block it, "Rumble&h.e.l.lip;" With a huge clash, his 6 blades were completely knocked away.

"How&h.e.l.lip;" In the distant air, Luo feng was taken aback.

"Haha, stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" The mysterious man roared.

Against the 3 rainbows that pierced over, Luo Feng roared fiercely, "Rise!"

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

3 more golden blades rose from behind Luo Feng, the 6 that were knocked away rose back up too. Luo Feng"s body glowed in a glaring golden light, it rippled throughout in all directions, and later swiftly condensed itself around the 9 blades, the 9 blades seemed to form a large formation!

With golden threads weaving in and through, the golden energy flowed throughout with the blades within, with Luo Feng as the center of a 300m round s.p.a.ce, immediately a glaring golden energy world was formed, with countless amounts of energy flowing within that ball of s.p.a.ce.

It may have seemed slow.

In truth, the moment the 9 blades rose, they swiftly formed the ball of s.p.a.ce.

Nan Shen Armament"s 3rd level, Heavenly blade formation!

Also known as the blade domain!

There were a total of 9 levels in the Nan Shen Armament, of which the 2nd level the sky piercing formation was the fusion of 9 golden illusionary blades to form one true blade. The 3rd level however required simultaneously producing 9 true blades, that"s equivalent to 81 golden little blades forming them in total. It was extremely difficult, hundreds of times more so than the 2nd level!

Luo Feng was able to successfully unleash this.

With his huge improvement over the past 3 years, and his spirit energy reaching universe level 1.

Chi chi chi&h.e.l.lip;

The 3 beams of golden rainbows, seemed to get lost within that round s.p.a.ce, weakened by the countless blade energy, their speeds slowing by quite abit.

"I admit you are very strong, however against absolute strength, you will still lose!" Luo Feng stood on the dark cloud shuttle and rushed swiftly towards the distant mysterious man.

Sword domain, with Luo Feng as the center.

Luo Feng rushed, the entire domain swiftly followed him.

"Break! The mysterious man swiftly dodged and let out a roar!


The 3 blades he controlled immediately closed in together. Countless golden threads weaved through, surrounding these blades and forming a golden huge blade. The dreamy golden huge blade swiftly knocked away the countless blade energy obstructing it and with its dreamy rainbow light, pierced towards Luo Feng.

"What move is this?" Luo Feng was shocked, he trained with the Nan Shen Armament, studied it, yet he didn"t know this move.

"Heavenly blade!"

Luo Feng roared.


The 9 blades that formed the sword domain immediately became one body and with his spirit reading control, immediately 1 of the blades was like a hunting leopard, bringing with it the power of the sword domain and immediately pierced towards that golden huge blade. The entire domain with the countless blade energy seemed to have received orders to empower the blade, following it from behind,

A golden blade empowered with the sword domain!

A huge golden blade formed by the 3 blades!

They clashed!


The golden blade immediately got knocked back, that golden huge blade was like a large s.h.i.+p smas.h.i.+ng its way forward, immediately knocking away his blade and reaching before him.

Without anytime to dodge, Luo Feng wielded his blade to form a s.h.i.+eld.


Luo Feng used his s.h.i.+eld trying to deflect some of the force away, yet he only felt as though a majestic mountain had crashed into him, causing his entire body to tremor with fresh blood spewing out of his mouth, "No wonder even the Heavenly blade couldn"t stop it, this power is too unbelievable." Following which his consciousness was lost.

When he awoke, he had returned to the virtual universe"s Yu Xiang Mountain, within the Absolute beginning region, his own villa.

"Your majesty." The waiters and guards bowed.

"hm." Luo Feng nodded.

"Your majesty went to try the heavenly bridge, how did it go?" The villa head, also the leader of the guards, Sector lord Ao Duo Li Ke asked.

"Failure." Luo Feng shook his head.

"The heavenly bridge is very hard to pa.s.s, failure during the 1st time is very normal, your majesty needn"t fret too much about it." Ao Duo Li Ke said.

Luo Feng seemed very calm on the surface, he returned to his study.

Within the study.

"I lost." Luo Feng creased his eyebrows, "Our batch of 1,000, about 900 have been tested, except for Bolan pa.s.sing the  two levels, no one else has made it. Failure&h.e.l.lip;I"m no exception, however the 1st opponent I met, similarly uses the Nan Shen Armament, using only 3 golden blades, he actually broke my Heavenly blade formation."


"Luo Feng, I"ve always said the foundation is very important. You are able to unleash 9 golden blades to form the heavenly blade formation, he only used 3 blades yet he can win. This is the importance of foundation." On his shoulder, the fist sized Babata shouted.

"It"s not the same, he uses the Nan Shen Armament in a totally different way." Luo Feng recalled the battle before, "Be it controlling 6 blades, or 9&h.e.l.lip;no matter, they seemed to be single units, like 6 or 9 soldiers working together. The way he controlled it however, he was actually able to amplify their powers, like 1 true body. Especially that last move&h.e.l.lip;the 3 blades fused together to form one huge golden blade!"

Nan Shen Armament 3rd level Heavenly blade formation.

The Nan Shen Armament"s 4th level Great work with little labor.

This 4th level, in truth was a great formation of the huge blade becoming one body, with absolute power to crush the enemy!

"I feel that his move was similar to the 4th level." Luo feng creased his eyebrows, "However it"s still different from the 4th level, the 4th level is much more complex and stronger than his, and he was merely fusing 3 blades, however their fusion power was absurd."

"This is the trial of the 9 universe tablet&h.e.l.lip;"

The 1st picture of the 9 universe tablet flashed across Luo Feng"s mind&h.e.l.lip;The rain drop picture, there were a total of 9 drops. After 7 days of study, he didn"t have a lot of comprehension from it. At this time he recalled the battle scene, thinking of the raindrop picture, he seemed to recall a part of the picture of which 3 drops seemed to fuse together.

"Don"t tell me&h.e.l.lip;"

Luo Feng"s eyes glowed brighter.

The 7 days of study in his mind, began to fuse with his 3 years of study and experience of the Nan Shen Armament, the ideas clashed and ignited a huge spark of inspiration within, ideas and thoughts began to form continuously.



"I understand, I understand!" Luo Feng couldn"t help but shout out.

"I shouldn"t blindly follow the blueprints!" Luo Feng couldn"t help but laugh out loud, "The Nan Shen armament was built as a weapon by a strong warrior. Blindly following its most basic ways of usage is too rigid, and too stupid. No wonder he called me stupid, it was indeed very stupid! The raindrop picture, that"s the true way to unleash the strongest power from the Nan Shen Armament!"

9 universe primal chaos tablet!

It held within it the true pathway. Even the usage of any weapon, among everything else can be comprehended through this huge pathway, eventually finding the most correct path. Even though he failed this time, however the benefit and thoughts that stirred from it was even better than success!

"Let"s begin."

Luo Feng couldn"t wait any longer.

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