Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 865: Really Good At Inciting Hatred

Chapter 865: Really Good At Inciting Hatred

Two babies, twins, a pigeon pair! Lu Jin’s eyes went wide in astonishment. Oh G.o.d! Rubbing his hands gleefully, he could hardly hide his excitement. This was indeed the greatest news of the year for the Lu family. First of all, Lu Yi, who was a dead man in the public eye, came back safe and sound. Following that was the news of Yan Huan’s pregnancy. All this while, he thought that he would never have any grandchildren, but now it turned out to be the opposite. In fact, he would be having two grandchildren, and perhaps a pigeon pair. If that was the case, not only would he have a grandson, but also a granddaughter! And he would have the chance to show off his lovely granddaughter. Like mother, like daughter. There was no doubt that his granddaughter would be as sweet and charming as her mother, Huanhuan.

He finally felt that he had found his long lost pride. All these years, his comrades had been looking at him with a tint of sympathy in their eyes. Frankly speaking, how could he not feel upset about this?

“Hey Lu Sr, what’s with the good mood?”

A man in his military uniform walked over and patted Lu Jin on his shoulder. “My grandson will be born in a few days, don’t forget to come to the full month celebration!”

“Alright!” Lu Jin readily agreed.

The man was stunned for a moment by Lu Jin’s reaction. He intended to irritate Lu Jin as it was a well-known fact that the daughter-in-law of the Lu family was infertile. However, Lu Jin did not ask his son to get a divorce. By right, he should not be accepting his invitation in such a readily manner since he would not have any grandchildren in the future. What’s wrong with him? Is he being over-triggered to the extent that he has a screw loose in his head?

Lu Jin strode proudly ahead and turned back right after a few steps.

“Oh, look at my poor memory, how can I forget such an important thing? It will be your turn to join my grandson’s full month celebration in the next few months. But you may get the short end of the stick, my friend. I will give a gift for you but you will have to give double for me as my daughter-in-law is expecting twins.” As he finished speaking, he felt nothing but being proud and self-satisfied.

Heh, who is the one with no grandchildren? He, Lu Jin didn’t need sympathy from others as he was now a grandfather-to-be of two grandchildren too. In the coming future, he was going to cuddle the babies, one in each hand and give those who used to make fun of him a slap in their face.

He then walked away as proud as a peac.o.c.k, leaving the person behind in a speechless and bewildered state.

On the other hand, Old Master Lu asked the guard to take out his phone book. He wanted to give a call to his beloved comrades who were still alive. To be honest, most of his peers had met their maker. But there were still a handful of them who were yet to migrate to another world. Many were retired and were enjoying their idle lifestyle, just like him. For people like them who had been spending their whole life competing against each other, age was never an issue.

The battle should never end, not until the end of their life as they would still be competing to see who had the most ashes when they were all dead.

Flipping open the phone book, he took his time and started to dial the numbers one by one.

“Bai Sr? It’s me Lu Sr. I heard that your grandson has gotten married recently. So how’s it going? Any good news so far? Nope? Ah, no worries, my friend. You see, my grandson is turning 30 soon and my granddaughter-in-law has just gotten pregnant. Boy or girl? Not sure yet. The doctor said it’s twins. Don’t forget to come to the full month celebration!”

“Hey Huang Sr, it’s me Lu Sr. Is your grandson married? Not yet? It’s okay. Young people nowadays tend to get married late, unlike our generation. But it’s better to marry late, you know. My grandson is in his 30s and my granddaughter-in-law has just gotten pregnant. Not sure whether it’s a boy or a girl yet. It’s been two months. Twins.”

“Hey, Jin Sr? It’s me. Huh, who am I? Don’t you recognize my voice? I’m Lu Sr. Yeah, it’s Lu Sr here. Your great-grandson has started kindergarten, is it? Haiz, look how good it is to get married earlier. Your great-grandson is already in kindergarten now. Mine will just be in kindergarten by the time your great-grandson goes to secondary school. What? I have a great-grandson now? Of course, it’s twins. Oh man, can you imagine how troublesome it will be soon?”

“Tang Sr? It’s your Brother Lu here. What? None of your children are married yet? Take it easy, they will find their partners soon. Look at my Lu Yi, after giving me a headache for so many years, finally, he does something good. This kid is going to be a father soon. Infertile? Don’t listen to those groundless rumors. They are all nonsense! My granddaughter-in-law is in her second month of pregnancy now. It’s twins.”

Meanwhile, the guard who was standing beside Old Master Lu could not stop feeling sorry for those families who received his calls. Is Chief Lu trying to trigger public wrath or what? It’s fine for him to show off to those who have great-grandchildren, but what about the rest who have none? Some of their grandchildren are not even married yet. Is he not touching their sore spot by doing so?

What’s the big deal of having great-grandchildren anyway? Who doesn’t have one? Oh wait, it seems like it is indeed a big deal! Speaking of great-grandchildren, only a few of Old Master Lu’s comrades had it as the majority of them were six feet under. They were the only ones who still had a couple of years to go before kicking the bucket. Yet, they were still fighting against each other. And now there came another round of hatred incitement.

Meanwhile, Lu Yi had lost count of the number of calls that he had been receiving. Those calls were all from his acquaintances, pleading him to pa.s.s a message to his grandpa so that he could stop mentioning about his great-grandchildren in front of their elderly. What happened right now was that these fellows dared not go home for they feared to have their ears bent with all sorts of grumblings and scoldings.

Placing his phone back into the pocket, Lu Yi found himself developing a phobia of phone calls right now. All these calls were nothing but endless complaints. Far away, he caught sight of He Yibin, who was glaring at him with grudges in his eyes.

He looked exactly like a pathetic, scorned woman, it was as though Lu Yi had turned his back on him and left him for another new lover.

“Lu Yi, can I have a word with you?”

He Yibin dragged Lu Yi aside, helplessness and affliction flooded his eyes.

“Dude, can you go back and ask your grandpa to stop bragging about your twins?” Grasping his own hair, he went on groaning, “Don’t you know that I haven’t been home for days! I don’t even have a girlfriend now. Where should I go and get a child, let alone twins?”

Lu Yi simply let out a sigh before turning away to accompany his beloved wife and twins.

The pitiful and tearless He Yibin was being left behind. The nice green view outside the window was stinging his eyes instead.

“Come on; have one more sip.” Lu Yi placed the spoon in front of Yan Huan.

“I don’t want to drink anymore.” Yan Huan shook her head. “I’ve already drunk two bowls.” She could not stop worrying about her appet.i.te that had increased a lot lately. She was afraid that she was going to turn into a fatty sooner or later.

“You are carrying two babies in your stomach, so drink more please.” Once again, Lu Yi put the spoon in front of her. Based on her current skinny condition, he could imagine seeing her looking like a tumbler doll or a penguin by the time her belly started to grow. How was she going to walk by then? Lu Yi was really worried about her.

Thus, it would be better for her to put on some weight. At least it would somehow ease his worries, but of course not to be overweight.

Yan Huan forced herself to gulp down another half bowl of soup and she was done. She had been staying in the hospital for almost a month. She had no idea whether it was He Yibin or Lu Yi who stopped her from being discharged. Anyhow, she had no choice but to stay in the hospital, which was good for her actually. After all, she was finally pregnant after going through all the troubles. She felt rather secure with the doctor by her side. However, at the same time, she feared something might have gone wrong with her babies and that was why they insisted on keeping her in the hospital.

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