Swallowed Star

Chapter 22 – Compet.i.tion

Volume 11 Chapter 22 – Compet.i.tion

After a while.

"Hm?" The watchman Bevin revealed a shocked expression. "He pa.s.sed, he successfully pa.s.sed? It"s only been that long in primal chaos city and he actually pa.s.sed the 3rd level?"

Even though it was said that the initial improvements were easy,  it would get harder and more profound later. Bolan was simply sick.

Of the other geniuses from that batch, Rong Jun had pa.s.sed the 1st level. The rest had all failed, yet Bolan actually pa.s.sed the 3rd level!

Within the warriors training in Primal Chaos city which formed the 52 sects, most of them had chosen the path of the Huge Axe, because many with backgrounds knew that this particular tablet was from the founder of the Huge Axe dojo. And amongst the 52 tablets, the Huge axe heavenly bridge had the highest number of levels!

The Huge Axe sect has the most people.

The universe sect had the least.

Universe, universe, why universe?

From the ancient times, the universe represented both s.p.a.ce and time.

This sect was termed the universe sect mainly because it trained in both of the two biggest laws, s.p.a.ce and time. As the two laws were the hardest to comprehend, being able to comprehend one was already incredibly difficult, much less both. However when one actually comprehended both, his power would be terrifying.

"He pa.s.sed the 3rd level?"

"Pa.s.sing the 3rd level, doesn"t that mean he can go listen to cla.s.ses already?"

"I heard the number 1 from the latest genius battle, who has been in primal chaos city for less than a year had actually pa.s.sed the 3rd level, its unbelievable. Normally, from the 1,000 geniuses from each genius battle, after training hard for 30 years in primal chaos city, only few manage to actually pa.s.s the 3rd level in the end. This Bolan&h.e.l.lip;he"s far ahead of the others."

Pa.s.sing the 3rd level was a breakthrough!

The moment one pa.s.ses the 3rd level, it meant he had already grasped the tablet"s basics. Only at this time did he have the right to go listen to the sect leaders speak, like True Yan Emperor, or Black Mist emperor, they all taught cla.s.ses.

Pa.s.sing the 18th level, one could become an eternal member of primal chaos city. These people were eventually able to open one"s own sub sect and teach cla.s.ses.

Virtual universe, Yu Xian Mountain primal region training grounds.

Wearing a bull helmet and carrying a huge axe, the strong looking warrior Long Yun looked at the screen on his arm and was completely shocked. "3rd level, Bolan actually pa.s.sed the 3rd level?"

"How did he improve so quickly?"

"Why?" Long Yun couldn"t help but grip his axe tightly. Crackling sounds could be heard as he grit his teeth and struggled, "How come I can"t even pa.s.s the 1st level, why is the difference between me and Bolan so large?"

Long Yun, was similar to Bolan in the fact that they both entered the primal region from this genius compet.i.tion.

Not long after entering primal chaos city, Bolan and Rong Jun took the spotlight, making Long Yun incredibly unhappy. It was because he was a member of the primal region! He was the number 2 of the compet.i.tion! However now even the absolute beginning region Rong Jun had pa.s.sed the 1st level, and yet, he hadn"t. Hence, he had been working very hard.

A few days ago he had tried again.

However, he still failed!

Who would have thought that now Bolan actually even pa.s.sed the 3rd level.

"Is the difference between us really that huge?" Long Yun knelt down painfully, grabbing the floor.

"What, Bolan pa.s.sed the 3rd level?"

This news almost simultaneously reached Rong Jun, Luo Feng, Jiang Mo, Wuka and others. As they were spending large amounts of time within the city and outside hunting, they would b.u.mp into each other and get to know each other. When one acquired such news, he would immediately send it to inform the others.

"This Bolan has pa.s.sed the 3rd level, I don"t believe that I can’t even pa.s.s the 1st." Wuka waved his fist and his consciousness entered the virtual universe network.

"3rd level?" Jia Lai Xi also entered the virtual universe network.

