Swallowing the Heavens

Chapter 57 - Emerald Root FlameEdited bytoffeenicoffee

Chapter 57 - Emerald Root FlameEdited bytoffeenicoffee

All the medicinal power from the six Qi Condensing pills essentially converged at the first Origin of Power.

“One Qi Condensing pill is equivalent to at least a month’s worth of hard work to absorb, condense, and convert the heaven and earth’s spiritual qi. You Lingji’s wealth really helped me save a considerable amount of time.”

“There are still four pills left…..”

Wu Yu figured that after refining and condensing the remaining pills, the Danzhong point’s Origin of Power would be stabilized. He would then be considered as having stepped into the ranks of cultivation, possessing spiritual power.

His spiritual power whirlpool had grown three times larger after condensing the medicinal power from the six Qi Condensing pills.

Typically, the Danzhong point alsoabsorbed spiritual qi from the surrounding environment to replenish the Origin of Power.

If Wu Yu could use this spiritual power, it would increase his strength in battle immensely. He would be much stronger than the last time he came to blows with Hao Tian Shangxian.

The only thing was, the Origin of Power was not too stable yet, and certainly was not suitable for intense fighting. If the Danzhong were to be injured, there was a great possibility that that would lead to the entire Origin of Power network collapsing. By that time, the unrestrained spiritual power would tear Wu Yu to shreds.

In reality, most people in the process of condensing their spiritual power would choose to go into seclusion until their Origin of Power network stabilized.

But Wu Yu’s situation didn’t allow for closed seclusion.

“It’s already been eighteen days since I started condensing my qi. I have to fight to finish this process within a month.”

The Indestructible Vajra body was actually very stable right now.

Wu Yu was being fairly cautious considering his body’s durability and formidable absorption capabilities, as he could likely ingest four Qi Condensing pills without suffering any repercussions.

Still, as a safety precaution, Wu Yu divided the remaining four pills into two doses.

“Everything will be over in another ten or so days , Hao Tian…..”

A wave of bloodl.u.s.t surged within Wu Yu’s eyes.

Hao Tian owed him yet again for killing the Heaven Cloud Roc.

Wu Yu placed two Qi Condensing pills into his palm and prepared to take them.

It was at this moment…..

“Wu Yu!”

Unexpectedly, it was Wu You pounding her hands on the stone door.

Good thing Wu Yu had been a step too slow, otherwise, if Wu You showed up with any urgent matters while he was refining the pills, his state of mind would have been shaken and a mistake could have easily been made.

He quickly shoved the Qi Condensing pills into the Sumeru pouch and got to the door in a few steps. He opened the stone door only to see Wu You’s pallid face. Anxious and crying in anger, she said: “Wu Yu, I received news that Commander Wu set out last night with thirty thousand troops from the Zhendong army to attack my maternal clan!”


This time, Yuan Hao really did go insane!

The last time he acted foolishly, Wu Yu had clearly taught him a lesson. Logically, this sort of thing shouldn’t be happening at all.

Wu You’s maternal clan had some power, but they wouldn’t be able to withstand an attack from thirty thousand troops. They surely wouldn’t be able to hold on for long and would certainly suffer overwhelming casualties.

“Either Hao Tian Shangxian is preparing to turn this into a life and death struggle with me, or Yuan Hao’s brain got filled with water and he secretly gave the order.” At this moment, Wu Yu could be considered cool-headed as he quickly a.n.a.lyzed the situation.

“Then what should we do?” Wu You was worried and anxious – normally she was very calm, but this concerned the life and death of thousands of her maternal clan members.

“Hide and keep yourself safe. I’m going to the imperial palace.”

Wu Yu let her hide in the cultivation room so as to avoid her being plotted against while he was gone.

After ascertaining her safety, he left for the palace.

“Don’t be impulsive.” Wu You warned.

Before she finished speaking, Wu Yu had already left.

“Even though I still have a bit to go before I succeed at condensing my qi, stopping the Zhendong army now is a must.”

Wu Yu didn’t have the Heaven Cloud Roc anymore. At this point, there already wasn’t enough time to rush to the battlefield; the best solution was to have Yuan Hao use a messenger pigeon and order the army to retreat. This situation would then be resolved.

The sun had just risen. The morning court session would be starting right around now, with Yuan Hao in the Shang Qian Hall.

