Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 466: Her Past

Chapter 466: Her Past

Yan Huan took a glance at the pouting Ye Xinyu in his wheelchair. In her previous life, she hadn’t heard any news about Ye Xinyu after the Su Family destroyed the Ye Family. She rarely heard anything about the Ye Family since then, not even when Lu Jin pa.s.sed away. The Ye Family mentioned nothing. Perhaps Ye Xinyu actually died along with Lu Jin in that earthquake, leaving the Ye Family a hollow sh.e.l.l.

This was also the time when the Su Family was at its prime.

Yan Huan rested her legs on Lu Yi’s, shaking them once in a while. The television was on, but Yan Huan wasn’t paying much attention to it.

Not until two figures appeared on it and took her by surprise.

She straightened up her body, staring still at the two people on television.

“Muran, I have heard that you are going to star in a new drama. Would it be alright to let us into it?”

Su Muran flashed a sweet smile as she took the microphone. “I can’t tell much about it at the moment, but I trust that it will live up to everyone’s expectations.”

“Lu Qin, are you going to be in the same drama?” the host asked the handsome Lu Qin at the side. Lu Qin was good looking and well-educated due to his family background, so he was quite majestic in terms of looks alone. Otherwise, Yan Huan wouldn’t have given up everything for him and gladly supported him from the shadows either. Yet the heart below that face was vicious enough to make her sick.

Smiling faintly, Lu Qin looked towards Su Muran, the look in his eyes softening.

“Yes. I am looking forward to working with Miss Su.”

He said little, but it was enough to send a weird message and provoke guesses.

Lu Qin wasn’t doing that well in this life, but it wasn’t that hard to become a regular face in the s...o...b..z with his family background and his good looks. Of course, without Yan Huan supporting him, his path to stardom wasn’t easy. In fact, it was an extremely tough path.

The s...o...b..z was a place that required good looks, good backgrounds, and good luck.

Lu Qin had the former two, but not luck.

His luck had been pretty awful in this life. He had acted as male leads and supporting leads, but those movies and dramas never got too popular. Until now, he wasn’t that well-known.

In this life, he was going down the same route as Su Muran—quant.i.ty over quality. People will eventually remember him once he acts in enough films. In fact, he always got the role of male lead or supporting lead, but none of those films were great.

Didn’t take long for these two to hook up.

Yan Huan propped her face on her elbow, shaking her feet before the sofa. She wondered what kind of drama they were going to be in.

“A b.i.t.c.h and a sc.u.m. Great combination,” she muttered to herself. She saw Lu Yi staring at him when she turned around, and there was something in his eyes that suggested his intention to peel away her disguise and dig open her wound, her b.l.o.o.d.y wound from her past life.

She turned away. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to avoid his eyes, but running away seemed the right thing to do.

Lu Yi stood up and sat beside him. He reached out and took her into his embrace.

“Am I that untrustworthy?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” said Yan Huan, feigning ignorance. She casually brushed her hair behind her ears and looked away. It was bad acting on her part. Her nervousness and distractedness had betrayed her.

“Next time, make sure you clean up your tracks after foretelling an earthquake,” said Lu Yi, rubbing her head. There are surveillance cameras in web cafes, Miss Yan.

Yan Huan stiffened. He knew. But why? Why did he suspect anything? She never went overboard, had she? She never revealed her clairvoyance power, had she? Apart from the matter with the Ye Family and the earthquake.

She looked at her fingers, not knowing what to do. Her muscles were still stiff, and the pressure was about to make her snap and go crazy.

That was when Lu Yi put his hand on her back and patted gently.

“Don’t worry, everything’s alright. However, you should keep these premonitions to yourself in the future. Everyone has their own destiny. There are some things you can change, and some you can’t.”

“You have done a good job. The earthquake had nothing to do with you. No matter how much preparation you make and how much of your premonitions you tell, no one will believe them. Even if they did, we would never know what kind of disaster might befall onto you.”

His fingers moved to Yan Huan’s hair, brus.h.i.+ng them gently. Yan Huan bit her lips gently. Her lips hurt, as did her heart for some reason.

Pain. Incessant pain.

There was nowhere to hide, but how could she tell Lu Yi of her pathetic past? She had neither the shamelessness or courage required.

Tell him about how she set him up with Lu Qin? Tell him about how she bullied his mother? Tell him about how she laughed at Lu Jin’s death? Tell him about how she hectored him for being fatherless, and how she added insult to the injury?

Lu Yi was waiting for her reply, she knew. But should she say it? Can she say it? She thought for a long time while he waited, but in the end, she didn’t know how to start.

She was dirty and despicable in her previous life.

“It’s alright, you don’t have to say it. I’m always here for you. Do what you want to do, and I’ll clean up the mess if you happen to leave any,” said Lu Yi, still running his fingers through her hair. His voice was deep and gentle. To her, she felt as though he had given her a lump of cotton.

A lump of cotton to hide herself in, so that she wouldn’t be hurt.

“You can tell me when you are ready. But…” he looked down and stared straight into Yan Huan’s eyes, dead serious. “Be careful of what you say in the future, or you might get into trouble.”

Yan Huan nodded. She did know about some things that would happen in the future, but that was limited to just a few years ahead. What came after that had nothing to do with her. But would anyone believe that if they were to find out about her powers? If that happens, even Lu Yi cannot protect her, and she might even implicate Lu Yi, his family, the Ye Family, and Yi Ling.

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