"The difference can’t be that big." Jiang Mo and Qian Shui, the siblings both entered to try the heavenly bridge.

"I was originally preparing to wait till my four blades became one. I wanted to try with full guarantee, who would have thought Bolan would improve this quickly. Then I"ll go try now." Luo Feng was affected by Bolan too. Gritting his teeth, he went to the heavenly bridge as well to try.

A group of geniuses all training in Primal Chaos city, naturally they were all secretly compet.i.tive.

When they first arrived and Bolan pa.s.sed both the 1st and 2nd levels, everybody accepted it, after all he was indeed very strong.

However now after 8 months, Bolan actually pa.s.sed the 3rd level. One had to know 8 months earlier&h.e.l.lip;he couldn"t pa.s.s the 3rd level, meaning his improvement over these 8 months was huge.


Each level on the heavenly bridge got increasingly difficult. Bolan"s improvement had sparked the pride within the other geniuses. From the remaining surviving 913 geniuses, about a 100 of them all chose to give it a shot after receiving the news.

Virtual universe, heavenly bridge.

That beautiful island was enshrouded by mist, the watchman Bevin still dressed in his black star robe. At this time youth after youth appeared on the island.

"So many people." When Luo Feng appeared on the island, with a glance he spotted the Manka prince along with other Heaven and Ground region, Last phase region geniuses.

"9 universe bridge, Luo Feng." Watchman Bevin smiled, "Go on, there"s currently no one."

Luo Feng couldn"t help but smile.

"All the best Luo feng." Wuka waved his fist and shouted.

"You too." Luo Feng smiled.

"Let me inform you all, Jia Lai Xi from the same batch as you guys has just pa.s.sed the 1st level." Watchman Bevin shouted, "After Bolan and Rong Jun, he"s the 3rd to have completed the 1st level."

Luo Feng who was just getting ready to fly towards the 1st level was stunned.

The surrounding group of youths were all stunned too.

Jia Lai Xi?

Hypnotist Jia Lai Xi?

Back then during the genius battle, his reputation was extremely high. Many had even regarded him as being able to make it to number 2.  He was however defeated by madman Luo Feng, and was not able to enter the top 10. Hence he was dropped to the heaven and ground region. Even though he was in that region, strength was after all still strength!

This time, he had pa.s.sed the 1st level.

"Jia Lai Xi actually pa.s.sed the 1st level?" The group of youths couldn"t accept it.

"Jia Lai Xi?" Luo Feng snorted, becoming a beam of light and flying into the distant 9 universe bridge.

Primal chaos city was extremely vast, on a particular training balcony.

Long Yun was almost like a wild bull, standing on the balcony, staring into the distant sky and muttering, "Jia Lai Xi pa.s.sed the 1st level, and he"s only a Heaven and ground region member. I"m from the primal region! However he managed to pa.s.s the 1st level and i’m still stuck&h.e.l.lip;"Disarray, his mind and heart was in a complete mess.

This made Long Yun completely unable to train.

Pain! Rage! He couldn"t accept it! All sorts of emotions were eating away within.

"Calm down."

"I need to stay calm."

Ling Yun"s gaze slowly focused. He said softly, "I cannot let my primal region member status become my prison! I need to forget my status and work hard to improve step by step. Yes, just like before&h.e.l.lip;" Long Yun was originally a very low profile and steady person. But once his position rose swiftly due to becoming a powerful and high ranked primal region member, and the fact that even the head of his guards was an undying, even undyings called him his majesty, causing him to change.

"No matter, there"s only three that have pa.s.sed the 1st level currently, I"m not that far behind!"

"Bolan, Rong Jun, Jia Lai Xi!" Long Yun"s gaze was filled with battle spirit.

"Hm?" Long Yun frowned.

When his consciousness entered the virtual universe network, he received the latest mail.

"Luo Feng had just pa.s.sed the 1st level!" The mail only had this one line, it was sent from Lancelot.

