Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 646: Scheming Against One Another

Chapter 646: Scheming Against One Another

“That’s right, Daddy.” Su Muran pouted her lips as well, “Just think about it. If we don’t announce it right now, when are we going to do so? After the release of the news of Lu Yi and Yan Huan’s death? G.o.d knows how many more years we have to wait again.”

For a while, Su Qingdong thought over it.That does make sense. He was really feeling his age now. How could he let this slip his mind? If the news of Lu Yi and Yan Huan’s death went public, then the marriage between Lu Qin and Su Muran would have to be delayed for years. It would be inappropriate to hold a wedding during the period of mourning. The rumors would surely be more than enough to break them if they dared to make such an announcement at this critical moment.

So this definitely should not happen. h.e.l.l no!

As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. True indeed! If they missed the timing, they would be left behind.

At this moment, all they had to do was to put their heads together and get things sorted out. At the very least, they needed to inform Old Master Lu. Everything would be easier once Old Master Lu gave them the green light.

He bet that Old Master Lu was still unaware of what happened to Lu Yi.

It was high time to meet Old Master Lu himself.

Su Qingdong felt that it was not a big deal just a while ago, but as he furthered his thoughts, he realized that time was ticking away. He thought that they still had plenty of time, but it turned out to be the other way round. They could no longer afford to miss a single second. That would cost him another couple of years.

There was no way he was letting go of the Lu family now.

He had no reason to turn down this marriage, since Lu Qin would be the only heir of the Lu family soon. Besides, his daughter had agreed to this of her own free will. This showed that she had feelings for Lu Qin too.

It would be better to fulfill her wish right now rather than forcing her to marry someone whom she disliked later on.

Frankly speaking, Lu Qin was almost as good as Lu Yi, apart from his less prestigious background. But that did not matter at all, as he was capable. Moreover, the entire Lu family would belong to Lu Qin at the end of the day, since he would be the only heir left in the family.

Thus, he had nothing to lose by letting Su Muran marry into the Lu family. This future son-in-law of his would definitely benefit the Su family.

Though the Su family was filthy rich, they still lacked power, military power. And since the Lu family had it, he might as well take it.

Once Lu Qin got hold of the power and became the master of the entire Lu family, the Ye family would be nothing but a toothless tiger. It was just a matter of time for the Su family to supersede the Ye family and become an indomitable presence in Sea City. But of course, most importantly, he could hardly get over the fact that Lu Yi had once extorted a piece of land from him. It just kept sticking in his throat. By hook or by crook, he was going to get his land back.

As for that Linlang, his daughter could have it.

After all, she liked acting, and that Linlang company that was left behind by Yan Huan could be the best stepping stone for her career.

Deep down, he went through a thorough a.n.a.lysis of everything that might happen in these few years, and even decades later. All his plans were well sorted out in his head.

Everything was all set, and he just had to wait for the time to put his plans into action. But right now, the most crucial part was to look for Old Master Lu and get his approval.

Once he got Old Master Lu’s agreement, the Su family would disclose the marriage to the public immediately. It would be hard for the Lu family to back out by the time the news went viral. After all, it was easier to dam a river than to stop the circulation of gossip.

It was still raining cats and dogs out there. The Sea River was still rising, but that did not seem to matter to people like them. Even if Sea City was flooded again, they could just move to another city, another district and even another country. Why would they care for the life and death of others? It was none of their business after all.

Knowing that there was no time to lose, Su Qingdong got his presents ready and went to look for Old Master Lu without further ado. Upon his arrival, he came across the sight of Old Master Lu, who was making his tea leisurely.

So Lu Jin really did not inform Old Master Lu about this matter yet. How else would he be in the mood to make tea? He should be having a heart attack by now.

Back then, Ye Jianguo had almost gotten himself overwhelmed by anxiety. But Lady Luck was on his side. G.o.d knows where did he manage to get the billions and cover such a huge deficit. Yan Huan’s money had been invested in the Ye family’s airport all these years. This hastened the progress and the airport was antic.i.p.ated to start its operation latest by next year.

The Ye family was indeed thriving in Sea City.

Meanwhile, the Su family was currently troubled internally and externally, weighing them down. That was why he was in such a hurry to settle the marriage bond with the Lu family. He knew Ye Jianguo’s character well enough.

That fellow had always been vindictive, since his younger days.

“Old Master Lu,” Su Qingdong greeted as he bowed hurriedly.

” Hmm…” Lu Yuanyang snorted indifferently. With his beloved pot in his hand, he kept on caressing it, as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.

Not only did he treasure it, his heart ached for it as well.

For he was reminiscing about the past. His set of cups were smashed by some precocious brat. Hey hold on. Something struck him out of a sudden. That precocious brat who smashed the cups was me!

And this pot was the only survivor. If this was broken as well, he would have nothing left but sleepless nights.

His gaze swept idly over the stuff that Su Qingdong was holding. Apparently those were some sort of supplements or medicine. He wants me to die from eating all these, doesn’t he? I’d rather he bring me some twigs instead of these.

“What’s the matter?” he asked impatiently. Of course, his annoyance was sincere.

Su Qingdong was still wearing a smile. He had no guts to offend the old man. Nevertheless, deep inside he was laughing sarcastically. Your grandson is gone, you old fool!

By the time the entire Lu family belongs to my son-in-law, I wonder how are you going to stop this mess? Oops, I’ve forgotten that you would be a pile of ashes by then.

Despite all these thoughts, he was mature enough to mask his real emotions.

“Old Master Lu, I do have something to bother you about.”

Su Qingdong hurriedly walked over and stopped right in front of Old Master Lu.

It took Old Master Lu just a while to lose his patience.

“Enough, enough. Have a seat.” He pointed to a seat beside him.

“Ah it’s ok, I can just stand.”

Su Qingdong dared not be too presumptuous in front of Lu Yuanyang, as he was his father’s contemporary. These experienced pioneers were most difficult to deal with. They were usually ill-tempered and sceptical, and the older they were, the harder it was to get along with them. Thus, he learned to mind every single word that he spoke.

His cautiousness had also prompted him to acquire the habit of never being too definitive in what he said.

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