Wu Yu leapt over the palace walls and saw the expansive Shang Qian Hall. The morning court was indeed being held at the moment, with a good number of n.o.bles and ministers in the hall. Most of them had also been at the scene back then, when Wu Yu was crippled.


Wu Yu landed outside the doors.


The n.o.bles and ministers were shocked and all turned to look. Originally, they were going to curse at the perpetrator, but seeing that it was actually Wu Yu, they were fl.u.s.tered at first, and then – after turning their backs to Yuan Hao on the imperial throne – everyone ran over to Wu Yu and shouted: “Sun Shangxian!”

Even Prince Yao and the others who had once insulted him were amongst the ranks of those kneeling in worship.

But Wu Yu only had eyes for Yuan Hao at that moment.

Yuan Hao was sitting upright on the imperial throne, wearing an extravagant emperor’s robe. His face whitened the instant he saw Wu Yu, and he grew noticeably nervous.

Yuan Hao had been emotionally unstable when he gave the order but the words of the Son of Heaven could not be taken lightly in the slightest. He struggled over it for a good few days but in the end, he didn’t retract his order.

Seeing Wu Yu coming over aggressively, he immediatelyfelt anxiousand ordered those around him to invite Hao Tian Shangxian over. He put on a brave front and said: “Sun Shangxian, we are all discussing state affairs, and celestials are not supposed to meddle in mortal matters. Don’t even think of acting foolishly in front of the n.o.bles and ministers of Eastern Wu.”

Yet Yuan Hao himself tensed up after speaking, now regretting giving the command. All he could do at this time was pray for Hao Tian Shangxian to come and exterminate Sun Wudao.

Yuan Hao always thought Hao Tian would be able to do so, so he just couldn’t understand why Sun Wudao hadn’t died last time.

Perhaps they were just missing the perfect excuse.

“If Sun Wudao acts against me here and interferes with the state affairs of mortals, father will have a good excuse to kill him off!”

This one thought was Yuan Hao’s last remaining hope.

As expected, Wu Yu moved to stand in front of Yuan Hao in the blink of an eye. Thinking back to that clear and hard slap, Yuan Hao was immediately scared into falling onto the ground and stuttering: “What...what do you want to do? You being a celestial...don’t tell me you want to kill me!”

Wu Yu didn’t feel like replying to this nonsense and just lifted Yuan Hao up by his robe. The sort of pressure exerted by immortals was contained within Wu Yu’s gaze, proving to be far too much for the mortal Yuan Hao, rendering him disoriented.


Everyone trembled and rushed to make Sun Wudao show mercy.

Wu Yu’s voice crushed down on everyone as he said: “Yuan Hao, immediately recall the Zhendong army, or else it won’t be as simple as punching your teeth out this time.”

Yuan Hao still quibbled for a bit further: “What Zhendong army? The Zhendong army is us mortals’ business. Why is Shangxian meddling in this? Save me! Shangxian wants to kill me ah!” [1]

Yuan Hao thought he was being clever – that with things like this, Hao Tian Shangxian would have a good excuse to get rid of Wu Yu.

To be honest, Yuan Hao would lose control over his bladder if he relaxed even for a bit – that’s how nervous he was.

Wu Yu pressed down on Yuan Hao’s neck, saying: “I’ll give you one more chance. Recall the troops.”


Yuan Hao was deathly pale, flailing his limbs all over the place – the definition of detestable.It was because of this behavior of his that he was difficult to deal with.

For a moment, the imperial palace was chaotic.

The n.o.bles and ministers were all yelling and screaming, frantically rushing out of the Shang Qian Hall.

“Sun Shangxian wants to kill our reigning emperor!”


Amidst the frantic shouts, thunder suddenly clapped out from the Imperial Harem. There was a booming noise, and then a ray of white light directly rammed into the Shang Qian Hall’s wall, causing it to collapse. The person who just entered the main hall was none other than Hao Tian Shangxian!

At this moment, Hao Tian Shangxian’s hair was fluttering in the wind and his eyes were blazing with anger. The first thing he saw when he got there was Wu Yu choking Yuan Hao. He immediately growled at Wu Yu: “Sun Wudao, release him!”

Wu Yu was just about to clear everything up when Yuan Hao shrilled: “He wants to kill me! He wants to kill me ah! I can’t breath, quickly save me ah!”