"Luo Feng?" Long yun stared wide eyed. In his mind the images of the mad black haired youth from before flashed. He was very clearly within the top 5 back then, his battle with madman&h.e.l.lip;accurately speaking, madman didn"t lose by his hands, but rather by the shrinking battle s.p.a.ce.

"I definitely have to pa.s.s the 1st level, definitely!" Long Yun"s mind didn"t have any other thoughts, just one, hard work!

"Jia Lai Xi, Luo feng, they"ve all pa.s.sed the 1st level?" Within Heaven and ground region in Yu Xiang mountain, within a villa, Gu Si Luo violently squeezed the wine gla.s.s in his hands. Red wine flowed down from the smashed gla.s.s, landing on the floor.

Gu Si Luo was a perfect genius.

During the training s.p.a.ce round he was ranked overall number 2. And during the top 10 battle, he matched against Rong Jun. Their battle was the longest one of the lot, finally he lost and he could only helplessly enter the Heaven and ground region. However even though he was in this region, his strength was still recognized.

Gu Si Luo, Jia Lai Xi, they were all regarded as tragic geniuses in that compet.i.tion, one losing to Rong Jun and the other to Luo Feng.

Both ended up in the Heaven and ground region.

"Jia Lai Xi, Luo Feng, they"ve all pa.s.sed, why have I still failed?" Gu Si Luo gripped the broken shards, firmly gripping, the shards became powder and flowed down.

The geniuses were all proud. Just a genius compet.i.tion wasn"t enough to make everyone submit. Even if they failed before&h.e.l.lip;it didn"t mean that they would remain weak.

30 years in primal chaos city, this was the true period of laying their foundations.

They would all risk it all in these 30 years, wanting to best the other geniuses.

Virtual universe, absolute beginning villa 1,136, in the 3rd level of the building.

In the study.

"The 1st level, I pa.s.sed it easily this time." Luo Feng swiftly opened his laptop, his mood happy. The earlier battle in the 1st level wasn"t as bad as he thought it would be. That similar opponent on the dark cloud shuttle, using the Nan Shen Armament, didn"t unleash the heavenly blade formation.

He only relied on the 3 powerful golden blades to battle.

In truth.

Even though Luo Feng could control the 3 blades into one, they still weren"t as perfect as the opponent"s flexibility! Luckily he had the power of the blade domain&h.e.l.lip;its power was boosted greatly, allowing him to kill his opponent immediately.

As for the 2nd level, he gave it a shot but was defeated in one blow.

"Treasure trove." Luo Feng opened the treasure trove mail and chose techniques.

"Too troublesome." Luo Feng had no patience to browse slowly, immediately entering the words floating blood.


On the laptop screen the Floating blood manual"s introduction appeared.

Floating Blood technique, exchangeable for 800 points (Primal region 70%, Absolute beginning 80%, Heaven and ground 905 and Last Phase full price)

"Very well." Luo Feng smiled, "I"ll buy it!"

Volume 11 Chapter 23 – A Blade of Floating Blood

Luo Feng pressed the b.u.t.ton lightly to exchange for the floating blood manual.

"Exchange successful!"

With the discount, you"ve spent 640 points, with 360 remaining."

"Please wait, someone will deliver the manual immediately.

A few mandarin words appeared on the screen.

Unlike buying weapons, or life fruit etc, items which need to be transferred in reality&h.e.l.lip;buying a manual, could be obtained immediately within the virtual universe! The manuals were after all simply knowledge being transferred, and the virtual universe had a 100% simulation. Hence, it was the most effective and safest way of transfer.

In reality, one even had to prove one"s ident.i.ty.

In the virtual universe however, the entire virtual universe was under surveillance and had great security. These manuals were sold by the virtual universe system itself! Naturally it was incredibly safe.

"There"s a call request." Babata shouted.

"Receive it."

