Translated by Elestrea
Edited by Amaris

Back in the guest room, He Ling was both anxious and uneasy.

He got up late at night and went to the master bedroom. He saw Gong Qin sleeping quietly on the left side of the bed.

He couldn"t sleep all night, yet Gong Qin was already sound asleep.

He slept on his side and didn"t even "cross the line" at all.

He Ling smoked on the balcony all night long, but he regretted it as soon as the sun came out the next day.

His principles had no meaning in front of Gong Qin.

To be able to maintain their previous life, he shouldn"t try to find an answer, or to investigate.

People shouldn"t be too greedy, he was the one who first chased Gong Qin, what more could he demand?

He had kept Gong Qin by his side for seven years. If Gong Qin still didn"t love him, what else could he do?

In that case… Gong Qin should be used to him and his life now.

As long as he preserved the status quo, Gong Qin would surely preserve the status quo as well.

What was wrong with it? Their days were filled with love, even if he was the only one immersed in it.

It was easy to think of, but it wasn"t easy to actually do it.

In the morning, He Ling didn"t kiss Gong Qin. Gong Qin didn"t kiss him.

Before going out, He Ling didn"t pester Gong Qin for a kiss. Gong Qin put on his clothes and went out directly.

At noon, He Ling didn"t go to Gong Qin"s place to eat. Gong Qin didn"t even call him.

In the evening, He Ling didn"t pick him up. Gong Qin went home by himself.

The more you tried, the more you saw the cruelest reality.

Gong Qin didn"t love him.

He Ling went to the club on purpose today.

He knew that at this time of the week, Gong Qin would go there and get together with his friends.

Ten years felt like a day, and he would still follow his schedule no matter what.

Over the past seven years, He Ling felt the proudest over the ring on his ring finger.

Each time someone started to flirt with him, he felt itchy to show the ring off in front of their eyes and to seriously tell them how excellent his partner was.

Basically, as soon as he opened his mouth, the other party would be ashamed of themselves and took the initiative to leave.

For the first time, he didn"t tell the other person that Gong Qin was good. Instead, he just sat there listening to the other person talked.

In fact, what the man said, He Ling didn"t hear at all. He was just thinking about Gong Qin, wondering whether Gong Qing would care even a little bit.

Even though it wasn"t because of love, even though it was only because of fear that he would leave.

Unfortunately, there was nothing.

Gong Qin didn"t come over, there wasn"t even a phone call or a text message.

Gong Qin obviously saw him and knew that he wasn"t working, but he didn"t even ask a question.

There were only three words buzzing inside He Ling"s mind.

In a cold voice, Gong Qin said those three words —— I don"t care.

Gong Qin didn"t care about what he did.

He loves Gong Qin and Gong Qin didn"t care; He didn"t love Gong Qin and Gong Qin still didn"t care.

He Ling smoked and drank in the evening. When he came back, he saw the calm Gong Qin.

He couldn"t help it.

He didn"t want Gong Qin to be so calm, he didn"t want Gong Qin to be so serene, he didn"t want Gong Qin to not care at all!

Knowing that Gong Qin didn"t like the smell of smoke and alcohol, He Ling purposefully kissed him.

Gong Qin gave him a punch, and the taste of blood in his mouth woke He Ling up.

From a dream in which he was trying so hard to shut his ears and close his eyes; A dream which even if there was a roar of thunder outside, he would be unwilling to wake up from.

“Let"s get divorced.” When He Ling said this sentence, his heart seemed to be cut into pieces.

Gong Qin said: "Fine, let"s divorce."

They"re just bad at expressing their own feelings, my heart is aching for them

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