Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 453: Gaining Fame

Chapter 453: Gaining Fame

Indeed, she was extremely dirty. She even carried an offensive odor with her. But at this point, no one would complain about it.

She was clean and her eyes were exceptionally pure. The purity and cleanliness came from the bottom of her heart and soul.

“Can I borrow your mobile phone for a short while?” At first, her mobile phone was out of signal. But now, even the battery of her phone was drained. On the other hand, Lu Jin’s mobile phone was left in the hotel as it had been broken into bits. She was not able to even find the remnants of the phone.

“Sure, sure.” The journalist promptly handed his mobile phone to Yan Huan.

Yan Huan received the phone and immediately dialed Lu Yi’s phone number. She was anxious; she felt terrible; she missed Lu Yi abundantly too.

“h.e.l.lo…” the man’s voice came from the other side of the phone. The inexpressible weariness could be clearly sensed from his tone.

“Lu Yi, it’s me ”

Yan Huan snuffled and then began to sob. She could no longer speak clearly, not able to continue her sentence.

“Huanhuan, is that you?”

“Yes,” Yan Huan whimpered, “Yes, it’s me.”

Lu Yi’s grip around his phone tightened. “Are you alright?” Lu Yi asked as the sweat in his palms overflowed.

“Yes, I’m alright,” Yan Huan wheezed, “Dad is fine. Dad is incredible. He’s our pride. Do you know? He saved more than 20 people. With his guide, we’ve saved a total of some 200 people.”

“I’m praiseworthy too,” She was weeping with a grin, and smiling through her tears. “I saved five of them. I dug them out from the ruins with my bare hands.”

“Yes. Our Huanhuan is a great soldier. You’re amazing,” Lu Yi’s eyes were misted by tears. He, man, failed to suppress his emotions. His tears fell down his cheeks. Only a real heart-wrenching event could make a man cry. At this moment, Lu Yi was truly touched. He was moved by Yan Huan, and at the same time, he was extremely grateful that Yan Huan was alive.

Yan Huan wiped away her tears and said, “I have to continue my task to save the others. This is not my mobile phone. It belongs to a journalist. By the way, can you do me a favour by contacting Sister Luo? Tell her to donate 50 million yuan under my name.”

“Sure,” Lu Yi agreed. But, the following words died in his throat.

Yan Huan hung up the call and returned the mobile phone to the journalist. She put on an earnest smile despite the tears pooling in her eyes, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” The journalist quickly kept his mobile phone as he discreetly wiped his tears that he failed to contain.

Yan Huan stood up and ran off.

“Did you capture this?” the journalist turned to ask the cameraman behind him.

“Yes, I did.”

“Great. We have to air this clip that’s overwhelming with positivity. This might even bring in a prodigious amount of donation. Everything else is miniscule in front of a heroine who puts the people before her.”

“Sure,” the cameraman answered. Besides, he would make sure to broadcast this clip as soon as possible. He was eager to spread this positivity to blanket this cruel catastrophe with the people’s kindness and sympathy.

All the television screens were showing news of the earthquake in Serene City. The tragedy deeply saddened every person of the country. All the entertainment shows were put to a halt and all eyes were glued to the television. Even the youngest baby could feel the distressing atmosphere surrounding the adults and remained unusually quiet and obedient.

The broadcasting stations were constantly updating about the situation at the affected areas although it had been a total 48 hours since the earthquake of the Serene City.

At this moment, the screens showed a thin and purportedly weak woman who was standing far away from the camera. Her face was powdered with dust and her clothes were torn. Her two hands were full of wounds and cuts. All of a sudden, she buried her face in her hands and began to weep as her shoulder shuddered. Her sobbing was soundless yet heart-rending. Almost all audiences were able to feel her sorrow and anguish.

Yan Huan raised her head. Her face was so dirty to the extent that she had become unrecognizable. However, her beauty was not dimmed. People were still able to tell that she was a pretty girl. But, that beautiful face was not at all helpful during this critical time.

She borrowed a mobile phone from the journalist to ring her family. Completed with both smile and tears, she comforted her family.

“I’m fine. Dad is fine too.”

“Dad has led the group and saved some 200 people.”

“I am praiseworthy too. I saved five people. I dug them out with my bare hands.”

“Please send my message to Sister Luo and tell her to donate 50 million yuan to the people who need them.”

She was not putting on a show, neither did she know that she was being filmed. She was merely speaking her genuine intention, what she thought she ought to do. There was no pretense. She was only trying to put her loved ones at ease.

Don’t worry. I’m fine.

Don’t worry. I’ve saved a number of people.

Don’t worry. I want to make you proud.

And I hope the 50 million yuan I donated will make you proud too.

Almost overnight, the entire nation knew about Yan Huan, a beautiful and delicate woman who was now dressed like a beggar. She, alongside the men, was moving the bricks and rocks, trying to save the victims. She ate the dry instant noodles that injured her throat. She drank was the rainwater when she ran out of drinking water. There were times when she lost her appet.i.te and refused to eat too. She disregarded her images and continued to burrow possible spots, trying to search for more trapped victims. She could even carry a man who was double her height on her back.

On this day, innumerable audiences were moved and influenced by this woman. Besides, the father-in-law she mentioned during the phone call caught the attention of the public.

Her father-in-law was none other than Lu Jin, General Lu.

The people began to become familiar with the name Lu Jin, also known as General Lu.

Meanwhile, the military base was shocked at the absence of Lu Jin. Despite the fact that he had yet to return to the military base, he was promoted once again. He was now an admiral, no longer a general. Lu Jin’s career had been stagnant as he had been a general now for more than 10 years. He had always desired for a higher rank, but it was tougher than anything. He was now unexpectedly promoted by merely doing his job. His dream came true because of a few words from his daughter-in-law.

However, he was not informed of this yet. He was still occupied by his task, trying to save the victims.

Yan Huan’s 50 million yuan was instantly transferred to the responsible party. Afraid of losing, the other artists and celebrities were avid in donating as well. To show their sincerity, the amount of their donations were rather significant.

Luo Lin posted a few photos on Yan Huan’s weibo. All the pictures were taken by a second person. From the photos, Yan Huan was not very beautiful. In her torn clothes, her face and body were covered in dust and sand. She no longer appeared like a decent lady. Instead, she was pictured when she sat on the ground full of dust and gobbled down the instant noodles; when she carried a grown man on her back; when she cuddled a child with her wounded hands and sang for the child. She was a true heroine, the woman of the hour and the best actress.

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