Luo Feng"s thoughts moved and a screen appeared before him. On it was a beautiful jade, it was the manager of the absolute beginning region sector lord Lady Fox. Lady fox smiled and said, "Your majesty Luo Feng, we"ve just received your manual container, we require you to come down and accept it."

"Alright, I"m coming." Luo Feng smiled.

It was indeed fast!

Exchanging goods in reality, just the universe travel time alone would require a long time.


Luo Feng flew out of his villa, becoming a beam of light on his dark cloud shuttle and swiftly reaching the structure in which the entrance was located, in the blink of an eye. Luo feng could see beside the entrance, sector lord Lady Fox was looking up and awaiting his arrival.

Luo feng surveyed below.

"Your majesty Luo Feng." Lady fox smiled and welcomed him.

"Lady Fox, where"s the item?" Luo Feng looked around.

"Please wait a moment." Lady Fox looked at the construct beside, a waitress carrying a silver briefcase ran over and transferred it to Lady Fox.

"Your majesty Luo Feng, these are the manuals our absolute beginning region just received. It’s what you purchased." Lady Fox pa.s.sed it over.

"Thanks." Luo Feng received it with antic.i.p.ation.


The manuals were very important, he had really experienced it this time. Before, he had the Yun Mo Planet inheritance, along with the golden horned beast inheritance, he had never worried about techniques. However studying the 9 universe tablet, whether it was the Yun Mo Planet of the golden horned beast memories, both of them couldn"t help at all.

It was a waste that he had spent all his points initially. So much so that he had only studied just a bit of the 1st blade technique over these 8 months.

"The points are extremely valuable. Wanting to earn more is incredibly difficult. The initial points given to me&h.e.l.lip;are to allow me to lay down my foundation. Babata, you made me buy the techniques earlier on, that was really stupid." While in mid air flying back towards his villa, Luo Feng said unhappily to Babata on his shoulder.

"You can"t blame me!" Babata"s little face looked innocent, "How would I know what the primal chaos city is like. I only know one thing, that the earlier you spend your points on techniques, the earlier you can raise your strength."

"Stop quibbling."

"After this first loss, in the future when I acquire valuable and expensive items, I definitely won’t use or lose them easily. Good steel should be used on the edge of a blade! The initial points they gave me was for my foundation, I wasted it on the illusionary techniques for the Mosha clan." Luo Feng shook his head.

Luckily he had pa.s.sed the 1st level. For new people in the city, they awarded 10 times the points for those in their 1st 30 years in primal chaos city, hence he acquired 1,000 points.


If he wasn"t a new person, the 1st level would only give 100 points, 2nd level 200, 3rd level 400&h.e.l.lip;it compounded on, showing just how difficult getting points was!

Sitting in the study, he placed his laptop to the side and put the silver briefcase on the table. With a click, he opened it.


Luo Feng"s eyes gleamed.

The briefcase was filled with many black books within. Every one of them had the universe language words 9 universe and floating blood on them, also with the numbering, "1st, 2nd, 3rd&h.e.l.lip;110th!

"There"s actually 110 books." Luo Feng was shocked. As the many training methods were all profound, hence using words alone would be extremely long. Just like when Luo Feng was studying the soul imprint before, just the preparation stages alone for the training took 1 entire book.

From his own inherited memories, the many techniques for the golden horned beast, many of them if calculated in universe language words, would have trillions of words in them.

"Floating blood is a basic manual, that alone is 110 books." Luo Feng was excited, picking up the top one, the 1st book!

On it the most obvious black words were the 9 universe 2 words. Beside it were the smaller words floating blood and finally bottom left, was the name Lian Luo.

Opening the book, Luo Feng began to read.

"9 universe tablet introduction?"

"s.p.a.ce origin law comprehension?"

"Floating blood training?"

Luo Feng looked at the synopsis. He was shocked to find that this 1st book alone had tens of thousands of words, yet they don"t even explain the 108 blade forms. But the author Lian Luo explained his own study of the 9 universe tablet, his recognition of the s.p.a.ce origin laws, along with some information of the floating blood training he created.

