Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 386: Her Wish To Return To The Army

Chapter 386: Her Wish To Return To The Army

“He is not stupid,” He Yibin walked over, taking the things away from Lei Qingyi’s hand, “His height doesn’t define him as a brainless person, on the contrary, his IQ is extremely high. You shouldn’t a.s.sume that the Head of Department of the Security Office is useless. His logical thinking skills may scare you off.”

Yi Ling did not believe it.

“Different people certainly have different att.i.tudes.”

The words uttered by He Yibin seemed to have an inner meaning. He placed the dishes on the table, and could not help but to swallow a spit of saliva, “When I did not see it, I don’t feel hungry, but once I look at those dishes, they make me almost die of hunger.”

He Yibin kicked Lei Qingyi, “Go to Lu Yi’s room to get yourself a pair of clothes to change. Both of you are almost the same size.”

Lei Qingyi chuckled, appearing like a mess in his wet clothes.

He did not move his body as he was waiting for Yi Ling to say something. Yi Ling felt a strong urge to poke him in the eyes, “Stupid…”

She put the chopsticks on the table, “Are you trying to dirty my floor or my couch by not getting changed?”

“I will change, I will change.”

Lei Qingyi quickly walked out again. Yi Ling took the chopsticks and saw her favorite meat dish. As she was about to take the food with her chopsticks, she just could not put her hand down.

She kept her chopsticks aside, “This is amazingly delicious.”

“Cough…” He Yibin nearly coughed himself to death.

This seemed to be the quote of that guy, Lei Qingyi since his childhood.

Someone’s bark is worse than her bite.

He Yibin muttered to himself. Yi Ling couldn’t be unaware of this, she must have known about it.

Before long, Lei Qingyi returned, and he found himself Lu Yi’s clothes to put on. It was not too small for him as Lu Yi was almost the same height as him. But it could only explain that Lei Qingyi grew too much. He would turn into a giant if he was slightly taller.

It’s super annoying. He said that once he sat down. It was still raining like cats and dogs outside.

Yi Ling twitched the corner of her lips and then grabbed her chopsticks to eat. Lei Qingyi helped Li Ying to the food in a pleasing manner, and Yi Ling ate up all the food taken for her.

Does this imply that he is forgiven?

Lei Qingyi was suddenly wild with joy as Yi Ling was grinning from ear to ear.

So sick of it. What’s so good about bullying those who are still single?

He Yibin raised to his feet and opened Yan Huan’s door. He entered to peak a glance, noticing that she was still sleeping. Only about half a bottle was used up for drip-feed. However, her facial expression appeared a lot better than before.

He gently shut the door and left to carry on eating. Today, he would have to take care of her for the whole night. He only hoped that she would get better tomorrow since this was not a sickness, but was only due to excessive loss of blood. She would soon get better after a good rest.

How about that person in the hospital?

He put down his chopsticks again, took out his phone to make a phone call to the hospital.

“He is not awake yet. Maybe, he will be awake by the day after tomorrow. No worries, he is fine. His body function is getting better, and he is going to have a conscious recovery. However, he has a problem of excessive blood loss which cannot be slowed down at the moment.”

“The day after tomorrow?”

He Yibin could not help with this situation since he was not the doctor of the Central Hospital. Nevertheless, he did know the attending doctor. If the doctor said so, then it would not be too much of a problem. He would be awake by the day after tomorrow.

Once he was out again, the dishes on the table were almost finished by those two people. He slapped his forehead, blaming himself for not giving a thought about it. Why couldn’t these two avid foodies leave some food for him?

He sat down, and then, turned his gaze toward the residue… the only residue left, and seriously the only residue.

He could just eat rice with a little bit of the residue.

Waited until the next day, He Yibin opened the door to find the person in the room sleeping, and the drip-feed was done. He stretched his body to release his fatigues. He could hear the snoring sound of Lei Qingyi outside as both Lei Qingyi and Yi Ling were still sleeping soundly on the couch without waking up at all.

It was not wrong to say that they were a perfect match.

Lei Qingyi sprawled while Yi Ling placed her legs on top of his legs, without feeling weird at all.

He looked at the time and shook his head again. Praising himself for being awake the whole night, and he needed to head for work soon.

It was none of his business now as the nanny from Yan Huan’s family will come in a while. He would just leave the mess on the table for the nanny to clean up.

He closed the door gently, but the creaking sound woke Yan Huan, who was in the room up.

She opened her eyes, facing toward the window not far from her with her sleepy eyes as though suns.h.i.+ne penetrated in from outside. The suns.h.i.+ne was able to warm her eyes but cool everything else.

She sat up, other than feeling a little dizzy, she was fairly alright.

She did not mention Lu Yi, and no one would take the initiative to mention this name.

She appeared like she did not recognize Lu Yi.

Lifting her fingers which were still thin and fair, but now it felt like they had some calluses as she carried sandbags and carried people before.

The light rays from outside started to penetrate the room, and it could be seen everywhere…

“Do you have to leave?” Yi Ling pulled Yan Huan’s bag, “You are already like this. Can you still report yourself?”

“Yes, I’m okay,” Yan Huan smiled as she carried her bag behind her back, “I’m okay, I can take leave when I am there. Rest a.s.sured, I won’t play with my own life,” It was not easy for her to live once again, it was impossible that she would give up, and not appreciate her life.

But, Yi Ling was still worried.

“No problem, I will take care of myself. Moreover, I did not say that I will return for the training. I am only changing a place to rest. I have a medical record,” Yan Huan carried her bag properly. What she had decided was impossible to change.

“You don’t want to go…”

Yi Ling wanted to ask if she was going to meet Lu Yi.

“He doesn’t need me,” Yan Huan said softly. Indeed, he does not need her. She jokes with her own life. She only has this much blood in her body and she has given him 2000CC, not sure if she has more to spare.

She did not even care about her own life, not to mention caring about his life. The worst it could be was for her to be a widow after his death.

“Let me send you off,” Yi Ling could not win over Yan Huan in speech so she could only take out the keys. However, she finally decided to call Lei Qingyi to borrow his car. Her sports car was not suitable to drive on that type of road so it was better to use his car.

But she did not expect that Lei Qingyi reached in a split second, and fetched Yan Huan himself.

Yi Ling was perfectly fine with it. She was happy to find herself a driver free of charge.


As Lei Qingyi was about to open his mouth, the flesh on his waist was severely pinched by Yi Ling. He was too painful until he showed his teeth. Luckily, he was brilliant enough to suppress his words.

Yan Huan’s eyelids were drooping all the time. She did not say a word or do anything as she was carrying her bag. Her short hair fell to the side of her ears, causing her eyes to look huge, and her sharp chin revealed an indescribable feeling of obstinance.

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