Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 50: Chapter 50 Competing for the Role

Chapter 50: Chapter 50 Competing for the Role

Yan Huan’s lips curved into a placid, indifferent smile.

It wasn’t an act: she honestly didn’t mind. In fact, she was happy to get the chance to witness Wen Dongni’s acting skills up close and personal.

Wen Dongni stepped forward. She flicked her long hair across her shoulder, a seductive look in her pretty eyes. She was dressed in a silk cheongsam; it was obvious that she had chosen the attire to complement the role she was auditioning for.

“Good day to all of you, Mr. Director, Mr. Screenwriter, ladies, gentlemen. My name is Wen Dongni, and I will be auditioning for the part of Hong Yao.”

Wen Dongni smiled confidently.

Jin Hailiang exchanged a few words with the other men and women at the table. A few of them began to nod enthusiastically, as though agreeing that Wen Dongni looked the part. The smile on Wen Dongni’s face grew wider.

She was sure she had the role of Hong Yao in the bag. She was not a complete n.o.body in the entertainment industry; most of the people in the industry knew who she was, had heard of her name. The same could not be said for the other candidates, most of whom had only been film extras before this and had no acting skills or reputation to speak of. Hong Yao was basically just a prost.i.tute; acting the part would be easy, and she could not wait to steamroll over all the actresses idiotic enough to try to compete for the role. There was one woman, especially, that she could not wait to put in her place…

Her eyes flickered surrept.i.tiously to the actress waiting behind her. The smile on her red lips widened.

Jin Hailiang gestured towards her.

“Please begin.”

Wen Dongni immediately launched into her performance. She was acting out the scene in which Hong Yao entertained customers in Rouge Pavilion. Rouge Pavilion was the biggest brothel in the area, and Hong Yao was its most profitable prost.i.tute. Her hips swayed seductively as she walked across the floor in her high heels. The subtle click clack was enough to stir the imagination of everyone present; there was something coy and irresistibly alluring about the sound.

She put her hand on her a.s.sistant’s shoulder. Part of her a.s.sistant’s job was to act opposite her during an audition, and right now he was playing the part of a customer.

“All alone, mister?” She blew a warm, seductive breath out between her parted lips and towards the neck of the male customer. It was extremely effective; the man stiffened as his neck broke out in gooseb.u.mps.

“Um… yes… I-I’m alone…”

The man stumbled over his words, his thoughts racing every which way. He was under Hong Yao’s spell.

Hong Yao suddenly burst into laughter. Her red lips moved towards the man’s ear. “Well, in that case… I’ll be waiting for you…” With that, she straightened her back, turned around, and walked away with an exaggerated sway of her hips.

Wen Dongni turned around and bowed to the director. “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed my performance.”

Jin Hailiang nodded enthusiastically as he conferred with the others at the table. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction whenever they flickered towards Wen Dongni. Barring any unexpected turn of events, the role of Hong Yao would most likely be going to her.

Out of all the actresses who had tried so far, Wen Dongni was the only one who had been able to make them sit up and take notice.

Wen Dongni lifted her chin and strutted out of the room with her a.s.sistant.

Yan Huan looked up. Her eyes were as calm as a placid lake on a clear day. She had seen Wen Dongni’s performance and had to admit that she was a good actress. She had brought out Hong Yao’s seductive charms, Hong Yao’s burning pa.s.sion, and Hong Yao’s amorous nature. Her body language had matched the part well. But that wasn’t enough for Wen Dongni to surpa.s.s Yan Huan.

Yan Huan was still lost in her thoughts when a loud voice interrupted her reverie.

“Next! Number 25.”

She quickly reeled in her straying thoughts, and composed herself. Anyone else would have lost their temper if someone cut in line right in front of them, but not the new Yan Huan. She knew the proper way to deal with something like this, which was to brush it off instead of letting it get under her skin.

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