In general.

This floating blood 1st book was a summary of the entire manual!

"I need to understand his thoughts, his training path before actually studying the 108 forms, that will be even more effective." Luo Feng began to dig in and study.

The universe s.p.a.ce origin law was broad and profound.

Wanting to completely study and comprehend it was almost an impossible thing altogether. Just from looking at the countless planets, one can barely calculate the number of humans in the universe there are. With new generations being born, growing, and dying &h.e.l.lip;the cycle of life continued, for a thousand years, 10,000, trillion years&h.e.l.lip;this cycle perpetuated over and over.

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In the limitless and vast star fields, out of so many, one universe country leader would be born!

Wanting to become a universe country leader, one had to either be a time or s.p.a.ce knight! That would mean completely studying and comprehending s.p.a.ce or time at a peak level, that was extremely difficult!

9 universe tablet was one way to allow someone to become a s.p.a.ce knight, which was one of the big paths to greatness!

The 9 universe tablet was incredibly profound, and they directly reflected the 27 levels of the heavenly bridge. Just pa.s.sing the 21st level would mean one could become a s.p.a.ce knight, hence becoming a universe country leader! And the final level was still 27. If one completely comprehended the entire 9 universe tablet, that would mean standing right a the peak of humanity in the vast universe itself.

9 universe tablet, a total of 9 pictures!

According to the 1st book"s description, as long as one comprehended 7 pictures, he would be able to become a s.p.a.ce knight and universe country leader!

The 1st rain drop picture, 2nd drizzle, 3rd rainstorm, these 3 pictures were increasing levels of layers about studying the s.p.a.ce laws. Just like how the computers on earth used complex encoding, however in truth if one truly understood the basics and essence&h.e.l.lip;

They were simply the construct of 0s and 1s.

The essence was very simple, just 2 digits forming sequences!

Or just like mandarin, mandarin was very complex, however it was simple strokes that were placed together to form large words. The strokes were considered the base and essence.

Or even English, no matter how complex it was, breaking it down all the way, it was made simply of letters, abcd&h.e.l.lip;forming different words and combinations.

One theory!

Even though the universe origin laws were incredibly complex, the core and essence of the most complex things are still simple. These 1st 3 pictures, broke down the universe laws, separating them into 108 different wonders. If one said that mandarin was made of strokes and English was made of letters.

Then the universe laws were made of these 108 wonders, constantly interweaving and combining, finally forming one huge law!

The 1st 3 pictures were dissected to the deepest regions.

The 4th picture was a picture of stars, the 5th was a galaxy and the 6th was galaxy river.

Whether it was made of 2 digits, or brushes and strokes, or simple letters&h.e.l.lip;just knowing these alone wouldn"t be enough to create a huge computer digit or language or even this mysterious network world. One wouldn"t be able to rely on just 1 stroke to write a large amount of mandarin words, making the heart trembling mandarin language and culture. Or even just those letters to make an English system.

Wanting to rely on the core essence to form an incredibly vast and full network world, mandarin world, English world.

Required large amounts of combinations, large amounts of grammar etc&h.e.l.lip;

One theory!

108 wonders, these were the dissected pieces of shattered gla.s.s, the base 108 items.

The 1st 3 pictures&h.e.l.lip;were a form of dissection!

The 4th to 6th pictures&h.e.l.lip;were a grouping of the bodies!

Allowing these most basic core essences to combine and constantly expand, improving on them, broadening&h.e.l.lip;until finally forming the perfect universe s.p.a.ce origin law.

The 7th picture was an incredibly peculiar beast, that represented a perfect universe s.p.a.ce law.

Comprehending the 7th picture, one could become a s.p.a.ce knight or universe country leader!

"So it"s this theory."

