Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 745: An Umbrella Of Kindness

Chapter 745: An Umbrella Of Kindness

He came in late. He had no idea where he could get a hold of buns, and it seemed like there were not any other places that sell them. Nowadays, there were still plenty of shops that sell buns, but in this case, it was already way too late at night. If he walked to the shop that was further away, by the time he reached home, the buns would have turned cold and soggy, and they would have to deal it with.

Just when he was about to leave, he caught sight of two sacks lying right beside the flower bed, which were filled with buns. Someone must have forgotten about them.

He waited for a long time, expecting someone to come back for them. But no, the buns were still sitting there, and n.o.body came to claim them.

He walked over and noticed that there was a note on top of the sacks. He picked it up to read what was written on it.

Thank you for your umbrella, here’s some buns as a token of appreciation.

Jiu Yue’s mind flashbacked to yesterday. He was standing at the very edge of the canopy, the last available s.p.a.ce that could shelter one from the rain, but some people were not as lucky. There was somebody beside him, but he did not see their face. To him it was just a simple gesture, as he did not think too much about it.

Nevertheless, he did not expect to get two sacks of buns in exchange.

He held up the buns and felt that they were still warm, as if they had just been taken out from the steamer. The buns from this shop had a unique mouthwatering smell. His stomach growled, but he did not take a bite from it. Instead, he took the buns with him and walked home as fast as he could.

Yet, he did not know that not long after he was gone, a woman walked out from the shadows. It was Yan Huan. She climbed onto her bicycle as she dismissed the thought of getting to know the man, since she had only wanted to repay his kindness. She had no other intentions, and she had no idea what the man looked like either.

She pedalled her bicycle, taking her time as the wind ruffled her hair, filling her lungs with fresh air.

The weather was about to change, it was getting colder.

The main street was still crowded with people, because to them, the night was still young. All of the shops by the roadside were still open for business, and the lights shone on the people as they move in and out of the shops. Some were eating and chattering loudly, while others were silently laughing.

Everyone was having a great time, but when she finally returned home, everything seemed dreary.

Perhaps this was why she was still alone.

She parked her bicycle outside, opened the door and walked in. Compared to the environment outside, it was much warmer in the apartment. She took off her coat and placed the buns on the table. Then, she took out a pair of chopsticks and sat down to eat.

She would eat five buns today, and leave four for tomorrow morning, plus a bowl of porridge. All of these should be enough to sate her hunger.

In both lifetimes, she had never lived this way before – how she let go of herself now, no rush, no filming. She need not worry about anyone or anything, or work with people she disliked, basically she did not have to do anything. All she needed to do was to go to bed and have her meals on time, relax, and at the same time, let herself be free.

She kept the leftover buns in the fridge and took a shower.

After she was done, she dried her hair while picking up a photo frame from the table. The person in the photo was Lu Yi.

“Goodnight,” she bidded as she pressed her lips to the photo frame. Then. she got ready for bed and switched off the lights. No matter how dark it would get now, she would not be afraid. Lu Qin made her fear the dark, but Lu Yi helped her overcome that fear.

It started to drizzle outside. Beneath the curtain of rain, was a quiet nightfall.

The blanket covering her was soft, the air was refres.h.i.+ng as it was raining outside. The sound of raindrops tapping on the gla.s.s was like a quiet lullaby, accompanying her as she drifted off to sleep.

Jiu Yue suddenly opened his eyes. He switched on the lights and sat up in bed. He then walked to the window and pulled it open. He could hear the sound of rain tapping on the window.

This was what rainy seasons were like.

It might take quite some time for the rain to stop.

From where he stood, he could see the avenue, which was now quite empty, as the cars had cleared out, leaving only two rows of street lights s.h.i.+ning quietly in the night.

He wrapped his arms around himself as he furrowed his thick eyebrows.

When he was accompanying Sun Yuhan for her doctor’s checkup, he himself had gone for one as well. According to what the doctor said, there may have been a brain injury due to an accident some time ago. Thankfully, there were no blood clots in his brain.

As for the amnesia, the doctor could not give him an answer. His memories may come back to him at any time, or they never would, it was hard to say since his condition was way beyond the current medical scope. There was no cure, no drugs or surgeries that could restore his memories.

Consequently, he had to live with no answers for the rest of his life – not knowing who he was, or anything about his past.

He closed the curtains, blocking the light from s.h.i.+ning in. The room was engulfed in darkness once again. He laid down and pillowed his head on his arm, but still he did not feel like sleeping.

Two years had pa.s.sed. Two years and he still had not remembered a thing.

As usual, he stroked his left ring finger. There was no longer a ring there. He had worn the ring for two years, as it was the only thing he had left. If it was not for the ring, he would have not gone through the two years of poverty. He sold the ring in the end.

He had worn the ring on his ring finger, which was the place closest to the heart. What did this ring represent, that made him love it so much? Till this day, he still did not know.

In the morning, when he opened his eyes, Sun Yuhan was still sleeping. He opened the door carefully, walked toward her and pressed his hand to her forehead. When he felt that the fever had gone down, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Yuhan was still in a deep sleep, he could even hear her occasional snoring.

He gently let out a sigh, then pulled the door open and walked out.

He then took out some spare change from the drawers. He wanted to go grocery shopping and make lunch. Since it was the weekend, the stock market was closed.

Sun Yuhan had to rush the signing process for the rent agreement and the rental payments of her clients. This would earn her another 10,000 yuan, when she did not even have to do anything. The money was like water flowing into her pocket. On the other hand, Jiu Yue was good at stock speculating. He had already earned tens of thousands in a few days’ time, yet he did not really regard it as important.

Meanwhile, Sun Yuhan was always bothered by a gut feeling that if he had put more dedication into it, he might even have earned even more.

However, she did know that both risk and luck came together when dealing in the stock market. There was always a risk of earning more or even losing more than what you had.

Jiu Yue was also human, not a G.o.d. It was not like he only profited and never lost. He has lost before, a huge amount in fact. However, Sun Yuhan had made him out to be a legend. The G.o.d of stock markets was not the best position to be in, and one can even say that there was no such G.o.d.

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