Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 795: How Could He Repay Her Entire Body Of Blood?

Chapter 795: How Could He Repay Her Entire Body Of Blood?

“Ask her for another 300CC of blood.”

1300CC. The nurse felt that He Yibin was crazy, as this might take that poor woman’s life. Moreover, would she agree to it?

“Just tell her. She will agree to it.” He Yibin had no choice as Lu Yi’s situation was more critical than what he expected, and the most crucial thing to save his life was blood. Perhaps just a little more. Yes, a little more.

Yan Huan opened her eyes. In fact, she had already sensed that she could no longer take it. At that time, her body was covered in cold sweat. She felt extremely sleepy and would really want to sleep for a while. She was also tired, to the extent that even her eyelids could not be lifted.

The nurse walked out with an awkward expression.

“Do you need more?” Yan Huan asked the nurse. Her voice was weak.

“Yes,” the nurse nodded. “Another 300CC is needed.”

“Well, it’s fine. Just go on with it. I can still take it,” Yan Huan said as she leaned on the table. She could barely take it anymore, but her blood was still flowing out of her body.

The blood was warm. It was going to be life-saving blood. It was her blood. She really did not mind if all her blood was going to be donated to him. She had lived for two lifetimes and it was really enough for her. Thus, it did not matter even if she was dead now. In fact, even she herself did not realize that she had lost hope in life.

It was finally done after 1300CC of blood was drawn from her. She did not even have the strength to raise her hands now, and her whole person was at the point of collapsing.

The nurse quickly put Yan Huan on a drip. However, her face was still looking pale and wan. The sight of it might make people worry if she was going to die at anytime.

“Where have you been for the past few days?” Yi Ling cried when she saw her in such a state.

Yan Huan slowly opened her eyes. “I went to stay with grandpa. Don’t worry, I did not go through a hard time.” Then, she gently touched Yi Ling’s fingers. “Yiyi, I don’t want to stay here. Can you please transfer me to another hospital?” she said with a weak voice, but she was still conscious. She did not want to stay here. She did not want to meet the man, but more so was that she did not want to meet anyone else.

Even though she was willing to save his life, it did not mean that she was willing to meet him again.

“Alright,” Yi Ling hurriedly went out to arrange a transfer for Yan Huan. She did not want Yan Huan to stay here as well. Just like the previous time, n.o.body came to visit her. Lu Yi was injured, but Yan Huan was also not tough as nails.

However, she did not know that Ye Shuyun and Lu Jin came once she had left.

“Don’t disturb her. Let her have a good sleep,” He Yibin said softly. Both of them needed to rest. Lu Yi’s life was once again saved by Yan Huan.

How many lives did he owe her? Could he repay them, could he pay off all of them?

Ye Shuyun nodded, but deep in her heart, she felt afflictive. “What’s wrong with Lu Yi? Why is Huanhuan always the one who bears the consequence whenever he makes a mistake. I feel like beating Lu Yi to death even though she’s not our daughter. Is he going to drain all the blood from Huanhuan?”

If they started counting from the very beginning, then the blood in Yan Huan’s body had almost been changed entirely, which n.o.body knew. Most of it had been donated to Lu Yi, forcing her body to produce more fresh blood.

In this lifetime, Lu Yi owed Yan Huan her entire body of blood. How was it possible for him to repay her?

When Yi Ling came back, Yan Huan was still lying alone on the bed. Yi Ling really felt that the biggest regret in Yan Huan’s life was to meet Lu Yi, the man who brought her nothing but pain. Her spotless reputation, which she had gained after years of hard work, was also completely gone because of him.

“Don’t worry, Huanhuan. I will transfer you to another hospital. We will transfer to a place that n.o.body knows about.”

She brought Yan Huan to a military hospital. All the patients admitted here were from the army and it was impossible for any reporters to get in. The hospital was found by Lei Qingyi and a pa.s.s was needed in order to get in or out. Therefore, it was a serene place that was suitable for undisturbed recuperation.

In fact, Yan Huan did not suffer from any serious disease. It was just that she had lost too much blood and thus needed to rest. However, Yi Ling was afraid that she would suffer from anemia since she had suffered from excessive blood loss.

Needless to say, it was for sure that she would get anemia. In the past few years, she had been bleeding all year round, to the extent that her body became weak.

Lei Qingyi would come over every day and he would bring some food for Yi Ling.

“How is she today?” he asked Yi Ling carefully. “Is everything alright? Is she awake?”

Yi Ling shook her head. The smile on her face was uglier than a frown. “She woke up last night, but today she has been asleep for the whole day. According to the doctor, she was in bad condition. She’s suffering from severe anaemia and may need a blood transfusion.”

“Her blood type is rare. Where can we get blood for her transfusion?” Lei Qingyi was having a headache. Why would these two people encounter each other?

“Let’s just try our best to find a way out,” Yi Ling decided as she held Yan Huan’s hands tightly. Her fingers were never warm these days. She was not sure whether it would be better when spring comes.

“How’s it over there?” She did not want to mention Lu Yi’s name. Hence, she was acknowledging him as there, here or so on and she did not care about the others.

“Fine. Everything’s normal, even though he is still unconscious.” Lei Qingyi pulled a chair over and sat down. “Aunt Ye asked about Yan Huan. I told them that she has been transferred to another hospital and they said nothing.”

“Even if they said something, is it useful?” Yi Ling did not even want to mention Lu Yi’s name right now. “In the future, please ask them to stay away from my Huanhuan. My Huanhuan does not have more blood for him. It is his own business if he wants to lose his blood for another woman, but please ask him to not involve my Huanhuan again. Huanhuan was not born to be his blood bull.”

As Lei Qingyi listened to Yi Ling’s complaints patiently, he knew that she truly hated Lu Yi thoroughly. In fact, n.o.body thought that such a thing would happen. However, it was undeniable that Yan Huan was now suffering because of Lu Yi, while Lu Yi became like this because of another woman. In the end, Yan Huan was the one who had to bear all of the consequences arising from what Lu Yi had done.

One was losing her health, while the other was getting her heart broken.

Could they still walk till the end? Even he was unsure of it.

As they were carefully talking here, they did not notice that Yan Huan had already opened her eyes, her gaze fixed blankly on the ceiling. n.o.body knew whether she was thinking about the past, earlier than that, or even much earlier.

Lu Yi woke up after five days. He opened his eyes and felt a throbbing pain gripping his head.

“Are you awake?” He Yibin was not surprised when he saw that his eyes were open. He had guessed that Lu Yi would wake up today, and as expected, he was really awake.

He bent over.

“Lu Yi…”

“Hmm…” Lu Yi reached up and touched his head. He had a little headache.

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