"I understand." Luo Feng looked a the 1st book"s initial 2 portions which discussed the 9 universe tablet and the comprehension of the universe s.p.a.ce law. He was getting excited, "Normal warriors comprehending the laws, training&h.e.l.lip;it"s just like studying English, they learn a few words immediately and practice on how to write them. By learning some words today, some more tomorrow, over time, they get stronger and better. However if they don"t learn it with the set rules, it"ll remain complex and inefficient!"

"However by dissecting it first and grouping them later."

"It"ll be like learning the most basic letters, learning the different grammar first and the rules and vocabulary later, structure etc." Luo Feng smiled.

The theory was simple.

However the universe law, compared to mandarin or computer coding was at least a trillion times more complex. Undying souls" calculating speeds don"t pale in comparison to even computers. However, many are still unable to break through to knight level even after trillions of years! It"s because it was too complex. After all the universe origin laws contained simply too many things.

By using a 2 digit structure alone, one could build a network world.

These 108 wonders could explain 108 digits, just how terrifying was the universe origin law?

What"s more, 108 wonders, every one of them was trillions of times bigger than the entire mandarin or English language or even computer coding. Much less the entire law itself.

Volume 11 Chapter 24 – Still For 10 Years

Floating blood technique, this was a manual that dissected the universe s.p.a.ce law"s essence, demonstrating through the many blade forms.

Floating blood"s 1st book was a summary.

The 2nd to 109th book were training methods on the 108 wonders.

The 110th book was a summary of the 108 forms.

"Dissecting the essence is incredibly difficult! The revolution of the universe laws, with its perfect form&h.e.l.lip;as for its essence, it requires one to constantly dissect it. Even the 1st 3 pictures of the 9 universe tablet only displayed the 108 wonders within those 108 drops of rain. These sort of complicated methods, I cannot function or dissect it!

I can only use blade forms to fully explain these 108 wonders.

Comprehension is incredibly difficult.

And these 108 wonders, the 1st 9 are the easiest, the middle 27 are hard (the 27 plus the first 9 forms the 2nd picture of the drizzling), the final 72  are the hardest (these 72 plus the earlier 36 form the perfect rainstorm).

The 1st 9, even though they are the easiest, unless one is an absolute genius with pinnacle comprehension and mental stability, it"s extremely hard to train.

Back then I studied in primal chaos city for 3,000 years before I finally created the floating blood. If it were in the actual universe, it would take at least 10,000 years.

I have these two pieces of advice to the warriors in the future&h.e.l.lip;

One, if you are in primal chaos city and you"ve trained for 20 years without comprehending the 1st blade form, give up on floating blood. Go learn from other paths and slowly comprehend them, this path doesn"t suit you.

Two, if you are in the actual universe and you"ve trained for 200 years without comprehending the 1st blade form, similar to above, just give up."

These final two lines in the 1st book made Luo Feng frown.


Before on the balcony, seeing the large amount of words left behind by Lian Luo saying he studied for 3,000 years, this meant that it took a total of 3,000 years of study for him to accomplish this! Studying in primal chaos city, one could look up to see the obvious universe laws revolve, even though the efficiency was much higher, he still took that long.

"20 years?" Luo Feng said softly, revealing a smile, " If one hasn"t comprehended the 1st blade form in 20 years, give up on floating blood?"

"Absolute genius? Absolute comprehension and mental stability?"

"In terms of talent and comprehension, the Mosha clan clone is very capable."

"In terms of stability and mental state, maybe I’m weaker than my two brothers. However at least I’m able to maintain absolute cold calmness." Luo Feng thought, "Talent, comprehension and mental state, these three should be considered pretty high."

The talent of his earth body in the vast universe could be considered not bad, however it could never reach the absolute state of which Lian Luo spoke of in the manual.

The Mosha clan body&h.e.l.lip;

That was the strong body!

This was the ultimate a.s.sa.s.sin amongst countless races in the vast universe, the favored of s.p.a.ce itself. In terms of talent, there wasn"t one amongst the human race that could match up to the Mosha clan in terms of the s.p.a.ce origin law. The Mosha clan training the s.p.a.ce origin law had the fastest comprehension, that along with Luo Feng"s mental state.

