Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 378: He’s Not Home

Chapter 378: He’s Not Home

They were at a red light by now, but Miao Xinyuan did not seem to notice. Her mind was somewhere else.

“Brake!” yelled Lu Yi.

Miao Xinyuan started and looked forward. Taken over by fear, she forgot to step on the brakes. Lu Yi took the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes so that they wouldn’t crash into anyone.

However, Miao Xinyuan stepped onto the accelerator in her panic. The car shot forward, and Lu Yi could only try to steer the car towards the greeneries.

Bam! He s.h.i.+elded Miao Xinyuan with his body. The impact was terrible. Blood streamed down his head. He opened his eyes, a blood mist blurring his vision.

He opened his eyes widely stubbornly. He was afraid of death. He was afraid of not being able to see his sweetheart again. He had promised to bring her home this year to celebrate the New Year. He promised.

No, he couldn’t let things end like this. No, no, no.

However, the pain soon prevailed and robbed him of his consciousness. Everything turned dark before him. His eyes were shut, and blood escaped him…

Blood gushed out from his wounds in droplets and rivulets, flowing out like a small stream.

Screech! Yan Huan was startled awake by the sudden screech of tires.

The driver was cursing. Someone must have driven recklessly and caused an accident.

The pa.s.sengers on the bus had all broken into a cold sweat.

There were more than ten people on the bus, and it would be a disaster if any accidents happened. The driver was still cursing, as did the pa.s.sengers.

Yan Huan took out her phone, but found it completely drained. The driver was still cursing, saying that it was a b.u.mpy route that was only taken by a few buses. That’s when she realized how much Lu Yi had to drive to visit her every time.

She clutched her hands tightly, feeling a little guilty of her selfish insistence of a weekly visit from Lu Yi, regardless of how busy he was. She could be a little moody sometimes too. The truth is, he had spoiled her too much. She couldn’t sit easy after one week of absence.

Maybe she shouldn’t have come back at all. She should have been more understanding and supportive, like him. Agreeing to her decision of enlisting and fulfilling all her demands would seem like madness to others.

Maybe she should make a U-turn and head back to the unit.

However, when she looked up again, she noticed that she was already in the vicinity of Sea City. In a few hours, she would be home, where she could see him again.

Yes, she had only came back to check on him. If he was too busy, she would go the extra mile.

The thought brought a smile to her face. The person around her seemed to realize something and snapped a few pictures of her. When she looked up at him, he paused and reddened in excitement.

She put a finger to her lips.


“Let’s not tell the whole world, alright?”

He reddened again, then gasped for air with his hand clutching onto his chest. Yan Huan pushed her hat lower and waited for the bus to stop.

Half an hour later, the bus arrived at the bus station. Yan Huan had not asked anyone to fetch her, so she got the bus and hailed a cab. When the cab had left, a person rushed down from the bus, searching for Yan Huan frantically. He was visibly disappointed when he didn’t spot her.

He then made a call to his friend. “Guess who I just ran into?”

“It was Yan Huan! My idol! She was on the same bus as me, but I didn’t have the courage to ask her for a signature. Now that I have worked up the courage, she has already left. I should have asked her earlier.”

“What? You think I’m lying? You don’t believe that Yan Huan would take a bus? Who said best actresses can’t take buses? I really did see her just now…” he argued frantically.

By now, Yan Huan was on the cab back. She couldn’t wait to see him.

Hmm, what would he do when he sees me?

Scold me? Well, he wouldn’t have the heart to.

Hit me? Impossible.

He wouldn’t be able to do a thing to her, other than lecturing and nagging at her. After that, he will be concerned with whether she was hungry, thirsty, or sleepy.

She dipped her hand and took out her phone from her bag, then remembered that the battery was flat when she saw the black screen.

She put it back into her bag and looked out of the window. There hasn’t been much changes in Sea City. It has only been a year after all. Many changes can happen in a year, but so can little changes.

The Sea City before her was exactly the way it was when she left.

It’s almost New Year, so “h.e.l.lo, Uncle!” should be in its final production phase. If her predictions were right, the revenue will at least be ten billion RMB. It’s not likely for it to outdo The Uncle And The Flower, but it was still a considerable sum. Of course, records are meant to be broken, and she hoped the record of The Uncle And The Flower will be broken someday. That would be a step forward for local productions.

The cab pulled up by the residential area. She got off the car, eager to return. However, she was getting cold-feet for some reason. Is this what people called “homecoming nervousness”?

She entered and took a lift to the thirteenth floor.

She knocked on the door, wondering what he would be like when he sees her. He might frown, or darken, or disapprove of her decision. But above all those, he’ll probably be worried. The road to the army wasn’t an easy one.

She knocked again. However, no one came to open the door.

Is he out?

She took out a key from her bag and unlocked the door. She found no one when she walked in. However, it seemed like he had just left. There was a bottle of undrunk milk on the table. She walked over and felt the bottle. It was still warm. That meant that he could not have been far. He must have been in a rush, seeing how he didn’t finish his milk.

There was a phone on a table. It was Lu Yi’s. How did he forget about his phone?

Yan Huan picked up the phone. It was finger-print locked. She put her finger on it, and the phone unlocked with a snap. As expected, his wallpaper was a picture of her. Others would think that he was a fan if they saw his phone, but who would have guessed that it was a picture of his wife?

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