This bawling, alongside his sniveling, made for a truly wretched scene.


Hao Tian Shangxian didn’t say anything – the Fire Cloud Horsetail Duster was already sweeping towards Wu Yu. The spiritual power contained within that one sweep crushed the numerous tables and chairs inside the Shang Qian Hall to pieces and shattered the lamps on the walls completely.

He was very vicious. If Wu Yu didn’t let go at this moment, Yuan Hao would lose his life.

Then, all the blame could be shoved onto Wu Yu and he would be forced to become a scapegoat. Wu Yu’s opponent had found the perfect pretext to slaughter him. Things had already escalated to such a point, forcing Wu Yu’s hand. He threw Yuan Hao aside and used the Demon Suppressing Staff to receive the attack. This time they were actually matched in strength.

“Hao Tian, listen to me. Yuan Hao, he…..”

Originally, Wu Yu didn’t want to clash with Hao Tian today by coming here, but he had to make the Zhendong army retreat. After all, Yuan Hao was the emperor. Only his command would hold influence over the mortal troops.

“You’re looking to die!”

Evidently, Hao Tian Shangxian was taking out the wrath that had piled up from the past few days on him now. He was seething in anger as he gripped the Fire Cloud Horsetail Duster in one hand and readied a technique in the other. He seriously wanted to use Dao skills!

Hao Tian was starting a battle!

The situation was intense; this wasn’t the time for Wu Yu to try to explain anything.

Hao Tian Shangxian’s Dao skill was called “Emerald Root Flame”.

Under the engulfment of spiritual power, his duster transformed into a silver serpent. At the same time, an emerald green flame blazed to life on his left hand. It formed a green snake and circled around the Fire Cloud Horsetail Duster, fusing into one ent.i.ty and releasing bursts of mist. It was like the red clouds of sunset had permeated the entire Shang Qian Hall. And within the clouds and mist, a huge cyan serpent savagely slithered around. (E/N: Alliteration ♡)

“Such an incredible Dao art. It’s a pity I don’t have one.”

Wu Yu was a bit regretful. If only Feng Xueya had bestowed some Dao arts on him before he left.


The cyan serpent burst through through layers and layers of red clouds as it charged towards Wu Yu. [2]

Wu Yu single-mindedly focused, keeping a tight grip on the Demon Suppressing Staff. A portion of spiritual power had acc.u.mulated at the Danzhong point and was available for him to use.  Under Wu Yu’s manipulation, spiritual power burst forth and coated the staff. Since he didn’t have any Dao arts, he had no choice but to use his old way of fighting.

The Tong Shen Staff!

This move had once instantly annihilated You Lingji.

It had to be pointed out that this move was profound and had tremendous power; it could make all of Wu Yu’s physical strength erupt. This time, the Tong Shen Staff was even supplemented by a notable amount of spiritual power. A formidable amount of force exploded in a split second!

Weng! (T/N: Sound effect of the staff moving swiftly through the air.)

Wherever the golden staff went, sonic booms followed.


This explosion brought about a tempest of vibrations, violently shaking the entire Shang Qian Hall. (E/N: This wording, so lovely ♡♡)

Due to a few pillars collapsing, the Shang Qian Hall that had several thousand years of history immediately crumbled – this palace hall that had been constructed through a great expense of wealth toppled over in a moment’s notice. These vibrations were so terrible they were felt throughout the entirecapital!

The blue-green blaze grew even larger, enveloping the Shang Qian Hall in a sea of fire.


Hao Tian Shangxian retracted the Emerald Root Fire. He had already entangled the scared-sh*tless Yuan Hao with his duster and whisked him aside.

“My…..my Shang Qian Hall, my Shang Qian Hall!” Yuan Hao wailed.

[1] “Ah” (啊) is used as an interjection or exclamative particle in Chinese. It often conveys surprise (while yelling), as is the case with Yuan Hao. (E/N: Commas would be inappropriate as a result.) (T/N: I had to fight for the no commas :c I still love you, editor-san!) (E/N: A single tear rolls down this editor’s cheek…)

[2] I couldn’t figure out what this part in the 17k raws (那青色大蛇如万青似的) meant so I just translated 青色大蛇 as cyan serpent and continued with the rest of the sentence. I think the raws have a typo or some other error...

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