The conditions were good!

Primal chaos city, the chaos energy revolved.

On a particular balcony of this ancient city, Luo Feng stood, gazing into the distant city and the wasteland outside.

"Floating blood technique is explained through blade forms. However the blade forms  can be swiftly trained in." Luo Feng pondered, the 1st book had many explanations of the blade forms. Through incredibly complex blade forms, allowing one to experience and finally comprehend the 1st wonder that was the core of the 1st blade form.

Blade and saber, these were both close combat weapons.

The blade emphasized on piercing.

The saber emphasized on slas.h.i.+ng.

However the illusionary saber that Luo Feng used forms from the blood illusionary forms. The entire length of the saber was 108cm, the edge was 80cm, and the width was 5.3 cm. It had some changes from the saber the one he used on earth, just from the appearance one could see that this one focused on piercing. There were a few other two handed huge blades that were even more similar to a wild saber compared to Luo Feng"s.

Having used the golden illusionary saber for long, changing to a blade now wasn"t too difficult.

"In terms of close combat talent, especially when using a blade, of my 3 bodies, there"s no doubt the Mosha clan is the strongest." Luo Feng thought.

"Then, let"s begin!"

Luo Feng sat crossed legged, raising his head to look at the splits in the sky that had crystal threads and revolving origin laws, it was simply mesmerizing. Like the thousands and tens of thousands of warriors in primal chaos city, Luo Feng began to quietly study.

The primal chaos spirits had beneficial effects on the soul.

However just like eating medicine, it lost its potency gradually as one consumed more. Luo Feng had hunted for over 8 months. Initially the spirits made his soul constantly evolve, however as it evolved more, the effects of the spirits diminished. Especially in the recent two months, the evolution itself became almost unnoticeable.

That"s right!

If one could evolve limitlessly, than simply relying on the primal chaos spirits could make one"s soul evolve to undying. It was a pity&h.e.l.lip;there was no such good thing!

"No wonder they all simply sit and quietly study. Only newcomers would head outside the city to hunt. So&h.e.l.lip;to many Domain lords and Sector lords, they"ve already had their fill of the primal chaos spirits."

"It"s no wonder, there are still so many surviving beasts outside the city."

Luo Feng sat on the balcony, looking up at the origin laws revolving about, experiencing it.

Within his internal world.

The Mosha clan body had taken the form of a black clothed Luo Feng, wielding the dark red blade. This blade was something Babata had created from using several machines and alloys within his storage s.p.a.ce. With no special properties, it was a very simple alloy blade, completely fulfilling the conditions of the floating blood manual.

Chi! Chi! Chi!

Within the black clothed Luo Feng, the 10,081 surfaced life crystal had incredibly complex golden engravings on them all. These glowing engravings gave off a resonance and ripple with the universe s.p.a.ce itself.


Over 1,000 images appeared, the blade form was magnificent. The Mosha clan was naturally apt at using close combat weapons, especially bade forms that were infused with the s.p.a.ce origin laws&h.e.l.lip;it was suited for such skills.

"Not right."

"It should be this way."

"Yes, very good."

The black clothed Luo feng and Luo Feng himself shared the same soul. The two naturally viewed the s.p.a.ce splits and the universe origin laws revolving together, experiencing it and unleas.h.i.+ng the blade forms. Luo Feng"s earth body himself would occasionally reflect against the 9 universe tablet and the manual within the virtual universe.

Time flowed, days pa.s.sed.

Even though Luo Feng had pa.s.sed the 1st level of the heavenly bridge and received yet another chance to study the tablet, he was in no rush to go immediately. According to the explanation within the floating blood manual, every chance to study had to be grasped and treasured, one couldn"t waste time within. One first had to completely understand and comprehend everything from before, and continue pondering and studying. Only when they left with a large amount of questions and doubts again should they go see the tablet once more.

As one would ponder for a long time, with large amounts of questions, going to see the tablet would easily answer much of it, understanding more from before.

This way!

The efficiency was high. After all the chances to study the 9 universe tablet were limited.

China 2075 June 9th, Luo Feng acquired the floating blood manual and began his training in primal chaos city.

Year 2075 september, Gu Si Luo pa.s.sed the 1st level on the bridge, and after a few days, Long Yun too pa.s.sed the 1st level.

Year 76 January, Luo feng entered the city leader"s residence and began to study the tablet again. He spent 7 days, constantly comprehending answers to  his questions about the 1st blade form in his mind, and even feeling something special. The 9 universe tablet was completely for bringing one into the s.p.a.ce origin law itself.

Year 76 to 77, the Manka prince Wuka, Qian Shui of the genius siblings&h.e.l.lip;many from the absolute beginning had all pa.s.sed the 1st level.

Even though it seemed like Wuka, Qian Shui and the others were slow.

In truth the time in the primal universe flowed slower, China had seen 3 years gone by and yet in primal chaos city, only 1 had pa.s.sed! In truth, Wuka, Qian Shui and the others weren"t slower than Luo Feng by even a year.

During the 2nd and 3rd year in Primal chaos city, the heaven and ground region, the last phase region"s geniuses began to all pa.s.s through the 1st level.

This batch of 1,000 geniuses, with only a bit over 800 survivors, the last to pa.s.s the 1st level was during the end of the 4th year.

Within primal chaos city, the other geniuses began to liven up, all heading out frequently and later realizing the effects diminis.h.i.+ng. Everybody slowly began to stop heading out to hunt the beasts. Only occasionally heading out to use them as test subjects for their comprehension. Everyone spent their time sitting on the balconies.

In the actual universe.

China year 2082 august, Luo Feng"s older son Luo Ping had married and had a child in the same year. After all during the base era, many usually married at the age of 19, and this year, Luo Ping was already 22.

Luo Feng was speechless.

He had already become a grandfather?

Year 86, Earth"s bases began to expand, as it had already been over 20 years since the swallowing beast incident. Over these 20 years, with the earth"s upper echelon not controlling the ma.s.ses and birth, many were encouraged to have more children. Since humanity at risk before, it was better to have more children.

However now, after earth began to interact more with the universe, discovering how vast it was with trillions of other races, earth"s humans were simply too little, naturally they wouldn"t control them. And with technology advancing at an extreme rate, feeding and housing everybody became a much easier thing to do.

Year 88, Earth"s humans, they occupied more territory, the humans of earth also got stronger and stronger. In truth, the reason behind why they never fully killed all the wild beasts&h.e.l.lip;to the earth humans, they were the perfect training ground for the fighters.

Year 89, Luo Feng"s smaller son Luo Hai began to enter the universe to explore. His older son Luo Ping was more steady, however Luo Hai wors.h.i.+pped his father and headed into the universe to explore. Luo Feng couldn"t help it, he could only arrange for him to enter the Ganwu dojo.

Year 92, Earth"s humans, in the pacific, Indian ocean and many other oceans, a few large constructed cities on islands were build. This represented the humans of earth finally entering the sea areas.

Year 99, The expedition to Mars began.

Of course the most stunning thing for Luo Feng was&h.e.l.lip;

China year 2103, his own grandson, also Luo Ping"s son from before his marriage, also got married.

My G.o.d.

If this kept going&h.e.l.lip;his time in primal chaos city was over 30 years, the actual universe time was over 100 years. 100 years&h.e.l.lip;he feared that his own great grandchildren and great great grand children would have been born by then.

"No wonder, these ancient beings after trillions of years, have trillions in their imperial family. This multiplication is indeed too fast." Luo Feng was helpless.

And when 30 years had pa.s.sed on earth, only 10 years had pa.s.sed in Primal chaos city.

Earth had huge transformations.

And in the distant ancient primal chaos city, Luo Feng had quietly sat there for 10 years.

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